
Santanu Dutta

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12EEBalaji Raman, Samarjit Chakraborty, Wei Tsang Ooi, Santanu Dutta: Reducing Data-Memory Footprint of Multimedia Applications by Delay Redistribution. DAC 2007: 738-743
11EESantanu Dutta: Design of Multimillion-Gate Multimedia SoCs: Where do we stand? ESTImedia 2005: 4
10EESantanu Dutta: Architecture and Implementation of Multi-Processor SoCs for Advanced Set-Top Box and Digital TV Systems. SBCCI 2003: 145
9EESantanu Dutta, Rune Jensen, Alf Rieckmann: Viper: A Multiprocessor SOC for Advanced Set-Top Box and Digital TV Systems. IEEE Design & Test of Computers 18(5): 21-31 (2001)
8EESantanu Dutta: Architecture, Design, and Verification of an 18 Million Transistor Digital Television and Media Processor Chip. PATMOS 2000: 225-232
7EESantanu Dutta, Deepak Singh, Essam Abu-Ghoush, Vijay Mehra: Architecture and Implementation of a High-Definition Video Co-Processor for Digital Television Applications. VLSI Design 2000: 350-359
6EEAndrew Wolfe, Jason Fritts, Santanu Dutta, Edil S. Tavares Fernandes: Datapath Design for a VLIW Video Signal Processor. HPCA 1997: 24-
5EESantanu Dutta, Wayne Wolf, Andrew Wolfe: VLSI issues in memory-system design for video signal processors. ICCD 1995: 498-
4 Santanu Dutta, Wayne Wolf: Asymptotic Limits of Video Signal Processing Architectures. ICCD 1994: 622-625
3 Santanu Dutta, Sudip Nag, Kaushik Roy: ASAP: A Transistor Sizing Tool for Speed Area and Power Optimization of Static CMOS Circuits. ISCAS 1994: 61-64
2 Kaushik Roy, Sudip Nag, Santanu Dutta: Channel Architecture Optimization for Performance and Routability of Row-Based FPGAs. ICCD 1993: 220-223
1 Douglas R. Holberg, Santanu Dutta, Lawrence T. Pillage: DC Parameterized Piecewise-Function Transistor Models for Bipolar and MOS Logic Stage Delay Evaluation. ICCAD 1990: 546-549

Coauthor Index

1Essam Abu-Ghoush [7]
2Samarjit Chakraborty [12]
3Edil S. Tavares Fernandes [6]
4Jason Fritts [6]
5Douglas R. Holberg [1]
6Rune Jensen [9]
7Vijay Mehra [7]
8Sudip Nag [2] [3]
9Wei Tsang Ooi [12]
10Lawrence T. Pileggi (Larry T. Pileggi, Lawrence T. Pillage) [1]
11Balaji Raman [12]
12Alf Rieckmann [9]
13Kaushik Roy [2] [3]
14Deepak Singh [7]
15Wayne Wolf [4] [5]
16Andrew Wolfe [5] [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)