
Cyril Soler

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12EEAurélien Martinet, Cyril Soler, Nicolas Holzschuch, François X. Sillion: Accurate detection of symmetries in 3D shapes. ACM Trans. Graph. 25(2): 439-464 (2006)
11EEFrédo Durand, Nicolas Holzschuch, Cyril Soler, Eric Chan, François X. Sillion: A frequency analysis of light transport. ACM Trans. Graph. 24(3): 1115-1126 (2005)
10EEStephane Guy, Cyril Soler: Graphics gems revisited: fast and physically-based rendering of gemstones. ACM Trans. Graph. 23(3): 231-238 (2004)
9EECyril Soler, François X. Sillion, Frédéric Blaise, Philippe Dereffye: An efficient instantiation algorithm for simulating radiant energy transfer in plant models. ACM Trans. Graph. 22(2): 204-233 (2003)
8EECyril Soler, Marie-Paule Cani, Alexis Angelidis: Hierarchical pattern mapping. SIGGRAPH 2002: 673-680
7EECyril Soler, Marie-Paule Cani, Alexis Angelidis: Hierarchical pattern mapping. ACM Trans. Graph. 21(3): 673-680 (2002)
6 Cyril Soler, François X. Sillion: Hierarchical Instantiation for Radiosity. Rendering Techniques 2000: 173-184
5EECyril Soler, François X. Sillion: Texture-based visibility for efficient lighting simulation. ACM Trans. Graph. 19(4): 302-342 (2000)
4 Cyril Soler, François X. Sillion: Automatic Calculation of Soft Shadow Textures for Fast, High-Quality Radiosity. Rendering Techniques 1998: 199-210
3EECyril Soler, François X. Sillion: Fast Calculation of Soft Shadow Textures Using Convolution. SIGGRAPH 1998: 321-332
2 Cyril Soler, François X. Sillion: Accurate Error Bounds for Multi-Resolution Visibility. Rendering Techniques 1996: 133-142
1 François X. Sillion, George Drettakis, Cyril Soler: A Clustering Algorithm for Radiance Calculation in General Environments. Rendering Techniques 1995: 196-205

Coauthor Index

1Alexis Angelidis [7] [8]
2Frédéric Blaise [9]
3Marie-Paule Cani [7] [8]
4Eric Chan [11]
5Philippe Dereffye [9]
6George Drettakis [1]
7Frédo Durand [11]
8Stephane Guy [10]
9Nicolas Holzschuch [11] [12]
10Aurélien Martinet [12]
11François X. Sillion [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [9] [11] [12]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)