2008 | ||
84 | EE | Neal E. Young: Greedy Set-Cover Algorithms. Encyclopedia of Algorithms 2008 |
83 | EE | Neal E. Young: Online Paging and Caching. Encyclopedia of Algorithms 2008 |
82 | EE | Marek Chrobak, Claire Kenyon, John Noga, Neal E. Young: Incremental Medians via Online Bidding. Algorithmica 50(4): 455-478 (2008) |
81 | EE | Christos Koufogiannakis, Neal E. Young: Beating Simplex for Fractional Packing and Covering Linear Programs CoRR abs/0801.1987: (2008) |
80 | EE | Christos Koufogiannakis, Neal E. Young: Flooding Overcomes Small Covering Constraints CoRR abs/0807.0644: (2008) |
2007 | ||
79 | EE | Qi Fu, Elizabeth Bent, James Borneman, Marek Chrobak, Neal E. Young: Algorithmic Approaches to Selecting Control Clones in DNA Array Hybridization Experiments. APBC 2007: 17-26 |
78 | EE | Christos Koufogiannakis, Neal E. Young: Beating Simplex for Fractional Packing and Covering Linear Programs. FOCS 2007: 494-504 |
77 | EE | Dhiman Barman, Flip Korn, Divesh Srivastava, Dimitrios Gunopulos, Neal E. Young, Deepak Agarwal: Parsimonious Explanations of Change in Hierarchical Data. ICDE 2007: 1273-1275 |
76 | EE | Deepak Agarwal, Dhiman Barman, Dimitrios Gunopulos, Neal E. Young, Flip Korn, Divesh Srivastava: Efficient and effective explanation of change in hierarchical summaries. KDD 2007: 6-15 |
75 | EE | Qi Fu, Elizabeth Bent, James Borneman, Marek Chrobak, Neal E. Young: Algorithmic Approaches to Selecting Control Clones in DNA Array Hybridization Experiments. J. Bioinformatics and Computational Biology 5(4): 937-961 (2007) |
2006 | ||
74 | EE | Marek Chrobak, Claire Kenyon, John Noga, Neal E. Young: Oblivious Medians Via Online Bidding. LATIN 2006: 311-322 |
73 | EE | Marek Chrobak, Claire Kenyon, Neal E. Young: The reverse greedy algorithm for the metric k-median problem. Inf. Process. Lett. 97(2): 68-72 (2006) |
2005 | ||
72 | EE | Marek Chrobak, Claire Kenyon, Neal E. Young: The Reverse Greedy Algorithm for the Metric K-Median Problem. COCOON 2005: 654-660 |
71 | EE | Marek Chrobak, Claire Kenyon, John Noga, Neal E. Young: Oblivious Medians via Online Bidding CoRR abs/cs/0504103: (2005) |
70 | EE | Marek Chrobak, Claire Kenyon, Neal E. Young: The reverse greedy algorithm for the metric k-median problem CoRR abs/cs/0504104: (2005) |
69 | EE | Stavros G. Kolliopoulos, Neal E. Young: Approximation algorithms for covering/packing integer programs. J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 71(4): 495-505 (2005) |
2004 | ||
68 | EE | David R. Karger, Philip N. Klein, Clifford Stein, Mikkel Thorup, Neal E. Young: Rounding Algorithms for a Geometric Embedding of Minimum Multiway Cut. Math. Oper. Res. 29(3): 436-461 (2004) |
2002 | ||
67 | EE | Naveen Garg, Neal E. Young: On-Line End-to-End Congestion Control. FOCS 2002: 303-312 |
66 | EE | Mordecai J. Golin, Claire Kenyon, Neal E. Young: Huffman coding with unequal letter costs. STOC 2002: 785-791 |
65 | EE | Neal E. Young: On-Line File Caching. Algorithmica 33(3): 371-383 (2002) |
64 | EE | László Lovász, Neal E. Young: Lecture Notes on Evasiveness of Graph Properties CoRR cs.CC/0205031: (2002) |
63 | EE | Richard J. Lipton, Neal E. Young: Simple Strategies for Large Zero-Sum Games with Applications to Complexity Theory CoRR cs.CC/0205035: (2002) |
62 | EE | Neal E. Young: On-Line Paging against Adversarially Biased Random Inputs CoRR cs.DS/0205007: (2002) |
61 | EE | Javed A. Aslam, April Rasala, Clifford Stein, Neal E. Young: Improved Bicriteria Existence Theorems for Scheduling CoRR cs.DS/0205008: (2002) |
60 | EE | Yossi Matias, Jeffrey Scott Vitter, Neal E. Young: Approximate Data Structures with Applications CoRR cs.DS/0205010: (2002) |
59 | EE | Samir Khuller, Balaji Raghavachari, Neal E. Young: On Strongly Connected Digraphs with Bounded Cycle Length CoRR cs.DS/0205011: (2002) |
58 | EE | Claire Kenyon, Nicolas Schabanel, Neal E. Young: Polynomial-Time Approximation Scheme for Data Broadcast CoRR cs.DS/0205012: (2002) |
57 | EE | Qin Zhang, John M. Danskin, Neal E. Young: A Codebook Generation Algorithm for Document Image Compression CoRR cs.DS/0205029: (2002) |
56 | EE | Stavros G. Kolliopoulos, Neal E. Young: Tight Approximation Results for General Covering Integer Programs CoRR cs.DS/0205030: (2002) |
55 | EE | Naveen Garg, Neal E. Young: On-Line End-to-End Congestion Control CoRR cs.DS/0205032: (2002) |
54 | EE | Neal E. Young: On-Line File Caching CoRR cs.DS/0205033: (2002) |
53 | EE | Robert Lupton, F. Miller Maley, Neal E. Young: Data-Collection for the Sloan Digital Sky Survey: a Network-Flow Heuristic CoRR cs.DS/0205034: (2002) |
52 | EE | Neal E. Young: Randomized Rounding without Solving the Linear Program CoRR cs.DS/0205036: (2002) |
51 | EE | Samir Khuller, Uzi Vishkin, Neal E. Young: A Primal-Dual Parallel Approximation Technique Applied to Weighted Set and Vertex Cover CoRR cs.DS/0205037: (2002) |
50 | EE | Amos Fiat, Richard M. Karp, Michael Luby, Lyle A. McGeoch, Daniel Dominic Sleator, Neal E. Young: Competitive Paging Algorithms CoRR cs.DS/0205038: (2002) |
49 | EE | Neal E. Young: Sequential and Parallel Algorithms for Mixed Packing and Covering CoRR cs.DS/0205039: (2002) |
48 | EE | Samir Khuller, Balaji Raghavachari, Neal E. Young: Approximating the Minimum Equivalent Digraph CoRR cs.DS/0205040: (2002) |
47 | EE | Neal E. Young, Robert Endre Tarjan, James B. Orlin: Faster Parametric Shortest Path and Minimum Balance Algorithms CoRR cs.DS/0205041: (2002) |
46 | EE | S. Louis Hakimi, Edward F. Schmeichel, Neal E. Young: Orienting Graphs to Optimize Reachability CoRR cs.DS/0205042: (2002) |
45 | EE | Samir Khuller, Balaji Raghavachari, Neal E. Young: Low-Degree Spanning Trees of Small Weight CoRR cs.DS/0205043: (2002) |
44 | EE | Neal E. Young: The K-Server Dual and Loose Competitiveness for Paging CoRR cs.DS/0205044: (2002) |
43 | EE | Samir Khuller, Balaji Raghavachari, Neal E. Young: Balancing Minimum Spanning and Shortest Path Trees CoRR cs.DS/0205045: (2002) |
42 | EE | Philip N. Klein, Neal E. Young: On the Number of Iterations for Dantzig-Wolfe Optimization and Packing-Covering Approximation Algorithms CoRR cs.DS/0205046: (2002) |
41 | EE | Neal E. Young: K-Medians, Facility Location, and the Chernoff-Wald Bound CoRR cs.DS/0205047: (2002) |
40 | EE | Mordecai J. Golin, Claire Kenyon, Neal E. Young: Huffman Coding with Unequal Letter Costs CoRR cs.DS/0205048: (2002) |
39 | EE | Mordecai J. Golin, Neal E. Young: Prefix Codes: Equiprobable Words, Unequal Letter Costs CoRR cs.DS/0205049: (2002) |
38 | EE | Sándor P. Fekete, Samir Khuller, Monika Klemmstein, Balaji Raghavachari, Neal E. Young: A Network-Flow Technique for Finding Low-Weight Bounded-Degree Spanning Trees CoRR cs.DS/0205050: (2002) |
37 | EE | David R. Karger, Philip N. Klein, Clifford Stein, Mikkel Thorup, Neal E. Young: Rounding Algorithms for a Geometric Embedding of Minimum Multiway Cut CoRR cs.DS/0205051: (2002) |
36 | EE | Samir Khuller, Balaji Raghavachari, Neal E. Young: Designing Multi-Commodity Flow Trees CoRR cs.DS/0205077: (2002) |
2001 | ||
35 | Stavros G. Kolliopoulos, Neal E. Young: Tight Approximation Results for General Covering Integer Programs. FOCS 2001: 522-528 | |
34 | Neal E. Young: Sequential and Parallel Algorithms for Mixed Packing and Covering. FOCS 2001: 538-546 | |
2000 | ||
33 | EE | Neal E. Young: K-medians, facility location, and the Chernoff-Wald bound. SODA 2000: 86-95 |
32 | EE | Claire Kenyon, Nicolas Schabanel, Neal E. Young: Polynomial-time approximation scheme for data broadcast. STOC 2000: 659-666 |
31 | Neal E. Young: On-Line Paging Against Adversarially Biased Random Inputs. J. Algorithms 37(1): 218-235 (2000) | |
1999 | ||
30 | EE | Philip N. Klein, Neal E. Young: On the Number of Iterations for Dantzig-Wolfe Optimization and Packing-Covering Approximation Algorithms. IPCO 1999: 320-327 |
29 | EE | Javed A. Aslam, April Rasala, Clifford Stein, Neal E. Young: Improved Bicriteria Existence Theorems for Scheduling. SODA 1999: 846-847 |
28 | EE | David R. Karger, Philip N. Klein, Clifford Stein, Mikkel Thorup, Neal E. Young: Rounding Algorithms for a Geometric Embedding of Minimum Multiway Cut. STOC 1999: 668-678 |
1998 | ||
27 | Neal E. Young: Bounding the Diffuse Adversary. SODA 1998: 420-425 | |
26 | Neal E. Young: On-Line File Caching. SODA 1998: 82-86 | |
25 | Robert Lupton, F. Miller Maley, Neal E. Young: Data Collection for the Sloan Digital Sky Survey - A Network-Flow Heuristic. J. Algorithms 27(2): 339-356 (1998) | |
1997 | ||
24 | Qin Zhang, John M. Danskin, Neal E. Young: A Codebook Generation Algorithm for Document Image Compression. Data Compression Conference 1997: 300-309 | |
23 | EE | S. Louis Hakimi, Edward F. Schmeichel, Neal E. Young: Orienting Graphs to Optimize Reachability. Inf. Process. Lett. 63(5): 229-235 (1997) |
22 | Sándor P. Fekete, Samir Khuller, Monika Klemmstein, Balaji Raghavachari, Neal E. Young: A Network-Flow Technique for Finding Low-Weight Bounded-Degree Spanning Trees. J. Algorithms 24(2): 310-324 (1997) | |
1996 | ||
21 | Sándor P. Fekete, Samir Khuller, Monika Klemmstein, Balaji Raghavachari, Neal E. Young: A Network-Flow Technique for Finding Low-Weight Bounded-Degree Spanning Trees. IPCO 1996: 105-117 | |
20 | Robert Lupton, F. Miller Maley, Neal E. Young: Data Collection for the Sloan Digital Sky Survey - A Network-Flow Heuristic. SODA 1996: 296-303 | |
19 | EE | Samir Khuller, Balaji Raghavachari, Neal E. Young: On Strongly Connected Digraphs with Bounded Cycle Length. Discrete Applied Mathematics 69(3): 281-289 (1996) |
18 | EE | Jessica Millar, N. J. A. Sloane, Neal E. Young: A New Operation on Sequences: The Boustrophedon Transform. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. A 76(1): 44-54 (1996) |
17 | Samir Khuller, Balaji Raghavachari, Neal E. Young: Low-Degree Spanning Trees of Small Weight. SIAM J. Comput. 25(2): 355-368 (1996) | |
16 | Mordecai J. Golin, Neal E. Young: Prefix Codes: Equiprobable Words, Unequal Letter Costs. SIAM J. Comput. 25(6): 1281-1292 (1996) | |
1995 | ||
15 | Neal E. Young: Randomized Rounding Without Solving the Linear Program. SODA 1995: 170-178 | |
14 | Samir Khuller, Balaji Raghavachari, Neal E. Young: Balancing Minimum Spanning Trees and Shortest-Path Trees. Algorithmica 14(4): 305-321 (1995) | |
1994 | ||
13 | Mordecai J. Golin, Neal E. Young: Prefix Codes: Equiprobable Words, Unequal Letter Costs. ICALP 1994: 605-617 | |
12 | Samir Khuller, Balaji Raghavachari, Neal E. Young: Approximating the Minimum Equivalent Diagraph. SODA 1994: 177-186 | |
11 | Yossi Matias, Jeffrey Scott Vitter, Neal E. Young: Approximate Data Structures with Applications. SODA 1994: 187-194 | |
10 | EE | Samir Khuller, Balaji Raghavachari, Neal E. Young: Low degree spanning trees of small weight. STOC 1994: 412-421 |
9 | EE | Richard J. Lipton, Neal E. Young: Simple strategies for large zero-sum games with applications to complexity theory. STOC 1994: 734-740 |
8 | Neal E. Young: The k-Server Dual and Loose Competitiveness for Paging. Algorithmica 11(6): 525-541 (1994) | |
7 | Samir Khuller, Balaji Raghavachari, Neal E. Young: Designing Multi-Commodity Flow Trees. Inf. Process. Lett. 50(1): 49-55 (1994) | |
6 | Samir Khuller, Uzi Vishkin, Neal E. Young: A Primal-Dual Parallel Approximation Technique Applied to Weighted Set and Vertex Covers. J. Algorithms 17(2): 280-289 (1994) | |
1993 | ||
5 | Samir Khuller, Uzi Vishkin, Neal E. Young: A primal-dual parallel approximation technique applied to weighted set and vertex cover. IPCO 1993: 333-341 | |
4 | Samir Khuller, Balaji Raghavachari, Neal E. Young: Balancing Minimum Spanning and Shortest Path Trees. SODA 1993: 243-250 | |
3 | Samir Khuller, Balaji Raghavachari, Neal E. Young: Designing Multi-Commodity Flow Trees. WADS 1993: 433-441 | |
1991 | ||
2 | Neal E. Young: On-Line Caching as Cache Size Varies. SODA 1991: 241-250 | |
1 | Amos Fiat, Richard M. Karp, Michael Luby, Lyle A. McGeoch, Daniel Dominic Sleator, Neal E. Young: Competitive Paging Algorithms. J. Algorithms 12(4): 685-699 (1991) |