
Alain Fournier

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38EEBruno Mercier, Daniel Meneveaux, Alain Fournier: A Framework for Automatically Recovering Object Shape, Reflectance and Light Sources from Calibrated Images. International Journal of Computer Vision 73(1): 77-93 (2007)
37EEMarcelo Walter, Alain Fournier, Daniel Meneveaux: Integrating shape and pattern in mammalian models. SIGGRAPH 2001: 317-326
36EERoger C. Tam, Alain Fournier: Shape Model and Threshold Extraction via Shape Gradients. VMV 2001: 481-490
35EEFrancois Anton, Darka Mioc, Alain Fournier: Reconstructing 2D images with natural neighbour interpolation. The Visual Computer 17(3): 134-146 (2001)
34EEFrancois Anton, Darka Mioc, Alain Fournier: 2D Image Reconstruction Using Natural Neighbour Interpolation. WSCG 2000
33 Robert R. Lewis, Alain Fournier: Wavelet Radiative Transfer and Surface Interaction. Comput. Graph. Forum 19(2): 135-151 (2000)
32EELifeng Wang, Christine Wang, Alain Fournier: Envisioning Yuan Ming Yuan (Garden of Perfect Brightness). IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications 20(1): 10-14 (2000)
31 Paul Lalonde, Alain Fournier: Interactive Rendering of Wavelet Projected Light Fields. Graphics Interface 1999: 107-114
30 Wayne A. Davis, Kellogg S. Booth, Alain Fournier: Proceedings of the Graphics Interface 1998 Conference, June 18-20, 1998, Vancouver, BC, Canada Canadian Human-Computer Communications Society 1998
29 Marcelo Walter, Alain Fournier, Mark Reimers: Clonal Mosaic Model for the Synthesis of Mammalian Coat Patterns. Graphics Interface 1998: 82-91
28EERoger C. Tam, Alain Fournier: Image interpolation using unions of spheres. The Visual Computer 14(8/9): 401-414 (1998)
27 Joel DeYoung, Alain Fournier: Properties of Tabulated Bidirectional Reflectance Distribution Functions. Graphics Interface 1997: 47-55
26 Paul Lalonde, Alain Fournier: Filtered Local Shading in the Wavelet Domain. Rendering Techniques 1997: 163-174
25 Marcelo Walter, Alain Fournier: Growing and Animating Polygonal Models of Animals. Comput. Graph. Forum 16(3): 151-158 (1997)
24 Paul Lalonde, Alain Fournier: Generating Reflected Directionsfrom BRDF Data. Comput. Graph. Forum 16(3): 293-300 (1997)
23 Lifeng Wang, D. Botta, C. Ellefson, Alain Fournier: Modelling the Garden of Perfect Brightness. Comput. Graph. Forum 16(3): 365-369 (1997)
22EEPaul Lalonde, Alain Fournier: A Wavelet Representation of Reflectance Functions. IEEE Trans. Vis. Comput. Graph. 3(4): 329-336 (1997)
21 Robert R. Lewis, Alain Fournier: Light-Driven Global Illumination with a Wavelet Representation of Light Transport. Rendering Techniques 1996: 11-20
20EEVishwa Ranjan, Alain Fournier: Matching and Interpolation of Shapes using Unions of Circles. Comput. Graph. Forum 15(3): 129-142 (1996)
19 Alain Fournier: From Local to Global Illumination and Back. Rendering Techniques 1995: 127-136
18 Pierre Poulin, Alain Fournier: Painting Surface Characteristics. Rendering Techniques 1995: 160-169
17 Alain Fournier: Separating Reflection Functions for Linear Radiosity. Rendering Techniques 1995: 296-305
16EEVishwa Ranjan, Alain Fournier: Union of Spheres (UoS) Model for Volumetric Data. Symposium on Computational Geometry 1995: C2-C3
15 Alain Fournier, John W. Buchanan: Chebyshev Polynomials for Boxing and Intersections of Parametric Curves and Surfaces. Comput. Graph. Forum 13(3): 127-142 (1994)
14 Vishwa Ranjan, Alain Fournier: Volume Models for Volumetric Data. IEEE Computer 27(7): 28-36 (1994)
13EEPierre Poulin, Alain Fournier: Lights from Highlights and Shadows. SI3D 1992: 31-38
12EEMikio Shinya, Alain Fournier: Stochastic Motion-Motion Under the Influence of Wind. Comput. Graph. Forum 11(3): 119-128 (1992)
11EEPierre Poulin, Alain Fournier: A model for anisotropic reflection. SIGGRAPH 1990: 273-282
10EEPierre Dauchez, Alain Fournier, René Jourdan: Hybrid control of a two-arm robot for complex tasks. Robotics and Autonomous Systems 5(4): 323-332 (1989)
9EEAlain Fournier, Eugene Fiume: Constant-time filtering with space-variant kernels. SIGGRAPH 1988: 229-238
8EEAlain Fournier, Donald S. Fussell: On the power of the frame buffer. ACM Trans. Graph. 7(2): 103-128 (1988)
7EEAvi Naiman, Alain Fournier: Rectangular convolution for fast filtering of characters. SIGGRAPH 1987: 233-242
6EETom Nadas, Alain Fournier: GRAPE: An environment to build display processes. SIGGRAPH 1987: 75-84
5EEAlain Fournier, William T. Reeves: A simple model of ocean waves. SIGGRAPH 1986: 75-84
4EEAlain Fournier, D. Y. Montuno: Triangulating Simple Polygons and Equivalent Problems. ACM Trans. Graph. 3(2): 153-174 (1984)
3 Alain Fournier, Donald S. Fussell, Loren C. Carpenter: Computer Rendering of Stochastic Models. Commun. ACM 25(6): 371-384 (1982)
2 Alain Fournier: Comments on Convex Hull of a Finite Set of Points in Two Dimensions. Inf. Process. Lett. 8(4): 173 (1979)
1 Alain Fournier, Zvi M. Kedem: Comments on the All Nearest-Neighbor Problem for Convex Polygons. Inf. Process. Lett. 9(3): 105-107 (1979)

Coauthor Index

1Francois Anton [34] [35]
2Kellogg S. Booth [30]
3D. Botta [23]
4John W. Buchanan [15]
5Loren C. Carpenter [3]
6Pierre Dauchez [10]
7Wayne A. Davis [30]
8Joel DeYoung [27]
9C. Ellefson [23]
10Eugene Fiume [9]
11Donald S. Fussell [3] [8]
12René Jourdan [10]
13Zvi M. Kedem [1]
14Paul Lalonde [22] [24] [26] [31]
15Robert R. Lewis [21] [33]
16Daniel Meneveaux [37] [38]
17Bruno Mercier [38]
18Darka Mioc [34] [35]
19D. Y. Montuno [4]
20Tom Nadas [6]
21Avi Naiman [7]
22Pierre Poulin [11] [13] [18]
23Vishwa Ranjan [14] [16] [20]
24William T. Reeves [5]
25Mark Reimers [29]
26Mikio Shinya [12]
27Roger C. Tam [28] [36]
28Marcelo Walter [25] [29] [37]
29Christine Wang [32]
30Lifeng Wang [23] [32]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)