
Nelson L. Max

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44EEJinhui Ding, Elizabeth Eskow, Nelson L. Max, Silvia N. Crivelli: Protein Structure Prediction Using Physical-Based Global Optimization and Knowledge-Guided Fragment Packing. CSB Workshops 2005: 211-212
43EETing-Cheng Lu, Silvia N. Crivelli, Nelson L. Max: ProteinShop and POSE: Bringing Robotics and Intelligent Systems into the Field of Molecular Modeling. CSB Workshops 2005: 273-274
42EEDaniel E. Laney, Steven P. Callahan, Nelson L. Max, Cláudio T. Silva, Steven Langer, Randall Frank: Hardware-Accelerated Simulated Radiography. IEEE Visualization 2005: 44
41EERichard Cook, Nelson L. Max, Cláudio T. Silva, Peter L. Williams: Image-Space Visibility Ordering for Cell Projection Volume Rendering of Unstructured Data. IEEE Trans. Vis. Comput. Graph. 10(6): 695-707 (2004)
40EENelson L. Max, Peter L. Williams, Cláudio T. Silva, Richard Cook: Volume Rendering for Curvilinear and Unstructured Grids. Computer Graphics International 2003: 210-217
39 Nelson L. Max, Peter L. Williams, Cláudio T. Silva: Cell projection of meshes with non-planar faces. Data Visualization: The State of the Art 2003: 157-168
38 Oliver Kreylos, Nelson L. Max, Bernd Hamann, Silvia N. Crivelli, E. Wes Bethel: Interactive Protein Manipulation. IEEE Visualization 2003: 581-588
37EEDaniel E. Laney, Martin Bertram, Mark A. Duchaineau, Nelson L. Max: Multiresolution Distance Volumes for Progressive Surface Compression. 3DPVT 2002: 470-479
36EEJanine Bennett, Richard Cook, Nelson L. Max, Deborah May, Peter L. Williams: Parallelizing a high accuracy hardware-assisted volume renderer for meshes with arbitrary polyhedra. IEEE Symposium on Parallel and Large-Data Visualization and Graphics 2001: 101-106
35 Brett Keating, Nelson L. Max: Shadow Penumbras for Complex Objects by Depth-Dependent Filtering of Multi-Layer Depth Images. Rendering Techniques 1999: 197-212
34 João Comba, James T. Klosowski, Nelson L. Max, Joseph S. B. Mitchell, Cláudio T. Silva, Peter L. Williams: Fast Polyhedral Cell Sorting for Interactive Rendering of Unstructured Grids. Comput. Graph. Forum 18(3): 369-376 (1999)
33 Wencheng Wang, Enhua Wu, Nelson L. Max: A selective rendering method for data visualization. Journal of Visualization and Computer Animation 10(3): 123-131 (1999)
32 George Drettakis, Nelson L. Max: Rendering Techniques '98, Proceedings of the Eurographics Workshop in Vienna, Austria, June 29 - July 1, 1998 Springer 1998
31EENelson L. Max: Visualizing Hilbert curves. IEEE Visualization 1998: 447-450
30EEPeter L. Williams, Nelson L. Max, Clifford M. Stein: A High Accuracy Volume Renderer for Unstructured Data. IEEE Trans. Vis. Comput. Graph. 4(1): 37-54 (1998)
29 Nelson L. Max, Durtis Mobley, Brett Keating, Enhua Wu: Plane-Parallel Radiance Transport for Global Illumination in Vegetation. Rendering Techniques 1997: 239-250
28 Nelson L. Max: Hierarchical Rendering of Trees from Precomputed Multi-Layer Z-Buffers. Rendering Techniques 1996: 165-174
27EEBarry G. Becker, Nelson L. Max, David A. Lane: Unsteady Flow Volumes. IEEE Visualization 1995: 329-
26 Nelson L. Max, Keiichi Ohsaki: Rendering Trees from Precomputed Z-Buffer Views. Rendering Techniques 1995: 74-81
25EEClifford M. Stein, Barry G. Becker, Nelson L. Max: Sorting and Hardware Assisted Rendering for Volume Visualization. VVS 1995: 83-89
24EENelson L. Max: Optimal Sampling for Hemicubes. IEEE Trans. Vis. Comput. Graph. 1(1): 60-76 (1995)
23EENelson L. Max: Optical Models for Direct Volume Rendering. IEEE Trans. Vis. Comput. Graph. 1(2): 99-108 (1995)
22 Nelson L. Max, Roger Crawfis, Charles Grant: Visualizing 3D Velocity Fields Near Contour Surfaces. IEEE Visualization 1994: 248-255
21 Nelson L. Max, Barry G. Becker, Roger Crawfis: Flow Volumes for Interactive Vector Field Visualization. IEEE Visualization 1993: 19-24
20 Roger Crawfis, Nelson L. Max: Texture Splats for 3D Scalar and Field Visualization. IEEE Visualization 1993: 261-267
19EERoger Crawfis, Nelson L. Max, Barry G. Becker, Brian Cabral: Volume rendering of 3D scalar and vector fields at LLNL. SC 1993: 570-576
18EEBarry G. Becker, Nelson L. Max: Smooth transitions between bump rendering algorithms. SIGGRAPH 1993: 183-190
17EERoy Troutman, Nelson L. Max: Radiosity algorithms using higher order finite element methods. SIGGRAPH 1993: 209-212
16 Nelson L. Max, Roger Crawfis, D. Williams: Visualizing Wind Velocities by Advecting Cloud Textures. IEEE Visualization 1992: 179-185
15 R. R. Springmeyer, Meera Blattner, Nelson L. Max: A Characterization of the Scientific Data Analysis Process. IEEE Visualization 1992: 236-242
14EERoger Crawfis, Nelson L. Max: Direct volume visualization of three-dimensional vector fields. VVS 1992: 55-60
13EEPeter L. Williams, Nelson L. Max: A Volume Density Optical Model. VVS 1992: 61-68
12 Nelson L. Max: Sorting for Polyhedron Compositing. Focus on Scientific Visualization 1991: 259-268
11 Nelson L. Max: Computer Assisted Sphere Packing in Higher Dimensions. IEEE Visualization 1991: 102-108
10EENelson L. Max: Cone-spheres. SIGGRAPH 1990: 59-62
9 Nelson L. Max: Polygon-based post-process motion blur. The Visual Computer 6(6): 308-314 (1990)
8 Nelson L. Max: Smooth appearance for polygonal surfaces. The Visual Computer 5(3): 160-173 (1989)
7 Nelson L. Max: Horizon mapping: shadows for bump-mapped surfaces. The Visual Computer 4(2): 109-117 (1988)
6EEBrian Cabral, Nelson L. Max, Rebecca Springmeyer: Bidirectional reflection functions from surface bump maps. SIGGRAPH 1987: 273-281
5EENelson L. Max: Atmospheric illumination and shadows. SIGGRAPH 1986: 117-124
4EENelson L. Max: Light diffusion through clouds and haze. Computer Vision, Graphics, and Image Processing 33(3): 280-292 (1986)
3EENelson L. Max, Douglas M. Lerner: A two-and-a-half-D motion-blur algorithm. SIGGRAPH 1985: 85-93
2EENelson L. Max: Atoms with transparency and shadows. Computer Vision, Graphics, and Image Processing 27(1): 46-63 (1984)
1EENelson L. Max, Deepak Malhorta, Anton J. Hopfinger: Computer graphics and the generation of DNA confirmations for intercalation studies. Computers & Chemistry 5(1): 19-27 (1981)

Coauthor Index

1Barry G. Becker [18] [19] [21] [25] [27]
2Janine Bennett [36]
3E. Wes Bethel (Wes Bethel) [38]
4Meera Blattner [15]
5Brian Cabral [6] [19]
6Steven P. Callahan [42]
7João Luiz Dihl Comba (João Comba) [34]
8Richard Cook [36] [40] [41]
9Roger Crawfis [14] [16] [19] [20] [21] [22]
10Silvia N. Crivelli [38] [43] [44]
11Jinhui Ding [44]
12George Drettakis [32]
13Mark A. Duchaineau [37]
14Elizabeth Eskow [44]
15Randall Frank [42]
16Charles Grant [22]
17Bernd Hamann [38]
18Martin Hering-Bertram (Martin Bertram) [37]
19Anton J. Hopfinger [1]
20Brett Keating [29] [35]
21James T. Klosowski [34]
22Oliver Kreylos [38]
23David A. Lane [27]
24Daniel E. Laney [37] [42]
25Steven Langer [42]
26Douglas M. Lerner [3]
27Ting-Cheng Lu [43]
28Deepak Malhorta [1]
29Deborah May [36]
30Joseph S. B. Mitchell [34]
31Durtis Mobley [29]
32Keiichi Ohsaki [26]
33Cláudio T. Silva [34] [39] [40] [41] [42]
34R. R. Springmeyer [15]
35Rebecca Springmeyer [6]
36Clifford M. Stein [25] [30]
37Roy Troutman [17]
38Wencheng Wang [33]
39D. Williams [16]
40Peter L. Williams [13] [30] [34] [36] [39] [40] [41]
41Enhua Wu [29] [33]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)