2008 |
131 | EE | Sándor P. Fekete:
Algorithmic Aspects of Wireless Sensor Networks, Fourth International Workshop, ALGOSENSORS 2008, Reykjavik, Iceland, July 2008. Revised Selected Papers
Springer 2008 |
130 | EE | Marcus Komann,
Alexander Kröller,
Christiane Schmidt,
Dietmar Fey,
Sándor P. Fekete:
Emergent algorithms for centroid and orientation detection in high-performance embedded cameras.
Conf. Computing Frontiers 2008: 221-230 |
129 | EE | Alon Efrat,
Sándor P. Fekete,
Poornananda R. Gaddehosur,
Joseph S. B. Mitchell,
Valentin Polishchuk,
Jukka Suomela:
Improved Approximation Algorithms for Relay Placement.
ESA 2008: 356-367 |
128 | EE | Sándor P. Fekete,
Tom Kamphans,
Nils Schweer,
Christopher Tessars,
Jan van der Veen,
Josef Angermeier,
Dirk Koch,
Jürgen Teich:
No-break dynamic defragmentation of reconfigurable devices.
FPL 2008: 113-118 |
127 | EE | Sándor P. Fekete,
Alexander Hall,
Ekkehard Köhler,
Alexander Kröller:
The Maximum Energy-Constrained Dynamic Flow Problem.
SWAT 2008: 114-126 |
126 | EE | Michael A. Bender,
David P. Bunde,
Erik D. Demaine,
Sándor P. Fekete,
Vitus J. Leung,
Henk Meijer,
Cynthia A. Phillips:
Communication-Aware Processor Allocation for Supercomputers: Finding Point Sets of Small Average Distance.
Algorithmica 50(2): 279-298 (2008) |
125 | EE | Erik D. Demaine,
Martin L. Demaine,
Sándor P. Fekete,
Mashhood Ishaque,
Eynat Rafalin,
Robert T. Schweller,
Diane L. Souvaine:
Staged Self-Assembly:Nanomanufacture of Arbitrary Shapes with O(1) Glues
CoRR abs/0803.0316: (2008) |
124 | EE | Sándor P. Fekete,
Christiane Schmidt:
Polygon Exploration with Discrete Vision
CoRR abs/0807.2358: (2008) |
123 | EE | Sándor P. Fekete,
Marco E. Lübbecke,
Henk Meijer:
Minimizing the Stabbing Number of Matchings, Trees, and Triangulations.
Discrete & Computational Geometry 40(4): 595-621 (2008) |
122 | EE | Sándor P. Fekete,
Jan van der Veen,
Ali Ahmadinia,
Diana Göhringer,
Mateusz Majer,
Jürgen Teich:
Offline and Online Aspects of Defragmenting the Module Layout of a Partially Reconfigurable Device.
IEEE Trans. VLSI Syst. 16(9): 1210-1219 (2008) |
121 | EE | Erik D. Demaine,
Martin L. Demaine,
Sándor P. Fekete,
Mashhood Ishaque,
Eynat Rafalin,
Robert T. Schweller,
Diane L. Souvaine:
Staged self-assembly: nanomanufacture of arbitrary shapes with O (1) glues.
Natural Computing 7(3): 347-370 (2008) |
2007 |
120 | | Sándor P. Fekete,
Rudolf Fleischer,
Rolf Klein,
Alejandro López-Ortiz:
Robot Navigation, 15.10. - 20.10.2006
Internationales Begegnungs- und Forschungszentrum fuer Informatik (IBFI), Schloss Dagstuhl, Germany 2007 |
119 | EE | Sándor P. Fekete,
Alexander Kröller:
Topology and Routing in Sensor Networks.
ALGOSENSORS 2007: 6-15 |
118 | | Kevin Buchin,
Maike Buchin,
Erik D. Demaine,
Martin L. Demaine,
Dania El-Khechen,
Sándor P. Fekete,
Christian Knauer,
André Schulz,
Perouz Taslakian:
On Rolling Cube Puzzles.
CCCG 2007: 141-144 |
117 | EE | Erik D. Demaine,
Martin L. Demaine,
Sándor P. Fekete,
Mashhood Ishaque,
Eynat Rafalin,
Robert T. Schweller,
Diane L. Souvaine:
Staged Self-assembly: Nanomanufacture of Arbitrary Shapes with O (1) Glues.
DNA 2007: 1-14 |
116 | EE | Carsten Buschmann,
Horst Hellbrück,
Stefan Fischer,
Alexander Kröller,
Sándor P. Fekete:
Radio Propagation-Aware Distance Estimation Based on Neighborhood Comparison.
EWSN 2007: 325-340 |
115 | EE | Axel Wegener,
Horst Hellbrück,
Stefan Fischer,
Christiane Schmidt,
Sándor P. Fekete:
AutoCast: An Adaptive Data Dissemination Protocol for Traffic Information Systems.
VTC Fall 2007: 1947-1951 |
114 | EE | Sándor P. Fekete,
Jan van der Veen:
PackLib2: An integrated library of multi-dimensional packing problems.
European Journal of Operational Research 183(3): 1131-1135 (2007) |
113 | EE | Josef Angermeier,
Diana Göhringer,
Mateusz Majer,
Jürgen Teich,
Sándor P. Fekete,
Jan van der Veen:
The Erlangen Slot Machine - A Platform for Interdisciplinary Research in Dynamically Reconfigurable Computing (ESM - Eine Hardware-Plattform für interdisziplinäre Forschung im Bereich des dynamischen rekonfigurierbaren Rechnens).
it - Information Technology 49(3): 143- (2007) |
2006 |
112 | EE | Sándor P. Fekete,
Jan van der Veen,
Mateusz Majer,
Jürgen Teich:
Minimizing Communication Cost for Reconfigurable Slot Modules.
FPL 2006: 1-6 |
111 | EE | Janina A. Brenner,
Jan van der Veen,
Sándor P. Fekete,
Julio A. de Oliveira Filho,
Wolfgang Rosenstiel:
Optimal Simultaneous Scheduling, Binding and Routing for Processor-Like Reconfigurable Architectures.
FPL 2006: 1-6 |
110 | EE | Sándor P. Fekete,
Alexander Kröller,
Carsten Buschmann,
Stefan Fischer:
Geometric Distance Estimation for Sensor Networks and Unit Disk Graphs.
Geometric Networks and Metric Space Embeddings 2006 |
109 | EE | Axel Wegener,
Elad Michael Schiller,
Horst Hellbrück,
Sándor P. Fekete,
Stefan Fischer:
Hovering Data Clouds: A Decentralized and Self-organizing Information System.
IWSOS/EuroNGI 2006: 243-247 |
108 | EE | Sándor P. Fekete,
Rudolf Fleischer,
Rolf Klein,
Alejandro López-Ortiz:
06421 Abstracts Collection -- Robot Navigation.
Robot Navigation 2006 |
107 | EE | Sándor P. Fekete,
Rudolf Fleischer,
Rolf Klein,
Alejandro López-Ortiz:
06421 Executive Summary -- Robot Navigation.
Robot Navigation 2006 |
106 | EE | Sándor P. Fekete,
Christiane Schmidt:
Polygon Exploration with Discrete Vision.
Robot Navigation 2006 |
105 | EE | Alexander Kröller,
Sándor P. Fekete,
Dennis Pfisterer,
Stefan Fischer:
Deterministic boundary recognition and topology extraction for large sensor networks.
SODA 2006: 1000-1009 |
104 | EE | Helmut Alt,
Esther M. Arkin,
Hervé Brönnimann,
Jeff Erickson,
Sándor P. Fekete,
Christian Knauer,
Jonathan Lenchner,
Joseph S. B. Mitchell,
Kim Whittlesey:
Minimum-cost coverage of point sets by disks.
Symposium on Computational Geometry 2006: 449-458 |
103 | EE | Sándor P. Fekete,
Alexander Kröller:
Geometry-based reasoning for a large sensor network.
Symposium on Computational Geometry 2006: 475-476 |
102 | EE | Robert Connelly,
Erik D. Demaine,
Martin L. Demaine,
Sándor P. Fekete,
Stefan Langerman,
Joseph S. B. Mitchell,
Ares Ribó,
Günter Rote:
Locked and unlocked chains of planar shapes.
Symposium on Computational Geometry 2006: 61-70 |
101 | EE | Esther M. Arkin,
Michael A. Bender,
Sándor P. Fekete,
Joseph S. B. Mitchell,
Martin Skutella:
The Freeze-Tag Problem: How to Wake Up a Swarm ofRobots.
Algorithmica 46(2): 193-221 (2006) |
100 | EE | Esther M. Arkin,
Hervé Brönnimann,
Jeff Erickson,
Sándor P. Fekete,
Christian Knauer,
Jonathan Lenchner,
Joseph S. B. Mitchell,
Kim Whittlesey:
Minimum-Cost Coverage of Point Sets by Disks
CoRR abs/cs/0604008: (2006) |
99 | EE | Robert Connelly,
Erik D. Demaine,
Martin L. Demaine,
Sándor P. Fekete,
Stefan Langerman,
Joseph S. B. Mitchell,
Ares Ribó,
Günter Rote:
Locked and Unlocked Chains of Planar Shapes
CoRR abs/cs/0604022: (2006) |
98 | EE | Sándor P. Fekete,
Jörg Schepers,
Jan van der Veen:
An exact algorithm for higher-dimensional orthogonal packing
CoRR abs/cs/0604045: (2006) |
97 | EE | Sándor P. Fekete,
Rolf Klein,
Andreas Nüchter:
Online searching with an autonomous robot.
Comput. Geom. 34(2): 102-115 (2006) |
96 | EE | Janina A. Brenner,
Sándor P. Fekete,
Jan van der Veen:
Simultaneous Scheduling, Binding and Routing for Coarse-Grain Reconfigurable Architectures.
Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 25: 21-22 (2006) |
95 | EE | Sándor P. Fekete,
Ekkehard Köhler,
Jürgen Teich:
Higher-Dimensional Packing with Order Constraints.
SIAM J. Discrete Math. 20(4): 1056-1078 (2006) |
94 | EE | Erik D. Demaine,
Sándor P. Fekete,
Shmuel Gal:
Online searching with turn cost.
Theor. Comput. Sci. 361(2-3): 342-355 (2006) |
2005 |
93 | EE | Sándor P. Fekete,
Alexander Kröller,
Dennis Pfisterer,
Stefan Fischer:
Deterministic boundary recongnition and topology extraction for large sensor networks.
Algorithmic Aspects of Large and Complex Networks 2005 |
92 | EE | Sándor P. Fekete,
Rolf Klein,
Andreas Nüchter:
Searching with an Autonomous Robot.
Algorithms for Optimization with Incomplete Information 2005 |
91 | EE | Sándor P. Fekete,
Michael Kaufmann,
Alexander Kröller,
Katharina Anna Lehmann:
A New Approach for Boundary Recognition in Geometric Sensor Networks.
CCCG 2005: 84-87 |
90 | | Jan van der Veen,
Sándor P. Fekete,
Mateusz Majer,
Ali Ahmadinia,
Christophe Bobda,
Frank Hannig,
Jürgen Teich:
Defragmenting the Module Layout of a Partially Reconfigurable Device.
ERSA 2005: 92-104 |
89 | EE | Christophe Bobda,
Mateusz Majer,
Ali Ahmadinia,
Thomas Haller,
André Linarth,
Jürgen Teich,
Sándor P. Fekete,
Jan van der Veen:
The Erlangen Slot Machine: A Highly Flexible FPGA-Based Reconfigurable Platform.
FCCM 2005: 319-320 |
88 | | Christophe Bobda,
Ali Ahmadinia,
Mateusz Majer,
Jürgen Teich,
Sándor P. Fekete,
Jan van der Veen:
DyNoC: A Dynamic Infrastructure for Communication in Dynamically Reconfigurable Devices.
FPL 2005: 153-158 |
87 | EE | Ali Ahmadinia,
Christophe Bobda,
Ji Ding,
Mateusz Majer,
Jürgen Teich,
Sándor P. Fekete,
Jan van der Veen:
A Practical Approach for Circuit Routing on Dynamic Reconfigurable Devices.
IEEE International Workshop on Rapid System Prototyping 2005: 84-90 |
86 | EE | Michael A. Bender,
David P. Bunde,
Erik D. Demaine,
Sándor P. Fekete,
Vitus J. Leung,
Henk Meijer,
Cynthia A. Phillips:
Communication-Aware Processor Allocation for Supercomputers.
WADS 2005: 169-181 |
85 | EE | Alexander Kröller,
Dennis Pfisterer,
Carsten Buschmann,
Sándor P. Fekete,
Stefan Fischer:
Shawn: A new approach to simulating wireless sensor networks
CoRR abs/cs/0502003: (2005) |
84 | EE | Alexander Kröller,
Sándor P. Fekete,
Carsten Buschmann,
Stefan Fischer,
Dennis Pfisterer:
Koordinatenfreies Lokationsbewusstsein (Localization without Coordinates)
CoRR abs/cs/0502069: (2005) |
83 | EE | Ali Ahmadinia,
Christophe Bobda,
Ji Ding,
Mateusz Majer,
Jürgen Teich,
Sándor P. Fekete,
Jan van der Veen:
A Practical Approach for Circuit Routing on Dynamic Reconfigurable Devices
CoRR abs/cs/0503066: (2005) |
82 | EE | Jan van der Veen,
Sándor P. Fekete,
Ali Ahmadinia,
Christophe Bobda,
Frank Hannig,
Jürgen Teich:
Defragmenting the Module Layout of a Partially Reconfigurable Device
CoRR abs/cs/0505005: (2005) |
81 | EE | Sándor P. Fekete,
Michael Kaufmann,
Alexander Kröller,
Katharina Anna Lehmann:
A New Approach for Boundary Recognition in Geometric Sensor Networks
CoRR abs/cs/0508006: (2005) |
80 | EE | Christophe Bobda,
Ali Ahmadinia,
Mateusz Majer,
Jürgen Teich,
Sándor P. Fekete,
Jan van der Veen:
DyNoC: A Dynamic Infrastructure for Communication in Dynamically Reconfigurable Devices
CoRR abs/cs/0510039: (2005) |
79 | EE | Alexander Kröller,
Sándor P. Fekete,
Dennis Pfisterer,
Stefan Fischer:
Deterministic boundary recognition and topology extraction for large sensor networks
CoRR abs/cs/0510048: (2005) |
78 | EE | Sándor P. Fekete,
Henk Meijer:
The one-round Voronoi game replayed.
Comput. Geom. 30(2): 81-94 (2005) |
77 | EE | Esther M. Arkin,
Michael A. Bender,
Erik D. Demaine,
Sándor P. Fekete,
Joseph S. B. Mitchell,
Saurabh Sethia:
Optimal Covering Tours with Turn Costs.
SIAM J. Comput. 35(3): 531-566 (2005) |
76 | EE | Sándor P. Fekete,
Alexander Kröller,
Carsten Buschmann,
Stefan Fischer,
Dennis Pfisterer:
Koordinatenfreies Lokationsbewusstsein (Localization without Coordinates).
it - Information Technology 47(2): 70-78 (2005) |
2004 |
75 | EE | Sándor P. Fekete,
Alexander Kröller,
Dennis Pfisterer,
Stefan Fischer,
Carsten Buschmann:
Neighborhood-Based Topology Recognition in Sensor Networks.
ALGOSENSORS 2004: 123-136 |
74 | EE | Ali Ahmadinia,
Christophe Bobda,
Sándor P. Fekete,
Jürgen Teich,
Jan van der Veen:
Optimal Routing-Conscious Dynamic Placement for Reconfigurable Devices.
FPL 2004: 847-851 |
73 | EE | Sándor P. Fekete,
Marco E. Lübbecke,
Henk Meijer:
Minimizing the stabbing number of matchings, trees, and triangulations.
SODA 2004: 437-446 |
72 | EE | Carsten Buschmann,
Dennis Pfisterer,
Stefan Fischer,
Sándor P. Fekete,
Alexander Kröller:
SpyGlass: taking a closer look at sensor networks.
SenSys 2004: 301-302 |
71 | EE | Sándor P. Fekete,
Rolf Klein,
Andreas Nüchter:
Searching with an autonomous robot.
Symposium on Computational Geometry 2004: 449-450 |
70 | EE | Sándor P. Fekete,
Jörg Schepers:
A General Framework for Bounds for Higher-Dimensional Orthogonal Packing Problems
CoRR cs.DS/0402044: (2004) |
69 | EE | Esther M. Arkin,
Michael A. Bender,
Sándor P. Fekete,
Joseph S. B. Mitchell,
Martin Skutella:
The Freeze-Tag Problem: How to Wake Up a Swarm of Robots
CoRR cs.DS/0402045: (2004) |
68 | EE | Sándor P. Fekete,
Alexander Kröller,
Dennis Pfisterer,
Stefan Fischer,
Carsten Buschmann:
Neighborhood-Based Topology Recognition in Sensor Networks
CoRR cs.DS/0405058: (2004) |
67 | EE | Ali Ahmadinia,
Christophe Bobda,
Sándor P. Fekete,
Jürgen Teich,
Jan van der Veen:
Optimal Routing-Conscious Dynamic Placement for Reconfigurable Devices
CoRR cs.DS/0406035: (2004) |
66 | EE | Erik D. Demaine,
Sándor P. Fekete,
Shmuel Gal:
Online Searching with Turn Cost
CoRR cs.DS/0406045: (2004) |
65 | EE | Michael A. Bender,
David P. Bunde,
Erik D. Demaine,
Sándor P. Fekete,
Vitus J. Leung,
Henk Meijer,
Cynthia A. Phillips:
Communication-Aware Processor Allocation for Supercomputers
CoRR cs.DS/0407058: (2004) |
64 | EE | Sándor P. Fekete,
Rolf Klein,
Andreas Nüchter:
Online Searching with an Autonomous Robot
CoRR cs.RO/0404036: (2004) |
63 | EE | Sándor P. Fekete,
Jörg Schepers:
A Combinatorial Characterization of Higher-Dimensional Orthogonal Packing.
Math. Oper. Res. 29(2): 353-368 (2004) |
62 | EE | Sándor P. Fekete,
Rudolf Fleischer,
Aviezri S. Fraenkel,
Matthias Schmitt:
Traveling salesmen in the presence of competition.
Theor. Comput. Sci. 303(3): 377-392 (2004) |
2003 |
61 | EE | Tien-Ruey Hsiang,
Esther M. Arkin,
Michael A. Bender,
Sándor P. Fekete,
Joseph S. B. Mitchell:
Online dispersion algorithms for swarms of robots.
Symposium on Computational Geometry 2003: 382-383 |
60 | EE | Sándor P. Fekete,
Henk Meijer:
The One-Round Voronoi Game Replayed.
WADS 2003: 150-171 |
59 | EE | Sándor P. Fekete,
Henk Meijer:
Maximum Dispersion and Geometric Maximum Weight Cliques.
Algorithmica 38(3): 501-511 (2003) |
58 | EE | Sándor P. Fekete,
Henk Meijer:
The one-round Voronoi game replayed
CoRR cs.CG/0305016: (2003) |
57 | EE | Sándor P. Fekete,
Joseph S. B. Mitchell,
Karin Beurer:
On the continuous Fermat-Weber problem
CoRR cs.CG/0310027: (2003) |
56 | EE | Sándor P. Fekete,
Marco E. Lübbecke,
Henk Meijer:
Minimizing the stabbing number of matchings, trees, and triangulations
CoRR cs.CG/0310034: (2003) |
55 | EE | Sándor P. Fekete,
Ekkehard Köhler,
Jürgen Teich:
Higher-Dimensional Packing with Order Constraints
CoRR cs.DS/0308006: (2003) |
54 | EE | Esther M. Arkin,
Michael A. Bender,
Erik D. Demaine,
Sándor P. Fekete,
Joseph S. B. Mitchell,
Saurabh Sethia:
Optimal Covering Tours with Turn Costs
CoRR cs.DS/0309014: (2003) |
53 | EE | Sándor P. Fekete,
Jörg Schepers:
A combinatorial characterization of higher-dimensional orthogonal packing
CoRR cs.DS/0310032: (2003) |
52 | EE | Sándor P. Fekete,
Henk Meijer:
Maximum dispersion and geometric maximum weight cliques
CoRR cs.DS/0310037: (2003) |
51 | | Esther M. Arkin,
Sándor P. Fekete,
Joseph S. B. Mitchell:
An algorithmic study of manufacturing paperclips and other folded structures.
Comput. Geom. 25(1-2): 117-138 (2003) |
50 | EE | Sándor P. Fekete,
Martin Skutella,
Gerhard J. Woeginger:
The complexity of economic equilibria for house allocation markets.
Inf. Process. Lett. 88(5): 219-223 (2003) |
49 | EE | Alexander I. Barvinok,
Sándor P. Fekete,
David S. Johnson,
Arie Tamir,
Gerhard J. Woeginger,
Russell Woodroofe:
The geometric maximum traveling salesman problem.
J. ACM 50(5): 641-664 (2003) |
2002 |
48 | EE | Esther M. Arkin,
Michael A. Bender,
Sándor P. Fekete,
Joseph S. B. Mitchell,
Martin Skutella:
The freeze-tag problem: how to wake up a swarm of robots.
SODA 2002: 568-577 |
47 | EE | Sándor P. Fekete,
Henk Meijer,
André Rohe,
Walter Tietze:
Solving a "Hard" Problem to Approximate an "Easy" One: Heuristics for Maximum Matchings and Maximum Traveling Salesman Problems.
ACM Journal of Experimental Algorithmics 7: 11 (2002) |
46 | EE | Sándor P. Fekete,
Rudolf Fleischer,
Aviezri S. Fraenkel,
Matthias Schmitt:
Traveling Salesmen in the Presence of Competition
CoRR cs.CC/0212001: (2002) |
45 | EE | Esther M. Arkin,
Sándor P. Fekete,
Joseph S. B. Mitchell:
An Algorithmic Study of Manufacturing Paperclips and Other Folded Structures
CoRR cs.CG/0209034: (2002) |
44 | EE | Esther M. Arkin,
Sándor P. Fekete,
Ferran Hurtado,
Joseph S. B. Mitchell,
Marc Noy,
Vera Sacristan,
Saurabh Sethia:
On the Reflexivity of Point Sets
CoRR cs.CG/0210003: (2002) |
43 | EE | Alexander I. Barvinok,
Sándor P. Fekete,
David S. Johnson,
Arie Tamir,
Gerhard J. Woeginger,
Russell Woodroofe:
The Geometric Maximum Traveling Salesman Problem
CoRR cs.DS/0204024: (2002) |
42 | EE | Sándor P. Fekete,
Samir Khuller,
Monika Klemmstein,
Balaji Raghavachari,
Neal E. Young:
A Network-Flow Technique for Finding Low-Weight Bounded-Degree Spanning Trees
CoRR cs.DS/0205050: (2002) |
41 | EE | Sándor P. Fekete,
Henk Meijer,
André Rohe,
Walter Tietze:
Solving a "Hard" Problem to Approximate an "Easy" One: Heuristics for Maximum Matchings and Maximum Traveling Salesman Problems
CoRR cs.DS/0212044: (2002) |
40 | EE | Tien-Ruey Hsiang,
Esther M. Arkin,
Michael A. Bender,
Sándor P. Fekete,
Joseph S. B. Mitchell:
Algorithms for Rapidly Dispersing Robot Swarms in Unknown Environments
CoRR cs.RO/0212022: (2002) |
2001 |
39 | EE | Sándor P. Fekete,
Henk Meijer,
André Rohe,
Walter Tietze:
Solving a "Hard" Problem to Approximate an "Easy" One: Heuristics for Maximum Matchings and Maximum Traveling Salesman Problems.
ALENEX 2001: 1-16 |
38 | EE | Sándor P. Fekete,
Ekkehard Köhler,
Jürgen Teich:
Optimal FPGA module placement with temporal precedence constraints.
DATE 2001: 658-667 |
37 | EE | Esther M. Arkin,
Michael A. Bender,
Erik D. Demaine,
Sándor P. Fekete,
Joseph S. B. Mitchell,
Saurabh Sethia:
Optimal covering tours with turn costs.
SODA 2001: 138-147 |
36 | EE | Esther M. Arkin,
Sándor P. Fekete,
Ferran Hurtado,
Joseph S. B. Mitchell,
Marc Noy,
Vera Sacristan,
Saurabh Sethia:
On the Reflexivity of Point Sets.
WADS 2001: 192-204 |
35 | EE | Sándor P. Fekete,
Ekkehard Köhler,
Jürgen Teich:
Higher-Dimensional Packing with Order Constraints.
WADS 2001: 300-312 |
34 | EE | Christoph Baur,
Sándor P. Fekete:
Approximation of Geometric Dispersion Problems.
Algorithmica 30(3): 451-470 (2001) |
33 | | Sándor P. Fekete,
Jana Kremer:
Tree spanners in planar graphs.
Discrete Applied Mathematics 108(1-2): 85-103 (2001) |
32 | EE | Sándor P. Fekete,
Robert T. Firla,
Bianca Spille:
Matching as the Intersection of Matroids.
Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 10: 96-99 (2001) |
31 | EE | Sándor P. Fekete,
Ekkehard Köhler,
Jürgen Teich:
Extending Partial Suborders.
Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 8: 34-37 (2001) |
30 | | Sándor P. Fekete,
Joseph S. B. Mitchell:
Terrain Decomposition and Layered Manufacturing.
Int. J. Comput. Geometry Appl. 11(6): 647-668 (2001) |
29 | | Jürgen Teich,
Sándor P. Fekete,
Jörg Schepers:
Optimization of Dynamic Hardware Reconfigurations.
The Journal of Supercomputing 19(1): 57-75 (2001) |
2000 |
28 | EE | Sándor P. Fekete,
Henk Meijer:
Maximum dispersion and geometric maximum weight cliques.
APPROX 2000: 132-143 |
27 | EE | Sándor P. Fekete,
Joseph S. B. Mitchell,
Karin Weinbrecht:
On the continuous Weber and k-median problems (extended abstract).
Symposium on Computational Geometry 2000: 70-79 |
26 | | Esther M. Arkin,
Sándor P. Fekete,
Joseph S. B. Mitchell:
Approximation algorithms for lawn mowing and milling.
Comput. Geom. 17(1-2): 25-50 (2000) |
25 | EE | Sándor P. Fekete:
On Simple Polygonalizations with Optimal Area.
Discrete & Computational Geometry 23(1): 73-110 (2000) |
24 | | Sándor P. Fekete,
Henk Meijer:
On Minimum Stars and Maximum Matchings.
Discrete & Computational Geometry 23(3): 389-407 (2000) |
1999 |
23 | EE | Markus Eiglsperger,
Sándor P. Fekete,
Gunnar W. Klau:
Orthogonal Graph Drawing.
Drawing Graphs 1999: 121-171 |
22 | | Jürgen Teich,
Sándor P. Fekete,
Jörg Schepers:
Compile-time Optimization of Dynamic Hardware Reconfigurations.
PDPTA 1999: 1097-1103 |
21 | EE | Sándor P. Fekete:
Simplicity and Hardness of the Maximum Traveling Salesman Problem Under Geometric Distances.
SODA 1999: 337-345 |
20 | EE | Sándor P. Fekete,
Henk Meijer:
On Minimum Stars, Minimum Steiner Stars, and Maximum Matchings.
Symposium on Computational Geometry 1999: 217-226 |
19 | | Sándor P. Fekete,
Henk Meijer:
Rectangle and Box Visibility Graphs in 3D.
Int. J. Comput. Geometry Appl. 9(1): 1- (1999) |
1998 |
18 | EE | Christoph Baur,
Sándor P. Fekete:
Approximation of Geometric Dispersion Problems.
APPROX 1998: 63-75 |
17 | EE | Sándor P. Fekete,
Jörg Schepers:
New Classes of Lower Bounds for Bin Packing Problems.
IPCO 1998: 257-270 |
16 | EE | Edward J. Anderson,
Sándor P. Fekete:
Asymmetric Rendezvous on the Plane.
Symposium on Computational Geometry 1998: 365-373 |
15 | | Sándor P. Fekete,
Jana Kremer:
Tree Spanners in Planar Graphs.
WG 1998: 298-309 |
14 | EE | Sándor P. Fekete,
William R. Pulleyblank:
Traveling the Boundary of Minkowski Sums.
Inf. Process. Lett. 66(4): 171-174 (1998) |
13 | EE | Prosenjit Bose,
Hazel Everett,
Sándor P. Fekete,
Michael E. Houle,
Anna Lubiw,
Henk Meijer,
Kathleen Romanik,
Günter Rote,
Thomas C. Shermer,
Sue Whitesides,
Christian Zelle:
A Visibility Representation for Graphs in Three Dimensions.
J. Graph Algorithms Appl. 2(2): (1998) |
12 | | Ulrich Faigle,
Walter Kern,
Sándor P. Fekete,
Winfried Hochstättler:
The nucleon of cooperative games and an algorithm for matching games.
Math. Program. 83: 195-211 (1998) |
1997 |
11 | | Sándor P. Fekete,
Jörg Schepers:
A New Exact Algorithm for General Orthogonal D-Dimensional Knapsack Problems.
ESA 1997: 144-156 |
10 | | Sándor P. Fekete,
Michael E. Houle,
Sue Whitesides:
The Wobbly Logic Engine: Proving Hardness of Non-rigid Geometric Graph Representation Problems.
Graph Drawing 1997: 272-283 |
9 | | Sándor P. Fekete,
Gerhard J. Woeginger:
Angle-Restricted Tours in the Plane.
Comput. Geom. 8: 195-218 (1997) |
8 | | Sándor P. Fekete,
Samir Khuller,
Monika Klemmstein,
Balaji Raghavachari,
Neal E. Young:
A Network-Flow Technique for Finding Low-Weight Bounded-Degree Spanning Trees.
J. Algorithms 24(2): 310-324 (1997) |
1996 |
7 | | Sándor P. Fekete,
Samir Khuller,
Monika Klemmstein,
Balaji Raghavachari,
Neal E. Young:
A Network-Flow Technique for Finding Low-Weight Bounded-Degree Spanning Trees.
IPCO 1996: 105-117 |
1995 |
6 | | Sándor P. Fekete,
Michael E. Houle,
Sue Whitesides:
New Results on a Visibility Representation of Graphs in 3D.
Graph Drawing 1995: 234-241 |
5 | EE | Ulrich Faigle,
Sándor P. Fekete,
Winfried Hochstättler,
Walter Kern:
On the Complexity of Testing Membership in the Core of min-Cost Spanning Tree Games
Electronic Colloquium on Computational Complexity (ECCC) 2(12): (1995) |
4 | EE | Ulrich Faigle,
Sándor P. Fekete,
Winfried Hochstättler,
Walter Kern:
On Approximately Fair Cost Allocation in Euclidean TSP Games
Electronic Colloquium on Computational Complexity (ECCC) 2(16): (1995) |
3 | EE | Ulrich Faigle,
Sándor P. Fekete,
Winfried Hochstättler,
Walter Kern:
The Nucleon of Cooperative Games and an Algorithm for Matching Games
Electronic Colloquium on Computational Complexity (ECCC) 2(7): (1995) |
1993 |
2 | | Esther M. Arkin,
Sándor P. Fekete,
Joseph S. B. Mitchell:
The Lawnmower Problem.
CCCG 1993: 461-466 |
1 | EE | Sándor P. Fekete,
William R. Pulleyblank:
Area Optimization of Simple Polygons.
Symposium on Computational Geometry 1993: 173-182 |