
Barry W. Boehm

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181EESupannika Koolmanojwong, Barry W. Boehm: Using Software Project Courses to Integrate Education and Research: An Experience Report. CSEE&T 2009: 26-33
180EEDi Wu, Da Yang, Supannika Koolmanojwong, Barry W. Boehm: Experimental Evaluation of Wiki Technology and the Shaper Role in Rapid Interdisciplinary Requirements Negotiation. HICSS 2009: 1-9
179EEQi Li, Mingshu Li, Ye Yang, Qing Wang, Thomas Tan, Barry W. Boehm, Chenyong Hu: Bridge the Gap between Software Test Process and Business Value: A Case Study. ICSP 2009: 212-223
178EEDaniel Noah Port, Barry W. Boehm, David Klappholz: Nancy R. Mead: Making Requirements Prioritization a Priority. CSEE&T 2008: 250-261
177EEVu Nguyen, Bert Steece, Barry W. Boehm: A constrained regression technique for cocomo calibration. ESEM 2008: 213-222
176EEYe Yang, Mei He, Mingshu Li, Qing Wang, Barry W. Boehm: Phase distribution of software development effort. ESEM 2008: 61-69
175EEDa Yang, Di Wu, Supannika Koolmanojwong, A. Winsor Brown, Barry W. Boehm: WikiWinWin: A Wiki Based System for Collaborative Requirements Negotiation. HICSS 2008: 24
174EEBarry W. Boehm, Sunita Chulani, June M. Verner, Bernard Wong: Sixth workshop on software quality. ICSE Companion 2008: 1035-1036
173EERaymond J. Madachy, Barry W. Boehm: Assessing Quality Processes with ODC COQUALMO. ICSP 2008: 198-209
172EETim Menzies, Oussama El-Rawas, Barry W. Boehm, Raymond J. Madachy, Jairus Hihn, Daniel Baker, Karen T. Lum: Accurate Estimates without Calibration?. ICSP 2008: 210-221
171EEBarry W. Boehm: Making a Difference in the Software Century. IEEE Computer 41(3): 32-38 (2008)
170EEBarry W. Boehm, Ricardo Valerdi: Achievements and Challenges in Cocomo-Based Software Resource Estimation. IEEE Software 25(5): 74-83 (2008)
169EEBarry W. Boehm, Jesal Bhuta: Balancing Opportunities and Risks in Component-Based Software Development. IEEE Software 25(6): 56-63 (2008)
168EETim Menzies, Oussama El-Rawas, Jairus Hihn, Martin S. Feather, Raymond J. Madachy, Barry W. Boehm: The business case for automated software engineering. ASE 2007: 303-312
167EEMonvorath Phongpaibul, Barry W. Boehm: A Replicate Empirical Comparison between Pair Development and Software Development with Inspection. ESEM 2007: 265-274
166EESupannika Koolmanojwong, Barry W. Boehm: An Empirical Study on MBASE and LeanMBASE. ESEM 2007: 496
165EEYue Chen, Barry W. Boehm, Luke Sheppard: Value Driven Security Threat Modeling Based on Attack Path Analysis. HICSS 2007: 280
164EEHasan Kitapci, Barry W. Boehm: Formalizing Informal Stakeholder Decisions--A Hybrid Method Approach. HICSS 2007: 283
163EEBarry W. Boehm, Sunita Chulani, June M. Verner, Bernard Wong: Fifth Workshop on Software Quality. ICSE Companion 2007: 131-132
162EESteven Fraser, Barry W. Boehm, Frederick P. Brooks Jr., Tom DeMarco, Tim Lister, Linda Rising, Edward Yourdon: Retrospectives on Peopleware. ICSE Companion 2007: 21-24
161EEDa Yang, Barry W. Boehm, Ye Yang, Qing Wang, Mingshu Li: Coping with the Cone of Uncertainty: An Empirical Study of the SAIV Process Model. ICSP 2007: 37-48
160EEMonvorath Phongpaibul, Supannika Koolmanojwong, Alexander Lam, Barry W. Boehm: Comparative Experiences with Electronic Process Guide Generator Tools. ICSP 2007: 61-72
159EEJesal Bhuta, Chris Mattmann, Nenad Medvidovic, Barry W. Boehm: A Framework for the Assessment and Selection of Software Components and Connectors in COTS-Based Architectures. WICSA 2007: 6
158EEBarry W. Boehm, Apurva Jain: Developing a process framework using principles of value-based software engineering. Software Process: Improvement and Practice 12(5): 377-385 (2007)
157EEYe Yang, Barry W. Boehm: Improving process decisions in COTS-based development via risk-based prioritization. Software Process: Improvement and Practice 12(5): 449-460 (2007)
156EERaymond J. Madachy, Barry W. Boehm, Jo Ann Lane: Assessing hybrid incremental processes for SISOS development. Software Process: Improvement and Practice 12(5): 461-473 (2007)
155EEApurva Jain, Barry W. Boehm: SimVBSE: Developing a Game for Value-Based Software Engineering. CSEE&T 2006: 103-114
154EEBarry W. Boehm: Educating Students in Value-Based Design and Deve. CSEE&T 2006: 3
153EEYe Yang, Barry W. Boehm, Dan Wu: COCOTS Risk Analyzer. ICCBSS 2006: 144-151
152EESunita Chulani, Barry W. Boehm, June M. Verner, Bernard Wong: Workshop description of 4th workshop on software quality (WOSQ). ICSE 2006: 1019-1020
151EEBarry W. Boehm: A view of 20th and 21st century software engineering. ICSE 2006: 12-29
150EEYe Yang, Barry W. Boehm, Betsy Clark: Assessing COTS integration risk using cost estimation inputs. ICSE 2006: 431-438
149EELiGuo Huang, Barry W. Boehm, Hao Hu, JiDong Ge, Jian Lü, Cheng Qian: Applying the Value/Petri process to ERP software development in China. ICSE 2006: 502-511
148EEMonvorath Phongpaibul, Barry W. Boehm: An empirical comparison between pair development and software inspection in Thailand. ISESE 2006: 85-94
147EEBarry W. Boehm, Apurva Jain: A Value-Based Software Process Framework. SPW/ProSim 2006: 1-10
146EERaymond J. Madachy, Barry W. Boehm, Jo Ann Lane: Spiral Lifecycle Increment Modeling for New Hybrid Processes. SPW/ProSim 2006: 167-177
145EELiGuo Huang, Hao Hu, JiDong Ge, Barry W. Boehm, Jian Lü: Tailor the Value-Based Software Quality Achievement Process to Project Business Cases. SPW/ProSim 2006: 56-63
144EEYe Yang, Barry W. Boehm: Optimizing Process Decision in COTS-Based Development Via Risk Based Prioritization. SPW/ProSim 2006: 64-71
143EESteven Fraser, Barry W. Boehm, Jack Järkvik, Erik Lundh, Kati Vilkki: How Do Agile/XP Development Methods Affect Companies?. XP 2006: 225-228
142EEHoh Peter In, Jongmoon Baik, Sangsoo Kim, Ye Yang, Barry W. Boehm: A quality-based cost estimation model for the product line life cycle. Commun. ACM 49(12): 85-88 (2006)
141EELiGuo Huang, Barry W. Boehm: How Much Software Quality Investment Is Enough: A Value-Based Approach. IEEE Software 23(5): 88-95 (2006)
140 Mingshu Li, Barry W. Boehm, Leon J. Osterweil: Unifying the Software Process Spectrum, International Software Process Workshop, SPW 2005, Beijing, China, May 25-27, 2005, Revised Selected Papers Springer 2005
139EEJesal Bhuta, Barry W. Boehm: A Method for Compatible COTS Component Selection. ICCBSS 2005: 132-143
138EEBarry W. Boehm, Ye Yang, Jesal Bhuta, Daniel Port: Composable Spiral Processes for COTS-Based Application Development. ICCBSS 2005: 6-7
137EEYe Yang, Barry W. Boehm: A Contextualized Study of COTS-Based E-Service Projects. ICCBSS 2005: 9
136EEBernard Wong, June M. Verner, Sunita Chulani, Barry W. Boehm: Third workshop on software quality. ICSE 2005: 688-689
135EEBarry W. Boehm, A. Winsor Brown, Richard Turner: Spiral development of software-intensive systems of systems. ICSE 2005: 706-707
134EELiGuo Huang, Barry W. Boehm: Determining how much software assurance is enough? A value-based approach. ISESE 2005: 172-181
133EEKeun Lee, Barry W. Boehm: Empirical results from an experiment on value-based review (VBR) processes. ISESE 2005: 3-12
132EEBarry W. Boehm: The Future of Software Processes. ISPW 2005: 10-24
131EEJesal Bhuta, Barry W. Boehm, Steven Meyers: Process Elements: Components of Software Process Architectures. ISPW 2005: 332-346
130EEZhihao Chen, Daniel Port, Yue Chen, Barry W. Boehm: Evolving an Experience Base for Software Process Research. ISPW 2005: 433-448
129EEJewel Ward, Johan Bollen, Jeffrey Pearson, Shing-Cheung Chan, Hui-Hsien Chi, Marie Chi, Kristine Guevara, Hsiao-han Huang, Genesan Kim, Maks Krivokon, Bo H. Lee, Pei-Han Li, Fenny Muliawan, Vu Nguyen, Barry W. Boehm, A. Winsor Brown, Edward Colbert, Alexander Lam, Mayur K. Patel: Mining and analyzing digital archive usage data to support collection development decisions. JCDL 2005: 417
128EELiGuo Huang, Barry W. Boehm: Using iDAVE to determine availability requirements. ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes 30(4): 1-4 (2005)
127EELiGuo Huang, Barry W. Boehm: Determining how much software assurance is enough?: a value-based approach. ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes 30(4): 1-5 (2005)
126EEApurva Jain, Barry W. Boehm: Developing a theory of value-based software engineering. ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes 30(4): 1-5 (2005)
125EEZhihao Chen, Tim Menzies, Daniel Port, Barry W. Boehm: Feature subset selection can improve software cost estimation accuracy. ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes 30(4): 1-6 (2005)
124EEMonvorath Phongpaibul, Barry W. Boehm: Improving quality through software process improvement in Thailand: initial analysis. ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes 30(4): 1-6 (2005)
123EEBarry W. Boehm: Value-based quality processes and results. ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes 30(4): 1-6 (2005)
122EEYe Yang, Jesal Bhuta, Barry W. Boehm, Daniel Noah Port: Value-Based Processes for COTS-Based Applications. IEEE Software 22(4): 54-62 (2005)
121EEBarry W. Boehm, Richard Turner: Management Challenges to Implementing Agile Processes in Traditional Development Organizations. IEEE Software 22(5): 30-39 (2005)
120EEZhihao Chen, Barry W. Boehm, Tim Menzies, Daniel Port: Finding the Right Data for Software Cost Modeling. IEEE Software 22(6): 38-46 (2005)
119EEDonald J. Reifer, Victor R. Basili, Barry W. Boehm, Betsy Clark: COTS-Based Systems - Twelve Lessons Learned about Maintenance. ICCBSS 2004: 137-145
118EEBarry W. Boehm, Richard Turner: Balancing Agility and Discipline: Evaluating and Integrating Agile and Plan-Driven Methods. ICSE 2004: 718-719
117EEBernard Wong, Sunita Chulani, June M. Verner, Barry W. Boehm: Second Workshop on Software Quality. ICSE 2004: 780-782
116EEBarry W. Boehm, Jesal Bhuta, David Garlan, Eric Gradman, LiGuo Huang, Alexander Lam, Raymond J. Madachy, Nenad Medvidovic, Kenneth Meyer, Steven Meyers, Gustavo Pérez, Kirk Reinholtz, Roshanak Roshandel, Nicolas Rouquette: Using Empirical Testbeds to Accelerate Technology Maturity and Transition: The SCRover Experience. ISESE 2004: 117-126
115EEBarry W. Boehm, A. Winsor Brown, Raymond J. Madachy, Ye Yang: A Software Product Line Life Cycle Cost Estimation Model. ISESE 2004: 156-164
114EEYue Chen, Barry W. Boehm, Raymond J. Madachy, Ricardo Valerdi: An Empirical Study of eServices Product UML Sizing Metrics. ISESE 2004: 199-206
113EEVictor R. Basili, Barry W. Boehm, Al Davis, Watts S. Humphrey, Nancy G. Leveson, Nancy R. Mead, John D. Musa, David Lorge Parnas, Shari Lawrence Pfleeger, Elaine J. Weyuker: New Year's Resolutions for Software Quality. IEEE Software 21(1): 12-13 (2004)
112EEBarry W. Boehm, LiGuo Huang, Apurva Jain, Raymond J. Madachy: The ROI of Software Dependability: The iDAVE Model. IEEE Software 21(3): 54-61 (2004)
111EEBarry W. Boehm, Richard Turner: Observations on Balancing Discipline and Agility. Agile Development Conference 2003: 32-39
110EEBarry W. Boehm, Daniel Port, David Klappholz: Tailoring a Successful Project-Based Course. CSEE&T 2003: 329-
109EEPaul Grünbacher, Michael Halling, Stefan Biffl, Hasan Kitapci, Barry W. Boehm: Repeatable Quality Assurance Techniques for Requirements Negotiations. HICSS 2003: 23
108EEDonald J. Reifer, Barry W. Boehm, Murali Gangadharan: Estimating the Cost of Security for COTS Software. ICCBSS 2003: 178-186
107EEBarry W. Boehm, Daniel Port, Ye Yang, Jesal Bhuta: Not All CBS Are Created Equally: COTS-Intensive Project Types. ICCBSS 2003: 36-50
106EEBarry W. Boehm, Daniel Port, Ye Yang, Jesal Bhuta, Chris Abts: Composable Process Elements for Developing COTS-Based Applications. ISESE 2003: 8-17
105EESteven Fraser, Ray Bareiss, Barry W. Boehm, Mark Hayes, Laura Hill, Gabby Silberman, Dave A. Thomas: Meeting the challenge of software engineering education for working professionals in the 21st century. OOPSLA Companion 2003: 262-264
104EESteven Fraser, Dave Astels, Kent Beck, Barry W. Boehm, John D. McGregor, James Newkirk, Charlie Poole: Discipline and practices of TDD: (test driven development). OOPSLA Companion 2003: 268-270
103EEBarry W. Boehm, Richard Turner: Rebalancing Your Organization's Agility and Discipline. XP/Agile Universe 2003: 1-8
102EEBarry W. Boehm: Value-based software engineering: reinventing. ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes 28(2): 3 (2003)
101EEBarry W. Boehm: Value-based software engineering. ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes 28(2): 4 (2003)
100EEBarry W. Boehm, LiGuo Huang: Value-Based Software Engineering: A Case Study. IEEE Computer 36(3): 33-41 (2003)
99EEKent Beck, Barry W. Boehm: Agility through Discipline: A Debate. IEEE Computer 36(6): 44-46 (2003)
98EEBarry W. Boehm, Richard Turner: Using Risk to Balance Agile and Plan-Driven Methods. IEEE Computer 36(6): 57-66 (2003)
97EEDonald J. Reifer, Victor R. Basili, Barry W. Boehm, Betsy Clark: Eight Lessons Learned during COTS-Based Systems Maintenance. IEEE Software 20(5): 94-96 (2003)
96EENenad Medvidovic, Paul Grünbacher, Alexander Egyed, Barry W. Boehm: Bridging models across the software lifecycle. Journal of Systems and Software 68(3): 199-215 (2003)
95EEDaniel Port, Barry W. Boehm: Tutorial 1: Introducing Software Economics within SWE Project Courses. CSEE&T 2002: 266
94EEM. Hakan Erdogmus, Barry W. Boehm, Warren Harrison, Donald J. Reifer, Kevin J. Sullivan: Software engineering economics: background, current practices, and future directions. ICSE 2002: 683-684
93EEForrest Shull, Victor R. Basili, Barry W. Boehm, A. Winsor Brown, Patricia Costa, Mikael Lindvall, Daniel Port, Ioana Rus, Roseanne Tesoriero, Marvin V. Zelkowitz: What We Have Learned About Fighting Defects. IEEE METRICS 2002: 249-
92EEMikael Lindvall, Victor R. Basili, Barry W. Boehm, Patricia Costa, Kathleen Dangle, Forrest Shull, Roseanne Tesoriero Tvedt, Laurie A. Williams, Marvin V. Zelkowitz: Empirical Findings in Agile Methods. XP/Agile Universe 2002: 197-207
91EESteven Fraser, Rachel Reinitz, Ken Auer, Barry W. Boehm, Ward Cunningham, Robert Mee: XP - Beyond Limitations? XP/Agile Universe 2002: 288
90EEBarry W. Boehm: Get Ready for Agile Methods, with Care. IEEE Computer 35(1): 64-69 (2002)
89EETom DeMarco, Barry W. Boehm: The Agile Methods Fray. IEEE Computer 35(6): 90-92 (2002)
88EEAllen B. Tucker, Barry W. Boehm: Point/Counterpoint: On the Balance between Theory and Practice / Software Engineering Is a Value-Based Contact Sport. IEEE Software 19(5): 94-97 (2002)
87EEJongmoon Baik, Barry W. Boehm, Bert Steece: Disaggregating and Calibrating the CASE Tool Variable in COCOMO II. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 28(11): 1009-1022 (2002)
86EEDaniel Port, Barry W. Boehm: Using a Model Framework in Developing and Delivering a Family of Software Engineering Project Courses. CSEE&T 2001: 44-55
85EEPaul Grünbacher, Barry W. Boehm: EasyWinWin: a groupware-supported methodology for requirements negotiation. ESEC / SIGSOFT FSE 2001: 320-321
84 Hoh In, Barry W. Boehm, Thomas Lee Rodgers, Michael Deutsch: Applying WinWin to Quality Requirements: A Case Study. ICSE 2001: 555-564
83 Barry W. Boehm, Daniel Port: Educating Software Engineering Students to Manage Risk. ICSE 2001: 591-600
82 Barry W. Boehm, Paul Grünbacher, Robert O. Briggs: EasyWinWin: A Groupware-Supported Nethodology for Requirements Negotiation. ICSE 2001: 720-721
81 Kevin J. Sullivan, Mary M. Shaw, Barry W. Boehm, David Notkin, Warren Harrison: Third International Workshop on Economics-Driven Software Engineering Research. ICSE 2001: 770-770
80 Nenad Medvidovic, Paul Grünbacher, Alexander Egyed, Barry W. Boehm: Software Model Connectors: Bridging Models across the Software Lifecycle. SEKE 2001: 387-396
79 Hoh In, Barry W. Boehm: Using WinWin Quality Requirements Management Tools: A Case Study. Ann. Software Eng. 11(1): 141-174 (2001)
78EEBarry W. Boehm, Victor R. Basili: Software Defect Reduction Top 10 List. IEEE Computer 34(1): 135-137 (2001)
77EEVictor R. Basili, Barry W. Boehm: COTS-Based Systems Top 10 List. IEEE Computer 34(5): 91-93 (2001)
76EEBarry W. Boehm, Paul Grünbacher, Robert O. Briggs: Developing Groupware for Requirements Negotiation: Lessons Learned. IEEE Software 18(3): (2001)
75EEBarry W. Boehm, Gail E. Kaiser, Daniel Port: A Combined Curriculum Research and Curriculum Development Approach to Software Engineering Education. CSEE&T 2000: 310-
74EELeon J. Osterweil, Barry W. Boehm, Michael Evangelist, Volker Gruhn, Jeff Kramer, Edward F. Miller: Why don't we get more (self?) respect: the positive impact of software engineering research upon practice. ICSE 2000: 660
73EEBarry W. Boehm, Kevin J. Sullivan: Software economics: a roadmap. ICSE - Future of SE Track 2000: 319-343
72 Barry W. Boehm, Chris Abts, Sunita Chulani: Software development cost estimation approaches - A survey. Ann. Software Eng. 10: 177-205 (2000)
71EEBarry W. Boehm: The Art of Expectations Management. IEEE Computer 33(1): 122-124 (2000)
70 Barry W. Boehm, Daniel Port, Mohammed Al-Said: Avoiding the Software Model-Clash Spiderweb. IEEE Computer 33(11): 120-122 (2000)
69 Barry W. Boehm: Unifying Software Engineering and Systems Engineering. IEEE Computer 33(3): 114-116 (2000)
68EEBarry W. Boehm, Victor R. Basili: Gaining Intellectual Control of Software Development. IEEE Computer 33(5): 27-33 (2000)
67EEBarry W. Boehm: Requirements that Handle IKIWISI, COTS, and Rapid Change. IEEE Computer 33(7): 99-102 (2000)
66EEBarry W. Boehm: Termination Doesn't Equal Project Failure. IEEE Computer 33(9): 94-96 (2000)
65EEBarry W. Boehm: Manager - Safe and Simple Software Cost Analysis. IEEE Software 17(5): (2000)
64EEBarry W. Boehm, Richard E. Fairley: Software Estimation Perspectives - Guest Editors' Introduction. IEEE Software 17(6): (2000)
63EEBarry W. Boehm, Marwan Abi-Antoun, Daniel Port, Julie Kwan, Anne Lynch: Requirements Engineering, Expectations Management, and the Two Cultures. RE 1999: 14-22
62EEHal Hart, Barry W. Boehm, S. Tucker Taft, Tony Wasserman: What happened to integrated environments? (panel session). SIGAda 1999: 225-226
61EEBarry W. Boehm: Predicting the future of computer systems and software engineering (keynote address). SIGAda 1999: 227
60 Barry W. Boehm, Daniel Port, Alexander Egyed, Marwan Abi-Antoun: The MBASE Life Cycle Architecture Milestone Package. WICSA 1999: 511-528
59 Barry W. Boehm, Chris Abts: COTS Integration: Plug and Pray? IEEE Computer 32(1): 135-138 (1999)
58 Barry W. Boehm: Making RAD Work for Your Project. IEEE Computer 32(3): 113-114 (1999)
57 Barry W. Boehm: Managing Software Productivity and Reuse. IEEE Computer 32(9): 111-113 (1999)
56EESunita Chulani, Barry W. Boehm, Bert Steece: Bayesian Analysis of Empirical Software Engineering Cost Models. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 25(4): 573-583 (1999)
55EEBarry W. Boehm, Kevin J. Sullivan: Software economics: status and prospects. Information & Software Technology 41(14): 937-946 (1999)
54 Bradford Clark, Sunita Devnani-Chulani, Barry W. Boehm: Calibrating the COCOMO II Post-Architecture Model. ICSE 1998: 477-480
53 Barry W. Boehm, Alexander Egyed: Software Requirements Negotiation: Some Lessons Learned. ICSE 1998: 503-506
52 Barry W. Boehm, Alexander Egyed, Daniel Port, Archita Shah, Julie Kwan, Raymond J. Madachy: A Stakeholder Win-Win Approach to Software Engineering Education. Ann. Software Eng. 6: 295-321 (1998)
51 Barry W. Boehm, Alexander Egyed, Julie Kwan, Daniel Port, Archita Shah, Raymond J. Madachy: Using the WinWin Spiral Model: A Case Study. IEEE Computer 31(7): 33-44 (1998)
50EEBarry W. Boehm, Daniel Port: Conceptual Modeling Challenges for Model-Based Architecting and Software Engineering (MBASE). Conceptual Modeling 1997: 24-43
49EEBarry W. Boehm, Alexander Egyed, Julie Kwan, Raymond J. Madachy: Developing Multimedia Applications with the WinWin Spiral Model. ESEC / SIGSOFT FSE 1997: 20-39
48 Barry W. Boehm, Tom DeMarco: Guest Editors' Introduction: Software Risk Management. IEEE Software 14(3): 17-19 (1997)
47EEBarry W. Boehm, Hoh In: Software Cost Option Strategy Tool (S-COST). COMPSAC 1996: 15-20
46EEBarry W. Boehm, Hoh In: Identifying Quality-Requirement Conflicts. ICRE 1996: 218
45EEBarry W. Boehm: Requirements Engineering at Age 20: Looking Back, Looking Ahead. ICRE 1996: 255
44EEBarry W. Boehm, Steven Wolf: An open architecture for software process asset reuse. ISPW 1996: 2-7
43EEBarry W. Boehm: Industrial Priorities for Software Engineering Research (Panel). SIGSOFT FSE 1996: 2
42EEBarry W. Boehm, Hoh In: Identifying Quality-Requirement Conflicts. IEEE Software 13(2): 25-35 (1996)
41EEBarry W. Boehm: Anchoring the Software Process. IEEE Software 13(4): 73-82 (1996)
40EEBarry W. Boehm, Prasanta K. Bose, Ellis Horowitz, Ming June Lee: Software Requirements Negotiation and Renegotiation Aids: A Theory-W Based Spiral Approach. ICSE 1995: 243-253
39 Barry W. Boehm, Bradford Clark, Ellis Horowitz, J. Christopher Westland, Raymond J. Madachy, Richard W. Selby: Cost Models for Future Software Life Cycle Processes: COCOMO 2.0. Ann. Software Eng. 1: 57-94 (1995)
38 Barry W. Boehm, Prasanta K. Bose: Critical Success Factors for Knowledge-Based Software Engineering Applications. Autom. Softw. Eng. 2(3): 193-202 (1995)
37EEBarry W. Boehm: Megaprogramming (Abstract). ACM Conference on Computer Science 1994: 412
36EEBarry W. Boehm: Software Architectures: Critical Success Factors and Cost Drivers. ICSE 1994: 365
35 Barry W. Boehm, Prasanta K. Bose: Humans and process frameworks: some critical process elements. ISPW 1994: 82-84
34 Barry W. Boehm, Prasanta K. Bose: Critical Success Factors for Knowledge-Based Software Engineering Applications. KBSE 1994: 166-171
33 Barry W. Boehm: Software Risk Management: Principles and Practices. IEEE Software 8(1): 32-41 (1991)
32 Barry W. Boehm: Software Risk Management. ESEC 1989: 1-19
31 Barry W. Boehm: What We Really Need Are Process Model Generators. ICSE 1989: 397
30 Barry W. Boehm: Software Factories in the USA. IFIP Congress 1989: 701-703
29 Barry W. Boehm, Frank C. Belz: Experiences with the spiral model as a process model generator. ISPW 1989: 43-45
28EEBarry W. Boehm, Rony Ross: Theory-W Software Project Management: Principles and Examples. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 15(7): 902-916 (1989)
27 Barry W. Boehm, Rony Ross: Theory-W Software Project Management: A Case Study. ICSE 1988: 30-40
26 Barry W. Boehm, Frank C. Belz: Applying process programming to the spiral model. ISPW 1988: 46-56
25 Barry W. Boehm: A Spiral Model of Software Development and Enhancement. IEEE Computer 21(5): 61-72 (1988)
24EEBarry W. Boehm, Philip N. Papaccio: Understanding and Controlling Software Costs. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 14(10): 1462-1477 (1988)
23 Barry W. Boehm: Software Process Management: Lessons Learned from History. ICSE 1987: 296-298
22 Barry W. Boehm: Improving Software Productivity. IEEE Computer 20(9): 43-57 (1987)
21 Barry W. Boehm: Understanding and Controlling Software Costs (Invited Paper). IFIP Congress 1986: 703-714
20 Barry W. Boehm, Frank C. Belz: Reasoning about iteration: a cost-benefit approach. ISPW 1986: 40-44
19 Barry W. Boehm: A spiral model of software development and enhancement. ISPW 1985: 22-42
18 Barry W. Boehm, Terence E. Gray, Thomas Seewaldt: Prototyping vs. Specifying: A Multi-Project Experiment. ICSE 1984: 473-485
17 Barry W. Boehm, Terence E. Gray, Thomas Seewaldt: Prototyping versus specifying: A multiproject experiment. ISPW 1984: 133-145
16EEBarry W. Boehm, M. H. Penedo, E. Don Stuckle, Ronald D. Williams, Arthur B. Pyster: A Software Development Environment for Improving Productivity. IEEE Computer 17(6): 30-44 (1984)
15 Barry W. Boehm: Verifying and Validating Software Requirements and Design Specifications. IEEE Software 1(1): 75-88 (1984)
14 Barry W. Boehm: Software Engineering Economics. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 10(1): 4-21 (1984)
13 Barry W. Boehm, Terence E. Gray, Thomas Seewaldt: Prototyping Versus Specifying: A Multiproject Experiment. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 10(3): 290-303 (1984)
12 Barry W. Boehm, Thomas A. Standish: Software Technology in the 1990's: Using an Evolutionary Paradigm. IEEE Computer 16(11): 30-37 (1983)
11EEBarry W. Boehm: Seven basic principles of software engineering. Journal of Systems and Software 3(1): 3-24 (1983)
10 Barry W. Boehm, James F. Elwell, Arthur B. Pyster, E. Don Stuckle, Ronald D. Williams: The TRW Software Productivity System. ICSE 1982: 148-156
9 Barry W. Boehm: An Experiment in Small-Scale Application Software Engineering. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 7(5): 482-493 (1981)
8EEBarry W. Boehm: Software engineering education. AFIPS National Computer Conference 1980: 781
7 Barry W. Boehm: Developing Small-Scale Application Software Products: Some Experiment Results. IFIP Congress 1980: 321-326
6EEBarry W. Boehm, Ray W. Wolverton: Software cost modeling: Some lessons learned. Journal of Systems and Software 1: 195-201 (1980)
5 Barry W. Boehm: Software Engineering: As it is. ICSE 1979: 11-21
4 Barry W. Boehm, J. R. Brown, M. Lipow: Quantitative Evaluation of Software Quality. ICSE 1976: 592-605
3 Barry W. Boehm: Software Engineering. IEEE Trans. Computers 25(12): 1226-1241 (1976)
2 Barry W. Boehm, Robert K. McClean, D. B. Urfrig: Some Experience with Automated Aids to the Design of Large-Scale Reliable Software. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 1(1): 125-133 (1975)
1 Barry W. Boehm: Some Steps Toward Formal and Automated Aids to Software Requirements Analysis and Design. IFIP Congress 1974: 192-197

Coauthor Index

1Marwan Abi-Antoun [60] [63]
2Chris Abts [59] [72] [106]
3Mohammed Al-Said [70]
4Dave Astels [104]
5Ken Auer [91]
6Jongmoon Baik [87] [142]
7Daniel Baker [172]
8Ray Bareiss [105]
9Victor R. Basili [68] [77] [78] [92] [93] [97] [113] [119]
10Kent Beck [99] [104]
11Frank C. Belz [20] [26] [29]
12Jesal Bhuta [106] [107] [116] [122] [131] [138] [139] [159] [169]
13Stefan Biffl [109]
14Johan Bollen [129]
15Prasanta K. Bose [34] [35] [38] [40]
16Robert O. Briggs [76] [82]
17Frederick P. Brooks Jr. [162]
18A. Winsor Brown [93] [115] [129] [135] [175]
19J. R. Brown [4]
20Shing-Cheung Chan [129]
21Yue Chen [114] [130] [165]
22Zhihao Chen [120] [125] [130]
23Hui-Hsien Chi [129]
24Marie Chi [129]
25Sunita Chulani [56] [72] [117] [136] [152] [163] [174]
26Betsy Clark [97] [119] [150]
27Bradford Clark [39] [54]
28Edward Colbert [129]
29Patricia Costa [92] [93]
30Ward Cunningham [91]
31Kathleen Dangle [92]
32Al Davis [113]
33Tom DeMarco [48] [89] [162]
34Michael Deutsch [84]
35Sunita Devnani-Chulani [54]
36Alexander Egyed [49] [51] [52] [53] [60] [80] [96]
37Oussama El-Rawas [168] [172]
38James F. Elwell [10]
39Hakan Erdogmus (M. Hakan Erdogmus) [94]
40Michael Evangelist [74]
41Richard E. Fairley [64]
42Martin S. Feather [168]
43Steven Fraser [91] [104] [105] [143] [162]
44Murali Gangadharan [108]
45David Garlan [116]
46JiDong Ge [145] [149]
47Eric Gradman [116]
48Terence E. Gray [13] [17] [18]
49Volker Gruhn [74]
50Paul Grünbacher [76] [80] [82] [85] [96] [109]
51Kristine Guevara [129]
52Michael Halling [109]
53Warren Harrison [81] [94]
54Hal Hart [62]
55Mark Hayes [105]
56Mei He [176]
57Jairus Hihn [168] [172]
58Laura Hill [105]
59Ellis Horowitz [39] [40]
60Chenyong Hu [179]
61Hao Hu [145] [149]
62Hsiao-han Huang [129]
63LiGuo Huang [100] [112] [116] [127] [128] [134] [141] [145] [149]
64Watts S. Humphrey [113]
65Hoh Peter In (Hoh In) [42] [46] [47] [79] [84] [142]
66Apurva Jain [112] [126] [147] [155] [158]
67Jack Järkvik [143]
68Gail E. Kaiser [75]
69Genesan Kim [129]
70Sangsoo Kim [142]
71Hasan Kitapci [109] [164]
72David Klappholz [110] [178]
73Supannika Koolmanojwong [160] [166] [175] [180] [181]
74Jeff Kramer [74]
75Maks Krivokon [129]
76Julie Kwan [49] [51] [52] [63]
77Alexander Lam [116] [129] [160]
78Jo Ann Lane [146] [156]
79Bo H. Lee [129]
80Keun Lee [133]
81Ming June Lee [40]
82Nancy G. Leveson [113]
83Mingshu Li [140] [161] [176] [179]
84Pei-Han Li [129]
85Qi Li [179]
86Mikael Lindvall [92] [93]
87M. Lipow [4]
88Tim Lister [162]
89Jian Lü [145] [149]
90Karen T. Lum [172]
91Erik Lundh [143]
92Anne Lynch [63]
93Raymond J. Madachy [39] [49] [51] [52] [112] [114] [115] [116] [146] [156] [168] [172] [173]
94Chris Mattmann [159]
95Robert K. McClean [2]
96John D. McGregor [104]
97Nancy R. Mead [113]
98Nenad Medvidovic [80] [96] [116] [159]
99Robert Mee [91]
100Tim Menzies [120] [125] [168] [172]
101Kenneth Meyer [116]
102Steven Meyers [116] [131]
103Edward F. Miller [74]
104Fenny Muliawan [129]
105John D. Musa [113]
106James Newkirk [104]
107Vu Nguyen [129] [177]
108David Notkin [81]
109Leon J. Osterweil [74] [140]
110Philip N. Papaccio [24]
111David Lorge Parnas [113]
112Mayur K. Patel [129]
113Jeffrey Pearson [129]
114M. H. Penedo [16]
115Gustavo Pérez [116]
116Shari Lawrence Pfleeger [113]
117Monvorath Phongpaibul [124] [148] [160] [167]
118Charlie Poole [104]
119Daniel Port (Daniel Noah Port) [50] [51] [52] [60] [63] [70] [75] [83] [86] [93] [95] [106] [107] [110] [120] [122] [125] [130] [138] [178]
120Arthur B. Pyster [10] [16]
121Cheng Qian [149]
122Donald J. Reifer [94] [97] [108] [119]
123Kirk Reinholtz [116]
124Rachel Reinitz [91]
125Linda Rising [162]
126Thomas Lee Rodgers [84]
127Roshanak Roshandel [116]
128Rony Ross [27] [28]
129Nicolas Rouquette [116]
130Ioana Rus [93]
131Thomas Seewaldt [13] [17] [18]
132Richard W. Selby [39]
133Archita Shah [51] [52]
134Mary M. Shaw [81]
135Luke Sheppard [165]
136Forrest Shull [92] [93]
137Gabby Silberman [105]
138Thomas A. Standish [12]
139Bert Steece [56] [87] [177]
140E. Don Stuckle [10] [16]
141Kevin J. Sullivan [55] [73] [81] [94]
142S. Tucker Taft [62]
143Thomas Tan [179]
144Dave A. Thomas [105]
145Allen B. Tucker [88]
146Richard Turner [98] [103] [111] [118] [121] [135]
147Roseanne Tesoriero Tvedt (Roseanne Tesoriero) [92] [93]
148D. B. Urfrig [2]
149Ricardo Valerdi [114] [170]
150June M. Verner [117] [136] [152] [163] [174]
151Kati Vilkki [143]
152Qing Wang [161] [176] [179]
153Jewel Ward (Jewel H. Ward) [129]
154Tony Wasserman [62]
155J. Christopher Westland [39]
156Elaine J. Weyuker [113]
157Laurie A. Williams (Laurie Williams) [92]
158Ronald D. Williams [10] [16]
159Steven Wolf [44]
160Ray W. Wolverton [6]
161Bernard Wong [117] [136] [152] [163] [174]
162Dan Wu [153]
163Di Wu [175] [180]
164Da Yang [161] [175] [180]
165Ye Yang [106] [107] [115] [122] [137] [138] [142] [144] [150] [153] [157] [161] [176] [179]
166Edward Yourdon [162]
167Marvin V. Zelkowitz [92] [93]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)