
Fred G. Kuper

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11EECora Salm, A. J. Hof, Fred G. Kuper, J. Schmitz: Reduced temperature dependence of hot carrier degradation in deuterated nMOSFETs. Microelectronics Reliability 46(9-11): 1617-1622 (2006)
10EEM. S. B. Sowariraj, Theo Smedes, Peter C. de Jong, Cora Salm, Ton J. Mouthaan, Fred G. Kuper: A 3-D Circuit Model to evaluate CDM performance of ICs. Microelectronics Reliability 45(9-11): 1425-1429 (2005)
9EEGuoqiao Tao, Andrea Scarpa, Leo van Marwijk, Kitty van Dijk, Fred G. Kuper: Applying the fWLR concept to Stress induced leakage current in non-volatile memory processes. Microelectronics Reliability 44(8): 1269-1273 (2004)
8EEYuan Li, Klaas Jelle Veenstra, Jerôme Dubois, Lei Peters-Wu, Agnes van Zomeren, Fred G. Kuper: Reservoir effect and maximum allowed VIA misalignment for AlCu interconnect with tungsten VIA plug. Microelectronics Reliability 43(9-11): 1449-1454 (2003)
7EEM. S. B. Sowariraj, Theo Smedes, Cora Salm, Ton J. Mouthaan, Fred G. Kuper: Role of package parasitics and substrate resistance on the Charged Device Model (CDM) failure levels -An explanation and die protection strategy. Microelectronics Reliability 43(9-11): 1569-1575 (2003)
6EEN. Tosic Golo, Fred G. Kuper, Ton J. Mouthaan: Zapping thin film transistors. Microelectronics Reliability 42(4-5): 747-765 (2002)
5EEM. S. B. Sowariraj, Theo Smedes, Cora Salm, Ton J. Mouthaan, Fred G. Kuper: The influence of technology variation on ggNMOSTs and SCRs against CDM BSD stress. Microelectronics Reliability 42(9-11): 1287-1292 (2002)
4EEH. V. Nguyen, Cora Salm, J. Vroemen, J. Voets, B. Krabbenborg, J. Bisschop, A. J. Mouthaan, Fred G. Kuper: Fast temperature cycling and electromigration induced thin film cracking in multilevel interconnection: experiments and modeling. Microelectronics Reliability 42(9-11): 1415-1420 (2002)
3EEH. V. Nguyen, Cora Salm, R. Wenzel, A. J. Mouthaan, Fred G. Kuper: Simulation and experimental characterization of reservoir and via layout effects on electromigration lifetime. Microelectronics Reliability 42(9-11): 1421-1425 (2002)
2EEGianluca Boselli, Stan Meeuwsen, Ton J. Mouthaan, Fred G. Kuper: Investigations on double-diffused MOS transistors under ESD zap conditions. Microelectronics Reliability 41(3): 395-405 (2001)
1 N. Tosic Golo, S. van der Wal, Fred G. Kuper, Ton J. Mouthaan: The time-voltage trade-off for ESD damage threshold in amorphous silicon hydrogenated thin-film transistors. Microelectronics Reliability 41(9-10): 1391-1396 (2001)

Coauthor Index

1J. Bisschop [4]
2Gianluca Boselli [2]
3Kitty van Dijk [9]
4Jerôme Dubois [8]
5N. Tosic Golo [1] [6]
6A. J. Hof [11]
7Peter C. de Jong [10]
8B. Krabbenborg [4]
9Yuan Li [8]
10Leo van Marwijk [9]
11Stan Meeuwsen [2]
12A. J. Mouthaan [3] [4]
13Ton J. Mouthaan [1] [2] [5] [6] [7] [10]
14H. V. Nguyen [3] [4]
15Lei Peters-Wu [8]
16Cora Salm [3] [4] [5] [7] [10] [11]
17Andrea Scarpa [9]
18J. Schmitz [11]
19Theo Smedes [5] [7] [10]
20M. S. B. Sowariraj [5] [7] [10]
21Guoqiao Tao [9]
22Klaas Jelle Veenstra [8]
23J. Voets [4]
24J. Vroemen [4]
25S. van der Wal [1]
26R. Wenzel [3]
27Agnes van Zomeren [8]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)