
Frank Schöffel

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7 Johannes Behr, Torsten Fröhlich, Christian Knöpfle, Wolfram Kresse, Bernd Lutz, Dirk Reiners, Frank Schöffel: The Digital Cathedral of Siena - Innovative Concepts for Interactive and Immersive Presentation of Cultural Heritage Sites. ICHIM (1) 2001: 57-71
6 Frank Schöffel: Beleuchtungssimulation - Globale Beleuchtungssimulation in interaktiven virtuellen Umgebungen. LOG IN 21(5/6): (2001)
5 Frank Schöffel, Andreas Pomi: Reducing Memory Requirements for Interactive Radiosity using Movement Prediction. Rendering Techniques 1999: 225-234
4EEFrank Schöffel, Michael Meixner: Realtime shadow feedback for interactive radiosity scenes using shaded multipoints. VRST 1998: 77-79
3EEFrank Schöffel: Dynamic radiosity shadows for interactive virtual environments. Future Generation Comp. Syst. 14(3-4): 223-229 (1998)
2EEFrank Schöffel: Online radiosity in interactive virtual reality applications. VRST 1997: 201-208
1 Stefan Müller, Wolfram Kresse, Neil Gatenby, Frank Schöffel: A Radiosity Approach for the Simulation of Daylight. Rendering Techniques 1995: 137-146

Coauthor Index

1Johannes Behr [7]
2Torsten Fröhlich [7]
3Neil Gatenby [1]
4Christian Knöpfle [7]
5Wolfram Kresse [1] [7]
6Bernd Lutz [7]
7Michael Meixner [4]
8Stefan Müller [1]
9Andreas Pomi [5]
10Dirk Reiners [7]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)