
William R. Pulleyblank

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29EEWilliam R. Pulleyblank: Terascale Computing and BlueGene. ICCD 2003
28EEWilliam R. Pulleyblank: Mathematical sciences in the nineties. IBM Journal of Research and Development 47(1): 89-96 (2003)
27 Arlette Gaillard, Heinz Gröflin, Alan J. Hoffman, William R. Pulleyblank: On the submodular matrix representation of a digraph. Theor. Comput. Sci. 287(2): 563-570 (2002)
26EEHenrik Blank, Rainer E. Burkard, Gautam Mitra, Toshihide Ibaraki, Steven Noble, William R. Pulleyblank: Preface. Annals OR 107(1-4): 13 (2001)
25EEGérard Cornuéjols, William R. Pulleyblank: Foreword. Discrete Applied Mathematics 89(1-3): 1-2 (1998)
24EESándor P. Fekete, William R. Pulleyblank: Traveling the Boundary of Minkowski Sums. Inf. Process. Lett. 66(4): 171-174 (1998)
23 William R. Pulleyblank: The Airline Crew Pairing Optimization Problem. ISTCS 1996: 189
22EEWilliam R. Pulleyblank: Two Steiner tree packing problems (Extended Abstract). STOC 1995: 383-387
21 Michael Jünger, William R. Pulleyblank: New Primal and Dual Matching Heuristics. Algorithmica 13(4): 357-386 (1995)
20 Egon Balas, Matteo Fischetti, William R. Pulleyblank: The precedence-constrained asymmetric traveling salesman polytope. Math. Program. 68: 241-265 (1995)
19EEAvrim Blum, Prasad Chalasani, Don Coppersmith, William R. Pulleyblank, Prabhakar Raghavan, Madhu Sudan: The minimum latency problem. STOC 1994: 163-171
18 Eric V. Denardo, Alan J. Hoffman, Todd Mackenzie, William R. Pulleyblank: A nonlinear allocation problem. IBM Journal of Research and Development 38(3): 301-306 (1994)
17 William R. Pulleyblank, F. Bruce Shepherd: Formulations for the stable set polytope of a claw-free graph. IPCO 1993: 267-279
16EESándor P. Fekete, William R. Pulleyblank: Area Optimization of Simple Polygons. Symposium on Computational Geometry 1993: 173-182
15 S. C. Boyd, William R. Pulleyblank: Optimizing over the subtour polytope of the travelling salesman problem. Math. Program. 49: 163-187 (1991)
14 A. B. Gamble, Andrew R. Conn, William R. Pulleyblank: A network penalty method. Math. Program. 50: 53-73 (1991)
13 Ravi Kannan, William R. Pulleyblank: Proceedings of the 1st Integer Programming and Combinatorial Optimization Conference, Waterloo, Ontorio, Canada, May 28-30 1990 University of Waterloo Press 1990
12 Clyde L. Monma, Beth Spellman Munson, William R. Pulleyblank: Minimum-Weight Two-Connected Spanning Networks. Math. Program. 46: 153-171 (1990)
11 Egon Balas, William R. Pulleyblank: The perfectly matchable subgraph polytope of an arbitrary graph. Combinatorica 9(4): 321-337 (1989)
10 Noga Alon, Meir Katchalski, William R. Pulleyblank: Cutting Disjoint Disks by Straight Lines. Discrete & Computational Geometry 4: 239-243 (1989)
9 Noga Alon, Meir Katchalski, William R. Pulleyblank: The Maximum Size of a Convex Polygon in a Restricted Set in the Plane. Discrete & Computational Geometry 4: 245-251 (1989)
8EEJean-Marie Bourjolly, William R. Pulleyblank: König-Egerváry graphs, 2-bicritical graphs and fractional matchings. Discrete Applied Mathematics 24(1-3): 63-82 (1989)
7EECharles J. Colbourn, William R. Pulleyblank: Matroid Steiner problems, the Tutte polynomial and network reliability. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. B 47(1): 20-31 (1989)
6EEGérard Cornuéjols, Denis Naddef, William R. Pulleyblank: The Traveling Salesman Problem in Graphs with 3-Edge Cutsets J. ACM 32(2): 383-410 (1985)
5EEDenis Naddef, William R. Pulleyblank: Hamiltonicity in (0-1)-polyhedra. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. B 37(1): 41-52 (1984)
4 Gérard Cornuéjols, William R. Pulleyblank: Critical graphs, matching and tours or a hierarchy of relaxations for the traveling salesman problem. Combinatorica 3(1): 35-52 (1983)
3 J. Edmonds, László Lovász, William R. Pulleyblank: Brick decompositions and the matching rank of graphs. Combinatorica 2(3): 247-274 (1982)
2EEDenis Naddef, William R. Pulleyblank: Matchings in regular graphs. Discrete Mathematics 34(3): 283-291 (1981)
1EEDenis Naddef, William R. Pulleyblank: Hamiltonicity and combinatorial polyhedra. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. B 31(3): 297-312 (1981)

Coauthor Index

1Noga Alon [9] [10]
2Egon Balas [11] [20]
3Henrik Blank [26]
4Avrim Blum [19]
5Jean-Marie Bourjolly [8]
6S. C. Boyd [15]
7Rainer E. Burkard [26]
8Prasad Chalasani [19]
9Charles J. Colbourn [7]
10Andrew R. Conn [14]
11Don Coppersmith [19]
12Gérard Cornuéjols [4] [6] [25]
13Eric V. Denardo [18]
14J. Edmonds [3]
15Sándor P. Fekete [16] [24]
16Matteo Fischetti [20]
17Arlette Gaillard [27]
18A. B. Gamble [14]
19Heinz Gröflin [27]
20Alan J. Hoffman [18] [27]
21Toshihide Ibaraki [26]
22Michael Jünger [21]
23Ravi Kannan (Ravindran Kannan) [13]
24Meir Katchalski [9] [10]
25László Lovász [3]
26Todd Mackenzie [18]
27Gautam Mitra [26]
28Clyde L. Monma [12]
29Beth Spellman Munson [12]
30Denis Naddef [1] [2] [5] [6]
31Steven Noble [26]
32Prabhakar Raghavan [19]
33F. Bruce Shepherd [17]
34Madhu Sudan [19]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)