2008 | ||
70 | EE | Yi-Ting Tsao, Ke-Ting Xiao, Von-Wun Soo: Graph Laplacian based transfer learning in reinforcement learning. AAMAS (3) 2008: 1349-1352 |
69 | Paul Hsueh-Min Chang, Von-Wun Soo: Simulation-Based Story Generation with a Theory of Mind. AIIDE 2008 | |
68 | Yu-Chun Lin, Hsiang-Yuan Yeh, Cheng-Yu Yeh, Von-Wun Soo: A Robust Network Alignment Algorithm for Detecting Evolutionarily Conserved Networks and Protein Complexes Across Species. BIOCOMP 2008: 1005-1011 | |
67 | Shih-Fang Lin, Ke-Ting Xiao, Chung-Cheng Chiu, Von-Wun Soo: Classifying Proteins Related to Adverse Drug Reactions from Drug Targets Using Support Vector Machines. BIOCOMP 2008: 753-759 | |
66 | Yu-Ting Huang, Shih-Fang Lin, Von-Wun Soo: Statistical Analysis on Detecting Signals of Adverse Drug Events with Drug-Drug Interactions. BIOCOMP 2008: 970-976 | |
65 | EE | Shih-Fang Lin, Ke-Ting Xiao, Yu-Ting Huang, Von-Wun Soo: A Tool for Finding Possible Explanation for Adverse Drug Reactions Through Drug and Drug Target Interactions. BMEI (1) 2008: 580-584 |
64 | EE | Szu-Yin Lin, Bo-Yuan Chen, Chun-Chieh Liu, Von-Wun Soo: Web service allocations based on combinatorial auctions and market-based mechanisms. CSCWD 2008: 452-458 |
63 | EE | Shih-Yao Yang, Von-Wun Soo: Comparing the Conceptual Graphs Extracted from Patent Claims. SUTC 2008: 394-399 |
62 | EE | Chen-Yu Lee, Von-Wun Soo: Erratum to "The conflict detection and resolution in knowledge merging for image annotation" [Information Processing and Management 42 (2006) 1030-1055]. Inf. Process. Manage. 44(1): 430 (2008) |
2007 | ||
61 | EE | Yu-Ting Huang, Shih-Fang Lin, Chung-Cheng Chiu, Hsiang-Yuan Yeh, Von-Wun Soo: Probability Analysis on Associations of Adverse Drug Events with Drug-Drug Interactions. BIBE 2007: 1308-1312 |
60 | EE | Yu-Chun Lin, Hsiang-Yuan Yeh, Shih-Wu Cheng, Von-Wun Soo: Comparing Cancer and Normal Gene Regulatory Networks Based on Microarray Data and Transcription Factor Analysis. BIBE 2007: 151-157 |
59 | Shih-Wu Cheng, Hsiang-Yuan Yeh, Yu-Chun Lin, Shih-Fang Lin, Von-Wun Soo: Inferring Gene Regulatory Networks from Microarray Data Based on Transcription Factor Analysis and Conditional Independency. BIOCOMP 2007: 65-71 | |
58 | EE | Szu-Yin Lin, Bo-Yuan Chen, Hsien-Tzung Wu, Von-Wun Soo, C. C. Ku: Dynamic Change of a Multi-Agent Workflow for Patent Invention Using a Utility Function. CSCWD 2007: 389-394 |
57 | EE | Chung-Cheng Chiu, Edward Chao-Chun Kao, Paul Hsueh-Min Chang, Von-Wun Soo: AI-RPG Toolkit: Towards A Deep Model Implementation for Improvisational Virtual Drama. IVA 2007: 368 |
56 | EE | Chung-Cheng Chiu, Von-Wun Soo: Subgoal Identification for Reinforcement Learning and Planning in Multiagent Problem Solving. MATES 2007: 37-48 |
55 | EE | Paul Hsueh-Min Chang, Von-Wun Soo: Planning Actions with Social Consequences. PRIMA 2007: 74-85 |
2006 | ||
54 | EE | Benny Ping-Han Lee, Edward Chao-Chun Kao, Von-Wun Soo: Feeling Ambivalent: A Model of Mixed Emotions for Virtual Agents. IVA 2006: 329-342 |
53 | EE | Yu-Cheng Hsu, Paul Hsueh-Min Chang, Von-Wun Soo: Countering Adversarial Strategies in Multi-agent Virtual Scenarios. IVA 2006: 457 |
52 | EE | Von-Wun Soo, Szu-Yin Lin, Shih-Yao Yang, Shih-Neng Lin, Shian-Luen Cheng: A cooperative multi-agent platform for invention based on patent document analysis and ontology. Expert Syst. Appl. 31(4): 766-775 (2006) |
51 | EE | Cheng-Yu Lee, Von-Wun Soo: The conflict detection and resolution in knowledge merging for image annotation. Inf. Process. Manage. 42(4): 1030-1055 (2006) |
2005 | ||
50 | EE | Chia-Hung Chien, Paul Hsueh-Min Chang, Von-Wun Soo: Market-Oriented Multiple Resource Scheduling in Grid Computing Environments. AINA 2005: 867-872 |
49 | EE | Chen-Yu Lee, Von-Wun Soo: Modeling Annotators to Improve Semantic Annotation and Retrieval of Images. IAT 2005: 254-257 |
48 | EE | Chen-Yu Lee, Von-Wun Soo: Ontology-based information retrieval and extraction. ITRE 2005: 265-269 |
47 | EE | Paul Hsueh-Min Chang, Yu-Hung Chien, Edward Chao-Chun Kao, Von-Wun Soo: A Knowledge-Based Scenario Framework to Support Intelligent Planning Characters. IVA 2005: 134-145 |
46 | EE | Edward Chao-Chun Kao, Paul Hsueh-Min Chang, Yu-Hung Chien, Von-Wun Soo: Using Ontology to Establish Social Context and Support Social Reasoning. IVA 2005: 344-357 |
45 | EE | Chih-Yu Chen, Von-Wun Soo, Chi-Li Kuo: Application of Expectation Maximization Clustering to Transcription Factor Binding Positions for cDNA Microarray Analysis. Systems Biology and Regulatory Genomics 2005: 138-149 |
44 | EE | Jen-Hsiang Chen, Kuo-Ming Chao, Nick Godwin, Von-Wun Soo: Combining Cooperative and Non-Cooperative Automated Negotiations. Information Systems Frontiers 7(4-5): 391-404 (2005) |
2004 | ||
43 | EE | Paul Hsueh-Min Chang, Von-Wun Soo, Tai-Yu Chen, Wei-Shen Lai, Shiun-Cheng Su, Yu-Ling Huang: Automating the Determination of Open Reading Frames in Genomic Sequences Using the Web Service Techniques -- A Case Study using SARS Coronavirus. BIBE 2004: 451-458 |
42 | EE | Paul Hsueh-Min Chang, Kuang-Tai Chen, Yu-Hung Chien, Edward Chao-Chun Kao, Von-Wun Soo: From Reality to Mind: A Cognitive Middle Layer of Environment Concepts for Believable Agents. E4MAS 2004: 57-73 |
41 | EE | Jen-Hsiang Chen, Kuo-Ming Chao, Nick Godwin, Von-Wun Soo: A Multiple-Stage Cooperative Negotiation. EEE 2004: 131-138 |
40 | EE | Hung-Wen Tung, Von-Wun Soo: A Personalized Restaurant Recommender Agent for Mobile E-Service. EEE 2004: 259-262 |
39 | EE | Von-Wun Soo, Yao Shih Yang, Shu Lei Chen, Yi-Ting Fu: Ontology acquisition and semantic retrieval from semantic annotated chinese poetry. JCDL 2004: 345-346 |
38 | EE | Chen-Yu Lee, Von-Wun Soo, Yi-Ting Fu: How to annotate an image?: the need of an image annotation guide agent. JCDL 2004: 394 |
37 | EE | Chen-Yu Lee, Von-Wun Soo, Yi-Ting Fu: An Image Annotation Guide Agent. PRIMA 2004: 148-161 |
36 | EE | Ming-Chih Hsu, Von-Wun Soo: Price Determination and Profit Sharing for Bidding Groups in Agent-Mediated Auctions. PRIMA 2004: 81-91 |
2003 | ||
35 | EE | Kuo-Ming Chao, Muhammad Younas, Rachid Anane, Chen-Fang Tsai, Von-Wun Soo: Degree of Satisfaction in Agent Negotiation. CEC 2003: 68-75 |
34 | EE | Von-Wun Soo, Chen-Yu Lee, Chung-Cheng Li, Shu Lei Chen, Ching-chih Chen: Automated Semantic Annotation and Retrieval Based on Sharable Ontology and Case-Based Learning Techniques. JCDL 2003: 61- |
33 | EE | Ming-Chih Hsu, Paul Hsueh-Min Chang, Yi-Ming Wang, Von-Wun Soo: Multi-agent Travel Planning through Coalition and Negotiation in an Auction. PRIMA 2003: 62-73 |
2002 | ||
32 | EE | Von-Wun Soo, Chun-An Hung: On-line incremental learning in bilateral multi-issue negotiation. AAMAS 2002: 314-315 |
31 | EE | Von-Wun Soo, Chen-Yu Lee, Jaw Jium Yeh, Ching-chih Chen: Using sharable ontology to retrieve historical images. JCDL 2002: 197-198 |
30 | EE | Von-Wun Soo, Hai-Long Cheng: Conducting the Disambiguation Dialogues between Software Agent Sellers and Human Buyers. PRIMA 2002: 123-137 |
2001 | ||
29 | EE | Von-Wun Soo, Shu-Hau Liang: Recommending a Trip Plan by Negotiation with a Software Travel Agent. CIA 2001: 32-37 |
28 | EE | Ching Chen, Wen Gao, Hsueh-hua Chen, Li-Zhu Zhou, Von-Wun Soo: Different cultures meet: lessons learned in global digital library development (panel session). JCDL 2001: 90-93 |
27 | EE | Wei-Tek Hsu, Von-Wun Soo: Market Performance of Adaptive Trading Agents in Synchronous Double Auctions. PRIMA 2001: 108-121 |
26 | EE | Jyi-Shane Liu, Von-Wun Soo, Chia-Ning Chiang, Chen-Yu Lee, Chun-Yu Lin: Gaz-Guide: Agent-Mediated Information Retrieval for Official Gazettes. PRIMA 2001: 154-167 |
25 | EE | Yi-Jia Chen, Von-Wun Soo: Ontology-Based Information Gathering Agents. Web Intelligence 2001: 423-427 |
2000 | ||
24 | Chengqi Zhang, Von-Wun Soo: Design and Applications of Intelligent Agents, Third Pacific Rim International Workshop on Multi-Agents, PRIMA 2000, Melbourne, Australia, August 28-29, 2000, Proceedings Springer 2000 | |
23 | EE | Von-Wun Soo: Agent negotiation in trusted third party mediated uncertain games. Agents 2000: 265-266 |
22 | EE | Von-Wun Soo: Agent Negotiation under Uncertainty and Risk. PRIMA 2000: 31-45 |
1999 | ||
21 | EE | Shih-Hung Wu, Von-Wun Soo: Game Theoretic Reasoning in Multi-Agent Coordination by Negotiation with a Trusted Third Party. Agents 1999: 56-61 |
20 | Shih-Hung Wu, Von-Wun Soo: Risk Control in Multi-agent Coordination by Negotiation with a Trusted Third Party. IJCAI 1999: 500-505 | |
19 | EE | Shih-Hung Wu, Von-Wun Soo: Making Rational Decisions in N-by-N Negotiation Games with a Trusted Third Party. PRIMA 1999: 47-61 |
1998 | ||
18 | EE | Shih-Hung Wu, Von-Wun Soo: A Fuzzy Game Theoretic Approach to Multi-Agent Coordination. PRIMA 1998: 76-87 |
1997 | ||
17 | EE | Ten-Ho Lin, Von-Wun Soo: Pruning Fuzzy ARTMAP using the Minimum Description Length Principle in Learning from Clinical Databases. ICTAI 1997: 396- |
16 | EE | Tung-Bo Chen, Koong H. C. Lin, Von-Wun Soo: Training recurrent neural networks to learn lexical encoding and thematic role assignment in parsing Mandarin Chinese sentences. Neurocomputing 15(3-4): 383-409 (1997) |
1995 | ||
15 | EE | Koong H. C. Lin, Rey-Long Liu, Von-Wun Soo: Interactive acquisition of thematic information of Chinese verbs for judicial verdict document understanding using templates, syntactic clues, and heuristics. ICDAR 1995: 297-300 |
14 | EE | Koong H. C. Lin, Tung-Bo Chen, Von-Wun Soo: Neural Network Learning and Encoding of Thematic Role Assignments in Parsing of Simple Chinese Sentences. J. Inf. Sci. Eng. 11(1): 109-126 (1995) |
13 | EE | Hown-Wen Chen, Von-Wun Soo: The plasticity of feedforward neural networks in assimilating a training instance based on non-batch learning. Neurocomputing 7(3): 299-309 (1995) |
1994 | ||
12 | EE | Rey-Long Liu, Von-Wun Soo: A Corpus-Based Learning Technique for Building A Self-Extensible Parser. COLING 1994: 441-446 |
11 | EE | Koong H. C. Lin, Von-Wun Soo: Hypothesis Scoring over Theta Grids Information in Parsing Chinese Sentences with Serial Verb Constructions. COLING 1994: 942-948 |
10 | Rey-Long Liu, Von-Wun Soo: Explanation-based natural language acquisition using universal linguistic principles as innate domain theory. Applied Artificial Intelligence 8(4): 459-481 (1994) | |
9 | Von-Wun Soo, Jan-Sin Wang, Shih-Pu Wang: Learning and discovery from a clinical database: an incremental concept formation approach. Artificial Intelligence in Medicine 6(3): 249-261 (1994) | |
8 | EE | Wei-Chang Lin, Von-Wun Soo: Evidential Relaxation Labeling Scheme to Perform Non-Monotonic and Uncertain Reasoning. J. Inf. Sci. Eng. 11(2): 159-176 (1994) |
7 | EE | Rey-Long Liu, Von-Wun Soo: A New Algorithm for Deterministic Parsing and Its Application to Grammar and Style Checking. J. Inf. Sci. Eng. 11(3): 369-385 (1994) |
1993 | ||
6 | Rey-Long Liu, Von-Wun Soo: An Empirical Study on Thematic Knowledge Acquisition Based on Syntactic Clues and Heuristics. ACL 1993: 243-250 | |
5 | Rey-Long Liu, Von-Wun Soo: Parsing-Driven Generalization for Natural Language Acquisition. IJPRAI 7(3): 621-644 (1993) | |
4 | EE | Von-Wun Soo, Karen Huang: On Evidential Relaxation Labeling-A Scheme Toward Knowledge-Based Vision. J. Inf. Sci. Eng. 9(2): 153-175 (1993) |
1992 | ||
3 | EE | Benjamin L. Chen, Von-Wun Soo: An Acquisition Model for both Choosing and Resolving Anaphora in Conjoined Mandarin Chinese Sentences. COLING 1992: 274-280 |
2 | Benjamin L. Chen, Von-Wun Soo: An Incremental Concept Formation Approach to Acquisition of Anaphoric Regularity in Mandarin Chinese. ICCI 1992: 278-281 | |
1 | Rey-Long Liu, Von-Wun Soo: Augmenting and Efficiently Utilizing Domain Theory in Explanation-Based Natural Language Acquisition. ML 1992: 282-289 |