2008 |
35 | | Ugur Kuter,
Dana S. Nau,
Elnatan Reisner,
Robert P. Goldman:
Using Classical Planners to Solve Nondeterministic Planning Problems.
ICAPS 2008: 190-197 |
34 | | Christopher W. Geib,
John Maraist,
Robert P. Goldman:
A New Probabilistic Plan Recognition Algorithm Based on String Rewriting.
ICAPS 2008: 91-98 |
2006 |
33 | | Robert P. Goldman:
Durative Planning in HTNs.
ICAPS 2006: 382-385 |
32 | EE | David J. Musliner,
Michael J. S. Pelican,
Robert P. Goldman:
Incremental Verification for On-the-Fly Controller Synthesis.
Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 149(2): 71-90 (2006) |
2005 |
31 | | David J. Musliner,
Robert P. Goldman,
Kurt D. Krebsbach:
Deliberation scheduling strategies for adaptive mission planning in real-time environments.
Metacognition in Computation 2005: 98-105 |
30 | EE | Alexander Nareyek,
Eugene C. Freuder,
Robert Fourer,
Enrico Giunchiglia,
Robert P. Goldman,
Henry A. Kautz,
Jussi Rintanen,
Austin Tate:
Constraints and AI Planning.
IEEE Intelligent Systems 20(2): 62-72 (2005) |
2004 |
29 | | Robert P. Goldman,
Michael J. S. Pelican,
David J. Musliner:
Guiding Planner Backjumping Using Verifier Traces.
ICAPS 2004: 279-286 |
2003 |
28 | | Christopher W. Geib,
Robert P. Goldman:
Recognizing Plan/Goal Abandonment.
IJCAI 2003: 1515-1517 |
2002 |
27 | EE | Robert P. Goldman,
David J. Musliner,
Michael J. S. Pelican:
Exploiting Implicit Representations in Timed Automaton Verification for Controller Synthesis.
HSCC 2002: 225-238 |
26 | EE | Robert P. Goldman:
A Stochastic Model for Intrusions.
RAID 2002: 199-218 |
2001 |
25 | | Christopher W. Geib,
Robert P. Goldman:
Probabilistic Plan Recognition for Hostile Agents.
FLAIRS Conference 2001: 580-584 |
24 | EE | Robert P. Goldman,
David J. Musliner,
Kurt D. Krebsbach:
Managing Online Self-adaptation in Real-Time Environments.
IWSAS 2001: 6-23 |
23 | EE | Darren D. Cofer,
Eric Engstrom,
Robert P. Goldman,
David J. Musliner,
Steve Vestal:
Applications of Model Checking at Honeywell Laboratories.
SPIN 2001: 296-303 |
2000 |
22 | | David J. Musliner,
Robert P. Goldman,
Michael J. S. Pelican:
Using Model Checking to Guarantee Safety in Automatically-Synthesized Real-Time Controllers.
ICRA 2000: 95-101 |
21 | EE | Pang-Ning Tan,
Hannah Blau,
Steven A. Harp,
Robert P. Goldman:
Textual data mining of service center call records.
KDD 2000: 417-423 |
1999 |
20 | EE | Christopher A. Miller,
Michael J. S. Pelican,
Robert P. Goldman:
A High-Level ``Tasking'' Interface for Uninhabited Combat Air Vehicles.
IUI 1999: 197 |
19 | EE | Robert P. Goldman,
Christopher W. Geib,
Christopher A. Miller:
A New Model of Plan Recognition.
UAI 1999: 245-254 |
1997 |
18 | | Robert P. Goldman,
David J. Musliner,
Kurt D. Krebsbach,
Mark S. Boddy:
Dynamic Abstraction Planning.
AAAI/IAAI 1997: 680-686 |
17 | | Robert P. Goldman,
Mark S. Boddy:
A Constraint-Based Scheduler for Batch Manufacturing.
IEEE Expert 12(1): 49-56 (1997) |
1996 |
16 | | Robert P. Goldman,
Mark S. Boddy:
Expressive Planning and Explicit Knowledge.
AIPS 1996: 110-117 |
15 | | Kamakshi Lakshminarayan,
Steven A. Harp,
Robert P. Goldman,
Tariq Samad:
Imputation of Missing Data Using Machine Learning Techniques.
KDD 1996: 140-145 |
1995 |
14 | EE | Robert P. Goldman:
Abductive Inference, a Review.
IEEE Expert 10(3): 67-71 (1995) |
1994 |
13 | | Robert P. Goldman,
Mark S. Boddy:
Conditional Linear Planning.
AIPS 1994: 80-85 |
12 | | Robert P. Goldman,
Mark S. Boddy:
Representing Uncertainty in Simple Planners.
KR 1994: 238-245 |
11 | EE | Robert P. Goldman,
Mark S. Boddy:
Epsilon-Safe Planning.
UAI 1994: 253-261 |
10 | | Mark S. Boddy,
Robert P. Goldman,
Keiji Kanazawa,
Lynn Andrea Stein:
A Critical Examination of Model Preference Defaults.
Fundam. Inform. 21(1/2): 23-38 (1994) |
1993 |
9 | | Eugene Charniak,
Robert P. Goldman:
A Bayesian Model of Plan Recognition.
Artif. Intell. 64(1): 53-79 (1993) |
8 | EE | Robert P. Goldman,
Eugene Charniak:
A Language for Construction of Belief Networks.
IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 15(3): 196-208 (1993) |
1992 |
7 | EE | Robert P. Goldman,
Jack S. Breese:
Integrating Model Construction and Evaluation.
UAI 1992: 104-111 |
1991 |
6 | | Eugene Charniak,
Robert P. Goldman:
A Probabilistic Model of Plan Recognition.
AAAI 1991: 160-165 |
5 | | Robert P. Goldman:
Intentions in Communication: A Review.
AI Magazine 12(4): 92-96 (1991) |
1990 |
4 | EE | Robert P. Goldman,
Eugene Charniak:
Dynamic construction of belief networks.
UAI 1990: 171-184 |
1989 |
3 | | Eugene Charniak,
Robert P. Goldman:
A Semantics for Probabilistic Quantifier-Free First-Order Languages, with Particular Application to Story Understanding.
IJCAI 1989: 1074-1079 |
2 | EE | Eugene Charniak,
Robert P. Goldman:
Plan Recognition in Stories and in Life.
UAI 1989: 343-352 |
1988 |
1 | | Eugene Charniak,
Robert P. Goldman:
A Logic for Semantic Interpretation.
ACL 1988: 87-94 |