
Brian Robinson

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14EEBrian Robinson, Patrick Francis, Fredrik Ekdahl: A defect-driven process for software quality improvement. ESEM 2008: 333-335
13EEBrian Robinson, Lee J. White: Testing of User-Configurable Software Systems Using Firewalls. ISSRE 2008: 177-186
12EENuo Li, Patrick Francis, Brian Robinson: Static Detection of Redundant Test Cases: An Initial Study. ISSRE 2008: 303-304
11EEChih-Wei Ho, Laurie Williams, Brian Robinson: Examining the Relationships between Performance Requirements and "Not a Problem" Defect Reports. RE 2008: 135-144
10EELee J. White, Khaled Jaber, Brian Robinson, Václav Rajlich: Extended firewall for regression testing: an experience report. Journal of Software Maintenance 20(6): 419-433 (2008)
9EEJiang Zheng, Laurie Williams, Brian Robinson: Pallino: automation to support regression test selection for cots-based applications. ASE 2007: 224-233
8EEJiang Zheng, Brian Robinson, Laurie Williams, Karen Smiley: A Lightweight Process for Change Identification and Regression Test Selection in Using COTS Components. ICCBSS 2006: 137-143
7EEPaul Luo Li, James D. Herbsleb, Mary Shaw, Brian Robinson: Experiences and results from initiating field defect prediction and product test prioritization efforts at ABB Inc. ICSE 2006: 413-422
6EEJiang Zheng, Brian Robinson, Laurie Williams, Karen Smiley: Applying regression test selection for COTS-based applications. ICSE 2006: 512-522
5EELee J. White, Khaled Jaber, Brian Robinson: Utilization of Extended Firewall for Object-Oriented Regression Testing. ICSM 2005: 695-698
4EEJiang Zheng, Brian Robinson, Laurie A. Williams, Karen Smiley: An Initial Study of a Lightweight Process for Change Identification and Regression Test Selection When Source Code Is Not Available. ISSRE 2005: 225-234
3EEJiang Zheng, Brian Robinson, Laurie Williams, Karen Smiley: A process for identifying changes when source code is not available. ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes 30(4): 1-4 (2005)
2EELee J. White, Brian Robinson: Industrial Real-Time Regression Testing and Analysis Using Firewalls. ICSM 2004: 18-27
1EECarol Britton, Sara Jones, Maria Kutar, Martin Loomes, Brian Robinson: Evaluating the Intelligibility of Diagrammatic Languages Used in the Specification of Software. Diagrams 2000: 376-391

Coauthor Index

1Carol Britton [1]
2Fredrik Ekdahl [14]
3Patrick Francis [12] [14]
4James D. Herbsleb [7]
5Chih-Wei Ho [11]
6Khaled Jaber [5] [10]
7Sara Jones [1]
8Maria Kutar [1]
9Nuo Li [12]
10Paul Luo Li [7]
11Martin Loomes (Martin J. Loomes) [1]
12Václav Rajlich (Vaclav Rajlich) [10]
13Mary Shaw [7]
14Karen Smiley [3] [4] [6] [8]
15Lee J. White [2] [5] [10] [13]
16Laurie A. Williams (Laurie Williams) [3] [4] [6] [8] [9] [11]
17Jiang Zheng [3] [4] [6] [8] [9]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)