
Michael D. Wagner

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10 David Wettergreen, Nathalie Cabrol, James Teza, Paul Tompkins, Chris Urmson, Vandi Verma, Michael D. Wagner, William Whittaker: First Experiments in the Robotic Investigation of Life in the Atacama Desert of Chile. ICRA 2005: 873-878
9EEDavid Wettergreen, Paul Tompkins, Chris Urmson, Michael D. Wagner, William Whittaker: Sun-Synchronous Robotic Exploration: Technical Description and Field Experimentation. I. J. Robotic Res. 24(1): 3-30 (2005)
8 David Wettergreen, M. Bernardine Dias, Benjamin Shamah, James Teza, Paul Tompkins, Chris Urmson, Michael D. Wagner, William Whittaker: First Experiment in Sun-Synchronous Exploration. ICRA 2002: 3501-3507
7 Michael D. Wagner, Dimitrios Apostolopoulos, Kimberly J. Shillcutt, Benjamin Shamah, Reid G. Simmons, William Whittaker: The Science Autonomy System of the Nomad Robot. ICRA 2001: 1742-1749
6 Liam Pedersen, Michael D. Wagner, Dimitrios Apostolopoulos, William Whittaker: Autonomous Robotic Meteorite Identification in Antarctica. ICRA 2001: 4158-4165
5 Dimitrios Apostolopoulos, Liam Pedersen, Benjamin Shamah, Kimberly J. Shillcutt, Michael D. Wagner, William Whittaker: Robotic Antarctic Meteorite Search Outcomes. ICRA 2001: 4174-4179
4 Laurent A. Nguyen, Maria Bualat, Laurence J. Edwards, Lorenzo Flueckiger, Charles F. Neveu, Kurt Schwehr, Michael D. Wagner, Eric Zbinden: Virtual Reality Interfaces for Visualization and Control of Remote Vehicles. Auton. Robots 11(1): 59-68 (2001)
3EEDimitrios Apostolopoulos, Michael D. Wagner, Benjamin Shamah, Liam Pedersen, Kimberly J. Shillcutt, William Whittaker: Technology and Field Demonstration of Robotic Search for Antarctic Meteorites. I. J. Robotic Res. 19(11): 1015-1032 (2000)
2 Barney Pell, Douglas E. Bernard, Steve A. Chien, Erann Gat, Nicola Muscettola, P. Pandurang Nayak, Michael D. Wagner, Brian C. Williams: An Autonomous Spacecraft Agent Prototype. Auton. Robots 5(1): 29-52 (1998)
1 Barney Pell, Douglas E. Bernard, Steve A. Chien, Erann Gat, Nicola Muscettola, P. Pandurang Nayak, Michael D. Wagner, Brian C. Williams: An Autnomous Spacecarft Agent Prototype. Agents 1997: 253-261

Coauthor Index

1Dimitrios Apostolopoulos [3] [5] [6] [7]
2Douglas E. Bernard [1] [2]
3Maria Bualat [4]
4Nathalie Cabrol [10]
5Steve A. Chien [1] [2]
6M. Bernardine Dias [8]
7Laurence J. Edwards [4]
8Lorenzo Flueckiger [4]
9Erann Gat [1] [2]
10Nicola Muscettola [1] [2]
11P. Pandurang Nayak [1] [2]
12Charles F. Neveu [4]
13Laurent A. Nguyen [4]
14Liam Pedersen [3] [5] [6]
15Barney Pell [1] [2]
16Kurt Schwehr [4]
17Benjamin Shamah [3] [5] [7] [8]
18Kimberly J. Shillcutt [3] [5] [7]
19Reid G. Simmons [7]
20James Teza [8] [10]
21Paul Tompkins [8] [9] [10]
22Chris Urmson [8] [9] [10]
23Vandi Verma [10]
24David Wettergreen [8] [9] [10]
25William Whittaker (Red Whittaker) [3] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10]
26Brian C. Williams [1] [2]
27Eric Zbinden [4]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)