4. ICCI 1992:
Waldemar W. Koczkodaj, Peter E. Lauer, Anestis A. Toptsis (Eds.):
Computing and Information - ICCI'92, Fourth International Conference on Computing and Information, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, May 28-30, 1992, Proceedings.
IEEE Computer Society 1992, ISBN 0-8186-2812-X BibTeX
editor = {Waldemar W. Koczkodaj and
Peter E. Lauer and
Anestis A. Toptsis},
title = {Computing and Information - ICCI'92, Fourth International Conference
on Computing and Information, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, May 28-30,
1992, Proceedings},
booktitle = {ICCI},
publisher = {IEEE Computer Society},
year = {1992},
isbn = {0-8186-2812-X},
bibsource = {DBLP, http://dblp.uni-trier.de}
Data Theory,
Theory of Programming,
and Computations
- David E. Muller, Paul E. Schupp, Ahmed Saoudi:
On the Decidability of the Linear Z-Temporal Logic and the Monadic Second Order Theory.
2-5 BibTeX
- Olaf S. Schoepke:
Using the Entropy in the SPARC Instruction Set.
6-9 BibTeX
- Dwight D. Griffin, Erich Schmitt:
Domain Compression of Incompletely Specified Boolean Functions.
10-13 BibTeX
- Shih-Yih Wang, Lih-Hsing Hsu:
Maximum and Minimum Matchings for Series-Parallel Networks.
14-17 BibTeX
- Natasa Jonoska:
Spinal Cellular Automata.
18-21 BibTeX
- Guoliang Xue, Shangzhi Sun, J. Ben Rosen:
Minimum Time Message Transmission in Networks.
22-25 BibTeX
- Bertrand M. T. Lin, Shian-Shyong Tseng:
Resource-Requirment Minimization in Relocation Problems with Precedence Constraints.
26-29 BibTeX
- Bengt J. Nilsson, Sven Schuierer:
Shortest m-Watchmen Routes for Histograms: The MinMax Case.
30-33 BibTeX
- Y. H. Chang, Jia-Shung Wang, Richard C. T. Lee:
Generating All Maximal Independent Sets on Trees in Lexicographic Order.
34-37 BibTeX
- Shietung Peng, A. B. Stephens, Yelena Yesha:
Algorithms for a K-Tree Core of a Tree.
38-41 BibTeX
- N. Chandrasekharan, Sridhar Hannenhalli:
Efficient Algorithms for Computing Matching and Chromatic Polynominals on Series-Parallel Graphs.
42-45 BibTeX
- Bart Vergauwen, Johan Lewi:
Linear Local and Global Model Checking Algorithms for a Kernel Temporal Logic Language.
46-49 BibTeX
- Si-Qing Zheng:
An Optimal Algorithm for Finding Maximum Induced Bipartitie Subgraphs of Circular-Arc Graphs.
50-53 BibTeX
- Laura A. Sanchis:
Counting and Generating Integer Partitions in Parallel.
54-57 BibTeX
- Ching-Ho Huang, Nen-Fu Huang, Wen-Tsuen Chen:
Finding Strongly Connected Components of Circle Cover Graph in One-Dimensional.
58-61 BibTeX
- Wlodzimierz Drabent:
What is Failure? Or: Constructive Negation by Fail Answers.
62-66 BibTeX
- Karl R. Abrahamson, Michael R. Fellows, Christopher B. Wilson:
Parallel Self-Reducibility.
67-70 BibTeX
- Errol L. Lloyd, Subramanian Ramanathan:
On the Complexity of Distance-2 Coloring.
71-74 BibTeX
- James A. Foster:
The Generic Oracle Hypothesis Fails.
75-78 BibTeX
- Amiya Nayak, Linda Pagli, Nicola Santoro:
Efficient Construction of Catastrophic Patterns for VLSI Reconfigurable Arrays with Bidirectional Links.
79-83 BibTeX
- Vladimir Estivill-Castro:
Move-to-End is Best for Double-Linked Lists.
84-87 BibTeX
- Jie Wang, Luc Longpré:
Nondeterministic and Alternating Computations.
88-91 BibTeX
- Duncan Innes:
Searching with a Lie Using Only Comparison Questions.
92-95 BibTeX
- Hamdy S. Soliman, John B. Johnston:
Dynamic Genericity in Imperative Languages: Example in CML.
96-99 BibTeX
- Sheng Yu, Qingyu Zhuang, Kai Salomaa:
Obtaining Tight Upper Bounds for the State Complexities of DFA Operations.
100-104 BibTeX
Concurrency and Parallelism
- Stephan Olariu, W. Shen, Larry Wilson:
Sub-Logarithmic Algorithms for the Largest Empty Rectangle Problem.
106-109 BibTeX
- Constantine N. K. Osiakwan, Selim G. Akl:
An Efficient Parallel Algorithm for the Assignment Problem on the Plane.
110-113 BibTeX
- Kam-Wing Ng, Hong Va Leong:
A Visual Concurrent LISP Environment and Its Application.
114-117 BibTeX
- Xiaohua Jia:
Efficient Directory Management for Distributed Naming.
118-122 BibTeX
- Mohamad R. Neilforoshan-Dardashti, Reda A. Ammar, Tahany A. Fergany:
Optimizing the Time Cost of Parallel Structures by Scheduling Parallel Processes to Access the Critical Section.
123-127 BibTeX
- Theodore Johnson, Timothy A. Davis:
Space Efficient Parallel Buddy Memory Management.
128-132 BibTeX
- Johan Fagerström, Peter Fritzson, Johan Ringström, Mikael Pettersson:
A Data-Parallel Language and Its Compilation to a Formally Defined Intermediate Language.
133-134 BibTeX
- Sajal K. Das, Amit K. Banerjee:
Hyper Petersen Network: A Fault-Tolerant Multiprocessor Topology.
135-138 BibTeX
- Brian A. Malloy, Errol L. Lloyd, Mary Lou Soffa:
A Fine-Grained Approach to Scheduling Asynchronous Multiprocessors.
139-142 BibTeX
- Weiren Ding, Laurie J. Hendren:
SELSYN-C: A Self-Synchronizing Parallel Programming Language.
143-146 BibTeX
- Dariusz Turlej, Roman Podraza, Krzysztof Piorun:
Unraveling Mechanisms in Vesicular Dataflow Model.
147-152 BibTeX
- Zhiyong Liu, Jia-Huai You, Xiaobo Li:
Conflict-Free Routing on Hypercubes.
153-158 BibTeX
- Ramesh Subramonian:
Writing Sequential Programs for Parallel Processors: Implementation Experience.
159-163 BibTeX
- Pascal Berthomé:
K-Selection in Hypercubes.
164-167 BibTeX
- Toru Imai:
Detecting More Independent Loops across Hierarchical Structures.
168-172 BibTeX
- C. S. Yang, Y. M. Tsai, C. Y. Liu:
Performance Evaluation of Multicast Wormhole Routing in 2D-Torus Multicomputers.
173-178 BibTeX
- Selim G. Akl, Michel Cosnard, Afonso Ferreira:
Revisiting Parallel Speedup Complexity.
179-182 BibTeX
- Shashank S. Nemawarkar, Ramaswamy Govindarajan, Guang R. Gao, Vinod K. Agarwal:
Performance Evaluation of Latency Tolerant Architectures.
183-186 BibTeX
- Wayne Patterson:
Matrix Multiplication on a Toroidal Parallel Architecture.
187-190 BibTeX
- Piotr W. Prószynski:
On Operational Equivalence of COSY Programs.
191-196 BibTeX
- Farhad Arbab, Ivan Herman, Pål Spilling:
Interaction Management of a Window Manager in Manifold.
197-202 BibTeX
AI Methodologies,
Expert Systems,
Knowledge Engineering,
and Machine Learning
- Moon-Chuen Lee, Hong Va Leong:
NLUS - A Prolog-Based Natural Language Understanding System.
204-207 BibTeX
- Gwo-Jen Hwang:
Knowledge Elicitation and Integration from Multiple Experts.
208-211 BibTeX
- Bronislaw M. Wawrzynkiewicz:
Application of Expert System to the Evaluation of Project Alternatives.
212-215 BibTeX
- Krzysztof Grysa, Andrzej Lenarcik, Zdzislaw Piasta, Ewa Ramocka, Maciej Sekalski:
Questionnaire Analysis by Decision Algorithm Generation.
216-219 BibTeX
- Andrzej Lenarcik, Zdzislaw Piasta, Mateusz Masternak:
Probabilistic Approach to Attributes Coding in the Rough Sets Theory.
220-223 BibTeX
- V. Richard Benjamins, Ameen Abu-Hanna, Wouter N. H. Jansweijer:
Criteria for Dynamic Method Selection in Diagnostic Reasoning.
224-227 BibTeX
- Shie-Jue Lee, David A. Plaisted:
Use of Unit Clauses and Clause Splitting in Automatic Deduction.
228-232 BibTeX
- Xiaoyou Zhou:
Construct an Object-Oriented Constraint Logic for Explanation Based Learning.
233-236 BibTeX
- Rattikorn Hewett, Krishnamurthy Ganesan:
Consistent Linear Speedup in Parallel Alpha-Beta Search.
237-240 BibTeX
- Tzung-Pei Hong, Shian-Shyong Tseng:
Comparison of ID3 and Its Generalized Version.
241-244 BibTeX
- M. Wilscy, N. Parameswaran:
A Distributed Production System for Problem Solving.
245-248 BibTeX
- Kumar Tadepalli, N. Parameswaran:
Multiagent Planning Using a Reason Maintenance System.
249-252 BibTeX
- Pavel Brazdil, Ivan Bruha:
A Method of Processing Unknown Attribute Values by ID3.
253-256 BibTeX
- Coco Djossou:
A Client-Server Based Architecture for Communication between Expert Systems.
257-261 BibTeX
- Scott D. Goodwin:
Inheritance and Specificity II: Reference Class Selection.
262-265 BibTeX
- Howard J. Hamilton, J. Michael Dyck:
Using the IIPS Framework to Specify Machine-Discovery Problems.
266-269 BibTeX
- Jian-Yun Nie:
Integrating Semantic Inference in a Probabilistic Approach to Information Retrieval II.
270-273 BibTeX
- S. K. Michael Wong, Lusheng Wang, Yiyu Yao:
Non-Numeric Belief Structures.
274-277 BibTeX
- Benjamin L. Chen, Von-Wun Soo:
An Incremental Concept Formation Approach to Acquisition of Anaphoric Regularity in Mandarin Chinese.
278-281 BibTeX
- Li An Yuan, Abdel Aziz Farrag:
Reduction of Constraint Networks Based on Local Consistency.
282-285 BibTeX
- Janusz Zalewski:
AI in Real Time: Is This Feasible?
286-289 BibTeX
- Bruce R. Ebanks, Waldemar Karwowski, Krzysztof Ostaszewski:
Application of Measures of Fuzziness to Risk Classification in Insurance.
290-291 BibTeX
- Rattikorn Hewett:
Aggregation in Model-Based Reasoning Using Prime Models: A Preliminary Report.
292-295 BibTeX
Software and Data Engineering,
CASE Methodologies,
and Database Information Systems
- Chien-Tsai Liu, Shi-Kuo Chang:
A Visual Specification Model for Evolutionary Information Systems.
297-300 BibTeX
- M. Tamer Özsu, Youping Niu:
Effects of Network Protocols on Distributed Concurrency Control Algorithm Performance.
301-306 BibTeX
- Y. Kane-Esrig, Lynn A. Streeter, G. Casella, W. Keese:
The Relevance Density Method in Information Retrieval.
307-311 BibTeX
- Wouter B. Teeuw, Henk M. Blanken:
Methodology to Implement an Amoeba Complex Object Server.
312-315 BibTeX
- Rodolfo F. Resende, Amr El Abbadi:
A Graph Testing Concurrency Control Protocol for Object Bases.
316-319 BibTeX
- Ken Barker:
A Logical Model and Schema Integration Architecture for Determining Equivalence in ER-Diagrams.
320-324 BibTeX
- Fuyau Lin, Rob Langsner:
Integrating CASE Tools with Knowledge-Base by Object Orientation.
325-328 BibTeX
- Shie-Jue Lee:
A Self-Guided Theorem Proving System.
329-333 BibTeX
- Walcélio L. Melo, Noureddine Belkhatir, Jacky Estublier:
Using Modeling and Control in Adele System.
334-337 BibTeX
- Soon Myoung Chung, Khalid A. Elghayesh:
A Heterogeneous Distributed Database System Based on Extended Relational Model.
338-341 BibTeX
- Peter J. Looges:
High-Speed Querying with the DAP 510.
342-345 BibTeX
- Gerhard Steinke:
An Approach to Achieving Multiuser Integrity in a Knowledge Base System.
346-349 BibTeX
- Kazuhisa Yokota, Masaaki Hashimoto, Masakazu Sato:
An Experiment on Reusing Program Specifications Described with Conceptual Data Model- and Dependency Constraint-Based Language.
350-354 BibTeX
- Sergio Antoy, Richard G. Hamlet:
Self-Checking against Formal Specifications.
355-360 BibTeX
- Nader H. Bshouty, Geoffrey T. Falk:
Compression of Dictionaries via Extensions to Front Coding.
361-364 BibTeX
- Bogdan D. Czejdo, Christoph F. Eick:
Rules in an Extended C++.
365-368 BibTeX
- Tetsuji Kobayashi:
A Fingerprint Image Recognition Method for Network User Identification.
369-372 BibTeX
- Young Man Kim, Dik Lun Lee:
An Optimal Multilevel Signature File for Large Databases.
373-376 BibTeX
- M. W. Orlowski:
An Algorithm for Maintenance of Functional Relationships.
377-380 BibTeX
- Farshad Fotouhi, Abad A. Shah, William I. Grosky:
Complex Objects in the Temporal Object System.
381-384 BibTeX
- Cyril U. Orji, Jon A. Solworth:
Write-Only Disk Cache Experiments on Multiple Surface Disks.
385-388 BibTeX
- Rudolf Freund, Brigitte Haberstroh, Christian Stary:
Applying Graph Grammars for Task-Oriented User Interface Development.
389-392 BibTeX
- Keng Siau, K. P. Tan, Hock Chuan Chan:
Visual Database Interface for End User Computing.
393-396 BibTeX
- Ke Wang, Li-Yan Yuan:
Enforce Constraints in Archival Databases.
397-400 BibTeX
- M. V. Ramakrishna:
A Simple Perfect Hashing Method for Static Sets.
401-404 BibTeX
Distributed Computing and Communication
- Anna Hac:
A Switching Architecture for Congestion Control in High-Speed Networks.
406-409 BibTeX
- Mohamed Bettaz, Mourad Maouche, Moussa Soualmi, Madani Boukebeche:
Using ECATNets for Specifying Communication Software in the OSI Framework.
410-413 BibTeX
- Alois P. Heinz:
On the Complexity of Maintaining Fault-Tolerant Distributed Systems.
414-417 BibTeX
- Khaled A. Aly, Patrick W. Dowd:
Reconfigurable Optically-Interconnected Parallel Computer Architecture.
418-421 BibTeX
- X. Li, Richard Lai, Tharam S. Dillon:
Theory of Deductive Systems for Protocol Verification.
422-425 BibTeX
- Constantine Stivaros:
A Measure of Fault Tolerance for Distributed Networks.
426-429 BibTeX
- Siu-Cheung Chau, Weining Zhang, Arthur L. Liestman:
Fault Tolerance for Multistage Interconnection Networks.
430-435 BibTeX
- Zhonghua Yang, T. Anthony Marsland:
Global Snapshots for Distributed Debugging.
436-440 BibTeX
- Eric E. Johnson, Roy S. Moore, John T. Polson:
Evaluation of Futurebus+ for a GMMP Multiprocessor.
441-444 BibTeX
- Michael Bauer, Arin Zahalka:
Search Operations on Distributed Directories.
445-448 BibTeX
- Kurt Maly, Frank Paterra, C. Michael Overstreet, Ravi Mukkamala, Sanjeev Khanna:
Concurrent Use of Parallel Communication to Enable Remote Visualization.
449-452 BibTeX
- Yanchun Zhang, Maria E. Orlowska:
Parallel Reduction of a Chain Query in Distributed Databases.
453-456 BibTeX
- Philippe Ingels, Carlos Maziero, Michel Raynal:
A Distributed Kernel for Virtual Time Driven Applications.
457-460 BibTeX
- Richard T. Hurley, James P. Black, J. W. Wong:
Modeling and Investigation of a Primitive File Transfer Operation.
461-465 BibTeX
- Mahender Nelakonda, Masaaki Mizuno, Mitchell L. Neilsen:
A Distributed Algorithm for Parameterized Semaphore Operations.
466-469 BibTeX
- A. B. Stephens, Yelena Yesha, Keith E. Humenik:
Optimal Allocation for Partially Replicated Database Systems on Ring Networks.
470-473 BibTeX
- Shyan-Ming Yuan, Chin-Juan Chen:
Fault-tolerant CSP.
474-477 BibTeX
- Jürgen Becher, G. M. Solvie:
An Integrate Approach to Satisfy Application Requirements.
478-481 BibTeX
Copyright © Sat May 16 23:16:44 2009
by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)