1. IWANN 1991:
Alberto Prieto (Ed.):
Artificial Neural Networks, International Workshop, IWANN '91, Granada, Spain, September 17-19, 1991, Proceedings.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 540 Springer 1991, ISBN 3-540-54537-9 BibTeX
editor = {Alberto Prieto},
title = {Artificial Neural Networks, International Workshop, IWANN '91,
Granada, Spain, September 17-19, 1991, Proceedings},
publisher = {Springer},
series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
volume = {540},
year = {1991},
isbn = {3-540-54537-9},
bibsource = {DBLP, http://dblp.uni-trier.de}
Neural Network Theories,
Neural Methods
- Panos A. Ligomenides:
Cooperative Computing and Neural Networks.
1-10 BibTeX
- José Mira, Roberto Moreno-Díaz, José Simões da Fonseca:
Neural Net's Theory - The Specifications of a Computational Model of Memory and Information Processing in Decision-Making.
11-16 BibTeX
- Tohru Ikeguchi, Masaharu Adachi, Kazuyuki Aihara:
Chaotic Neural Networks and Associative Memory.
17-24 BibTeX
- P. L. Garrido, Joaquín Marro:
Nonequilibrium Model of Neural Networks.
25-32 BibTeX
- V. Tryba, Karl Goser:
A Modified Algorithm for Self-Organizing Maps Based on the Schrödinger Equation.
33-47 BibTeX
- Christel Kemke:
Neural Network Modelling by Means of Networks of Finite Automata.
48-53 BibTeX
- Christian Jutten, Anne Guérin-Dugué, H. L. Nguyen Thi:
Adaptive Optimization of Neural Algorithms.
54-61 BibTeX
- János Levendovszky, W. Mommaerts, Edward C. van der Meulen:
Neural Networks with Hysterisis Type of Nonlinearity Exhibit Global Optimization Property.
62-68 BibTeX
- Amparo Sacristán, Elena Valderrama, Conrado J. Pérez Vicente:
Stability Measurement Criterion for Neural Networks of Competitive Learning.
69-77 BibTeX
- Eddy Mayoraz:
On the Power of Networks of Majority Functions.
78-85 BibTeX
- Dirk Röckmann, Claudio Moraga:
Using Quadratic Perceptrons to Reduce Interconnection Density in Multilayer Neural Networks.
86-92 BibTeX
Biological Perspectives
Neural Network Architectures and Algorithms
- Ignacio Bellido, Gregorio Fernández:
Backpropagation Growing Networks: Towards Local Minima Elimination.
130-135 BibTeX
- Emili Elizalde, Sergio Gómez, August Romeo:
Methods for Encoding in Multilayer Feed-Forward Neural Networks.
136-143 BibTeX
- Conrado J. Pérez Vicente, Jordi Carrabina, F. Garrido, Elena Valderrama:
Learning Algorithm for Feed-Forward Neural Networks with Discrete Synapses.
144-152 BibTeX
- Francisco Javier López Aligué, M. Isabel Acevedo Sotoca, Miguel A. Jaramillo Morán:
Synthesis of Adaptive Memories with Neural Networks.
153-161 BibTeX
- Vicente Ruiz de Angulo, Carme Torras:
Minimally Disturbing Learning.
162-172 BibTeX
- Paul Andlinger, Ernst R. Reichl:
Fuzzy-Neunet: A Non Standard Neural Network.
173-180 BibTeX
- Vernon G. Dobson, José M. Salinas:
Decrementing Hamming and Bayesian Neural Networks: Analog Implementations and Relative Performance.
181-188 BibTeX
- Colin Campbell:
Dynamic Thresholds and Attractor Neural Networks.
189-195 BibTeX
- Francisco J. Vico, Francisco Sandoval Hernández:
Use of Genetic Algorithms in Neural Networks Definition.
196-203 BibTeX
- Jorge Fernández Falcón:
Simulated Evolution of Modular Networks.
204-211 BibTeX
- Alicia D'Anjou, Manuel Graña, M. C. Hernandez, Francisco Javier Torrealdea:
Computational Experiments with Boltzmann Machines.
212-215 BibTeX
- Yannis A. Dimitriadis, Juan López Coronado, José Luis Contreras Vidal:
An Adaptive Resonance Theory Architecture for the Automatic Recognition of on-line Handwritten Symbols of a Mathematical Editor.
216-226 BibTeX
Software Developments and Tools
Hardware Implementations
- Karl Goser, Ulrich Hilleringmann, Ulrich Rückert:
Application and Implementation of Neural Networks in Microelectronics.
243-259 BibTeX
- Mancia Anguita, Alberto Prieto, Francisco J. Pelayo, Julio Ortega, Antonio F. Díaz:
CMOS Implementation of a Cellular Neural Network with Dynamically Alterable Cloning Templates.
260-267 BibTeX
- Senén Barro, Alberto Bugarín, A. Yáñez:
Systolic Implementation of Hopfield Networks of Arbitrary Size.
268-276 BibTeX
- Jordi Carrabina, Ferran Lisa, Narcís Avellana, Conrado J. Pérez Vicente, Elena Valderrama:
VLSI Fully Connected Neural Networks for the Implementation of other Topologies.
277-284 BibTeX
- A. Yáñez, Senén Barro, Alberto Bugarín:
Backpropagation Multilayer Perceptron: A Modular Implementation.
285-295 BibTeX
- Simon Jones:
Toroidal Neural Network Processor: Multiple Learning Algorithm Support.
296-306 BibTeX
- Francisco J. Pelayo, Begoña Pino, Alberto Prieto, Julio Ortega, F. J. Fernández:
CMOS Implementation of Synapse Matrices with Programmable Analog Weights.
307-314 BibTeX
- Michel Verleysen, Paul G. A. Jespers:
Analog VLSI Synapse Matrix with Enhanced Stochastic Computations.
315-321 BibTeX
- Bernabé Linares-Barranco, S. Sánchez-Sinencio, Ángel Rodríguez-Vázquez, José Luis Huertas:
CMOS Continuous BAM With On Chip Learning.
322-327 BibTeX
- F. Castillo, Joan Cabestany, Juan Manuel Moreno:
An Integrated Circuit for Artificial Neural Networks.
328-332 BibTeX
- Marcelino Vicens, Jesús Albert, Vicente Arnau:
An Application of Neural Networks to Natural Scene Segmentation.
333-339 BibTeX
- Antonio Cañas, Julio Ortega, F. J. Fernández, Alberto Prieto, Francisco J. Pelayo:
An Approach to Isolated Word Recognition Using Multilayer Perceptrons.
340-347 BibTeX
- M. J. Castro, Francisco Casacuberta:
The Use of Multilayer Perceptrons in Isolated Word Recognition.
348-354 BibTeX
- Michael Franzini, Alex Waibel, Kai-Fu Lee:
Continuous Speech Recognition with the Connectionist Viterbi Training Procedure: A Summary of Recent Work.
355-360 BibTeX
- Jesús E. Díaz-Verdejo, A. Peinado Herreros, J. C. Segura Luna, M. C. Benítez Ortüzar, A. Rubio Ayuso:
Recurrent Neural Networks for Speech Recognition.
361-369 BibTeX
- Enrique Monte, José B. Mariño:
A Speech Recognition System that Integrates Neural Nets and HMM.
370-376 BibTeX
- Darío Maravall Gómez-Allende, Juan Rios, M. Pérez-Castellanos, A. Carpintero, J. Gómez-Calcerrada:
Comparison of Neural Networks and Conventional Techniques for Automatic Recognition of a Multilingual Speech Database.
377-384 BibTeX
- Julio Ortega, Alberto Prieto, Francisco J. Pelayo, Antonio Lloris-Ruíz, P. Martin-Smith:
Optimization Problems on Concurrent Testing Solved by Neural Networks.
385-400 BibTeX
- Angel Cabrera Izquierdo, Jesús Cid-Sueiro, J. Antonio Hernändez Méndez:
Self-Organizing Feature Maps and Their Application to Digital Coding of Information.
401-408 BibTeX
- Inma Ortuño Ortin, M. Ortuño, J. A. Delgado:
Neural Networks as Error Correcting Systems in Digital Communications.
409-414 BibTeX
- Juan J. Merelo Guervós, Miguel A. Andrade, Carlos Ureña, Alberto Prieto, Federico Morán:
Application of Vector Quantization Algorithms to Protein Classification and Secondary Structure Computation.
415-421 BibTeX
- M. Hernandez-Pajares, Enrique Monte:
Application of the LVQ Neural Method to a Stellar Catalogue.
422-429 BibTeX
- Fernando Arroyo, Ana Gonzalo, Luis Moreno:
Neural Network Design for Mobile Robot Control Following a Contour.
430-436 BibTeX
- Felix Garciáa-Padilla, Francisco Morant-Anglada:
A Supervisory Technique to Apply Neural Networks in Control.
437-444 BibTeX
- Javier Fernández de Cañete, Aníbal Ollero, M. Díaz-Fondón:
Autonomous Controller Tuning by Using a Neural Network.
445-452 BibTeX
- Robert Griñó Cubero:
Neural Networks for Water Demand Time Series Forecasting.
453-460 BibTeX
- José E. Cano, Miguel Delgado, Ignacio Requena:
Using Artificial Neural Networks to Aid Decision Making Processes.
461-468 BibTeX
- François Blayo, Pierre Demartines:
Data Analysis: How to Compare Kohonen Neural Networks to Other Techniques?
469-476 BibTeX
Copyright © Sat May 16 23:27:04 2009
by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)