
Dilip K. Bhavsar

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19EEDilip K. Bhavsar: A Built-in Self-Test Method for Write-only Content Addressable Memories. VTS 2005: 9-14
18EEJoel Grodstein, Dilip K. Bhavsar, Vijay Bettada, Richard A. Davies: Automatic Generation of Critical-Path Tests for a Partial-Scan Microprocessor. ICCD 2003: 180-186
17EEScott Erlanger, Dilip K. Bhavsar, Richard A. Davies: Testability Features of the Alpha 21364 Microprocessor. ITC 2003: 764-772
16EEDilip K. Bhavsar, Richard A. Davies: Scan Islands - A Scan Partitioning Architecture and its Implementation on the Alpha 21364 Processor. VTS 2002: 16-24
15EEDilip K. Bhavsar, Rishan Tan: Observability Register Architecture For Efficient Production Test And Debug Of Vlsi Circuits. VLSI Design 2001: 385-390
14EEDilip K. Bhavsar: Scan Wheel - A Technique for Interfacing a High Speed Scan-Path with a Slow Speed Tester. VTS 2001: 94-101
13EEDilip K. Bhavsar: Synchronizing the IEEE 1149.1 Test Access Port for Chip-Level Testability. IEEE Design & Test of Computers 17(2): 94-99 (2000)
12 Dilip K. Bhavsar: An algorithm for row-column self-repair of RAMs and its implementation in the Alpha 21264. ITC 1999: 311-318
11 Dilip K. Bhavsar: ITC 99 Panels. IEEE Design & Test of Computers 16(4): 96-99 (1999)
10EEDilip K. Bhavsar, David R. Akeson, Michael K. Gowan, Daniel B. Jackson: Testability access of the high speed test features in the Alpha 21264 microprocessor. ITC 1998: 487-
9EEDilip K. Bhavsar, Ugonna Echeruo, David R. Akeson, William J. Bowhill: A highly testable and diagnosable fabrication process test chip. ITC 1998: 853-861
8 Dilip K. Bhavsar, Yervant Zorian: ITC 97 Panel Sessions. IEEE Design & Test of Computers 15(1): 7, 91 (1998)
7EEDilip K. Bhavsar, John H. Edmondson: Alpha 21164 Testability Strategy. IEEE Design & Test of Computers 14(1): 25-33 (1997)
6 Dilip K. Bhavsar, John H. Edmondson: Testability Strategy of the ALPHA AXP 21164 Microprocessor. ITC 1994: 50-59
5 Dilip K. Bhavsar: An Architecture for Extending the IEEE Standard 1149.1 Test Access Port to System Backplanes. ITC 1991: 768-776
4EEDilip K. Bhavsar: Testing Interconnections to Static RAMs. IEEE Design & Test of Computers 8(2): 63-71 (1991)
3 Dilip K. Bhavsar: "Concatenable Polydividers": Bit-Sliced LFSR Chips for Board Self-Test. ITC 1985: 88-93
2 Dilip K. Bhavsar, Balakrishnan Krishnamurthy: Can We Eliminate Fault Escape in Self-Testing by Polynomial Division (Signature Analysis) ? ITC 1984: 134-139
1 Dilip K. Bhavsar, Richard W. Heckelman: Self-Testing by Polynomial Division. ITC 1981: 208-216

Coauthor Index

1David R. Akeson [9] [10]
2Vijay Bettada [18]
3William J. Bowhill [9]
4Richard A. Davies [16] [17] [18]
5Ugonna Echeruo [9]
6John H. Edmondson [6] [7]
7Scott Erlanger [17]
8Michael K. Gowan [10]
9Joel Grodstein [18]
10Richard W. Heckelman [1]
11Daniel B. Jackson [10]
12Balakrishnan Krishnamurthy [2]
13Rishan Tan [15]
14Yervant Zorian [8]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)