
Martin Benes

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3EEMarlene Wan, Hui Zhang, George Varghese, Martin Benes, Arthur Abnous, Vandana Prabhu, Jan M. Rabaey: Design Methodology of a Low-Energy Reconfigurable Single-Chip DSP System. VLSI Signal Processing 28(1-2): 47-61 (2001)
2EEMartin Benes, Steven M. Nowick, Andrew Wolfe: A Fast Asynchronous Huffman Decoder for Compressed-Code Embedded Processors. ASYNC 1998: 43-
1EEMartin Benes, Andrew Wolfe, Steven M. Nowick: A High-Speed Asynchronous Decompression Circuit for Embedded Processors. ARVLSI 1997: 219-237

Coauthor Index

1Arthur Abnous [3]
2Steven M. Nowick [1] [2]
3Vandana Prabhu [3]
4Jan M. Rabaey [3]
5George Varghese [3]
6Marlene Wan [3]
7Andrew Wolfe [1] [2]
8Hui Zhang [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)