
Andreas Podelski

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103EEMartin Wehrle, Sebastian Kupferschmid, Andreas Podelski: Transition-Based Directed Model Checking. TACAS 2009: 186-200
102EEAndreas Podelski, Andrey Rybalchenko, Thomas Wies: Heap Assumptions on Demand. CAV 2008: 314-327
101EESebastian Kupferschmid, Martin Wehrle, Bernhard Nebel, Andreas Podelski: Faster Than Uppaal? CAV 2008: 552-555
100 Martin Wehrle, Sebastian Kupferschmid, Andreas Podelski: Useless Actions Are Useful. ICAPS 2008: 388-395
99EERayna Dimitrova, Andreas Podelski: Is Lazy Abstraction a Decision Procedure for Broadcast Protocols? VMCAI 2008: 98-111
98EEAndreas Podelski: Verification, Least-Fixpoint Checking, Abstraction. VSTTE 2008: 3
97 Michael Leuschel, Andreas Podelski: Proceedings of the 9th International ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Principles and Practice of Declarative Programming, July 14-16, 2007, Wroclaw, Poland ACM 2007
96 Byron Cook, Andreas Podelski: Verification, Model Checking, and Abstract Interpretation, 8th International Conference, VMCAI 2007, Nice, France, January 14-16, 2007, Proceedings Springer 2007
95EEAndreas Podelski, Silke Wagner: Region Stability Proofs for Hybrid Systems. FORMATS 2007: 320-335
94EEAndreas Podelski, Silke Wagner: A Sound and Complete Proof Rule for Region Stability of Hybrid Systems. HSCC 2007: 750-753
93EEAndreas Podelski, Andrey Rybalchenko: ARMC: The Logical Choice for Software Model Checking with Abstraction Refinement. PADL 2007: 245-259
92EEByron Cook, Andreas Podelski, Andrey Rybalchenko: Proving thread termination. PLDI 2007: 320-330
91EEByron Cook, Alexey Gotsman, Andreas Podelski, Andrey Rybalchenko, Moshe Y. Vardi: Proving that programs eventually do something good. POPL 2007: 265-276
90EEAlexander Malkis, Andreas Podelski, Andrey Rybalchenko: Precise Thread-Modular Verification. SAS 2007: 218-232
89EEMohamed Nassim Seghir, Andreas Podelski: ACSAR: Software Model Checking with Transfinite Refinement. SPIN 2007: 274-278
88EESebastian Kupferschmid, Klaus Dräger, Jörg Hoffmann, Bernd Finkbeiner, Henning Dierks, Andreas Podelski, Gerd Behrmann: Uppaal/DMC- Abstraction-Based Heuristics for Directed Model Checking. TACAS 2007: 679-682
87EEAndreas Podelski, Andrey Rybalchenko: Transition predicate abstraction and fair termination. ACM Trans. Program. Lang. Syst. 29(3): (2007)
86EEBernd Becker, Andreas Podelski, Werner Damm, Martin Fränzle, Ernst-Rüdiger Olderog, Reinhard Wilhelm: SFB/TR 14 AVACS - Automatic Verification and Analysis of Complex Systems (Der Sonderforschungsbereich/Transregio 14 AVACS - Automatische Verifikation und Analyse komplexer Systeme). it - Information Technology 49(2): 118- (2007)
85EEByron Cook, Andreas Podelski, Andrey Rybalchenko: Terminator: Beyond Safety. CAV 2006: 415-418
84EEAndreas Podelski, Silke Wagner: Model Checking of Hybrid Systems: From Reachability Towards Stability. HSCC 2006: 507-521
83EEAlexander Malkis, Andreas Podelski, Andrey Rybalchenko: Thread-Modular Verification Is Cartesian Abstract Interpretation. ICTAC 2006: 183-197
82EEJörg Hoffmann, Jan-Georg Smaus, Andrey Rybalchenko, Sebastian Kupferschmid, Andreas Podelski: Using Predicate Abstraction to Generate Heuristic Functions in UPPAAL. MoChArt 2006: 51-66
81EEByron Cook, Andreas Podelski, Andrey Rybalchenko: Termination proofs for systems code. PLDI 2006: 415-426
80EEKlaus Dräger, Bernd Finkbeiner, Andreas Podelski: Directed Model Checking with Distance-Preserving Abstractions. SPIN 2006: 19-34
79EEThomas Wies, Viktor Kuncak, Patrick Lam, Andreas Podelski, Martin C. Rinard: Field Constraint Analysis. VMCAI 2006: 157-173
78EEThomas Wies, Viktor Kuncak, Karen Zee, Andreas Podelski, Martin C. Rinard: On Verifying Complex Properties using Symbolic Shape Analysis CoRR abs/cs/0609104: (2006)
77EEKurt Jensen, Andreas Podelski: Tools and algorithms for the construction and analysis of systems. STTT 8(3): 177-179 (2006)
76EEAndreas Podelski, Ina Schaefer, Silke Wagner: Summaries for While Programs with Recursion. ESOP 2005: 94-107
75EEAndreas Podelski, Andrey Rybalchenko: Transition predicate abstraction and fair termination. POPL 2005: 132-144
74EEAndreas Podelski, Thomas Wies: Boolean Heaps. SAS 2005: 268-283
73EEByron Cook, Andreas Podelski, Andrey Rybalchenko: Abstraction Refinement for Termination. SAS 2005: 87-101
72EEAmir Pnueli, Andreas Podelski, Andrey Rybalchenko: Separating Fairness and Well-Foundedness for the Analysis of Fair Discrete Systems. TACAS 2005: 124-139
71EEBruno Blanchet, Andreas Podelski: Verification of cryptographic protocols: tagging enforces termination. Theor. Comput. Sci. 333(1-2): 67-90 (2005)
70EEKurt Jensen, Andreas Podelski: Special issue. Theor. Comput. Sci. 345(1): 1 (2005)
69 Kurt Jensen, Andreas Podelski: Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems, 10th International Conference, TACAS 2004, Held as Part of the Joint European Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software, ETAPS 2004, Barcelona, Spain, March 29 - April 2, 2004, Proceedings Springer 2004
68EEAndreas Podelski: Constraints in Program Analysis and Verification. CP 2004: 1-4
67EEAndreas Podelski, Andrey Rybalchenko: Transition Invariants. LICS 2004: 32-41
66EEAndreas Podelski, Andrey Rybalchenko: A Complete Method for the Synthesis of Linear Ranking Functions. VMCAI 2004: 239-251
65 Michael Leuschel, Andreas Podelski, C. R. Ramakrishnan, Ulrich Ultes-Nitsche: Introduction to the Special Issue on Verification and Computational Logic. TPLP 4(5-6): 543-544 (2004)
64EEBruno Blanchet, Andreas Podelski: Verification of Cryptographic Protocols: Tagging Enforces Termination. FoSSaCS 2003: 136-152
63EEAndreas Podelski: Software Model Checking with Abstraction Refinement. VMCAI 2003: 1-3
62EEThomas Ball, Andreas Podelski, Sriram K. Rajamani: Boolean and Cartesian abstraction for model checking C programs. STTT 5(1): 49-58 (2003)
61EEWitold Charatonik, Supratik Mukhopadhyay, Andreas Podelski: Constraint-Based Infinite Model Checking and Tabulation for Stratified CLP. ICLP 2002: 115-129
60EESupratik Mukhopadhyay, Andreas Podelski: An Algebraic Framework for Abstract Model Checking. SARA 2002: 152-169
59EEThomas Ball, Andreas Podelski, Sriram K. Rajamani: Relative Completeness of Abstraction Refinement for Software Model Checking. TACAS 2002: 158-172
58EEWitold Charatonik, Supratik Mukhopadhyay, Andreas Podelski: Compositional Termination Analysis of Symbolic Forward Analysis. VMCAI 2002: 109-125
57EEWitold Charatonik, Andreas Podelski: Set Constraints with Intersection. Inf. Comput. 179(2): 213-229 (2002)
56EESupratik Mukhopadhyay, Andreas Podelski: Accurate Widenings and Boundedness Properties of Timed Systems. Ershov Memorial Conference 2001: 79-94
55EESupratik Mukhopadhyay, Andreas Podelski: Constraint Database Models Characterizing Timed Bisimilarity. PADL 2001: 245-258
54EEPablo Argón, Giorgio Delzanno, Supratik Mukhopadhyay, Andreas Podelski: Model Checking Communication Protocols. SOFSEM 2001: 160-170
53EEThomas Ball, Andreas Podelski, Sriram K. Rajamani: Boolean and Cartesian Abstraction for Model Checking C Programs. TACAS 2001: 268-283
52EEGiorgio Delzanno, Andreas Podelski: Constraint-based deductive model checking. STTT 3(3): 250-270 (2001)
51EESupratik Mukhopadhyay, Andreas Podelski: Model Checking for Timed Logic Processes. Computational Logic 2000: 598-612
50EEJavier Esparza, Andreas Podelski: Efficient Algorithms for pre* and post* on Interprocedural Parallel Flow Graphs. POPL 2000: 1-11
49EEWitold Charatonik, Andreas Podelski, Jean-Marc Talbot: Paths vs. Trees in Set-Based Program Analysis. POPL 2000: 330-337
48 Andreas Podelski: Model Checking as Constraint Solving. SAS 2000: 22-37
47 Martin Müller, Joachim Niehren, Andreas Podelski: Ordering Constraints over Feature Trees. Constraints 5(1/2): 7-41 (2000)
46 Giorgio Delzanno, Javier Esparza, Andreas Podelski: Constraint-Based Analysis of Broadcast Protocols. CSL 1999: 50-66
45EEAndreas Podelski, Witold Charatonik, Martin Müller: Set-Based Failure Analysis for Logic Programs and Concurrent Constraint Programs. ESOP 1999: 177-192
44EESupratik Mukhopadhyay, Andreas Podelski: Beyond Region Graphs: Symbolic Forward Analysis of Timed Automata. FSTTCS 1999: 232-244
43 Giorgio Delzanno, Andreas Podelski: Verification of Infinite-State Systems in Constraint Logic Programming. JFPLC 1999: 13-22
42EEGiorgio Delzanno, Andreas Podelski: Model Checking in CLP. TACAS 1999: 223-239
41 Witold Charatonik, David A. McAllester, Damian Niwinski, Andreas Podelski, Igor Walukiewicz: The Horn Mu-calculus. LICS 1998: 58-69
40EEWitold Charatonik, Andreas Podelski: Co-definite Set Constraints. RTA 1998: 211-225
39EEWitold Charatonik, Andreas Podelski: Directional Type Inference for Logic Programs. SAS 1998: 278-294
38EEWitold Charatonik, Andreas Podelski: Set-Based Analysis of Reactive Infinite-State Systems. TACAS 1998: 358-375
37 Martin Müller, Joachim Niehren, Andreas Podelski: Ordering Constraints over Feature Trees. CP 1997: 297-311
36 Leszek Pacholski, Andreas Podelski: Set Constraints: A Pearl in Research on Constraints. CP 1997: 549-562
35 Abdelwaheb Ayari, David A. Basin, Andreas Podelski: LISA: A Specification Language Based on WS2S. CSL 1997: 18-34
34 Andreas Podelski: Set-Based Analysis of Logic Programs and Reactive Logic Programs (Abstract). ILPS 1997: 35-36
33EEWitold Charatonik, Andreas Podelski: Set Constraints with Intersection. LICS 1997: 362-372
32 Martin Müller, Joachim Niehren, Andreas Podelski: Inclusion Constraints over Non-empty Sets of Trees. TAPSOFT 1997: 345-356
31 Hassan Aït-Kaci, Andreas Podelski, Seth Copen Goldstein: Order Sorted Feature Theory Unification. J. Log. Program. 30(2): 99-124 (1997)
30 Maurice Nivat, Andreas Podelski: Minimal Ascending and Descending Tree Automata. SIAM J. Comput. 26(1): 39-58 (1997)
29EEAndreas Podelski, Gert Smolka: Situated Simplification. Theor. Comput. Sci. 173(1): 235-252 (1997)
28 Witold Charatonik, Andreas Podelski: The Independence Property of a Class of Set Constraints. CP 1996: 76-90
27 Andreas Podelski: Constraint Programming: Basics and Trends, Châtillon Spring School, Châtillon-sur-Seine, France, May 16 - 20, 1994, Selected Papers Springer 1995
26 Andreas Podelski, Gert Smolka: Situated Simplification. CP 1995: 328-344
25 Andreas Podelski, Peter Van Roy: A Detailed Algorithm Testing Guards over Feature Trees. Constraint Processing, Selected Papers 1995: 11-38
24 Andreas Podelski, Gert Smolka: Operational Semantics of Constraint Logic Programs with Coroutining. ICLP 1995: 449-463
23 Andreas Podelski, Gert Smolka: Situated Simplification. ICLP 1995: 826
22 Andreas Podelski, Peter Van Roy: The Beauty and the Beast Algorithm: Quasi-Linear Incremental Tests of Entailment and Disentailment over Trees. SLP 1994: 359-374
21EEHassan Aït-Kaci, Andreas Podelski: Functions as Passive Constraints in LIFE. ACM Trans. Program. Lang. Syst. 16(4): 1279-1318 (1994)
20 Hassan Aït-Kaci, Andreas Podelski, Gert Smolka: A Feature Constraint System for Logic Programming with Entailment. Theor. Comput. Sci. 122(1&2): 263-283 (1994)
19 Danièle Beauquier, Andreas Podelski: Rabin Tree Automata and Finite Monoids. Theor. Comput. Sci. 134(1): 13-25 (1994)
18 Hassan Aït-Kaci, Andreas Podelski, Seth Copen Goldstein: Order-Sorted Feature Theory Unification. ILPS 1993: 506-524
17 Andreas Podelski, Peter Van Roy: The Beauty and the Beast Algorithm. ILPS 1993: 653
16 Hassan Aït-Kaci, Andreas Podelski: Entailment and Disentailment of Order-Sorted Feature Constraints. LPAR 1993: 1-18
15 Danièle Beauquier, Andreas Podelski: Rabin Tree Automata and Finite Monoids. MFCS 1993: 262-271
14 Hugues Calbrix, Maurice Nivat, Andreas Podelski: Ultimately Periodic Words of Rational w-Languages. MFPS 1993: 554-566
13 Hassan Aït-Kaci, Andreas Podelski: Entailment and Disentailment of Order-Sorted Feature Constraints. PPCP 1993: 1-6
12 Joachim Niehren, Andreas Podelski, Ralf Treinen: Equational and Membership Constraints for Finite Trees. RTA 1993: 106-120
11 Joachim Niehren, Andreas Podelski: Feature Automata and Recognizable Sets of Feature Trees. TAPSOFT 1993: 356-375
10EEMaurice Nivat, Andreas Podelski: Another variation on the common subexpression problem. Discrete Mathematics 114(1-3): 379-401 (1993)
9 Hassan Aït-Kaci, Andreas Podelski: Towards a Meaning of LIFE. J. Log. Program. 16(3): 195-234 (1993)
8 Maurice Nivat, Andreas Podelski: Tree Automata and Languages. North-Holland 1992
7 Hassan Aït-Kaci, Andreas Podelski: Logic Programming with Functions over Order-Sorted Feature Terms. ELP 1992: 100-119
6 Hassan Aït-Kaci, Andreas Podelski, Gert Smolka: A Feature-Based Constraint System for Logic Programming with Entailment. FGCS 1992: 1012-1021
5 Pierre Péladeau, Andreas Podelski: On Reverse and General Definite Tree Languages (Extended Abstract). ICALP 1992: 150-161
4 Andreas Podelski: A monoid approach to tree automata. Tree Automata and Languages 1992: 41-56
3 Hassan Aït-Kaci, Andreas Podelski: Towards a Meaning of LIFE. PLILP 1991: 255-274
2 Bruno Courcelle, Damian Niwinski, Andreas Podelski: A Geometrical View of the Determinization and Minimization of Finite-State Automata. Mathematical Systems Theory 24(2): 117-146 (1991)
1 Maurice Nivat, Andreas Podelski: Definite tree languages. Bulletin of the EATCS 38: 186-190 (1989)

Coauthor Index

1Hassan Aït-Kaci [3] [6] [7] [9] [13] [16] [18] [20] [21] [31]
2Pablo Argón [54]
3Abdelwaheb Ayari [35]
4Thomas Ball [53] [59] [62]
5David A. Basin [35]
6Danièle Beauquier [15] [19]
7Bernd Becker [86]
8Gerd Behrmann [88]
9Bruno Blanchet [64] [71]
10Hugues Calbrix [14]
11Witold Charatonik [28] [33] [38] [39] [40] [41] [45] [49] [57] [58] [61]
12Byron Cook [73] [81] [85] [91] [92] [96]
13Bruno Courcelle [2]
14Werner Damm [86]
15Giorgio Delzanno [42] [43] [46] [52] [54]
16Henning Dierks [88]
17Rayna Dimitrova [99]
18Klaus Dräger [80] [88]
19Javier Esparza [46] [50]
20Bernd Finkbeiner [80] [88]
21Martin Fränzle [86]
22Seth Copen Goldstein [18] [31]
23Alexey Gotsman [91]
24Jörg Hoffmann [82] [88]
25Kurt Jensen [69] [70] [77]
26Viktor Kuncak [78] [79]
27Sebastian Kupferschmid [82] [88] [100] [101] [103]
28Patrick Lam [79]
29Michael Leuschel [65] [97]
30Alexander Malkis [83] [90]
31David A. McAllester [41]
32Supratik Mukhopadhyay [44] [51] [54] [55] [56] [58] [60] [61]
33Martin Müller [32] [37] [45] [47]
34Bernhard Nebel [101]
35Joachim Niehren [11] [12] [32] [37] [47]
36Maurice Nivat [1] [8] [10] [14] [30]
37Damian Niwinski [2] [41]
38Ernst-Rüdiger Olderog [86]
39Leszek Pacholski [36]
40Pierre Péladeau [5]
41Amir Pnueli [72]
42Sriram K. Rajamani [53] [59] [62]
43C. R. Ramakrishnan [65]
44Martin C. Rinard [78] [79]
45Peter Van Roy [17] [22] [25]
46Andrey Rybalchenko [66] [67] [72] [73] [75] [81] [82] [83] [85] [87] [90] [91] [92] [93] [102]
47Ina Schaefer [76]
48Mohamed Nassim Seghir [89]
49Jan-Georg Smaus [82]
50Gert Smolka [6] [20] [23] [24] [26] [29]
51Jean-Marc Talbot [49]
52Ralf Treinen [12]
53Ulrich Ultes-Nitsche (Ulrich Nitsche) [65]
54Moshe Y. Vardi [91]
55Silke Wagner [76] [84] [94] [95]
56Igor Walukiewicz [41]
57Martin Wehrle [100] [101] [103]
58Thomas Wies [74] [78] [79] [102]
59Reinhard Wilhelm [86]
60Karen Zee [78]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)