
Marvin V. Zelkowitz

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67 Lorin Hochstein, Taiga Nakamura, Forrest Shull, Nico Zazworka, Victor R. Basili, Marvin V. Zelkowitz: An Environment for Conducting Families of Software Engineering Experiments. Advances in Computers 74: 175-200 (2008)
66EEVictor R. Basili, Jeffrey C. Carver, Daniela Cruzes, Lorin Hochstein, Jeffrey K. Hollingsworth, Forrest Shull, Marvin V. Zelkowitz: Understanding the High-Performance-Computing Community: A Software Engineer's Perspective. IEEE Software 25(4): 29-36 (2008)
65EEVictor R. Basili, Marvin V. Zelkowitz: Empirical studies to build a science of computer science. Commun. ACM 50(11): 33-37 (2007)
64EEVictor R. Basili, Marvin V. Zelkowitz, Dag I. K. Sjøberg, Philip Johnson, Anthony J. Cowling: Protocols in the use of empirical software engineering artifacts. Empirical Software Engineering 12(1): 107-119 (2007)
63EEMikael Lindvall, Ioana Rus, Paolo Donzelli, Atif M. Memon, Marvin V. Zelkowitz, Aysu Betin-Can, Tevfik Bultan, Christopher Ackermann, Bettina Anders, Sima Asgari, Victor R. Basili, Lorin Hochstein, Jörg Fellmann, Forrest Shull, Roseanne Tesoriero Tvedt, Daniel Pech, Daniel Hirschbach: Experimenting with software testbeds for evaluating new technologies. Empirical Software Engineering 12(4): 417-444 (2007)
62EEMarvin V. Zelkowitz: Data Sharing Enabling Technologies Working Group Results. Empirical Software Engineering Issues 2006: 108-110
61EEMarvin V. Zelkowitz: Techniques for Empirical Validation. Empirical Software Engineering Issues 2006: 4-9
60EEForrest Shull, Carolyn B. Seaman, Marvin V. Zelkowitz: Victor R. Basili's Contributions to Software Quality. IEEE Software 23(1): 16-18 (2006)
59EELorin Hochstein, Victor R. Basili, Marvin V. Zelkowitz, Jeffrey K. Hollingsworth, Jeffrey Carver: Combining self-reported and automatic data to improve programming effort measurement. ESEC/SIGSOFT FSE 2005: 356-365
58EEMarvin V. Zelkowitz, Victor R. Basili, Sima Asgari, Lorin Hochstein, Jeffrey K. Hollingsworth, Taiga Nakamura: Measuring Productivity on High Performance Computers. IEEE METRICS 2005: 6
57EEPaolo Donzelli, Marvin V. Zelkowitz, Victor R. Basili, Dan Allard, Kenneth N. Meyer: Evaluating COTS Component Dependability in Context. IEEE Software 22(4): 46-53 (2005)
56EEKathleen Coleman Dangle, Patricia Larsen, Michele Shaw, Marvin V. Zelkowitz: Software Process Improvement in Small Organizations: A Case Study. IEEE Software 22(6): 68-75 (2005)
55EEMikael Lindvall, Ioana Rus, Forrest Shull, Marvin V. Zelkowitz, Paolo Donzelli, Atif M. Memon, Victor R. Basili, Patricia Costa, Roseanne Tesoriero Tvedt, Lorin Hochstein, Sima Asgari, Christopher Ackermann, Daniel Pech: An evolutionary testbed for software technology evaluation. ISSE 1(1): 3-11 (2005)
54EEKanta Jiwnani, Marvin V. Zelkowitz: Susceptibility Matrix: A New Aid to Software Auditing. IEEE Security & Privacy 2(2): 16-21 (2004)
53EEMarvin V. Zelkowitz, Ioana Rus: Defect evolution in a product line environment . Journal of Systems and Software 70(1-2): 143-154 (2004)
52EEVictor R. Basili, Frank E. McGarry, Rose Pajerski, Marvin V. Zelkowitz: Lessons learned from 25 years of process improvement: the rise and fall of the NASA software engineering laboratory. ICSE 2002: 69-79
51EEKanta Jiwnani, Marvin V. Zelkowitz: Maintaining Software with a Security Perspective. ICSM 2002: 194-203
50EEForrest Shull, Victor R. Basili, Barry W. Boehm, A. Winsor Brown, Patricia Costa, Mikael Lindvall, Daniel Port, Ioana Rus, Roseanne Tesoriero, Marvin V. Zelkowitz: What We Have Learned About Fighting Defects. IEEE METRICS 2002: 249-
49EEMikael Lindvall, Victor R. Basili, Barry W. Boehm, Patricia Costa, Kathleen Dangle, Forrest Shull, Roseanne Tesoriero Tvedt, Laurie A. Williams, Marvin V. Zelkowitz: Empirical Findings in Agile Methods. XP/Agile Universe 2002: 197-207
48 Marvin V. Zelkowitz, Ioana Rus: Understanding IV & V in a Safety Critical and Complex Evolutionary Environment: The NASA Space Shuttle Program. ICSE 2001: 349-357
47EEMarvin V. Zelkowitz, Ioana Rus: The Role of Independent Verification and Validation in Maintaining a Safety Critical Evolutionary Software in a Complex Environment: The NASA Space Shuttle Program. ICSM 2001: 118-126
46EEVictor R. Basili, Roseanne Tesoriero, Patricia Costa, Mikael Lindvall, Ioana Rus, Forrest Shull, Marvin V. Zelkowitz: Building an Experience Base for Software Engineering: A Report on the First CeBASE eWorkshop. PROFES 2001: 110-125
45 William W. Agresti, Marvin V. Zelkowitz: Introduction to the Special Issue: Papers from the Fifth International Symposium on Software Metrics. Empirical Software Engineering 4(3): 195-198 (1999)
44 Roseanne Tesoriero, Marvin V. Zelkowitz: A Model of Noisy Software Engineering Data (Status Report). ICSE 1998: 461-464
43 Marvin V. Zelkowitz, Dolores R. Wallace: Experimental Models for Validating Technology. IEEE Computer 31(5): 23-31 (1998)
42 Roseanne Tesoriero, Marvin V. Zelkowitz: A Web-Based Tool for Data Analysis and Presentation. IEEE Internet Computing 2(5): 63-69 (1998)
41EESandro Morasca, Lionel C. Briand, Victor R. Basili, Elaine J. Weyuker, Marvin V. Zelkowitz: Comments on "Toward a Framework for Software Measurement Validation". IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 23(3): 187-188 (1997)
40EEMarvin V. Zelkowitz, Dolores R. Wallace: Experimental validation in software engineering. Information & Software Technology 39(11): 735-743 (1997)
39 Marvin V. Zelkowitz, B. Cuthill: Application of an Information Technology Model to Software Engineering Environments. Journal of Systems and Software 37(1): 27-40 (1997)
38 Marvin V. Zelkowitz: Modeling Software Engineering Environment Capabilities. Journal of Systems and Software 35(1): 3-14 (1996)
37EEMarshall D. Abrams, Marvin V. Zelkowitz: Striving for correctness. Computers & Security 14(8): 719-738 (1995)
36EEVictor R. Basili, Marvin V. Zelkowitz, Frank E. McGarry, Gerald T. Page, Sharon Waligora, Rose Pajerski: SEL's Software Process Improvement Program. IEEE Software 12(6): 83-87 (1995)
35EEJeff Tian, Marvin V. Zelkowitz: Complexity Measure Evaluation and Selection. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 21(8): 641-650 (1995)
34 Marvin V. Zelkowitz, Jianhui Tian: Measuring Prime Program Complexity. Inf. Sci. 77(3-4): 325-350 (1994)
33EENingda R. Li, Marvin V. Zelkowitz: An Information Model for Use in Software Management Estimation and Prediction. CIKM 1993: 481-489
32EEMarvin V. Zelkowitz: Use of an Environment Classification Model. ICSE 1993: 348-357
31EEAlan W. Brown, David J. Carney, Peter H. Feiler, Patricia A. Oberndorf, Marvin V. Zelkowitz: A Project Support Environment Reference Model. TRI-Ada 1993: 82-89
30 Marvin V. Zelkowitz: Role of Verification in the Software Specification Process. Advances in Computers 36: 43-109 (1993)
29 Marvin V. Zelkowitz: An Axiomatic Model for Program Complexity. Experimental Software Engineering Issues 1992: 133-136
28EEJianhui Tian, Marvin V. Zelkowitz: A formal program complexity model and its application. Journal of Systems and Software 17(3): 253-266 (1992)
27EESergio R. Cárdenas, Jianhui Tian, Marvin V. Zelkowitz: An application of decision theory for the evaluation of software prototypes. Journal of Systems and Software 19(1): 27-39 (1992)
26EESergio Cárdenas-García, Marvin V. Zelkowitz: A Management Tool For Evaluation of Software Designs. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 17(9): 961-971 (1991)
25EEMarvin V. Zelkowitz, Sergio Cárdenas-García: The role for executable specifications in system maintenance. Inf. Sci. 57-58: 347-359 (1991)
24 Sergio Cárdenas-García, Marvin V. Zelkowitz: Evaluation Criteria for Functional Specifications. ICSE 1990: 26-33
23 Sergio Antoy, Virginia Tech, Paola Forcheri, Maria Teresa Molfino, Marvin V. Zelkowitz: Rapid Protoryping of System Enhancements. ICSI 1990: 330-336
22 Marvin V. Zelkowitz: A Functional Correctness Model of Program Verification. IEEE Computer 23(11): 30-39 (1990)
21 William G. Bail, Marvin V. Zelkowitz: Program Complexity Using Hierarchical Abstract Computers. Comput. Lang. 13(3/4): 109-123 (1988)
20EEMarvin V. Zelkowitz: Resource utilization during software development. Journal of Systems and Software 8(4): 331-336 (1988)
19 Marvin V. Zelkowitz: An Editor for Program Design. COMPCON 1987: 242-246
18 John D. Gannon, Marvin V. Zelkowitz: Two Implementation Models of Abstract Data Types. Comput. Lang. 12(1): 21-25 (1987)
17 Marvin V. Zelkowitz: A Small Contribution to Editing with a Syntax Directed Editor. Software Development Environments (SDE) 1984: 1-6
16EEMarvin V. Zelkowitz, Raymond T. Yeh, Richard G. Hamlet, John D. Gannon, Victor R. Basili: Software Engineering Practices in the US and Japan. IEEE Computer 17(6): 57-66 (1984)
15EEMarvin V. Zelkowitz: Data collection and evaluation for experimental computer science research. Inf. Process. Manage. 20(1-2): 269-276 (1984)
14 E. Chen, Marvin V. Zelkowitz: Use of Cluster Analysis to Evaluate Software Engineering Methodologies. ICSE 1981: 117-124
13 Marvin V. Zelkowitz, James R. Lyle: Implementation of Language Enhancements. Comput. Lang. 6(3/4): 139-153 (1981)
12 Marvin V. Zelkowitz: A Case Study in Rapid Prototyping. Softw., Pract. Exper. 10(12): 1037-1042 (1980)
11 Marvin V. Zelkowitz: Surveyor's Forum: The Real Costs of Software. ACM Comput. Surv. 11(1): 69 (1979)
10 Marvin V. Zelkowitz: Surveyor's Forum: A Question of Transition. ACM Comput. Surv. 11(4): 411-412 (1979)
9 Victor R. Basili, Marvin V. Zelkowitz: Analyzing Medium-Scale Software Development. ICSE 1978: 116-123
8 Marvin V. Zelkowitz: Perspectives in Software Engineering. ACM Comput. Surv. 10(2): 197-216 (1978)
7 Marvin V. Zelkowitz, Howard J. Larsen: Implementation of a Capability-Based Data Abstraction. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 4(1): 56-64 (1978)
6 Marvin V. Zelkowitz: Automatic Program Analysis and Evaluation. ICSE 1976: 158-163
5 Marvin V. Zelkowitz: Structured Operating System Organization. Inf. Process. Lett. 3(2): 39-42 (1974)
4 Marvin V. Zelkowitz, William G. Bail: Optimization of Structured Programs. Softw., Pract. Exper. 4(1): 51-57 (1974)
3 Marvin V. Zelkowitz: Reversible Execution. Commun. ACM 16(9): 566 (1973)
2 Marvin V. Zelkowitz: PIT: A Macro-implemented Implementation Language. Softw., Pract. Exper. 2(4): 337-346 (1972)
1 Marvin V. Zelkowitz: Interrupt Driven Programming. Commun. ACM 14(6): 417-418 (1971)

Coauthor Index

1Marshall D. Abrams [37]
2Christopher Ackermann [55] [63]
3William W. Agresti [45]
4Dan Allard [57]
5Bettina Anders [63]
6Sergio Antoy [23]
7Sima Asgari [55] [58] [63]
8William G. Bail [4] [21]
9Victor R. Basili [9] [16] [36] [41] [46] [49] [50] [52] [55] [57] [58] [59] [63] [64] [65] [66] [67]
10Aysu Betin-Can [63]
11Barry W. Boehm [49] [50]
12Lionel C. Briand [41]
13A. Winsor Brown [50]
14Alan W. Brown [31]
15Tevfik Bultan [63]
16Sergio R. Cárdenas [27]
17Sergio Cárdenas-García [24] [25] [26]
18David J. Carney [31]
19Jeffrey C. Carver (Jeffrey Carver) [59] [66]
20E. Chen [14]
21Patricia Costa [46] [49] [50] [55]
22Anthony J. Cowling [64]
23Daniela Cruzes [66]
24B. Cuthill [39]
25Kathleen Dangle [49]
26Kathleen Coleman Dangle [56]
27Paolo Donzelli [55] [57] [63]
28Peter H. Feiler [31]
29Jörg Fellmann [63]
30Paola Forcheri [23]
31John D. Gannon [16] [18]
32Richard G. Hamlet [16]
33Daniel Hirschbach [63]
34Lorin Hochstein [55] [58] [59] [63] [66] [67]
35Jeffrey K. Hollingsworth [58] [59] [66]
36Kanta Jiwnani [51] [54]
37Philip Johnson [64]
38Howard J. Larsen [7]
39Patricia Larsen [56]
40Ningda R. Li [33]
41Mikael Lindvall [46] [49] [50] [55] [63]
42James R. Lyle [13]
43Frank E. McGarry [36] [52]
44Atif M. Memon [55] [63]
45Kenneth N. Meyer [57]
46Maria Teresa Molfino [23]
47Sandro Morasca [41]
48Taiga Nakamura [58] [67]
49Patricia A. Oberndorf [31]
50Gerald T. Page [36]
51Rose Pajerski [36] [52]
52Daniel Pech [55] [63]
53Daniel Port (Daniel Noah Port) [50]
54Ioana Rus [46] [47] [48] [50] [53] [55] [63]
55Carolyn B. Seaman [60]
56Michele Shaw [56]
57Forrest Shull [46] [49] [50] [55] [60] [63] [66] [67]
58Dag I. K. Sjøberg [64]
59Virginia Tech [23]
60Jeff Tian (Jianhui Tian) [27] [28] [34] [35]
61Roseanne Tesoriero Tvedt (Roseanne Tesoriero) [42] [44] [46] [49] [50] [55] [63]
62Sharon Waligora [36]
63Dolores R. Wallace [40] [43]
64Elaine J. Weyuker [41]
65Laurie A. Williams (Laurie Williams) [49]
66Raymond T. Yeh [16]
67Nico Zazworka [67]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)