2008 |
126 | EE | Evmorfia Argyriou,
Michael A. Bekos,
Michael Kaufmann,
Antonios Symvonis:
Two Polynomial Time Algorithms for the Metro-line Crossing Minimization Problem.
Graph Drawing 2008: 336-347 |
125 | EE | Michael Kaufmann,
Marc J. van Kreveld,
Bettina Speckmann:
Subdivision Drawings of Hypergraphs.
Graph Drawing 2008: 396-407 |
124 | EE | Philip Effinger,
Michael Kaufmann,
Martin Siebenhaller:
Enhancing Visualizations of Business Processes.
Graph Drawing 2008: 437-438 |
123 | EE | Stephan Kottler,
Michael Kaufmann,
Carsten Sinz:
Computation of Renameable Horn Backdoors.
SAT 2008: 154-160 |
122 | EE | Stephan Kottler,
Michael Kaufmann,
Carsten Sinz:
A New Bound for an NP-Hard Subclass of 3-SAT Using Backdoors.
SAT 2008: 161-167 |
121 | EE | Michael A. Bekos,
Michael Kaufmann,
Martin Nöllenburg,
Antonios Symvonis:
Boundary Labeling with Octilinear Leaders.
SWAT 2008: 234-245 |
120 | EE | Vida Dujmovic,
Henning Fernau,
Michael Kaufmann:
Fixed parameter algorithms for one-sided crossing minimization revisited.
J. Discrete Algorithms 6(2): 313-323 (2008) |
119 | EE | Michael Kaufmann,
Dorothea Wagner:
Guest Editor's Foreword.
J. Graph Algorithms Appl. 12(1): 3-4 (2008) |
118 | EE | Michael A. Bekos,
Michael Kaufmann,
Antonios Symvonis:
Efficient Labeling of Collinear Sites.
J. Graph Algorithms Appl. 12(3): 357-380 (2008) |
2007 |
117 | | Michael Kaufmann,
Dorothea Wagner:
Graph Drawing, 14th International Symposium, GD 2006, Karlsruhe, Germany, September 18-20, 2006. Revised Papers
Springer 2007 |
116 | EE | Dennis Goehlsdorf,
Michael Kaufmann,
Martin Siebenhaller:
Placing connected components of disconnected graphs.
APVIS 2007: 101-108 |
115 | EE | Michael A. Bekos,
Michael Kaufmann,
Antonios Symvonis:
Labeling collinear sites.
APVIS 2007: 45-51 |
114 | EE | Ulrik Brandes,
Cesim Erten,
J. Joseph Fowler,
Fabrizio Frati,
Markus Geyer,
Carsten Gutwenger,
Seok-Hee Hong,
Michael Kaufmann,
Stephen G. Kobourov,
Giuseppe Liotta,
Petra Mutzel,
Antonios Symvonis:
Colored Simultaneous Geometric Embeddings.
COCOON 2007: 254-263 |
113 | EE | Michael A. Bekos,
Michael Kaufmann,
Katerina Potika,
Antonios Symvonis:
Line Crossing Minimization on Metro Maps.
Graph Drawing 2007: 231-242 |
112 | EE | Fabrizio Frati,
Michael Kaufmann,
Stephen G. Kobourov:
Constrained Simultaneous and Near-Simultaneous Embeddings.
Graph Drawing 2007: 268-279 |
111 | EE | Michael Kaufmann:
Polynomial Area Bounds for MST Embeddings of Trees.
Graph Drawing 2007: 88-100 |
110 | EE | Fabrizio Frati,
Markus Geyer,
Michael Kaufmann:
Packing and Squeezing Subgraphs into Planar Graphs.
MFCS 2007: 394-405 |
109 | EE | Ulrike von Luxburg,
Sébastien Bubeck,
Stefanie Jegelka,
Michael Kaufmann:
Consistent Minimization of Clustering Objective Functions.
NIPS 2007 |
108 | EE | Michael A. Bekos,
Michael Kaufmann,
Antonios Symvonis,
Alexander Wolff:
Boundary labeling: Models and efficient algorithms for rectangular maps.
Comput. Geom. 36(3): 215-236 (2007) |
2006 |
107 | EE | Michael A. Bekos,
Michael Kaufmann,
Katerina Potika,
Antonios Symvonis:
Polygon labelling of minimum leader length.
APVIS 2006: 15-21 |
106 | EE | Danny Krizanc,
Michael Kaufmann,
Pierre Fraigniaud,
Christos D. Zaroliagis:
Topic 12: Theory and Algorithms for Parallel Computation.
Euro-Par 2006: 799 |
105 | EE | Michael A. Bekos,
Michael Kaufmann,
Katerina Potika,
Antonios Symvonis:
Multi-stack Boundary Labeling Problems.
FSTTCS 2006: 81-92 |
104 | EE | Michael Kaufmann,
Jan Kratochvíl,
Katharina Anna Lehmann,
Amarendran R. Subramanian:
Max-tolerance graphs as intersection graphs: cliques, cycles, and recognition.
SODA 2006: 832-841 |
103 | EE | Martin Siebenhaller,
Michael Kaufmann:
Drawing activity diagrams.
SOFTVIS 2006: 159-160 |
102 | EE | Wolfgang Blochinger,
Michael Kaufmann,
Martin Siebenhaller:
Visualization aided performance tuning of irregular task-parallel computations.
Information Visualization 5(2): 81-94 (2006) |
101 | EE | Jan Küntzer,
Torsten Blum,
Andreas Gerasch,
Christina Backes,
Andreas Hildebrandt,
Michael Kaufmann,
Oliver Kohlbacher,
Hans-Peter Lenhof:
BN++ - A Biological Information System.
J. Integrative Bioinformatics 3(2): (2006) |
2005 |
100 | EE | Sándor P. Fekete,
Michael Kaufmann,
Alexander Kröller,
Katharina Anna Lehmann:
A New Approach for Boundary Recognition in Geometric Sensor Networks.
CCCG 2005: 84-87 |
99 | EE | Henning Fernau,
Michael Kaufmann,
Mathias Poths:
Comparing Trees Via Crossing Minimization.
FSTTCS 2005: 457-469 |
98 | EE | Katharina Anna Lehmann,
Michael Kaufmann:
Evolutionary algorithms for the self-organized evolution of networks.
GECCO 2005: 563-570 |
97 | EE | Markus Geyer,
Michael Kaufmann,
Imrich Vrto:
Two Trees Which Are Self-intersecting When Drawn Simultaneously.
Graph Drawing 2005: 201-210 |
96 | EE | Martin Siebenhaller,
Michael Kaufmann:
Mixed Upward Planarization - Fast and Robust.
Graph Drawing 2005: 522-523 |
95 | EE | Michael A. Bekos,
Michael Kaufmann,
Katerina Potika,
Antonios Symvonis:
Boundary Labelling of Optimal Total Leader Length.
Panhellenic Conference on Informatics 2005: 80-89 |
94 | EE | Katharina Anna Lehmann,
Michael Kaufmann:
Random Graphs, Small-Worlds and Scale-Free Networks.
Peer-to-Peer Systems and Applications 2005: 57-76 |
93 | EE | Wolfgang Blochinger,
Michael Kaufmann,
Martin Siebenhaller:
Visualizing structural properties of irregular parallel computations.
SOFTVIS 2005: 125-134 |
92 | EE | Amarendran R. Subramanian,
Jan Weyer-Menkhoff,
Michael Kaufmann,
Burkhard Morgenstern:
DIALIGN-T: An improved algorithm for segment-based multiple sequence alignment.
BMC Bioinformatics 6: 66 (2005) |
91 | EE | Sándor P. Fekete,
Michael Kaufmann,
Alexander Kröller,
Katharina Anna Lehmann:
A New Approach for Boundary Recognition in Geometric Sensor Networks
CoRR abs/cs/0508006: (2005) |
2004 |
90 | EE | Markus Eiglsperger,
Martin Siebenhaller,
Michael Kaufmann:
An Efficient Implementation of Sugiyama's Algorithm for Layered Graph Drawing.
Graph Drawing 2004: 155-166 |
89 | EE | Michael A. Bekos,
Michael Kaufmann,
Antonios Symvonis,
Alexander Wolff:
Boundary Labeling: Models and Efficient Algorithms for Rectangular Maps.
Graph Drawing 2004: 49-59 |
88 | EE | Martin Schmollinger,
Kay Nieselt,
Michael Kaufmann,
Burkhard Morgenstern:
DIALIGN P: Fast pair-wise and multiple sequence alignment using parallel processors.
BMC Bioinformatics 5: 128 (2004) |
87 | EE | Florian Meereis,
Michael Kaufmann:
PCOGR: Phylogenetic COG ranking as an online tool to judge the specificity of COGs with respect to freely definable groups of organisms.
BMC Bioinformatics 5: 150 (2004) |
86 | EE | Markus Eiglsperger,
Carsten Gutwenger,
Michael Kaufmann,
Joachim Kupke,
Michael Jünger,
Sebastian Leipert,
Karsten Klein,
Petra Mutzel,
Martin Siebenhaller:
Automatic layout of UML class diagrams in orthogonal style.
Information Visualization 3(3): 189-208 (2004) |
2003 |
85 | EE | Christos Kaklamanis,
Danny Krizanc,
Pierre Fraigniaud,
Michael Kaufmann:
Topic Introduction.
Euro-Par 2003: 884 |
84 | EE | Vida Dujmovic,
Henning Fernau,
Michael Kaufmann:
Fixed Parameter Algorithms for one-sided crossing minimization Revisited.
Graph Drawing 2003: 332-344 |
83 | | Markus Eiglsperger,
Michael Kaufmann,
Martin Siebenhaller:
A Topology-Shape-Metrics Approach for the Automatic Layout of UML Class Diagram.
SOFTVIS 2003: 189-198 |
82 | | Klaus Reichard,
Michael Kaufmann:
EPPS: mining the COG database by an extended phylogenetic patterns search.
Bioinformatics 19(6): 784-785 (2003) |
81 | EE | Martin Schmollinger,
Michael Kaufmann:
Designing Parallel Algorithms for Hierarchical SMP Clusters.
Int. J. Found. Comput. Sci. 14(1): 59-78 (2003) |
80 | EE | Markus Eiglsperger,
Michael Kaufmann,
Frank Eppinger:
An Approach for Mixed Upward Planarization.
J. Graph Algorithms Appl. 7(2): 203-220 (2003) |
2002 |
79 | | Marite Sirava,
T. Schäfer,
Markus Eiglsperger,
Michael Kaufmann,
Oliver Kohlbacher,
Erich Bornberg-Bauer,
Hans-Peter Lenhof:
BioMiner - modeling, analyzing, and visualizing biochemical pathways and networks.
ECCB 2002: 219-230 |
78 | EE | Thomas Krätschmer,
Michael Kaufmann:
Electronic brainstorming with graphical structures of ideas.
ECIS 2002 |
77 | | Michael Kaufmann:
Graph Drawing Algorithms for Bioinformatics.
GI Jahrestagung (Ergänzungsband) 2002: 65-65 |
76 | EE | Ulrik Brandes,
Markus Eiglsperger,
Michael Kaufmann,
Dorothea Wagner:
Sketch-Driven Orthogonal Graph Drawing.
Graph Drawing 2002: 1-11 |
75 | EE | Michael Kaufmann,
Roland Wiese:
Maintaining the Mental Map for Circular Drawings.
Graph Drawing 2002: 12-22 |
74 | EE | Martin Schmollinger,
Michael Kaufmann:
Algorithms for SMP-Clusters Dense Matrix-Vector Multiplication.
IPDPS 2002 |
73 | EE | Ezekiel F. Adebiyi,
Michael Kaufmann:
Extracting Common Motifs under the Levenshtein Measure: Theory and Experimentation.
WABI 2002: 140-156 |
72 | EE | Michael Kaufmann,
Roland Wiese:
Embedding Vertices at Points: Few Bends Suffice for Planar Graphs.
J. Graph Algorithms Appl. 6(1): 115-129 (2002) |
71 | EE | Michael Kaufmann:
Guest Editor's Foreword.
J. Graph Algorithms Appl. 6(3): 177-178 (2002) |
2001 |
70 | | Michael Kaufmann,
Dorothea Wagner:
Drawing Graphs, Methods and Models (the book grow out of a Dagstuhl Seminar, April 1999).
Springer 2001 |
69 | EE | Markus Eiglsperger,
Michael Kaufmann:
Fast Compaction for Orthogonal Drawings with Vertices of Prescribed Size.
Graph Drawing 2001: 124-138 |
68 | EE | Roland Wiese,
Markus Eiglsperger,
Michael Kaufmann:
yFiles: Visualization and Automatic Layout of Graphs.
Graph Drawing 2001: 453-454 |
67 | | Ezekiel F. Adebiyi,
Tao Jiang,
Michael Kaufmann:
An efficient algorithm for finding short approximate non-tandem repeats.
ISMB (Supplement of Bioinformatics) 2001: 5-12 |
66 | EE | Boris Diebold,
Michael Kaufmann:
Usage-based Visualization of Web Locations.
InVis.au 2001: 159-164 |
65 | EE | Martin Schmollinger,
Michael Kaufmann:
kappa NUMA: A Model for Clusters of SMP-Machines.
PPAM 2001: 42-50 |
64 | EE | Markus Eiglsperger,
Michael Kaufmann:
An Approach for Mixed Upward Planarization.
WADS 2001: 352-364 |
2000 |
63 | EE | Markus Eiglsperger,
Ulrich Fößmeier,
Michael Kaufmann:
Orthogonal graph drawing with constraints.
SODA 2000: 3-11 |
62 | EE | Ulrich Fößmeier,
Michael Kaufmann:
On Exact Solutions for the Rectilinear Steiner Tree Problem Part I: Theoretical Results.
Algorithmica 26(1): 68-99 (2000) |
1999 |
61 | EE | Michael Kaufmann,
Roland Wiese:
Embedding Vertices at Points: Few Bends Suffice for Planar Graphs.
Graph Drawing 1999: 165-174 |
1998 |
60 | EE | Ulrich Fößmeier,
Carsten Heß,
Michael Kaufmann:
On Improving Orthogonal Drawings: The 4M-Algorithm.
Graph Drawing 1998: 125-137 |
59 | EE | Björn Steckelbach,
Till Bubeck,
Ulrich Fößmeier,
Michael Kaufmann,
Marcus Ritt,
Wolfgang Rosenstiel:
Visualization of Parallel Execution Graphs.
Graph Drawing 1998: 403-412 |
58 | EE | Roland Wiese,
Michael Kaufmann:
Adding Constraints to an Algorithm for Orthogonal Graph Drawing.
Graph Drawing 1998: 462-463 |
57 | | Therese C. Biedl,
Michael Kaufmann,
Petra Mutzel:
Drawing Planar Partitions II: HH-Drawings.
WG 1998: 124-136 |
1997 |
56 | | Ulrich Fößmeier,
Michael Kaufmann:
Nice Drawings for Planar Bipartite Graphs.
CIAC 1997: 122-134 |
55 | | Jop F. Sibeyn,
Michael Kaufmann:
BSP-Like External-Memory Computation.
CIAC 1997: 229-240 |
54 | | Ulrich Fößmeier,
Michael Kaufmann:
Solving Rectilinear Steiner Tree Problems Exactly in Theory and Practice.
ESA 1997: 171-185 |
53 | | Therese C. Biedl,
Michael Kaufmann:
Area-Efficient Static and Incremental Graph Drawings.
ESA 1997: 37-52 |
52 | | Ulrich Fößmeier,
Michael Kaufmann:
Algorithms and Area Bounds for Nonplanar Orthogonal Drawings.
Graph Drawing 1997: 134-145 |
51 | EE | Michael Kaufmann,
Ulrich Meyer,
Jop F. Sibeyn:
Matrix Transpose on Meshes: Theory and Practice.
IPPS 1997: 315-319 |
50 | EE | Ulrich Fößmeier,
Michael Kaufmann:
On Exact Solutions for the Rectilinear Steiner Tree Problem.
Symposium on Computational Geometry 1997: 436-438 |
49 | | Michael Kaufmann,
Jop F. Sibeyn:
Randomized Multipacket Routing and Sorting on Meshes.
Algorithmica 17(3): 224-244 (1997) |
48 | | Michael Kaufmann,
Rajeev Raman,
Jop F. Sibeyn:
Routing on Meshes with Buses.
Algorithmica 18(3): 417-444 (1997) |
47 | | Therese C. Biedl,
Goos Kant,
Michael Kaufmann:
On Triangulating Planar Graphs Under the Four-Connectivity Constraint.
Algorithmica 19(4): 427-446 (1997) |
46 | | Michael Kaufmann,
Ulrich Meyer,
Jop F. Sibeyn:
Matrix Transpose on Meshes: Theory and Practice.
Computers and Artificial Intelligence 16(2): (1997) |
45 | EE | Ulrich Fößmeier,
Michael Kaufmann,
Alexander Zelikovsky:
Faster Approximation Algorithms for the Rectilinear Steiner Tree Problem.
Discrete & Computational Geometry 18(1): 93-109 (1997) |
44 | | Jop F. Sibeyn,
Bogdan S. Chlebus,
Michael Kaufmann:
Deterministic Permutation Routing on Meshes.
J. Algorithms 22(1): 111-141 (1997) |
1996 |
43 | | Ulrich Fößmeier,
Goos Kant,
Michael Kaufmann:
2-Visibility Drawings of Planar Graphs.
Graph Drawing 1996: 155-168 |
1995 |
42 | | Michael Kaufmann,
Jop F. Sibeyn,
Torsten Suel:
Beyond the Worst-Case Bisection Bound: Fast Sorting and Ranking on Meshes.
ESA 1995: 75-88 |
41 | | Ulrich Fößmeier,
Michael Kaufmann:
Drawing High Degree Graphs with Low Bend Numbers.
Graph Drawing 1995: 254-266 |
40 | | Jop F. Sibeyn,
Michael Kaufmann:
Solving Cheap Graph Problems an Meshes.
MFCS 1995: 412-422 |
39 | | Michael Kaufmann,
Heiko Schröder,
Jop F. Sibeyn:
Routing and Sorting on Reconfigurable Meshes.
Parallel Processing Letters 5: 81-95 (1995) |
1994 |
38 | | Piotr Berman,
Ulrich Fößmeier,
Marek Karpinski,
Michael Kaufmann,
Alexander Zelikovsky:
Approaching the 5/4-Approximation for Rectilinear Steiner Trees.
ESA 1994: 60-71 |
37 | | Ulrich Fößmeier,
Michael Kaufmann:
On Bend-Minimum Orthogonal Upward Drawing of Directed Planar Graphs.
Graph Drawing 1994: 52-63 |
36 | | Michael Kaufmann,
Harald Lauer,
Heiko Schröder:
Fast Deterministic Hot-Potato Routing on Processor Arrays.
ISAAC 1994: 333-341 |
35 | | Michael Kaufmann,
Shaodi Gao,
Krishnaiyan Thulasiraman:
On Steiner Minimal Trees in Grid Graphs and Its Application to VLSI Routing.
ISAAC 1994: 351-359 |
34 | | Jop F. Sibeyn,
Bogdan S. Chlebus,
Michael Kaufmann:
Shorter Queues for Permutation Routing on Meshes.
MFCS 1994: 597-607 |
33 | | Michael Kaufmann,
Jop F. Sibeyn,
Torsten Suel:
Derandomizing Algorithms for Routing and Sorting on Meshes.
SODA 1994: 669-679 |
32 | | Jop F. Sibeyn,
Michael Kaufmann:
Deterministic 1-k Routing on Meshes.
STACS 1994: 237-248 |
31 | | Therese C. Biedl,
Goos Kant,
Michael Kaufmann:
On Triangulating Planar Graphs under the Four-Connectivity Constraint.
SWAT 1994: 83-94 |
30 | EE | Shaodi Gao,
Michael Kaufmann:
Channel Routing of Multiterminal Nets.
J. ACM 41(4): 791-818 (1994) |
29 | | Michael Kaufmann,
Kurt Mehlhorn:
A Linear-Time Algorithm for the Homotopic Routing Problem in Grid Graphs.
SIAM J. Comput. 23(2): 227-246 (1994) |
1993 |
28 | | Jop F. Sibeyn,
Michael Kaufmann,
Rajeev Raman:
Randomized Routing on Meshes with Buses.
ESA 1993: 333-344 |
27 | | Ulrich Fößmeier,
Michael Kaufmann,
Alexander Zelikovsky:
Faster Approximation Algorithms for the Rectilinear Steiner Tree Problem.
ISAAC 1993: 533-542 |
26 | | Bogdan S. Chlebus,
Michael Kaufmann,
Jop F. Sibeyn:
Deterministic Permutation Routing on Meshes.
SPDP 1993: 284 |
25 | | Michael Kaufmann,
F. Miller Maley:
Parity Conditions in Homotopic Knock-Knee Routing.
Algorithmica 9(1): 47-63 (1993) |
24 | | Michael Kaufmann,
Gerhard Klär:
Routing in Polygons without Rectilinear Visible Corners
Inf. Comput. 102(2): 218-262 (1993) |
23 | | Michael Formann,
Torben Hagerup,
James Haralambides,
Michael Kaufmann,
Frank Thomson Leighton,
Antonios Symvonis,
Emo Welzl,
Gerhard J. Woeginger:
Drawing Graphs in the Plane with High Resolution.
SIAM J. Comput. 22(5): 1035-1052 (1993) |
1992 |
22 | EE | Michael Kaufmann,
Sanguthevar Rajasekaran,
Jop F. Sibeyn:
Matching the Bisection Bound for Routing and Sorting on the Mesh.
SPAA 1992: 31-40 |
21 | | Michael Kaufmann,
Jop F. Sibeyn:
Deterministic Routing on Circular Arrays.
SPDP 1992: 376-383 |
20 | | Michael Kaufmann,
Paul Molitor,
Wolfgang Vogelgesang:
Performance Driven k-Layer Wiring.
STACS 1992: 489-500 |
19 | | Michael Kaufmann,
Jop F. Sibeyn:
Optimal Multi-Packet Routing on the Torus.
SWAT 1992: 118-129 |
18 | | Helmut Alt,
Rudolf Fleischer,
Michael Kaufmann,
Kurt Mehlhorn,
Stefan Näher,
Stefan Schirra,
Christian Uhrig:
Approximate Motion Planning and the Complexity of the Boundary of the Union of Simple Geometric Figures.
Algorithmica 8(5&6): 391-406 (1992) |
17 | EE | Michael Kaufmann,
Kurt Mehlhorn:
On local routing of two-terminal nets.
J. Comb. Theory, Ser. B 55(1): 33-72 (1992) |
1991 |
16 | | Frank Hoffmann,
Michael Kaufmann,
Klaus Kriegel:
The Art Gallery Theorem for Polygons With Holes
FOCS 1991: 39-48 |
15 | | Michael Kaufmann,
Gerhard Klär:
A Faster Algorithm for Edge-Disjoint Paths in Planar Graphs.
ISA 1991: 336-348 |
1990 |
14 | | Patrik Eklund,
Michael Kaufmann:
Hierarchical Wiring in Multigrids.
CONPAR 1990: 423-434 |
13 | | Michael Formann,
Torben Hagerup,
James Haralambides,
Michael Kaufmann,
Frank Thomson Leighton,
Antonios Symvonis,
Emo Welzl,
Gerhard J. Woeginger:
Drawing Graphs in the Plane with High Resolution
FOCS 1990: 86-95 |
12 | | Michael Kaufmann:
Zur Physik des Fusionsreaktions. Neue Ergebnisse.
Forum Wissenschaft und Technik 1990: 482-499 |
11 | EE | Helmut Alt,
Rudolf Fleischer,
Michael Kaufmann,
Kurt Mehlhorn,
Stefan Näher,
Stefan Schirra,
Christian Uhrig:
Approximate Motion Planning and the Complexity of the Boundary of the Union of Simple Geometric Figures.
Symposium on Computational Geometry 1990: 281-289 |
10 | | Frank Hoffmann,
Michael Kaufmann:
On the Rectilinear Art Gallery Problem - Algorithmic Aspects.
WG 1990: 239-250 |
9 | EE | Michael Kaufmann:
A linear-time algorithm for routing in a convex grid.
IEEE Trans. on CAD of Integrated Circuits and Systems 9(2): 180-184 (1990) |
1989 |
8 | EE | Shaodi Gao,
Michael Kaufmann,
F. Miller Maley:
Advances in Homotopic Layout Compaction.
SPAA 1989: 273-282 |
1988 |
7 | | Michael Kaufmann,
Ioannis G. Tollis:
Channel Routing with Short Wires.
AWOC 1988: 226-236 |
6 | EE | Shaodi Gao,
Mark Jerrum,
Michael Kaufmann,
Kurt Mehlhorn,
Wolfgang Rülling:
On Continuous Homotopic One Layer Routing.
Symposium on Computational Geometry 1988: 392-402 |
5 | | Shaodi Gao,
Michael Kaufmann,
Kurt Mehlhorn,
Wolfgang Rülling,
Christoph Storb,
Mark Jerrum:
On Continuous Homotopic One Layer Routing.
Workshop on Computational Geometry 1988: 55-70 |
1987 |
4 | | Shaodi Gao,
Michael Kaufmann:
Channel Routing of Multiterminal Nets
FOCS 1987: 316-325 |
3 | | Michael Kaufmann,
Kurt Mehlhorn:
On Local Routing of Two-Terminal Nets.
STACS 1987: 40-52 |
1986 |
2 | | Michael Kaufmann,
Kurt Mehlhorn:
Routing Through a Generalized Switchbox.
J. Algorithms 7(4): 510-531 (1986) |
1985 |
1 | | Michael Kaufmann,
Kurt Mehlhorn:
Routing Through a Generalized Switchbox.
ICALP 1985: 328-337 |