
Steffen Tarnick

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16EESteffen Tarnick: Self-Testing Embedded Borden t -UED Code Checkers for t = 2 k q - 1 with q = 2 m - 1. J. Electronic Testing 24(6): 509-527 (2008)
15EESteffen Tarnick: Design of Embedded m-out-of-n Code Checkers Using Complete Parallel Counters. IOLTS 2007: 285-292
14EESteffen Tarnick: Embedded Borden 2-UED Code Checkers. IOLTS 2006: 173-175
13EESteffen Tarnick: Single- and Double-Output Embedded Checker Architectures for Systematic Unordered Codes. J. Electronic Testing 21(4): 391-404 (2005)
12EESteffen Tarnick: Single-Output Embedded Checkers for Systematic Unordered Codes. IOLTS 2004: 45-51
11EESteffen Tarnick: Design of Embedded Self-Testing Checkers for t-UED and BUED Codes. J. Electronic Testing 20(5): 465-477 (2004)
10EESteffen Tarnick: Self-Testing Embedded Checkers for Bose-Lin, Bose, and a Class of Borden Codes. DATE 2003: 11162-11163
9EESteffen Tarnick: A Design Method for Embedded Self-Testing t-UED and BUED Code Checkers. IOLTS 2003: 43-48
8EEAlbrecht P. Stroele, Steffen Tarnick: Embedded Checker Architectures for Cyclic and Low-Cost Arithmetic Codes. J. Electronic Testing 16(4): 355-367 (2000)
7EEAlbrecht P. Stroele, Steffen Tarnick: Programmable Embedded Self-Testing Checkers for All-Unidirectional Error-Detecting Code. VTS 1999: 361-369
6EESteffen Tarnick, Albrecht P. Stroele: Embedded self-testing checkers for low-cost arithmetic codes. ITC 1998: 514-523
5 S. Kundu, Egor S. Sogomonyan, Michael Gössel, Steffen Tarnick: Self-Checking Comparator with One Periodic Output. IEEE Trans. Computers 45(3): 379-380 (1996)
4EESybille Hellebrand, Birgit Reeb, Steffen Tarnick, Hans-Joachim Wunderlich: Pattern generation for a deterministic BIST scheme. ICCAD 1995: 88-94
3 Sybille Hellebrand, Janusz Rajski, Steffen Tarnick, Srikanth Venkataraman, Bernard Courtois: Built-In Test for Circuits with Scan Based on Reseeding of Multiple-Polynomial Linear Feedback Shift Registers. IEEE Trans. Computers 44(2): 223-233 (1995)
2EESteffen Tarnick: Controllable self-checking checkers for conditional concurrent checking. IEEE Trans. on CAD of Integrated Circuits and Systems 14(5): 547-553 (1995)
1 Sybille Hellebrand, Steffen Tarnick, Bernard Courtois, Janusz Rajski: Generation of Vector Patterns Through Reseeding of Multipe-Polynominal Linear Feedback Shift Registers. ITC 1992: 120-129

Coauthor Index

1Bernard Courtois [1] [3]
2Michael Gössel [5]
3Sybille Hellebrand [1] [3] [4]
4S. Kundu [5]
5Janusz Rajski [1] [3]
6Birgit Reeb [4]
7Egor S. Sogomonyan [5]
8Albrecht P. Stroele [6] [7] [8]
9Srikanth Venkataraman [3]
10Hans-Joachim Wunderlich [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)