
Henk Meijer

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102EELuca Grilli, Seok-Hee Hong, Giuseppe Liotta, Henk Meijer, Stephen K. Wismath: Matched Drawability of Graph Pairs and of Graph Triples. WALCOM 2009: 322-333
101 Selim G. Akl, Kamrul Islam, Henk Meijer: Direct Planar Tree Transformation and Counterexample. CCCG 2008
100 Henk Meijer, Yurai Núñez Rodríguez, David Rappaport: On the Complexity of Point Recolouring in Geometric Graphs. CCCG 2008
99EEEmilio Di Giacomo, Walter Didimo, Giuseppe Liotta, Henk Meijer, Stephen K. Wismath: Constrained Point-Set Embeddability of Planar Graphs. Graph Drawing 2008: 360-371
98EEKamrul Islam, Selim G. Akl, Henk Meijer: A Constant Factor Localized Algorithm for Computing Connected Dominating Sets in Wireless Sensor Networks. ICPADS 2008: 559-566
97EEMichael A. Bender, David P. Bunde, Erik D. Demaine, Sándor P. Fekete, Vitus J. Leung, Henk Meijer, Cynthia A. Phillips: Communication-Aware Processor Allocation for Supercomputers: Finding Point Sets of Small Average Distance. Algorithmica 50(2): 279-298 (2008)
96EESándor P. Fekete, Marco E. Lübbecke, Henk Meijer: Minimizing the Stabbing Number of Matchings, Trees, and Triangulations. Discrete & Computational Geometry 40(4): 595-621 (2008)
95EESelim G. Akl, Kamrul Islam, Henk Meijer: Planar tree transformation: Results and counterexample. Inf. Process. Lett. 109(1): 61-67 (2008)
94EEErik D. Demaine, Jeff Erickson, Danny Krizanc, Henk Meijer, Pat Morin, Mark H. Overmars, Sue Whitesides: Realizing partitions respecting full and partial order information. J. Discrete Algorithms 6(1): 51-58 (2008)
93EEEmilio Di Giacomo, Walter Didimo, Giuseppe Liotta, Henk Meijer, Francesco Trotta, Stephen K. Wismath: k-colored Point-set Embeddability of Outerplanar Graphs. J. Graph Algorithms Appl. 12(1): 29-49 (2008)
92 Kamrul Islam, Henk Meijer, Yurai Núñez Rodríguez, David Rappaport, Henry Xiao: Hamilton Circuits in Hexagonal Grid Graphs. CCCG 2007: 85-88
91EEEmilio Di Giacomo, Walter Didimo, Giuseppe Liotta, Henk Meijer, Stephen K. Wismath: Point-Set Embedding of Trees with Edge Constraints. Graph Drawing 2007: 113-124
90EEErik D. Demaine, Francisco Gomez-Martin, Henk Meijer, David Rappaport, Perouz Taslakian, Godfried T. Toussaint, Terry Winograd, David R. Wood: The Distance Geometry of Music CoRR abs/0705.4085: (2007)
89EEGiuseppe Liotta, Henk Meijer: Advances in graph drawing: The 11th International Symposium on Graph Drawing. Discrete Applied Mathematics 155(9): 1077 (2007)
88EESelim G. Akl, Kamrul Islam, Henk Meijer: On planar path transformation. Inf. Process. Lett. 104(2): 59-64 (2007)
87EEMarco Martens, Henk Meijer: On the probabilistic behaviour of a heuristic algorithm for maximal Hamiltonian tours. J. Discrete Algorithms 5(1): 102-114 (2007)
86EEMirela Damian, Erik D. Demaine, Martin L. Demaine, Vida Dujmovic, Dania El-Khechen, Robin Y. Flatland, John Iacono, Stefan Langerman, Henk Meijer, Suneeta Ramaswami, Diane L. Souvaine, Perouz Taslakian, Godfried T. Toussaint: Curves in the Sand: Algorithmic Drawing. CCCG 2006
85EEKamrul Islam, Selim G. Akl, Henk Meijer: On Planar Path Transformation. CCCG 2006
84EEEmilio Di Giacomo, Walter Didimo, Giuseppe Liotta, Henk Meijer, Francesco Trotta, Stephen K. Wismath: k -Colored Point-Set Embeddability of Outerplanar Graphs. Graph Drawing 2006: 318-329
83EEMichael Hirsch, Henk Meijer, David Rappaport: Biclique Edge Cover Graphs and Confluent Drawings. Graph Drawing 2006: 405-416
82EEJustin Colannino, Mirela Damian, Ferran Hurtado, John Iacono, Henk Meijer, Suneeta Ramaswami, Godfried T. Toussaint: An O(n log n)-Time Algorithm for the Restriction Scaffold Assignment Problem. Journal of Computational Biology 13(4): 979-989 (2006)
81EEErik D. Demaine, Francisco Gomez-Martin, Henk Meijer, David Rappaport, Perouz Taslakian, Godfried T. Toussaint, Terry Winograd, David R. Wood: The Distance Geometry of Deep Rhythms and Scales. CCCG 2005: 163-166
80EEKathryn Duffy, Chris McAloney, Henk Meijer, David Rappaport: Closest Segments. CCCG 2005: 232-234
79EEEmilio Di Giacomo, Giuseppe Liotta, Henk Meijer, Stephen K. Wismath: Volume Requirements of 3D Upward Drawings. Graph Drawing 2005: 101-110
78EEMichael A. Bender, David P. Bunde, Erik D. Demaine, Sándor P. Fekete, Vitus J. Leung, Henk Meijer, Cynthia A. Phillips: Communication-Aware Processor Allocation for Supercomputers. WADS 2005: 169-181
77EEJustin Colannino, Mirela Damian, Ferran Hurtado, John Iacono, Henk Meijer, Suneeta Ramaswami, Godfried T. Toussaint: An O(n log n)-Time Algorithm for the Restricted Scaffold Assignment CoRR abs/cs/0507013: (2005)
76EESándor P. Fekete, Henk Meijer: The one-round Voronoi game replayed. Comput. Geom. 30(2): 81-94 (2005)
75EEEmilio Di Giacomo, Giuseppe Liotta, Henk Meijer: Computing straight-line 3D grid drawings of graphs in linear volume. Comput. Geom. 32(1): 26-58 (2005)
74EEErik D. Demaine, Jeff Erickson, Ferran Hurtado, John Iacono, Stefan Langerman, Henk Meijer, Mark H. Overmars, Sue Whitesides: Separating Point Sets in Polygonal Environments. Int. J. Comput. Geometry Appl. 15(4): 403-420 (2005)
73EEHenk Meijer, David Rappaport: Guest Editors' Foreword. Int. J. Comput. Geometry Appl. 15(6): 545-546 (2005)
72EEHenk Meijer, David Rappaport: Simultaneous edge flips for convex subdivisions. CCCG 2004: 57-59
71EEEmilio Di Giacomo, Walter Didimo, Giuseppe Liotta, Henk Meijer: Computing Radial Drawings on the Minimum Number of Circles. Graph Drawing 2004: 251-261
70EESándor P. Fekete, Marco E. Lübbecke, Henk Meijer: Minimizing the stabbing number of matchings, trees, and triangulations. SODA 2004: 437-446
69EEErik D. Demaine, Jeff Erickson, Ferran Hurtado, John Iacono, Stefan Langerman, Henk Meijer, Mark H. Overmars, Sue Whitesides: Separating point sets in polygonal environments. Symposium on Computational Geometry 2004: 10-16
68EEMichael A. Bender, David P. Bunde, Erik D. Demaine, Sándor P. Fekete, Vitus J. Leung, Henk Meijer, Cynthia A. Phillips: Communication-Aware Processor Allocation for Supercomputers CoRR cs.DS/0407058: (2004)
67EEEmilio Di Giacomo, Henk Meijer: Track Drawings of Graphs with Constant Queue Number. Graph Drawing 2003: 214-225
66EESándor P. Fekete, Henk Meijer: The One-Round Voronoi Game Replayed. WADS 2003: 150-171
65EESándor P. Fekete, Henk Meijer: Maximum Dispersion and Geometric Maximum Weight Cliques. Algorithmica 38(3): 501-511 (2003)
64EESándor P. Fekete, Henk Meijer: The one-round Voronoi game replayed CoRR cs.CG/0305016: (2003)
63EESándor P. Fekete, Marco E. Lübbecke, Henk Meijer: Minimizing the stabbing number of matchings, trees, and triangulations CoRR cs.CG/0310034: (2003)
62EESándor P. Fekete, Henk Meijer: Maximum dispersion and geometric maximum weight cliques CoRR cs.DS/0310037: (2003)
61 Giuseppe Liotta, Henk Meijer: Voronoi drawings of trees. Comput. Geom. 24(3): 147-178 (2003)
60 Oswin Aichholzer, David Bremner, Erik D. Demaine, Henk Meijer, Vera Sacristan, Michael A. Soss: Long proteins with unique optimal foldings in the H-P model. Comput. Geom. 25(1-2): 139-159 (2003)
59 Ferran Hurtado, Giuseppe Liotta, Henk Meijer: Optimal and suboptimal robust algorithms for proximity graphs. Comput. Geom. 25(1-2): 35-49 (2003)
58EEJosé Miguel Díaz-Báñez, Ferran Hurtado, Henk Meijer, David Rappaport, Joan Antoni Sellarès: The Largest Empty Annulus Problem. Int. J. Comput. Geometry Appl. 13(4): 317-325 (2003)
57EEGreg Aloupis, Erik D. Demaine, Henk Meijer, Joseph O'Rourke, Ileana Streinu, Godfried T. Toussaint: On flat-state connectivity of chains with fixed acute angles. CCCG 2002: 27-30
56EEGreg Aloupis, Prosenjit Bose, Erik D. Demaine, Stefan Langerman, Henk Meijer, Mark H. Overmars, Godfried T. Toussaint: Computing signed permutations of polygons. CCCG 2002: 68-71
55EEGreg Aloupis, Erik D. Demaine, Vida Dujmovic, Jeff Erickson, Stefan Langerman, Henk Meijer, Joseph O'Rourke, Mark H. Overmars, Michael A. Soss, Ileana Streinu, Godfried T. Toussaint: Flat-State Connectivity of Linkages under Dihedral Motions. ISAAC 2002: 369-380
54EEJosé Miguel Díaz-Báñez, Ferran Hurtado, Henk Meijer, David Rappaport, Joan Antoni Sellarès: The Largest Empty Annulus Problem. International Conference on Computational Science (3) 2002: 46-54
53EESándor P. Fekete, Henk Meijer, André Rohe, Walter Tietze: Solving a "Hard" Problem to Approximate an "Easy" One: Heuristics for Maximum Matchings and Maximum Traveling Salesman Problems. ACM Journal of Experimental Algorithmics 7: 11 (2002)
52EEOswin Aichholzer, David Bremner, Erik D. Demaine, Henk Meijer, Vera Sacristan, Michael A. Soss: Long Proteins with Unique Optimal Foldings in the H-P Model CoRR cs.CG/0201018: (2002)
51EESándor P. Fekete, Henk Meijer, André Rohe, Walter Tietze: Solving a "Hard" Problem to Approximate an "Easy" One: Heuristics for Maximum Matchings and Maximum Traveling Salesman Problems CoRR cs.DS/0212044: (2002)
50 Prosenjit Bose, Ferran Hurtado, Henk Meijer, Suneeta Ramaswami, David Rappaport, Vera Sacristan, Thomas C. Shermer, Godfried T. Toussaint: Finding Specified Sections of Arrangements: 2D Results. J. Math. Model. Algorithms 1(1): 3-16 (2002)
49EESándor P. Fekete, Henk Meijer, André Rohe, Walter Tietze: Solving a "Hard" Problem to Approximate an "Easy" One: Heuristics for Maximum Matchings and Maximum Traveling Salesman Problems. ALENEX 2001: 1-16
48EELiam Keliher, Henk Meijer, Stafford E. Tavares: New Method for Upper Bounding the Maximum Average Linear Hull Probability for SPNs. EUROCRYPT 2001: 420-436
47EELiam Keliher, Henk Meijer, Stafford E. Tavares: Improving the Upper Bound on the Maximum Average Linear Hull Probability for Rijndael. Selected Areas in Cryptography 2001: 112-128
46EEFerran Hurtado, Giuseppe Liotta, Henk Meijer: Optimal, Suboptimal, and Robust Algorithms for Proximity Graphs. WADS 2001: 2-13
45 Thomas Fevens, Henk Meijer, David Rappaport: Minimum convex partition of a constrained point set. Discrete Applied Mathematics 109(1-2): 95-107 (2001)
44 Kiyoshi Hosono, Henk Meijer, David Rappaport: On the visibility graph of convex translates. Discrete Applied Mathematics 113(2-3): 195-210 (2001)
43EESándor P. Fekete, Henk Meijer: Maximum dispersion and geometric maximum weight cliques. APPROX 2000: 132-143
42EEOswin Aichholzer, Carmen Cortés, Erik D. Demaine, Vida Dujmovic, Jeff Erickson, Henk Meijer, Mark H. Overmars, Belén Palop, Suneeta Ramaswami, Godfried T. Toussaint: Flipturning polygons CoRR cs.CG/0008010: (2000)
41 Sándor P. Fekete, Henk Meijer: On Minimum Stars and Maximum Matchings. Discrete & Computational Geometry 23(3): 389-407 (2000)
40 Stafford E. Tavares, Henk Meijer: Selected Areas in Cryptography '98, SAC'98, Kingston, Ontario, Canada, August 17-18, 1998, Proceedings Springer 1999
39EETherese C. Biedl, Anna Bretscher, Henk Meijer: Rectangle of Influence Drawings of Graphs without Filled 3-Cycles. Graph Drawing 1999: 359-368
38EEGiuseppe Liotta, Henk Meijer: Voronoi Drawings of Trees. Graph Drawing 1999: 369-378
37EELiam Keliher, Henk Meijer, Stafford E. Tavares: Modeling Linear Characteristics of Substitution-Permutation Networks. Selected Areas in Cryptography 1999: 78-91
36EESándor P. Fekete, Henk Meijer: On Minimum Stars, Minimum Steiner Stars, and Maximum Matchings. Symposium on Computational Geometry 1999: 217-226
35EEPaul E. Kearney, Ryan Hayward, Henk Meijer: Evolutionary Trees and Ordinal Assertions. Algorithmica 25(2-3): 196-221 (1999)
34 Sándor P. Fekete, Henk Meijer: Rectangle and Box Visibility Graphs in 3D. Int. J. Comput. Geometry Appl. 9(1): 1- (1999)
33EEProsenjit Bose, Ferran Hurtado, Henk Meijer, Suneeta Ramaswami, David Rappaport, Vera Sacristan, Thomas C. Shermer, Godfried T. Toussaint: Finding specified sections of arrangements: 2d results. CCCG 1998
32 Giuseppe Liotta, Anna Lubiw, Henk Meijer, Sue Whitesides: The rectangle of influence drawability problem. Comput. Geom. 10(1): 1-22 (1998)
31 Esther M. Arkin, Henk Meijer, Joseph S. B. Mitchell, David Rappaport, Steven Skiena: Decision trees for geometric models. Int. J. Comput. Geometry Appl. 8(3): 343-364 (1998)
30 Mark de Berg, Henk Meijer, Mark H. Overmars, Gordon T. Wilfong: Computing the Angularity Tolerance. Int. J. Comput. Geometry Appl. 8(4): 467- (1998)
29EEKelly A. Lyons, Henk Meijer, David Rappaport: Algorithms for Cluster Busting in Anchored Graph Drawing. J. Graph Algorithms Appl. 2(1): (1998)
28EEProsenjit Bose, Hazel Everett, Sándor P. Fekete, Michael E. Houle, Anna Lubiw, Henk Meijer, Kathleen Romanik, Günter Rote, Thomas C. Shermer, Sue Whitesides, Christian Zelle: A Visibility Representation for Graphs in Three Dimensions. J. Graph Algorithms Appl. 2(2): (1998)
27 Paul E. Kearney, Ryan Hayward, Henk Meijer: Inferring Evolutionary Trees from Ordinal Data. SODA 1997: 418-426
26 Mark de Berg, Henk Meijer, Mark H. Overmars, Gordon T. Wilfong: Computing the Angularity Tolerance. CCCG 1996: 331-336
25 Paraskevi Fragopoulou, Selim G. Akl, Henk Meijer: Optimal Communication Primitives on the Generalized Hypercube Network. J. Parallel Distrib. Comput. 32(2): 173-187 (1996)
24 Paul Colley, Henk Meijer, David Rappaport: Optimal Nearly-Similar Polygon Stabbers of Convex Polygons. CCCG 1994: 269-274
23 Hossam A. ElGindy, Giuseppe Liotta, Anna Lubiw, Henk Meijer, Sue Whitesides: Recognizing Rectangle of Influence Drawable Graphs. Graph Drawing 1994: 352-363
22 Selim G. Akl, Henk Meijer, Ivan Stojmenovic: An Optimal Systolic Algorithm for Generating Permutations in Lexicographic Order. J. Parallel Distrib. Comput. 20(1): 84-91 (1994)
21 Ke Qiu, Selim G. Akl, Henk Meijer: On Some Properties and Algorithms for the Star and Pancake Interconnection Networks. J. Parallel Distrib. Comput. 22(1): 16-25 (1994)
20EEKelly A. Lyons, Henk Meijer, David Rappaport: Properties of the voronoi diagram cluster buster. CASCON 1993: 1148-1163
19 Henk Meijer, Steven Skiena: Reconstructing Polygons From X-Rays. CCCG 1993: 381-386
18EEEsther M. Arkin, Henk Meijer, Joseph S. B. Mitchell, David Rappaport, Steven Skiena: Decision Trees for Geometric Models. Symposium on Computational Geometry 1993: 369-378
17 Henk Meijer, David Rappaport: Computing the Minimum Weight Triangulation of a Set of Linearly Ordered Points. Inf. Process. Lett. 42(1): 35-38 (1992)
16 Ke Qiu, Henk Meijer, Selim G. Akl: Parallel Routing and Sorting of the Pancake Network. ICCI 1991: 360-371
15 Ke Qiu, Henk Meijer, Selim G. Akl: Decomposing a Star Graph Into Disjoint Cycles. Inf. Process. Lett. 39(3): 125-129 (1991)
14EESelim G. Akl, Henk Meijer: Parallel Binary Search. IEEE Trans. Parallel Distrib. Syst. 1(2): 247-250 (1990)
13 Ke Qiu, Henk Meijer: A Note on Diameter of Acyclic Directed Hypercubes. Inf. Process. Lett. 36(1): 51-52 (1990)
12EEHenk Meijer, Selim G. Akl: Parallel Binary Search with Delayed Read Conflicts. International Journal of High Speed Computing 2(1): 17-21 (1990)
11 Carlisle M. Adams, Henk Meijer: Security-related comments regarding McEliece's public-key cryptosystem. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 35(2): 454-455 (1989)
10 Henk Meijer, R. Dawes: Fault Tolerant Networks of Specified Diameter. WG 1988: 74-86
9EECarlisle M. Adams, Henk Meijer: Security-Related Comments Regarding McEliece's Public-Key Cryptosystem. CRYPTO 1987: 224-228
8EEHenk Meijer, Selim G. Akl: Two New Secret Key Cryptosystems. EUROCRYPT 1985: 96-102
7 Stephen J. MacKinnon, Peter D. Taylor, Henk Meijer, Selim G. Akl: An Optimal Algorithm for Assigning Cryptographic Keys to Control Access in a Hierarchy. IEEE Trans. Computers 34(9): 797-802 (1985)
6EESelim G. Akl, Henk Meijer: A Fast Pseudo Random Permutation Generator With Applications to Cryptology. CRYPTO 1984: 269-275
5 Selim G. Akl, Henk Meijer: On the Average-Case Complexity of "Bucketing" Algorithms. J. Algorithms 3(1): 9-13 (1982)
4 Henk Meijer, Selim G. Akl: Digital Signature Scheme for Computer Communication Networks. CRYPTO 1981: 65-70
3 Henk Meijer: A Note on `A Cryptosystem for Multiple Communication'. Inf. Process. Lett. 12(4): 179-181 (1981)
2 Dorothy E. Denning, Henk Meijer, Fred B. Schneider: More on Master Keys for Group Sharing. Inf. Process. Lett. 13(3): 125-126 (1981)
1 Henk Meijer, Selim G. Akl: The Design and Analysis of a New Hybrid Sorting Algorithm. Inf. Process. Lett. 10(4/5): 213-218 (1980)

Coauthor Index

1Carlisle M. Adams (Carlisle Adams) [9] [11]
2Vera Sacristán Adinolfi (Vera Sacristan) [33] [50] [52] [60]
3Oswin Aichholzer [42] [52] [60]
4Selim G. Akl [1] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [12] [14] [15] [16] [21] [22] [25] [85] [88] [95] [98] [101]
5Greg Aloupis [55] [56] [57]
6Esther M. Arkin [18] [31]
7Michael A. Bender [68] [78] [97]
8Mark de Berg [26] [30]
9Therese C. Biedl [39]
10Prosenjit Bose [28] [33] [50] [56]
11David Bremner [52] [60]
12Anna Bretscher [39]
13David P. Bunde [68] [78] [97]
14Justin Colannino [77] [82]
15Paul Colley [24]
16Carmen Cortés [42]
17Mirela Damian (Mirela Damian-Iordache) [77] [82] [86]
18R. Dawes [10]
19Erik D. Demaine [42] [52] [55] [56] [57] [60] [68] [69] [74] [78] [81] [86] [90] [94] [97]
20Martin L. Demaine [86]
21Dorothy E. Denning [2]
22José Miguel Díaz-Báñez [54] [58]
23Walter Didimo [71] [84] [91] [93] [99]
24Kathryn Duffy [80]
25Vida Dujmovic [42] [55] [86]
26Dania El-Khechen [86]
27Hossam A. ElGindy [23]
28Jeff Erickson [42] [55] [69] [74] [94]
29Hazel Everett [28]
30Sándor P. Fekete [28] [34] [36] [41] [43] [49] [51] [53] [62] [63] [64] [65] [66] [68] [70] [76] [78] [96] [97]
31Thomas Fevens [45]
32Robin Y. Flatland [86]
33Paraskevi Fragopoulou [25]
34Emilio Di Giacomo [67] [71] [75] [79] [84] [91] [93] [99]
35Francisco Gomez-Martin [81] [90]
36Luca Grilli [102]
37Ryan B. Hayward (Ryan Hayward) [27] [35]
38Michael Hirsch [83]
39Seok-Hee Hong [102]
40Kiyoshi Hosono [44]
41Michael E. Houle [28]
42Ferran Hurtado [33] [46] [50] [54] [58] [59] [69] [74] [77] [82]
43John Iacono [69] [74] [77] [82] [86]
44Kamrul Islam [85] [88] [92] [95] [98] [101]
45Paul E. Kearney [27] [35]
46Liam Keliher [37] [47] [48]
47Danny Krizanc [94]
48Stefan Langerman [55] [56] [69] [74] [86]
49Vitus J. Leung [68] [78] [97]
50Giuseppe Liotta [23] [32] [38] [46] [59] [61] [71] [75] [79] [84] [89] [91] [93] [99] [102]
51Marco E. Lübbecke [63] [70] [96]
52Anna Lubiw [23] [28] [32]
53Kelly A. Lyons [20] [29]
54Stephen J. MacKinnon [7]
55Marco Martens [87]
56Chris McAloney [80]
57Joseph S. B. Mitchell [18] [31]
58Pat Morin [94]
59Joseph O'Rourke [55] [57]
60Mark H. Overmars [26] [30] [42] [55] [56] [69] [74] [94]
61Belén Palop [42]
62Cynthia A. Phillips [68] [78] [97]
63Ke Qiu [13] [15] [16] [21]
64Suneeta Ramaswami [33] [42] [50] [77] [82] [86]
65David Rappaport [17] [18] [20] [24] [29] [31] [33] [44] [45] [50] [54] [58] [72] [73] [80] [81] [83] [90] [92] [100]
66Yurai Núñez Rodríguez [92] [100]
67André Rohe [49] [51] [53]
68Kathleen Romanik [28]
69Günter Rote [28]
70Fred B. Schneider [2]
71Joan Antoni Sellarès [54] [58]
72Thomas C. Shermer [28] [33] [50]
73Steven Skiena [18] [19] [31]
74Michael A. Soss [52] [55] [60]
75Diane L. Souvaine [86]
76Ivan Stojmenovic [22]
77Ileana Streinu [55] [57]
78Perouz Taslakian [81] [86] [90]
79Stafford E. Tavares [37] [40] [47] [48]
80Peter D. Taylor [7]
81Walter Tietze [49] [51] [53]
82Godfried T. Toussaint [33] [42] [50] [55] [56] [57] [77] [81] [82] [86] [90]
83Francesco Trotta [84] [93]
84Sue Whitesides [23] [28] [32] [69] [74] [94]
85Gordon T. Wilfong [26] [30]
86Terry Winograd [81] [90]
87Stephen K. Wismath [79] [84] [91] [93] [99] [102]
88David R. Wood [81] [90]
89Henry Xiao [92]
90Christian Zelle [28]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)