
Gregory W. Hislop

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29EEGregory W. Hislop, Heidi J. C. Ellis, Allen B. Tucker, Scott Dexter: Using open source software to engage students in computer science education. SIGCSE 2009: 134-135
28EEHeidi J. C. Ellis, Gregory W. Hislop: Fostering the Community of Software Engineering Educators. CSEE&T 2008: 233-237
27EEDan C. Popescu, Gregory W. Hislop, Andrew Hellicar: Low-Rank Approximation for Fast Image Acquisition. ACIVS 2007: 242-253
26EEHeidi J. C. Ellis, Ralph A. Morelli, Trishan R. de Lanerolle, Gregory W. Hislop: Holistic Software Engineering Education Based on a Humanitarian Open Source Project. CSEE&T 2007: 327-335
25EEHeidi J. C. Ellis, Gregory W. Hislop: An ontology for software engineering teaching modules. IJMSO 2(1): 11-22 (2007)
24EEGregory W. Hislop, Thomas B. Hilburn, Michael J. Lutz, Mark J. Sebern: Sharing software engineering curriculum materials. ITiCSE 2006: 332
23EEGregory W. Hislop, Heidi J. C. Ellis: Retention of distance and on-campus students in a graduate computer science degree program. ITiCSE 2006: 342
22EEGregory W. Hislop, Randy M. Kaplan, Lee J. Leitner: Extending an information systems curriculum to address information technology. SIGITE Conference 2005: 267-270
21EEKatherine W. McCain, June M. Verner, Gregory W. Hislop, William M. Evanco, Vera J. Cole: The use of bibliometric and knowledge elicitation techniques to map a knowledge domain: Software Engineering in the 1990s. Scientometrics 65(1): 131-144 (2005)
20EEGregory W. Hislop, Heidi J. C. Ellis, Kathy S. Land, Ana María Moreno: Graduate Software Engineering Education: Adapting for the BSSE? CSEE&T 2004: 152
19EEGregory W. Hislop: Software Engineering Course Module Development Workshop. CSEE&T 2004: 165-166
18 Gregory W. Hislop, Heidi J. C. Ellis: An Analysis of Variation in Teaching Effort Across Tasks in Online and Traditional Courses. ICEIS (4) 2004: 202-207
17 Heidi J. C. Ellis, Gregory W. Hislop, Todd Kowalczyk: Towards an Information Assessment Framework for Use with the Semantic Web. ICEIS (4) 2004: 447-450
16EEThomas B. Hilburn, Susan A. Mengel, Gregory W. Hislop, Mark J. Sebern, Michael J. Lutz: Software Engineering Course Materials. CSEE&T 2003: 327-
15EERick Duley, Gregory W. Hislop, Thomas B. Hilburn, Ann E. Kelley Sobel: Engineering an Introductory Software Engineering Curriculum. CSEE&T 2003: 99-106
14EEGregory W. Hislop, Michael J. Lutz, Rayford B. Vaughn, David A. Umphress: Panel 1: Changing Conditions for Undergraduate Software Engineering Programs. CSEE&T 2002: 250-251
13EELaurie A. Williams, Michael J. Lutz, Gregory W. Hislop, Michael McCracken, Nancy R. Mead, J. Fernando Naveda: Workshop 3: Integrating Agile Practices into Software Engineering Courses. CSEE&T 2002: 263-264
12EEJürgen Börstler, David A. Carrington, Gregory W. Hislop, Susan K. Lisack, Keith Olson, Laurie A. Williams: Teaching the PSP: Challenges and Lessons Learned. IEEE Software 19(5): 42-48 (2002)
11EEDonald J. Bagert, Thomas B. Hilburn, Gregory W. Hislop, Michael J. Lutz, Michael McCracken, Steve McConnell: Programming Skills of Software Engineering Students: What Is Required? (Panel). CSEE&T 2001: 39-
10EEJune M. Verner, William M. Evanco, Katherine W. McCain, Gregory W. Hislop, Vera J. Cole: The determinants of visibility of software engineering researchers. Journal of Systems and Software 59(1): 99-106 (2001)
9EEGregory W. Hislop, Donald J. Bagert, Wendy Doube, Jeanne L. Murtagh: Faculty Issues in Distance Education (panel). CSEE&T 2000: 261-
8EEGregory W. Hislop, Thomas B. Hilburn: Production of Software Curriculum Modules. CSEE&T 2000: 51-
7EEGregory W. Hislop: An Online Systems Analysis Course. CSEE&T 1999: 138-144
6EEP. Abowd, D. Cook, Gregory W. Hislop, R. Pauwels: Putting the Personal Software Process into Practice. CSEE&T 1999: 34-
5EEDonald J. Bagert, Thomas B. Hilburn, Gregory W. Hislop, Nancy R. Mead, Susan A. Mengel, Hossein Saiedian: A report on the 1999 Conference on Software Engineering Education and Training. SIGCSE 1999: 346-347
4EEThomas B. Hilburn, Gregory W. Hislop, Donald J. Bagert, Michael J. Lutz, Susan A. Mengel, Michael McCracken: Guidance for the development of software engineering education programs. Journal of Systems and Software 49(2-3): 163-169 (1999)
3EEGregory W. Hislop: Analyzing existing software for software reuse. Journal of Systems and Software 41(1): 33-40 (1998)
2 Gregory W. Hislop: Staff Development for Installation Management. Int. CMG Conference 1984: 451-455
1 Gregory W. Hislop: The Role of User Support in Performance Evaluation. Int. CMG Conference 1983: 218-221

Coauthor Index

1P. Abowd [6]
2Donald J. Bagert [4] [5] [9] [11]
3Jürgen Börstler [12]
4David A. Carrington [12]
5Vera J. Cole [10] [21]
6D. Cook [6]
7Scott Dexter [29]
8Wendy Doube [9]
9Rick Duley [15]
10Heidi J. C. Ellis [17] [18] [20] [23] [25] [26] [28] [29]
11William M. Evanco [10] [21]
12Andrew Hellicar [27]
13Thomas B. Hilburn [4] [5] [8] [11] [15] [16] [24]
14Randy M. Kaplan [22]
15Todd Kowalczyk [17]
16Kathy S. Land [20]
17Trishan R. de Lanerolle [26]
18Lee J. Leitner [22]
19Susan K. Lisack [12]
20Michael J. Lutz [4] [11] [13] [14] [16] [24]
21Katherine W. McCain [10] [21]
22Steve McConnell [11]
23Michael McCracken [4] [11] [13]
24Nancy R. Mead [5] [13]
25Susan A. Mengel [4] [5] [16]
26Ralph Morelli (Ralph A. Morelli) [26]
27Ana María Moreno [20]
28Jeanne L. Murtagh [9]
29J. Fernando Naveda [13]
30Keith Olson [12]
31R. Pauwels [6]
32Dan C. Popescu [27]
33Hossein Saiedian [5]
34Mark J. Sebern [16] [24]
35Ann E. Kelley Sobel [15]
36Allen B. Tucker [29]
37David A. Umphress [14]
38Rayford B. Vaughn [14]
39June M. Verner [10] [21]
40Laurie A. Williams (Laurie Williams) [12] [13]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)