
Ajay Khoche

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16EEAjay Khoche: Session Abstract. VTS 2006: 152-153
15EEAjay Khoche, Peter Muhmenthaler: Session Abstract. VTS 2006: 288-289
14EEAjay Khoche, Mike Rodgers, Pete O'Neil: Session Abstract. VTS 2006: 426
13EEAjay Khoche: Panel Summaries: Real-Time Volume Diagnostics--Requirements and Challenges. IEEE Design & Test of Computers 23(4): 315 (2006)
12EEErik H. Volkerink, Ajay Khoche, Jochen Rivoir, Klaus D. Hilliges: Modern Test Techniques: Tradeoffs, Synergies, and Scalable Benefits. J. Electronic Testing 19(2): 125-135 (2003)
11EEErik H. Volkerink, Ajay Khoche, Subhasish Mitra: Packet-Based Input Test Data Compression Techniques. ITC 2002: 154-163
10EEErik H. Volkerink, Ajay Khoche, Jochen Rivoir, Klaus D. Hilliges: Test Economics for Multi-site Test with Modern Cost Reduction Techniques. VTS 2002: 411-416
9EEAjay Khoche, Erik H. Volkerink, Jochen Rivoir, Subhasish Mitra: Test Vector Compression Using EDA-ATE Synergies. VTS 2002: 97-102
8 Erik H. Volkerink, Ajay Khoche, Linda A. Kamas, Jochen Rivoir, Hans G. Kerkhoff: Tackling test trade-offs from design, manufacturing to market using economic modeling. ITC 2001: 1098-1107
7 Ajay Khoche, Rohit Kapur, David Armstrong, Thomas W. Williams, Mick Tegethoff, Jochen Rivoir: A new methodology for improved tester utilization. ITC 2001: 916-923
6 Ajay Khoche, Erik Brunvand: ACT: A DFT Tool for Self-Timed Circuits. ITC 1997: 829-837
5EEAjay Khoche, Erik Brunvand: Critical hazard free test generation for asynchronous circuits. VTS 1997: 203-209
4EEAjay Khoche, Erik Brunvand: Testing self-timed circuits using partial scan. ASYNC 1995: 160-169
3EESandeep Pagey, Ajay Khoche, Erik Brunvand: DFT for fast testing of self-timed control circuits. Asian Test Symposium 1995: 382-386
2EEAjay Khoche, Erik Brunvand: A partial scan methodology for testing self-timed circuits. VTS 1995: 283-289
1EEAjay Khoche, Sunil D. Sherlekar, G. Venkatesh, Raja Venkateswaran: A Behavioral Fault Simulator for Ideal. IEEE Design & Test of Computers 9(4): 14-21 (1992)

Coauthor Index

1David Armstrong [7]
2Erik Brunvand [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]
3Klaus D. Hilliges [10] [12]
4Linda A. Kamas [8]
5Rohit Kapur [7]
6Hans G. Kerkhoff [8]
7Subhasish Mitra [9] [11]
8Peter Muhmenthaler [15]
9Pete O'Neil [14]
10Sandeep Pagey [3]
11Jochen Rivoir [7] [8] [9] [10] [12]
12Mike Rodgers [14]
13Sunil D. Sherlekar [1]
14Mick Tegethoff [7]
15G. Venkatesh [1]
16Raja Venkateswaran [1]
17Erik H. Volkerink [8] [9] [10] [11] [12]
18Thomas W. Williams [7]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)