
Akhilesh Tyagi

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45EEKa-Ming Keung, Vineela Manne, Akhilesh Tyagi: A Novel Charge Recycling Design Scheme Based on Adiabatic Charge Pump. IEEE Trans. VLSI Syst. 15(7): 733-745 (2007)
44EEKa-Ming Keung, Akhilesh Tyagi: State space reconfigurability: an implementation architecture for self modifying finite automata. CASES 2006: 83-92
43EEKa-Ming Keung, Akhilesh Tyagi: SRAM CP: A Charge Recycling Design Schema for SRAM. PATMOS 2006: 95-106
42EEMahadevan Gomathisankaran, Akhilesh Tyagi: Architecture Support for 3D Obfuscation. IEEE Trans. Computers 55(5): 497-507 (2006)
41EEMahadevan Gomathisankaran, Akhilesh Tyagi: WARM SRAM: A Novel Scheme to Reduce Static Leakage Energy in SRAM Arrays. J. Low Power Electronics 2(3): 388-400 (2006)
40EEPramod Ramarao, Akhilesh Tyagi: An Integrated Partitioning and Scheduling Based Branch Decoupling. Asia-Pacific Computer Systems Architecture Conference 2005: 252-268
39EEMahadevan Gomathisankaran, Akhilesh Tyagi: TIVA: Trusted Integrity Verification Architecture. DRMTICS 2005: 13-31
38EEBrian Blietz, Akhilesh Tyagi: Software Tamper Resistance Through Dynamic Program Monitoring. DRMTICS 2005: 146-163
37EEJun Ge, Soma Chaudhuri, Akhilesh Tyagi: Control flow based obfuscation. Digital Rights Management Workshop 2005: 83-92
36EEMahadevan Gomathisankaran, Akhilesh Tyagi: Arc3D: A 3D Obfuscation Architecture. HiPEAC 2005: 184-199
35EEAkhilesh Tyagi: Energy-Privacy Trade-Offs in VLSI Computations. INDOCRYPT 2005: 361-374
34EESriram Nadathur, Akhilesh Tyagi: IPC Driven Dynamic Associative Cache Architecture for Low Energy. ICCD 2004: 472-479
33EEMahadevan Gomathisankaran, Akhilesh Tyagi: WARM SRAM: A Novel Scheme to Reduce Static Leakage Energy in SRAM Arrays. ISVLSI 2004: 105-114
32EEGe Zhu, Akhilesh Tyagi: Protection against Indirect Overflow Attacks on Pointers. IWIA 2004: 97-106
31EESriram Nadathur, Akhilesh Tyagi: A Dependence Driven Efficient Dispatch Scheme. ICCD 2003: 299-306
30EEPramod Ramarao, Akhilesh Tyagi, Gyungho Lee: Run-Time Support for Detection of Memory Access Violations to Prevent Buffer Overflow Exploits. ISC 2003: 366-380
29EEPramod Ramarao, Akhilesh Tyagi: An Adiabatic Framework for a Low Energy µ-Architecture & Compiler. Interaction between Compilers and Computer Architectures 2003: 65-74
28EEVineela Manne, Akhilesh Tyagi: An Adiabatic Charge Pump Based Charge Recycling Design Style. PATMOS 2003: 299-308
27EESonal Pandey, Arun K. Somani, Akhilesh Tyagi: Intermediate processing protocol for processing within IP-routed networks. Microprocessors and Microsystems 27(5-6): 285-295 (2003)
26EEHuesung Kim, Arun K. Somani, Akhilesh Tyagi: Adaptive Balanced Computing (ABC) Microprocessor Using Reconfigurable Functional Caches (RFCs). ICCD 2002: 138-144
25 Vadhiraj Sankaranarayanan, Akhilesh Tyagi: A Hierarchical Dependence Check and Folded Rename Mapping Based Scalable Dispatch Stage. ICCD 2001: 249-255
24EEHuesung Kim, Arun K. Somani, Akhilesh Tyagi: A reconfigurable multifunction computing cache architecture. IEEE Trans. VLSI Syst. 9(4): 509-523 (2001)
23EEHuesung Kim, Arun K. Somani, Akhilesh Tyagi: A reconfigurable multi-function computing cache architecture. FPGA 2000: 85-94
22EEAnshuman S. Nadkarni, Akhilesh Tyagi: A Trace Based Evaluation of Speculative Branch Decoupling. ICCD 2000: 300-
21 Gyungho Lee, Akhilesh Tyagi: Encoded Program Counter: Self-Protection from Buffer Overflow Attacks. International Conference on Internet Computing 2000: 387-394
20 Gyungho Lee, Akhilesh Tyagi: Instruction-level Distributed Microarchitecture Based on Data Decoupling. PDPTA 2000
19EEDeepali Deshpande, Arun K. Somani, Akhilesh Tyagi: Hybrid Data/Configuration Caching for Striped FPGAs. FCCM 1999: 294-295
18EEHuesung Kim, Arun K. Somani, Akhilesh Tyagi: On Reconfiguring Cache for Computing. FCCM 1999: 296-297
17EEDeepali Deshpande, Arun K. Somani, Akhilesh Tyagi: Configuration Caching Vs Data Caching for Striped FPGAs. FPGA 1999: 206-214
16EEAkhilesh Tyagi, Hon-Chi Ng, Prasant Mohapatra: Dynamic Branch Decoupled Architecture. ICCD 1999: 442-
15EEM. K. Kidambi, Akhilesh Tyagi, Mohammed R. Madani, Magdy A. Bayoumi: Three-dimensional defect sensitivity modeling for open circuits in ULSI structures. IEEE Trans. on CAD of Integrated Circuits and Systems 17(4): 366-371 (1998)
14EEPrasoon Surti, Liang-Fang Chao, Akhilesh Tyagi: Low power FSM design using Huffman-style encoding. ED&TC 1997: 521-525
13EEGlenn Holt, Akhilesh Tyagi: Minimizing interconnect energy through integrated low-power placement and combinational logic synthesis. ISPD 1997: 48-53
12EEAkhilesh Tyagi: Entropic bounds on FSM switching. ISLPED 1996: 323-328
11EEGlenn Holt, Akhilesh Tyagi: EPNR: an energy-efficient automated layout synthesis package. ICCD 1995: 224-229
10EEVamshi Veeramachaneni, Akhilesh Tyagi, Suresh Rajgopal: Re-encoding for low power state assignment of FSMs. ISLPD 1995: 173-178
9 M. K. Kidambi, Akhilesh Tyagi, Mohammed R. Madani, Magdy A. Bayoumi: Parameterized Modeling of Open-Circuit Critical Volume for Three-Dimensional Defects in VLSI Processing. VLSI Design 1994: 333-338
8 H. Kumar, Magdy A. Bayoumi, Akhilesh Tyagi, Nam Ling, R. Kalyan: Parallel Implementation of a Cut and Paste Maze Routing Algorithm. ISCAS 1993: 2035-2038
7 Akhilesh Tyagi: A Module Generator Development Environment: Area Estimation and Design-Space Exploration Encapsulation. VLSI Design 1993: 214-217
6 Akhilesh Tyagi: A Reduced-Area Scheme for Carry-Select Adders. IEEE Trans. Computers 42(10): 1163-1170 (1993)
5EEAkhilesh Tyagi: VLSI design parsing (preliminary version). ICCAD 1992: 30-34
4EEAkhilesh Tyagi: An algebraic model for design space with applications to function module generation. EURO-DAC 1990: 114-118
3 John H. Reif, Akhilesh Tyagi: Efficient Parallel Algorithms for Optical Computing with the DFT Primitive. FSTTCS 1990: 149-160
2EEAkhilesh Tyagi, John H. Reif: Energy complexity of optical computations. SPDP 1990: 14-21
1 Akhilesh Tyagi: Energy-Time Trade-offs in VLSI Computation. FSTTCS 1989: 301-311

Coauthor Index

1Magdy A. Bayoumi (Magdy Bayoumi) [8] [9] [15]
2Brian Blietz [38]
3Liang-Fang Chao [14]
4Soma Chaudhuri [37]
5Deepali Deshpande [17] [19]
6Jun Ge [37]
7Mahadevan Gomathisankaran [33] [36] [39] [41] [42]
8Glenn Holt [11] [13]
9R. Kalyan [8]
10Ka-Ming Keung [43] [44] [45]
11M. K. Kidambi [9] [15]
12Huesung Kim [18] [23] [24] [26]
13H. Kumar [8]
14Gyungho Lee [20] [21] [30]
15Nam Ling [8]
16Mohammed R. Madani [9] [15]
17Vineela Manne [28] [45]
18Prasant Mohapatra [16]
19Sriram Nadathur [31] [34]
20Anshuman S. Nadkarni [22]
21Hon-Chi Ng [16]
22Sonal Pandey [27]
23Suresh Rajgopal [10]
24Pramod Ramarao [29] [30] [40]
25John H. Reif [2] [3]
26Vadhiraj Sankaranarayanan [25]
27Arun K. Somani [17] [18] [19] [23] [24] [26] [27]
28Prasoon Surti [14]
29Vamshi Veeramachaneni [10]
30Ge Zhu [32]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)