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Griffith University, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
List of publications from the DBLP Bibliography Server - FAQother persons with the same name:
2008 | ||
111 | Duc Nghia Pham, John Thornton, Abdul Sattar: Efficiently Exploiting Dependencies in Local Search for SAT. AAAI 2008: 1476-1478 | |
110 | Kaile Su, Abdul Sattar: An Extended Interpreted System Model for Epistemic Logics. AAAI 2008: 554-559 | |
109 | Nathan Robinson, Charles Gretton, Duc Nghia Pham, Abdul Sattar: A Compact and Efficient SAT Encoding for Planning. ICAPS 2008: 296-303 | |
108 | EE | Tamjidul Hoque, Madhu Chetty, Andrew Lewis, Abdul Sattar: DFS Based Partial Pathways in GA for Protein Structure Prediction. PRIB 2008: 41-53 |
107 | EE | Timothy William Cleaver, Abdul Sattar: Quantifying Commitment. PRICAI 2008: 54-65 |
106 | EE | Xiangyu Luo, Kaile Su, Abdul Sattar, Yan Chen: Solving Sum and Product Riddle via BDD-Based Model Checking. Web Intelligence/IAT Workshops 2008: 630-633 |
105 | EE | Jeff Blee, David Billington, Guido Governatori, Abdul Sattar: Levels of Modalities for BDI Logic. Web Intelligence/IAT Workshops 2008: 647-650 |
104 | EE | Duc Nghia Pham, John Thornton, Abdul Sattar: Modelling and solving temporal reasoning as propositional satisfiability. Artif. Intell. 172(15): 1752-1782 (2008) |
103 | EE | Owen Bourne, Abdul Sattar, Scott D. Goodwin: A Constraint-Based Autonomous 3D Camera System. Constraints 13(1-2): 180-205 (2008) |
102 | EE | Duc Nghia Pham, John Thornton, Charles Gretton, Abdul Sattar: Combining Adaptive and Dynamic Local Search for Satisfiability. JSAT 4(2-4): 149-172 (2008) |
2007 | ||
101 | Timothy William Cleaver, Abdul Sattar: Intention Guided Belief Revision. AAAI 2007: 36-41 | |
100 | Kaile Su, Abdul Sattar, Han Lin, Mark Reynolds: A Modal Logic for Beliefs and Pro Attitudes. AAAI 2007: 496-501 | |
99 | EE | Duc Nghia Pham, John Thornton, Charles Gretton, Abdul Sattar: Advances in Local Search for Satisfiability. Australian Conference on Artificial Intelligence 2007: 213-222 |
98 | EE | Abdelraouf Ishtaiwi, John Thornton, Abdul Sattar: Weight Redistribution for Unweighted MAX-SAT. Australian Conference on Artificial Intelligence 2007: 687-693 |
97 | EE | Tamjidul Hoque, Madhu Chetty, Abdul Sattar: Protein folding prediction in 3D FCC HP lattice model using genetic algorithm. IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation 2007: 4138-4145 |
96 | EE | Duc Nghia Pham, John Thornton, Abdul Sattar: Building Structure into Local Search for SAT. IJCAI 2007: 2359-2364 |
95 | EE | Jeff Blee, David Billington, Abdul Sattar: Reasoning with Levels of Modalities in BDI Logic. PRIMA 2007: 410-415 |
94 | EE | Kaile Su, Abdul Sattar, Xiangyu Luo: Model Checking Temporal Logics of Knowledge Via OBDDs. Comput. J. 50(4): 403-420 (2007) |
2006 | ||
93 | Abdul Sattar, Byeong Ho Kang: AI 2006: Advances in Artificial Intelligence, 19th Australian Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Hobart, Australia, December 4-8, 2006, Proceedings Springer 2006 | |
92 | EE | Timothy William Cleaver, Abdul Sattar, Raihana Ferdous: User defined monitoring strategies for BDI agent programs. AAMAS 2006: 1055-1057 |
91 | EE | Kaile Su, Xiangyu Luo, Abdul Sattar, Mehmet A. Orgun: The interpreted system model of knowledge, belief, desire and intention. AAMAS 2006: 220-222 |
90 | EE | Bela Stantic, Guido Governatori, Abdul Sattar: Handling of current time in native XML databases. ADC 2006: 175-182 |
89 | EE | Fu-Leung Cheng, Thomas Eiter, Nathan Robinson, Abdul Sattar, Kewen Wang: LPForget: A System of Forgetting in Answer Set Programming. Australian Conference on Artificial Intelligence 2006: 1101-1105 |
88 | EE | Xiangyu Luo, Kaile Su, Abdul Sattar, Mark Reynolds: Verification of Multi-agent Systems Via Bounded Model Checking. Australian Conference on Artificial Intelligence 2006: 69-78 |
87 | EE | Abdelraouf Ishtaiwi, John Thornton, Anbulagan, Abdul Sattar, Duc Nghia Pham: Adaptive Clause Weight Redistribution. CP 2006: 229-243 |
86 | EE | Duc Nghia Pham, John Thornton, Abdul Sattar: Towards an Efficient SAT Encoding for Temporal Reasoning. CP 2006: 421-436 |
85 | EE | Kaile Su, Weiya Yue, Abdul Sattar, Mehmet A. Orgun, Xiangyu Luo: Observation-Based Logic of Knowledge, Belief, Desire and Intention. KSEM 2006: 366-378 |
84 | EE | Mark Reynolds, Abdul Sattar: Editors' introduction. J. Applied Logic 4(2): 117-118 (2006) |
83 | EE | Kaile Su, Qingliang Chen, Abdul Sattar, Weiya Yue, Guanfeng Lv, Xizhong Zheng: Verification of Authentication Protocols for Epistemic Goals via SAT Compilation. J. Comput. Sci. Technol. 21(6): 932-943 (2006) |
2005 | ||
82 | Kaile Su, Abdul Sattar, Kewen Wang, Xiangyu Luo, Guido Governatori, Vineet Padmanabhan: Observation-based Model for BDI-Agents. AAAI 2005: 190-195 | |
81 | Anbulagan, Duc Nghia Pham, John K. Slaney, Abdul Sattar: Old Resolution Meets Modern SLS. AAAI 2005: 354-359 | |
80 | Duc Nghia Pham, John Thornton, Abdul Sattar, Abdelraouf Ishtaiwi: SAT-Based versus CSP-Based Constraint Weighting for Satisfiability. AAAI 2005: 455-460 | |
79 | Kewen Wang, Abdul Sattar, Kaile Su: A Theory of Forgetting in Logic Programming. AAAI 2005: 682-688 | |
78 | EE | Xiangyu Luo, Kaile Su, Abdul Sattar, Qingliang Chen, Guanfeng Lv: Bounded model checking knowledge and branching time in synchronous multi-agent systems. AAMAS 2005: 1129-1130 |
77 | EE | Kaile Su, Abdul Sattar, Guido Governatori, Qingliang Chen: A computationally grounded logic of knowledge, belief and certainty. AAMAS 2005: 149-156 |
76 | Owen Bourne, Abdul Sattar: Applying Constraint Weighting to Autonomous Camera Control. AIIDE 2005: 3-8 | |
75 | EE | Stuart Bain, John Thornton, Abdul Sattar: A Comparison of Evolutionary Methods for the Discovery of Local Search Heuristics. Australian Conference on Artificial Intelligence 2005: 1068-1074 |
74 | EE | Timothy William Cleaver, Abdul Sattar, Kewen Wang: Reasoning with the Outcomes of Plan Execution in Intentional Agents. Australian Conference on Artificial Intelligence 2005: 60-69 |
73 | EE | Stuart Bain, John Thornton, Abdul Sattar: Evolving Variable-Ordering Heuristics for Constrained Optimisation. CP 2005: 732-736 |
72 | EE | Abdelraouf Ishtaiwi, John Thornton, Abdul Sattar, Duc Nghia Pham: Neighbourhood Clause Weight Redistribution in Local Search for SAT. CP 2005: 772-776 |
71 | EE | Lingzhong Zhou, Abdul Sattar, Scott D. Goodwin: Handling Over-Constrained Problems in Distributed Multi-agent Systems. Canadian Conference on AI 2005: 13-24 |
70 | EE | Kaile Su, Abdul Sattar, Kewen Wang, Guido Governatori: Computationally Grounded Model of BDI-Agents. IJCAI 2005: 1581-1582 |
69 | EE | Kewen Wang, Grigoris Antoniou, Rodney W. Topor, Abdul Sattar: Merging and Aligning Ontologies in dl-Programs. RuleML 2005: 160-171 |
2004 | ||
68 | EE | Richard A. Hagen, Scott D. Goodwin, Abdul Sattar: Code Improvements for Model Elimination Based Reasoning Systems. ACSC 2004: 233-240 |
67 | EE | Owen Bourne, Abdul Sattar: Applying Constraint Satisfaction Techniques to 3D Camera Control. Australian Conference on Artificial Intelligence 2004: 658-669 |
66 | EE | Owen Bourne, Abdul Sattar: Applying Constraint Satisfaction Techniques to 3D Camera Control. CP 2004: 811 |
65 | Bela Stantic, Justin Terry, Abdul Sattar: Logical Query Transformation in Bitemporal Databases. Databases and Applications 2004: 7-12 | |
64 | Lingzhong Zhou, John Thornton, Abdul Sattar: Dynamic Agent-Ordering and Nogood-Repairing in Distributed Constraint Satisfaction Problems. FLAIRS Conference 2004 | |
63 | EE | Matthew Beaumont, John Thornton, Abdul Sattar, Michael J. Maher: Solving Over-Constrained Temporal Reasoning Problems Using Local Search. PRICAI 2004: 134-143 |
62 | EE | Stuart Bain, John Thornton, Abdul Sattar: Methods of Automatic Algorithm Generation. PRICAI 2004: 144-153 |
61 | EE | John Thornton, Matthew Beaumont, Abdul Sattar, Michael J. Maher: A Local Search Approach to Modelling and Solving Interval Algebra Problems. J. Log. Comput. 14(1): 93-112 (2004) |
2003 | ||
60 | EE | Richard A. Hagen, Abdul Sattar: Improving Search in a Hypothetical Reasoning System. ACSC 2003: 45-53 |
59 | EE | Anbulagan, John Thornton, Abdul Sattar: Dynamic Variable Filtering for Hard Random 3-SAT Problems. Australian Conference on Artificial Intelligence 2003: 100-111 |
58 | EE | Lingzhong Zhou, John Thornton, Abdul Sattar: Dynamic Agent Ordering in Distributed Constraint Satisfaction Problems. Australian Conference on Artificial Intelligence 2003: 427-439 |
57 | EE | Isabel Navarrete, Abdul Sattar, Roque Marín: Deciding consistency of a point-duration network with metric constraints. TIME 2003: 147-154 |
56 | EE | Bela Stantic, John Thornton, Abdul Sattar: A Novel Approach to Model NOW in Temporal Databases. TIME 2003: 174-180 |
55 | EE | Sivakumar Nagarajan, Scott D. Goodwin, Abdul Sattar: Extending Dual Arc Consistency. IJPRAI 17(5): 781-815 (2003) |
2002 | ||
54 | Mitsuru Ishizuka, Abdul Sattar: PRICAI 2002: Trends in Artificial Intelligence, 7th Pacific Rim International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Tokyo, Japan, August 18-22, 2002, Proceedings Springer 2002 | |
53 | EE | Olena Kravchuk, Wayne J. Pullan, John Thornton, Abdul Sattar: An Investigation of Variable Relationships in 3-SAT Problems. Australian Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence 2002: 579-590 |
52 | EE | John Thornton, Stuart Bain, Abdul Sattar, Duc Nghia Pham: A Two Level Local Search for MAX-SAT Problems with Hard and Soft Constraints. Australian Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence 2002: 603-614 |
51 | EE | Guido Governatori, Vineet Padmanabhan, Abdul Sattar: A Defeasible Logic of Policy-Based Intention. Australian Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence 2002: 723 |
50 | Sivakumar Nagarajan, Scott D. Goodwin, Abdul Sattar: Extending Dual Arc Consistency. FLAIRS Conference 2002: 192-197 | |
49 | EE | Guido Governatori, Vineet Padmanabhan, Abdul Sattar: On Fibring Semantics for BDI Logics. JELIA 2002: 198-210 |
48 | EE | John Thornton, Matthew Beaumont, Abdul Sattar, Michael J. Maher: Applying Local Search to Temporal Reasoning. TIME 2002: 94-99 |
47 | EE | Isabel Navarrete, Abdul Sattar, Rattana Wetprasit, Roque Marín: On point-duration networks for temporal reasoning. Artif. Intell. 140(1/2): 39-70 (2002) |
2001 | ||
46 | EE | Matthew Beaumont, Abdul Sattar, Michael J. Maher, John Thornton: Solving Overconstrained Temporal Reasoning Problems. Australian Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence 2001: 37-49 |
45 | EE | Vineet Padmanabhan, Guido Governatori, Abdul Sattar: Actions Made Explicit in BDI. Australian Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence 2001: 390-401 |
44 | Sivakumar Nagarajan, Scott D. Goodwin, Abdul Sattar: Nonbinary Constraint Satisfaction: From the Dual to the Primal. FLAIRS Conference 2001: 350-354 | |
43 | EE | M. R. K. Krishna Rao, Abdul Sattar: Polynomial-time learnability of logic programs with local variables from entailment. Theor. Comput. Sci. 268(2): 179-198 (2001) |
2000 | ||
42 | EE | Sivakumar Nagarajan, Scott D. Goodwin, Abdul Sattar, John Thornton: On Dual Encodings for Non-binary Constraint Satisfaction Problems. CP 2000: 531-536 |
41 | EE | Sivakumar Nagarajan, Scott D. Goodwin, Abdul Sattar: A Constraint Directed Model for Partial Constraint Satisfaction Problems. Canadian Conference on AI 2000: 26-39 |
40 | Sivakumar Nagarajan, Scott D. Goodwin, Abdul Sattar: Dual Encoding Using Constraint Coverings. PRICAI 2000: 457-468 | |
39 | EE | Vineet Padmanabhan, Abdul Sattar, Arun K. Pujari, Chinmoy Goswami: Temporal Reasoning: A Three Way Analysis. TIME 2000: 183-190 |
38 | Rattana Wetprasit, Abdul Sattar, Lina Khatib: Representation and Reasoning with Multi-Point Events. Constraints 5(3): 211-249 (2000) | |
37 | EE | Zhiyi Huang, Chengzheng Sun, Abdul Sattar: Handling side-effects and cuts with selective recomputation in parallel Prolog. Future Generation Comp. Syst. 17(3): 227-245 (2000) |
36 | Zhonghua Yang, Chengzheng Sun, Yuan Miao, Abdul Sattar, Yanyan Yang: Guaranteed Mutually Consistent Checkpointing in Distributed Computations. Int. J. Found. Comput. Sci. 11(1): 153-166 (2000) | |
1999 | ||
35 | Arun K. Pujari, G. Vijaya Kumari, Abdul Sattar: INDU: An Interval and Duration Network. Australian Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence 1999: 291-303 | |
34 | M. R. K. Krishna Rao, Abdul Sattar: Learning Logic Programs with Local Variables from Positive Examples. Australian Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence 1999: 469-471 | |
33 | John Thornton, Abdul Sattar: On the Behavior and Application of Constraint Weighting. CP 1999: 446-460 | |
32 | Arun K. Pujari, Abdul Sattar: A New Framework for Reasoning about Points, Intervals and Durations. IJCAI 1999: 1259-1267 | |
31 | EE | Zhonghua Yang, Chengzheng Sun, Abdul Sattar, Yanyan Yang: A New Look At Multimedia Synchronization in Distributed Environments. ISPAN 1999: 322-327 |
30 | Aditya Ghose, Grigoris Antoniou, Randy Goebel, Abdul Sattar: Connections Between Default Reasoning and Partial Constraint Satisfaction. Inf. Sci. 117(3-4): 177-190 (1999) | |
1998 | ||
29 | John Thornton, Abdul Sattar: Using Arc Weights to Improve Iterative Repair. AAAI/IAAI 1998: 367-372 | |
28 | Rattana Wetprasit, Abdul Sattar: Temporal Reasoning with Qualitative and Quantitative Information about Points and Durations. AAAI/IAAI 1998: 656-663 | |
27 | EE | M. R. K. Krishna Rao, Abdul Sattar: Learning from Entailment of Logic Programs with Local Variables. ALT 1998: 143-157 |
26 | EE | Zhiyi Huang, Chengzheng Sun, Abdul Sattar: Exploring Regional Locality in Distributed Shared Memory. ASIAN 1998: 142-156 |
25 | EE | Zhonghua Yang, Chengzheng Sun, Abdul Sattar, Yanyan Yang: Guaranteed Mutually Consistent Checkpointing in Distributed Computations. ASIAN 1998: 157-168 |
24 | EE | Chengzheng Sun, Zhiyi Huang, Wan-Ju Lei, Abdul Sattar: Toward Transparent Selective Sequential Consistency in Distributed Shared Memory Systems. ICDCS 1998: 572-581 |
23 | EE | Jane You, Abdul Sattar, Ljubo Vlavic: Parallel Vision Computing on a Network of Workstation Clusters. MVA 1998: 140-143 |
22 | Rattana Wetprasit, Abdul Sattar, Matthew Beaumont: An Experimental Study of Reasoning with Sequences of Point Events. PRICAI 1998: 317-328 | |
21 | John Thornton, Abdul Sattar: Dynamic Constraint Weighting for Over-Constrained Problems. PRICAI 1998: 377-388 | |
20 | M. R. K. Krishna Rao, Abdul Sattar: Learning Linearly-Moded Programs from Entailment. PRICAI 1998: 482-493 | |
19 | EE | Rattana Wetprasit, Abdul Sattar: Qualitative and Quantitative Temporal Reasoning with Points and Durations (An Extended Abstract). TIME 1998: 69-73 |
1997 | ||
18 | Abdul Sattar: Advanced Topics in Artificial Intelligence, 10th Australian Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, AI '97, Perth, Australia, November 30 - December 4, 1997, Proceedings Springer 1997 | |
17 | Rattana Wetprasit, Abdul Sattar, Lina Khatib: A Generalized Framework for Reasoning with Multi-Point Events. ASIAN 1997: 121-135 | |
16 | Zhiyi Huang, Wan-Ju Lei, Chengzheng Sun, Abdul Sattar: Heuristic Diff Acquiring in Lazy Release Consistency Model. ASIAN 1997: 98-109 | |
15 | John Thornton, Abdul Sattar: Applied Partial Constraint Satisfaction Using Weighted Iterative Repair. Australian Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence 1997: 57-66 | |
14 | EE | Jane You, S. Hungenahally, Abdul Sattar: Fractional Discrimination for Texture Image Segmentation. ICIP (1) 1997: 220-223 |
13 | Zhiyi Huang, Chengzheng Sun, Abdul Sattar: Handling Side-effects with Selective Recomputation in AND/OR Parallel Execution Models. ICLP 1997: 410 | |
12 | Zhiyi Huang, Chengzheng Sun, Abdul Sattar: Selective Recomputation for Handling Side-Effects in Parallel Logic Programs. PLILP 1997: 275-289 | |
11 | Abdul Sattar, Randy Goebel: Consistency-Motivated Reason Maintenance in Hypothetical Reasoning. New Generation Comput. 15(2): 163-186 (1997) | |
1996 | ||
10 | John Thornton, Abdul Sattar: An Integer Programming-Based Nurse Rostering System. ASIAN 1996: 357-358 | |
9 | Rattana Wetprasit, Abdul Sattar, Lina Khatib: Reasoning with Multi-Point Events. Canadian Conference on AI 1996: 26-40 | |
8 | Abhaya C. Nayak, Norman Y. Foo, Maurice Pagnucco, Abdul Sattar: Changing Conditional Belief Unconditionally. TARK 1996: 119-135 | |
7 | Rattana Wetprasit, Abdul Sattar, Lina Khatib: Reasoning with Sequences of Point Events. TIME 1996 | |
1995 | ||
6 | Abdul Sattar, Aditya Ghose, Randy Goebel: Specifying Over-Constrained Problems in Default Logic. Over-Constrained Systems 1995: 253-264 | |
1994 | ||
5 | EE | Scott D. Goodwin, Howard J. Hamilton, Eric Neufeld, Abdul Sattar, André Trudel: Belief Revision in a Discrete Temporal Probability-Logic. TIME 1994: 113-120 |
4 | EE | Pushkar Piggott, Abdul Sattar: Reinforcement learning of iterative behaviour with multiple sensors. Appl. Intell. 4(4): 351-365 (1994) |
1991 | ||
3 | EE | Abdul Sattar, Randy Goebel: Meta-reasoning: An Incremental Compilation Approach. ICDE 1991: 140-149 |
2 | Abdul Sattar, Randy Goebel: Using crucial literals to select better theories. Computational Intelligence 7: 11-22 (1991) | |
1990 | ||
1 | EE | Abdul Sattar, Randy Goebel: On the Efficiency of Logic-Based Diagnosis. IEA/AIE (Vol. 1) 1990: 23-31 |