Pat Hanrahan, Werner Purgathofer (Eds.):
Rendering Techniques '95, Proceedings of the Eurographics Workshop in Dublin, Ireland, June 12-14, 1995.
Springer 1995, ISBN 3-211-82733-1 BibTeX
editor = {Pat Hanrahan and
Werner Purgathofer},
title = {Rendering Techniques '95, Proceedings of the Eurographics Workshop
in Dublin, Ireland, June 12-14, 1995},
booktitle = {Rendering Techniques},
publisher = {Springer},
year = {1995},
isbn = {3-211-82733-1},
bibsource = {DBLP,}
- Maurice van der Zwaan, Erik Reinhard, Frederik W. Jansen:
Pyramid Clipping for Efficient Ray Traversal.
1-10 BibTeX
- Eric P. Lafortune, Yves D. Willems:
A 5D Tree to Reduce the Variance of Monte Carlo Ray Tracing.
11-20 BibTeX
- Yair Kurzion, Roni Yagel:
Space Deformation using Ray Deflectors.
21-30 BibTeX
- Tsukasa Noma:
Bridging between Surface Rendering and Volume Rendering for Multi-resolution Display.
31-40 BibTeX
- Jos Stam:
Multiple Scattering as a Diffusion Process.
41-50 BibTeX
- Georgios Sakas, Marcus Grimm, Alexandros Savopoulos:
Optimized Maximum Intensity Projection (MIP).
51-63 BibTeX
- Raghu Machiraju, J. Edward Swan II, Roni Yagel:
Spatial Domain Characterization and Control of Reconstruction Errors.
64-73 BibTeX
- Nelson L. Max, Keiichi Ohsaki:
Rendering Trees from Precomputed Z-Buffer Views.
74-81 BibTeX
- Holly E. Rushmeier, Gregory J. Ward, Christine D. Piatko, Phil Sanders, Bert Rust:
Comparing Real and Synthetic Images: Some Ideas about Metrics.
82-91 BibTeX
- Jeffry Nimeroff, Julie Dorsey, Holly E. Rushmeier:
A Framework for Global Illumination in Animated Environments.
92-103 BibTeX
- Gregory J. Ward:
Making Global Illumination User-friendly.
104-114 BibTeX
- James Arvo:
The Role of Functional Analysis in Global Illumination.
115-126 BibTeX
- Alain Fournier:
From Local to Global Illumination and Back.
127-136 BibTeX
- Stefan Müller, Wolfram Kresse, Neil Gatenby, Frank Schöffel:
A Radiosity Approach for the Simulation of Daylight.
137-146 BibTeX
- Pascal M. Deville, Jean-Claude Paul:
Modeling the Spatial Energy Distribution of Complex Light Sources for Lighting Engineering.
147-159 BibTeX
- Pierre Poulin, Alain Fournier:
Painting Surface Characteristics.
160-169 BibTeX
- Sumanta N. Pattanaik, Kadi Bouatouch:
Linear Radiosity with Error Estimation.
170-185 BibTeX
- Nicolas Holzschuch, François X. Sillion:
Accurate Computation of the Radiosity Gradient for Constant and Linear Emitters.
186-195 BibTeX
- François X. Sillion, George Drettakis, Cyril Soler:
A Clustering Algorithm for Radiance Calculation in General Environments.
196-205 BibTeX
- László Neumann, Werner Purgathofer, Robert F. Tobler, Attila Neumann, Pavol Eliás, Martin Feda, Xavier Pueyo:
The Stochastic Ray Method for Radiosity.
206-218 BibTeX
- Peter Shirley, Bretton Wade, Philip M. Hubbard, David Zareski, Bruce Walter, Donald P. Greenberg:
Global Illumination via Density Estimation.
219-230 BibTeX
- Mateu Sbert, Frederic Pérez, Xavier Pueyo:
Global Monte Carlo. A Progressive Solution.
231-239 BibTeX
- Philipp Slusallek, Michael Schröder, Marc Stamminger, Hans-Peter Seidel:
Smart Links and Efficient Reconstruction for Wavelet Radiosity.
240-251 BibTeX
- Peter Schröder, Wim Sweldens:
Spherical Wavelets: Texture Processing.
252-263 BibTeX
- Reid Gershbein:
Integration Methods for Galerkin Radiosity Couplings.
264-273 BibTeX
- Steven Collins:
Reconstruction of Illumination from Area Luminaires.
274-283 BibTeX
- Kurt Zimmerman, Peter Shirley:
A Two-Pass Solution to the Rendering Equation with a Source Visibility Process.
284-295 BibTeX
- Alain Fournier:
Separating Reflection Functions for Linear Radiosity.
296-305 BibTeX
- Philip Dutré, Yves D. Willems:
Potential-driven Monte Carlo Particle Tracing for Diffuse Environments with Adaptive Probability Functions.
306-315 BibTeX
- Philippe Bekaert, Yves D. Willems:
Importance-Driven Progressive Refinement Radiosity.
316-325 BibTeX
- Henrik Wann Jensen:
Importance Driven Path Tracing using the Photon Map.
326-335 BibTeX
- László Neumann, Robert F. Tobler, Pavol Eliás:
The Constant Radiosity Step.
336-344 BibTeX
- Gladimir V. G. Baranoski, Randall Bramley, Peter Shirley:
Fast Radiosity Solutions for Environments with High Average Reflectance.
345-356 BibTeX
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by Michael Ley (