
Javier Fernández de Cañete

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7EEJavier Fernández de Cañete, Dimitris Tsaptsinos: Editorial. Neural Computing and Applications 13(4): 269-269 (2004)
6EES. González Pérez, Javier Fernández de Cañete: Neural-network-based stable control by using harmonic analysis. Neural Computing and Applications 13(4): 316-322 (2004)
5EEJavier Fernández de Cañete, Dimitris Tsaptsinos: Presenting the special issue on "Selected Engineering Applications of Neural Networks". Neurocomputing 43(1-4): 1-2 (2002)
4EEJavier Fernández de Cañete, Daniel Gonzalez de Vega, Marc David, Alfonso García-Cerezo: Cardiovascular control using artificial neuronal structures - modeling the baroreceptor regulation mechanism. Neurocomputing 43(1-4): 37-50 (2002)
3EEJavier Fernández de Cañete, Abhay B. Bulsari: Editorial. Neural Computing and Applications 9(3): 163-164 (2000)
2EEJavier Fernández de Cañete, T. Cordero, D. Guijas, J. Alarcon: An Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Approach to Control a Distillation Column. Neural Computing and Applications 9(3): 211-217 (2000)
1 Javier Fernández de Cañete, Aníbal Ollero, M. Díaz-Fondón: Autonomous Controller Tuning by Using a Neural Network. IWANN 1991: 445-452

Coauthor Index

1J. Alarcon [2]
2Abhay B. Bulsari [3]
3T. Cordero [2]
4Marc David [4]
5M. Díaz-Fondón [1]
6Alfonso García-Cerezo [4]
7D. Guijas [2]
8Aníbal Ollero [1]
9S. González Pérez [6]
10Dimitris Tsaptsinos [5] [7]
11Daniel Gonzalez de Vega [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)