
Edward F. Gehringer

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36EEEdward F. Gehringer, Carolyn S. Miller: Student-generated active-learning exercises. SIGCSE 2009: 81-85
35EEAndrew Meneely, Laurie Williams, Edward F. Gehringer: ROSE: a repository of education-friendly open-source projects. ITiCSE 2008: 7-11
34EEEdward F. Gehringer, Lillian N. Cassel, Katherine Deibel, William Joel: Wikis: collaborative learning for cs education. SIGCSE 2008: 379-380
33 Edward F. Gehringer: Proceedings of the 2007 Workshop on Computer Architecture Education, WCAE 2007, San Diego, California, USA, Saturday, June 9, 2007 ACM 2007
32EEMohit Gambhir, Edward F. Gehringer, Yan Solihin: Animations of important concepts in parallel computer architecture. WCAE 2007: 23-29
31 Edward F. Gehringer: Proceedings of the 2006 Workshop on Computer Architecture Education, WCAE 2006, Boston, Massachusetts, USA, Saturday, June 17, 2006 ACM 2006
30EEKanyamas Navoraphan, Edward F. Gehringer, James Culp, Karl Gyllstrom, P. David Stotts: Next-generation DPP with Sangam and Facetop. ETX 2006: 6-10
29EEVimal K. Reddy, Richard K. Sawyer, Edward F. Gehringer: A Cache-Pinning Strategy for Improving Generational Garbage Collection. HiPC 2006: 98-110
28EEEdward F. Gehringer, Luke M. Ehresman, Dale Skrien: Expertiza: students helping to write an OOD text. OOPSLA Companion 2006: 901-906
27EEEdward F. Gehringer, Katherine Deibel, John Hamer, Keith J. Whittington: cooperative learning: beyond pair programming and team projects. SIGCSE 2006: 458-459
26EEEdward F. Gehringer: Welcome. WCAE 2006: 1
25EEEdward F. Gehringer, Donald D. Chinn, Manuel A. Pérez-Quiñones, Mark A. Ardis: Using peer review in teaching computing. SIGCSE 2005: 321-322
24EEChih-Wei Ho, Somik Raha, Edward F. Gehringer, Laurie Williams: Sangam: a distributed pair programming plug-in for Eclipse. ETX 2004: 73-77
23EEFrances S. Grodzinsky, Edward F. Gehringer, Laurie A. Smith King, Herman Tavani: Responding to the challenges of teaching computer ethics. SIGCSE 2004: 280-281
22EENeha Katira, Laurie A. Williams, Eric Wiebe, Carol Miller, Suzanne Balik, Edward F. Gehringer: On understanding compatibility of student pair programmers. SIGCSE 2004: 7-11
21EEEdward F. Gehringer: A pair-programming experiment in a non-programming course. OOPSLA Companion 2003: 187-190
20EEJesse Heines, Katy Börner, Melody Y. Ivory, Edward F. Gehringer: Panel on the development, maintenance, and use of course web sites. SIGCSE 2003: 94-95
19EEPrashant Baheti, Edward F. Gehringer, P. David Stotts: Exploring the Efficacy of Distributed Pair Programming. XP/Agile Universe 2002: 208-220
18EEJ. Morris Chang, Witawas Srisa-an, Chia-Tien Dan Lo, Edward F. Gehringer: DMMX: Dynamic memory management extensions. Journal of Systems and Software 63(3): 187-199 (2002)
17EEEdward F. Gehringer: Electronic peer review and peer grading in computer-science courses. SIGCSE 2001: 139-143
16 J. Morris Chang, Edward F. Gehringer: A High-Performance Memory Allocator for Object-Oriented Systems. IEEE Trans. Computers 45(3): 357-366 (1996)
15 Edward F. Gehringer, Mary Lynn Manns: OOA/OOD/OOP: Waht Programmers and Managers Believe we Schould Teach. JOOP 9(6): 52-60 (1996)
14 Jeremy P. Goodwin, Edward F. Gehringer: Optimizing Procedure Calls in Block-Structured Languages. Softw., Pract. Exper. 26(12): 1385-1414 (1996)
13EEDouglas S. Reeves, Edward F. Gehringer: Adaptive Routing for Hypercube Multiprocessors: a Performance Study. International Journal of High Speed Computing 6(1): 1-29 (1994)
12 J. Morris Chang, Edward F. Gehringer: Evaluation of an Object-Caching Coprocessor Design for Object-Oriented Systems. ICCD 1993: 132-139
11 J. Morris Chang, Edward F. Gehringer: Performance of object caching for object-oriented systems. VLSI 1993: 83-91
10 J. Morris Chang, Edward F. Gehringer: Object-Caching for Performance in Object-Oriented Systems. ICCD 1991: 379-385
9EEEdward F. Gehringer: Name-Based Mapping: Addressing Support for Persistent Objects. POS 1989: 218-232
8EERobert P. Colwell, Edward F. Gehringer, E. Douglas Jensen: Performance Effects of Architectural Complexity in the Intel 432. ACM Trans. Comput. Syst. 6(3): 296-339 (1988)
7 Dalibor F. Vrsalovic, Daniel P. Siewiorek, Zary Segall, Edward F. Gehringer: Performance Prediction and Calibration for a Class of Multiprocessors. IEEE Trans. Computers 37(11): 1353-1365 (1988)
6 Edward F. Gehringer, Robert P. Colwell: Fast Object-Oriented Procedure Calls: Lessons from the Intel 432. ISCA 1986: 92-101
5 Ravi Mehrotra, Edward F. Gehringer: Superlinear Speedup Through Randomized Algorithms. ICPP 1985: 291-300
4 Edward F. Gehringer, James Leslie Keedy: Tagged Architecture: How Compelling Are its Advantages? ISCA 1985: 162-170
3 Dalibor F. Vrsalovic, Edward F. Gehringer, Zary Segall, Daniel P. Siewiorek: The Influence of Parallel Decomposition Strategies on the Performance of Multiprocessor Systems. ISCA 1985: 396-405
2 Edward F. Gehringer, Anita K. Jones, Zary Segall: The Cm* Testbed. IEEE Computer 15(10): 40-53 (1982)
1 Edward F. Gehringer: Variable-Length Capabilities as a Solution to the Small-Object Problem. SOSP 1979: 131-142

Coauthor Index

1Mark A. Ardis [25]
2Prashant Baheti [19]
3Suzanne Balik [22]
4Katy Börner [20]
5Lillian N. Cassel (Lillian (Boots) Cassel) [34]
6J. Morris Chang [10] [11] [12] [16] [18]
7Donald D. Chinn [25]
8Robert P. Colwell (Bob Colwell) [6] [8]
9James Culp [30]
10Katherine Deibel [27] [34]
11Luke M. Ehresman [28]
12Mohit Gambhir [32]
13Jeremy P. Goodwin [14]
14Frances S. Grodzinsky [23]
15Karl Gyllstrom [30]
16John Hamer [27]
17Jesse Heines [20]
18Chih-Wei Ho [24]
19Melody Y. Ivory [20]
20E. Douglas Jensen [8]
21William Joel [34]
22Anita K. Jones [2]
23Neha Katira [22]
24James Leslie Keedy [4]
25Laurie A. Smith King [23]
26Chia-Tien Dan Lo [18]
27Mary Lynn Manns [15]
28Ravi Mehrotra [5]
29Andrew Meneely [35]
30Carol Miller [22]
31Carolyn S. Miller [36]
32Kanyamas Navoraphan [30]
33Manuel A. Pérez-Quiñones [25]
34Somik Raha [24]
35Vimal K. Reddy [29]
36Douglas S. Reeves [13]
37Richard K. Sawyer [29]
38Zary Segall [2] [3] [7]
39Daniel P. Siewiorek [3] [7]
40Dale Skrien [28]
41Yan Solihin [32]
42Witawas Srisa-an [18]
43P. David Stotts [19] [30]
44Herman Tavani [23]
45Dalibor F. Vrsalovic [3] [7]
46Keith J. Whittington [27]
47Eric Wiebe [22]
48Laurie A. Williams (Laurie Williams) [22] [24] [35]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)