
Reid Gershbein

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6EELawrence D. Cutler, Reid Gershbein, Xiaohuan Corina Wang, Cassidy J. Curtis, Erwan Maigret, Luca Prasso, Peter Farson: An art-directed wrinkle system for CG character clothing and skin. Graphical Models 69(5-6): 219-230 (2007)
5EEReid Gershbein, Pat Hanrahan: A fast relighting engine for interactive cinematic lighting design. SIGGRAPH 2000: 353-358
4EEMatt Pharr, Craig E. Kolb, Reid Gershbein, Pat Hanrahan: Rendering complex scenes with memory-coherent ray tracing. SIGGRAPH 1997: 101-108
3 Reid Gershbein: Integration Methods for Galerkin Radiosity Couplings. Rendering Techniques 1995: 264-273
2EEReid Gershbein, Peter Schröder, Pat Hanrahan: Textures and radiosity: controlling emission and reflection with texture maps. SIGGRAPH 1994: 51-58
1 Ron Cytron, Reid Gershbein: Efficient Accomodation of May-Alias Information in SSA Form. PLDI 1993: 36-45

Coauthor Index

1Cassidy J. Curtis [6]
2Lawrence D. Cutler [6]
3Ron Cytron (Ron K. Cytron) [1]
4Peter Farson [6]
5Pat Hanrahan [2] [4] [5]
6Craig E. Kolb [4]
7Erwan Maigret [6]
8Matt Pharr [4]
9Luca Prasso [6]
10Peter Schröder [2]
11Xiaohuan Corina Wang [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)