
Edward J. Anderson

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8EEEdward J. Anderson, Chris N. Potts: Online Scheduling of a Single Machine to Minimize Total Weighted Completion Time. Math. Oper. Res. 29(3): 686-697 (2004)
7EEEdward J. Anderson, Andrew B. Philpott: Estimation of Electricity Market Distribution Functions. Annals OR 121(1-4): 21-32 (2003)
6EEEdward J. Anderson, Chris N. Potts: On-line scheduling of a single machine to minimize total weighted completion time. SODA 2002: 548-557
5EEEdward J. Anderson, Andrew B. Philpott: Optimal Offer Construction in Electricity Markets. Math. Oper. Res. 27(1): 82-100 (2002)
4EEEdward J. Anderson, Miguel A. Goberna, Marco A. López: Simplex-Like Trajectories on Quasi-Polyhedral Sets. Math. Oper. Res. 26(1): 147-162 (2001)
3EEEdward J. Anderson, Sándor P. Fekete: Asymmetric Rendezvous on the Plane. Symposium on Computational Geometry 1998: 365-373
2 Edward J. Anderson, Michael C. Ferris: A Genetic Algorithm for the Assembly Line Balancing Problem. IPCO 1990: 7-18
1 Edward J. Anderson, Michael C. Ferris: Parallel Genetic Algorithms in Optimization. PPSC 1989: 137-142

Coauthor Index

1Sándor P. Fekete [3]
2Michael C. Ferris [1] [2]
3Miguel A. Goberna [4]
4Marco A. López [4]
5Andrew B. Philpott [5] [7]
6Chris N. Potts [6] [8]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)