
Harald Gossner

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9EEM. Streibl, F. Zängl, K. Esmark, Robert Schwencker, Wolfgang Stadler, Harald Gossner, S. Drüen, Doris Schmitt-Landsiedel: High abstraction level permutational ESD concept analysis. Microelectronics Reliability 45(2): 313-321 (2005)
8EEHeinrich Wolf, Horst A. Gieser, Wolfgang Soldner, Harald Gossner: A Dedicated TLP Set-Up to Investigate the ESD Robustness of RF Elements and Circuits. Microelectronics Reliability 45(9-11): 1421-1424 (2005)
7EEHarald Gossner: ESD protection for the deep sub micron regime - a challenge for design methodology. VLSI Design 2004: 809-
6EEM. Streibl, K. Esmark, A. Sieck, Wolfgang Stadler, M. Wendel, J. Szatkowski, Harald Gossner: Harnessing the base-pushout effect for ESD protection in bipolar and BiCMOS technologies. Microelectronics Reliability 43(7): 1001-1010 (2003)
5EEWolfgang Stadler, K. Esmark, Harald Gossner, M. Streibl, M. Wendel, Wolfgang Fichtner, Dionyz Pogany, Martin Litzenberger, E. Gornik: Device Simulation and Backside Laser Interferometry--Powerful Tools for ESD Protection Development. Microelectronics Reliability 42(9-11): 1267-1274 (2002)
4EEF. Zängl, Harald Gossner, K. Esmark, R. Owen, G. Zimmermann: Case study of a technology transfer causing ESD problems. Microelectronics Reliability 42(9-11): 1275-1280 (2002)
3EEK. Esmark, Wolfgang Stadler, M. Wendel, Harald Gossner, X. Guggenmos, Wolfgang Fichtner: Advanced 2D/3D ESD device simulation - a powerful tool already used in a pre-Si phase. Microelectronics Reliability 41(11): 1761-1770 (2001)
2EEHarald Gossner, T. Müller-Lynch, K. Esmark, M. Stecher: Wide range control of the sustaining voltage of electrostatic discharge protection elements realized in a smart power technology. Microelectronics Reliability 41(3): 385-393 (2001)
1 Martin Litzenberger, R. Pichler, Scrgey Bychikhin, Dionyz Pogany, E. Gornik, K. Esmark, Harald Gossner: Effect of pulse risetime on trigger homogeneity in single finger grounded gate nMOSFET electrostatic discharge protection devices. Microelectronics Reliability 41(9-10): 1385-1390 (2001)

Coauthor Index

1Scrgey Bychikhin [1]
2S. Drüen [9]
3K. Esmark [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [9]
4Wolfgang Fichtner [3] [5]
5Horst A. Gieser [8]
6E. Gornik [1] [5]
7X. Guggenmos [3]
8Martin Litzenberger [1] [5]
9T. Müller-Lynch [2]
10R. Owen [4]
11R. Pichler [1]
12Dionyz Pogany [1] [5]
13Doris Schmitt-Landsiedel [9]
14Robert Schwencker [9]
15A. Sieck [6]
16Wolfgang Soldner [8]
17Wolfgang Stadler [3] [5] [6] [9]
18M. Stecher [2]
19M. Streibl [5] [6] [9]
20J. Szatkowski [6]
21M. Wendel [3] [5] [6]
22Heinrich Wolf [8]
23F. Zängl [4] [9]
24G. Zimmermann [4]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)