
Jonas Kvarnström

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12 Jonas Kvarnström, Fredrik Heintz, Patrick Doherty: A Temporal Logic-Based Planning and Execution Monitoring System. ICAPS 2008: 198-205
11EEFredrik Heintz, Jonas Kvarnström, Patrick Doherty: Knowledge Processing Middleware. SIMPAR 2008: 147-158
10EEJoakim Gustafsson, Jonas Kvarnström: Elaboration tolerance through object-orientation. Artif. Intell. 153(1-2): 239-285 (2004)
9EEJonas Kvarnström, Martin Magnusson: TALplanner in the Third International Planning Competition: Extensions and Control Rules. J. Artif. Intell. Res. (JAIR) 20: 343-377 (2003)
8 Jonas Kvarnström: Applying Domain Analysis Techniques for Domain-Dependent Control in TALplanner. AIPS 2002: 101-111
7 Patrick Doherty, Jonas Kvarnström: Planning in the Fluent Calculus Using Binary Decision Diagrams. AI Magazine 22(3): 95-102 (2001)
6 Jonas Kvarnström, Patrick Doherty, Patrik Haslum: Extending TALplanner with Concurrency and Resources. ECAI 2000: 501-505
5 Jonas Kvarnström, Patrick Doherty: TALplanner: A temporal logic based forward chaining planner. Ann. Math. Artif. Intell. 30(1-4): 119-169 (2000)
4 Jonas Kvarnström, Patrick Doherty: Tackling the Qualification Problem Using Fluent Dependency Constraints. Computational Intelligence 16(2): 169-209 (2000)
3EEPatrick Doherty, Jonas Kvarnström: TALplanner: An Empirical Investigation of a Temporal Logic-Based Forward Chaining Planner. TIME 1999: 47-54
2EEPatrick Doherty, Jonas Kvarnström: Tackling the Qualification Problem using Fluent Dependency Constraints: Preliminary Report. TIME 1998: 97-104
1EEPatrick Doherty, Joakim Gustafsson, Lars Karlsson, Jonas Kvarnström: TAL: Temporal Action Logics Language Specification and Tutorial. Electron. Trans. Artif. Intell. 2: 273-306 (1998)

Coauthor Index

1Patrick Doherty [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [11] [12]
2Joakim Gustafsson [1] [10]
3Patrik Haslum [6]
4Fredrik Heintz [11] [12]
5Lars Karlsson [1]
6Martin Magnusson [9]

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