
Aníbal Ollero

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30EEFernando Caballero, Luis Merino, Joaquin Ferruz, Aníbal Ollero: Vision-Based Odometry and SLAM for Medium and High Altitude Flying UAVs. Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems 54(1-3): 137-161 (2009)
29EENicolás Peña, David Scarlatti, Aníbal Ollero: UAVs Integration in the SWIM Based Architecture for ATM. Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems 54(1-3): 39-59 (2009)
28EEAntidio Viguria, Ivan Maza, Aníbal Ollero: S+T: An algorithm for distributed multirobot task allocation based on services for improving robot cooperation. ICRA 2008: 3163-3168
27EEFernando Caballero, Luis Merino, Ivan Maza, Aníbal Ollero: A particle filtering method for wireless sensor network localization with an aerial robot beacon. ICRA 2008: 596-601
26EEJ. Ramiro Martinez de Dios, Begoña C. Arrue, Aníbal Ollero, Luis Merino, F. Gómez-Rodríguez: Computer vision techniques for forest fire perception. Image Vision Comput. 26(4): 550-562 (2008)
25EEFernando Caballero, Luis Merino, P. Gil, Ivan Maza, Aníbal Ollero: A probabilistic framework for entire WSN localization using a mobile robot. Robotics and Autonomous Systems 56(10): 798-806 (2008)
24EEF. Gómez-Bravo, Federico Cuesta, Aníbal Ollero, Antidio Viguria: Continuous curvature path generation based on beta. Robotics and Autonomous Systems 56(4): 360-372 (2008)
23EEFernando Caballero, Luis Merino, Joaquin Ferruz, Aníbal Ollero: Homography Based Kalman Filter for Mosaic Building. Applications to UAV position estimation. ICRA 2007: 2004-2009
22EEAntidio Viguria, Ivan Maza, Aníbal Ollero: SET: An algorithm for distributed multirobot task allocation with dynamic negotiation based on task subsets. ICRA 2007: 3339-3344
21EEGuillermo Heredia, Aníbal Ollero: Stability of autonomous vehicle path tracking with pure delays in the control loop. Advanced Robotics 21(1): 23-50 (2007)
20 Fernando Caballero, Luis Merino, Joaquin Ferruz, Aníbal Ollero: Improving Vision-based Planar Motion Estimation for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles through Online Mosaicing. ICRA 2006: 2860-2865
19EELuis Merino, Fernando Caballero, J. Ramiro Martinez de Dios, Joaquin Ferruz, Aníbal Ollero: A cooperative perception system for multiple UAVs: Application to automatic detection of forest fires. J. Field Robotics 23(3-4): 165-184 (2006)
18 Luis Merino, Fernando Caballero, J. Ramiro Martinez de Dios, Aníbal Ollero: Cooperative Fire Detection using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles. ICRA 2005: 1884-1889
17 Guillermo Heredia, Aníbal Ollero, Rajesh Mahtani, Manuel Bejar, Volker Remuß, Marek Musial: Detection of Sensor Faults in Autonomous Helicopters. ICRA 2005: 2229-2234
16 Fernando Caballero, Luis Merino, Joaquin Ferruz, Aníbal Ollero: A visual odometer without 3D reconstruction for aerial vehicles. Applications to building inspection. ICRA 2005: 4673-4678
15EEJ. Ramiro Martinez de Dios, Aníbal Ollero: A Real-Time Image Stabilization System Based on Fourier-Mellin Transform. ICIAR (1) 2004: 376-383
14EEJ. Ramiro Martinez de Dios, Aníbal Ollero: A Multiresolution Threshold Selection Method Based on Training. ICIAR (1) 2004: 90-97
13EEAníbal Ollero, Joaquin Ferruz, Fernando Caballero, Sebastian Hurtado, Luis Merino: Motion Compensation and Object Detection for Autonomous Helicopter Visual Navigation in the COMETS System. ICRA 2004: 19-24
12EEIluminada Baturone, Francisco Jose Moreno-Velo, Santiago Sánchez-Solano, Aníbal Ollero: Automatic design of fuzzy controllers for car-like autonomous robots. IEEE T. Fuzzy Systems 12(4): 447-465 (2004)
11EEFederico Cuesta, Aníbal Ollero, Begoña C. Arrue, Reinhard Braunstingl: Intelligent control of nonholonomic mobile robots with fuzzy perception. Fuzzy Sets and Systems 134(1): 47-64 (2003)
10EEJ. Ramiro Martinez de Dios, C. Serna, Aníbal Ollero: Computer vision and robotics techniques in fish farms. Robotica 21(3): 233-243 (2003)
9EEA. González-Cantos, Jesús Iván Maza, Javier Aracil, Aníbal Ollero: Analysis of the backing up fuzzy control of truck-trailers using the qualitative theory of dynamic systems. EUSFLAT Conf. 2001: 171-174
8EEBegoña C. Arrue, Aníbal Ollero, J. Ramiro Martinez de Dios: An Intelligent System for False Alarm Reduction in Infrared Forest-Fire Detection. IEEE Intelligent Systems 15(3): 64-73 (2000)
7EEJoaquin Ferruz, Aníbal Ollero: Real-Time Feature Matching in Image Sequences for Non-Structured Environments. Applications to Vehicle Guidance. Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems 28(1-2): 85-123 (2000)
6EEFederico Cuesta, Aníbal Ollero, Javier Aracil, Francisco Gordillo: An overview of stability analysis of MIMO fuzzy control systems. EUSFLAT-ESTYLF Joint Conf. 1999: 111-114
5EEAngel Rodriguez Castaño, Guillermo Heredia, Aníbal Ollero: Fuzzy path tracking of autonomous vehicles using GPS. EUSFLAT-ESTYLF Joint Conf. 1999: 477-480
4EEJavier González, Anthony Stentz, Aníbal Ollero: A mobile robot iconic position estimator using a radial laser scanner. Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems 13(2): 161-179 (1995)
3 Javier Gonzalez, Aníbal Ollero, Antonio Reina: Map Building for a Mobile Robot Equipped with a 2D Laser Rangefinder. ICRA 1994: 1904-1909
2 Victor Fernand Muñoz, Aníbal Ollero, Maria Prado Novoa, Antonio Simón Mata: Mobile Robot Trajectory Planning with Dynamic and Kinematic Constraints. ICRA 1994: 2802-2807
1 Javier Fernández de Cañete, Aníbal Ollero, M. Díaz-Fondón: Autonomous Controller Tuning by Using a Neural Network. IWANN 1991: 445-452

Coauthor Index

1Javier Aracil [6] [9]
2Begoña C. Arrue [8] [11] [26]
3Iluminada Baturone [12]
4Manuel Bejar [17]
5Reinhard Braunstingl [11]
6Fernando Caballero [13] [16] [18] [19] [20] [23] [25] [27] [30]
7Javier Fernández de Cañete [1]
8Angel Rodriguez Castaño [5]
9Federico Cuesta [6] [11] [24]
10M. Díaz-Fondón [1]
11J. Ramiro Martinez de Dios [8] [10] [14] [15] [18] [19] [26]
12Joaquin Ferruz [7] [13] [16] [19] [20] [23] [30]
13P. Gil [25]
14F. Gómez-Bravo [24]
15F. Gómez-Rodríguez [26]
16Javier González (Javier González Jiménez, Javier Gonzalez) [3] [4]
17A. González-Cantos [9]
18Francisco Gordillo [6]
19Guillermo Heredia [5] [17] [21]
20Sebastian Hurtado [13]
21Rajesh Mahtani [17]
22Antonio Simón Mata [2]
23Ivan Maza [22] [25] [27] [28]
24Jesús Iván Maza [9]
25Luis Merino [13] [16] [18] [19] [20] [23] [25] [26] [27] [30]
26Francisco Jose Moreno-Velo [12]
27Victor Fernand Muñoz [2]
28Marek Musial [17]
29Maria Prado Novoa [2]
30Nicolás Peña [29]
31Antonio Reina [3]
32Volker Remuß [17]
33Santiago Sánchez-Solano [12]
34David Scarlatti [29]
35C. Serna [10]
36Anthony Stentz [4]
37Antidio Viguria [22] [24] [28]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)