
Andrew Wolfe

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38EEJohn Kubiatowicz, Andrew Wolfe: Guest Editors' Introduction: Hot Chips 13. IEEE Micro 22(2): 6-7 (2002)
37EEAndrew Wolfe: Emerging applications for the connected home. MICRO 2001: 136
36EEAndrew Wolfe, Derek B. Noonburg: A Superscalar 3D Graphics Engine. J. Instruction-Level Parallelism 2: (2000)
35EEMichael Kozuch, Wayne Wolf, Andrew Wolfe: An Experimental Analysis of Digital Video Library Servers. Multimedia Syst. 8(2): 135-145 (2000)
34EEAndrew Wolfe, Derek B. Noonburg: A Superscalar 3D Graphics Engine. MICRO 1999: 50-61
33EEYau-Tsun Steven Li, Sharad Malik, Andrew Wolfe: Performance estimation of embedded software with instruction cache modeling. ACM Trans. Design Autom. Electr. Syst. 4(3): 257-279 (1999)
32EEMartin Benes, Steven M. Nowick, Andrew Wolfe: A Fast Asynchronous Huffman Decoder for Compressed-Code Embedded Processors. ASYNC 1998: 43-
31EEMichael Kozuch, Wayne Wolf, Andrew Wolfe, Don McKay: Branch Libraries for Multimedia Repositories (Poster). ACM DL 1997: 261-262
30EEMartin Benes, Andrew Wolfe, Steven M. Nowick: A High-Speed Asynchronous Decompression Circuit for Embedded Processors. ARVLSI 1997: 219-237
29 Yau-Tsun Steven Li, Sharad Malik, Andrew Wolfe: Cinderella: A Retargetable Environment for Performance Analysis of Real-Time Software. Euro-Par 1997: 1308-1315
28EEThomas M. Conte, Andrew Wolfe: Combining General-Purpose and Multimedia in One Package: Challenges and Opportunities. HICSS (1) 1997: 708-712
27EEAndrew Wolfe, Jason Fritts, Santanu Dutta, Edil S. Tavares Fernandes: Datapath Design for a VLIW Video Signal Processor. HPCA 1997: 24-
26 Michael Kozuch, Wayne Wolf, Andrew Wolfe: An Approach to Network Caching for Multimedia Objects. ICCD 1997: 273-278
25EEHeng Liao, Andrew Wolfe: Available Parallelism in Video Applications. MICRO 1997: 321-329
24 Thomas M. Conte, Pradeep K. Dubey, Matthew D. Jennings, Ruby B. Lee, Alex Peleg, Salliah Rathnam, Michael S. Schlansker, Peter Song, Andrew Wolfe: Challenges to Combining General-Purpose and Multimedia Processors. IEEE Computer 30(12): 33-37 (1997)
23 Alberto Ferreira de Souza, Edil S. Tavares Fernandes, Andrew Wolfe: On the balance of VLIW architectures. Journal of Systems Architecture 43(1-5): 15-22 (1997)
22EEAndrew Wolfe: Opportunities and Obstacles in Low-Power System-Level CAD. DAC 1996: 15-20
21EEEliseu M. Chaves Filho, Edil S. Tavares Fernandes, Andrew Wolfe: Load Balancing in Superscalar Architectures. EUROMICRO 1996: 651-
20 Eliseu M. Chaves Filho, Edil S. Tavares Fernandes, Andrew Wolfe: Functionality Distribution on a Superscalar Architecture. Euro-Par, Vol. II 1996: 773-778
19EEMichael Kozuch, Wayne Wolf, Andrew Wolfe: New Challenges for Video Servers: Performance of Non-Linear Applications under User Choice. ICCD 1996: 145-146
18EEYau-Tsun Steven Li, Sharad Malik, Andrew Wolfe: Cache modeling for real-time software: beyond direct mapped instruction caches. IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium 1996: 254-263
17EEVivek Tiwari, Sharad Malik, Andrew Wolfe, Mike Tien-Chien Lee: Instruction Level Power Analysis and Optimization of Software. VLSI Design 1996: 326-328
16EEVivek Tiwari, Sharad Malik, Andrew Wolfe, Mike Tien-Chien Lee: Instruction level power analysis and optimization of software. VLSI Signal Processing 13(2-3): 223-238 (1996)
15 Wayne Wolf, Bede Liu, Andrew Wolfe, Minerva M. Yeung, Boon-Lock Yeo, Daniel Markham: Video as Scholary Material in the Digital Library. ADL 1995: 45-53
14EEYau-Tsun Steven Li, Sharad Malik, Andrew Wolfe: Performance estimation of embedded software with instruction cache modeling. ICCAD 1995: 380-387
13EEAndrew Wolfe: A case study in low-power system-level design. ICCD 1995: 332-
12EESantanu Dutta, Wayne Wolf, Andrew Wolfe: VLSI issues in memory-system design for video signal processors. ICCD 1995: 498-
11 Yau-Tsun Steven Li, Sharad Malik, Andrew Wolfe: Efficient Microarchitecture Modeling and Path Analysis for Real-Time Software. IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium 1995: 298-307
10EEWayne Wolf, Andrew Wolfe, Steve Chinatti, Ravi Koshy, Gary Slater, Spencer Sun: TigerSwitch: a case study in embedded computing system design. CODES 1994: 89-96
9EEVivek Tiwari, Sharad Malik, Andrew Wolfe: Power analysis of embedded software: a first step towards software power minimization. ICCAD 1994: 384-390
8 Michael Kozuch, Andrew Wolfe: Compression of Embedded System Programs. ICCD 1994: 270-277
7EEVivek Tiwari, Sharad Malik, Andrew Wolfe: Power analysis of embedded software: a first step towards software power minimization. IEEE Trans. VLSI Syst. 2(4): 437-445 (1994)
6 Rodney Boleyn, James Debardelaben, Vivek Tiwari, Andrew Wolfe: A Split Data Cache for Superscalar Processors. ICCD 1993: 32-39
5EEAndrew Wolfe, Rodney Boleyn: Two-ported cache alternatives for superscalar processors. MICRO 1993: 41-48
4EEAndrew Wolfe, Alex Chanin: Executing compressed programs on an embedded RISC architecture. MICRO 1992: 81-91
3 Andrew Wolfe, John Paul Shen: A Variable Instruction Stream Extension to the VLIW Architecture. ASPLOS 1991: 2-14
2 Andrew Wolfe, Mauricio Breternitz Jr., Chriss Stephens, A. L. Ting, D. B. Kirk, Ronald P. Bianchini Jr., John Paul Shen: The White Dwarf: A High-Performance Application-Specific Processor. ISCA 1988: 212-222
1EEAndrew Wolfe, John Paul Shen: Flexible processors: a promising application-specific processor design approach. MICRO 1988: 30-39

Coauthor Index

1Martin Benes [30] [32]
2Ronald P. Bianchini Jr. [2]
3Rodney Boleyn [5] [6]
4Mauricio Breternitz Jr. [2]
5Alex Chanin [4]
6Steve Chinatti [10]
7Thomas M. Conte [24] [28]
8James Debardelaben [6]
9Pradeep K. Dubey [24]
10Santanu Dutta [12] [27]
11Edil S. Tavares Fernandes [20] [21] [23] [27]
12Eliseu M. Chaves Filho [20] [21]
13Jason Fritts [27]
14Matthew D. Jennings [24]
15D. B. Kirk [2]
16Ravi Koshy [10]
17Michael Kozuch [8] [19] [26] [31] [35]
18John Kubiatowicz [38]
19Mike Tien-Chien Lee [16] [17]
20Ruby B. Lee [24]
21Yau-Tsun Steven Li [11] [14] [18] [29] [33]
22Heng Liao [25]
23Bede Liu [15]
24Sharad Malik [7] [9] [11] [14] [16] [17] [18] [29] [33]
25Daniel Markham [15]
26Don McKay [31]
27Derek B. Noonburg [34] [36]
28Steven M. Nowick [30] [32]
29Alex Peleg [24]
30Salliah Rathnam [24]
31Michael S. Schlansker [24]
32John Paul Shen [1] [2] [3]
33Gary Slater [10]
34Peter Song [24]
35Alberto Ferreira de Souza [23]
36Chriss Stephens [2]
37Spencer Sun [10]
38A. L. Ting [2]
39Vivek Tiwari [6] [7] [9] [16] [17]
40Wayne Wolf [10] [12] [15] [19] [26] [31] [35]
41Boon-Lock Yeo [15]
42Minerva M. Yeung [15]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)