2009 |
89 | EE | Afonso Ferreira:
Parallel Computing: Models.
Encyclopedia of Optimization 2009: 2903-2908 |
2007 |
88 | EE | Afonso Ferreira,
Alfredo Goldman,
Julian Monteiro:
On the Evaluation of Shortest Journeys in Dynamic Networks.
NCA 2007: 3-10 |
87 | EE | Jean-Claude Bermond,
Afonso Ferreira,
Stéphane Pérennes,
Joseph G. Peters:
Neighborhood Broadcasting in Hypercubes.
SIAM J. Discrete Math. 21(4): 823-843 (2007) |
2006 |
86 | EE | Dominique Barth,
Pascal Berthomé,
Madiagne Diallo,
Afonso Ferreira:
Revisiting parametric multi-terminal problems: Maximum flows, minimum cuts and cut-tree computations.
Discrete Optimization 3(3): 195-205 (2006) |
2004 |
85 | EE | Ioannis Caragiannis,
Afonso Ferreira,
Christos Kaklamanis,
Stephane Perennes,
Pino Persiano,
Hervé Rivano:
Approximate constrained bipartite edge coloring.
Discrete Applied Mathematics 143(1-3): 54-61 (2004) |
84 | EE | Afonso Ferreira:
Building a reference combinatorial model for MANETs.
IEEE Network 18(5): 24-29 (2004) |
2003 |
83 | EE | Sandeep Bhadra,
Afonso Ferreira:
Complexity of Connected Components in Evolving Graphs and the Computation of Multicast Trees in Dynamic Networks.
ADHOC-NOW 2003: 259-270 |
82 | EE | Pascal Berthomé,
Madiagne Diallo,
Afonso Ferreira:
Generalized Parametric Multi-terminal Flows Problem.
WG 2003: 71-80 |
81 | EE | Andrea E. F. Clementi,
Paolo Penna,
Afonso Ferreira,
Stephane Perennes,
Riccardo Silvestri:
The Minimum Range Assignment Problem on Linear Radio Networks.
Algorithmica 35(2): 95-110 (2003) |
80 | EE | Binh-Minh Bui-Xuan,
Afonso Ferreira,
Aubin Jarry:
Computing Shortest, Fastest, and Foremost Journeys in Dynamic Networks.
Int. J. Found. Comput. Sci. 14(2): 267-285 (2003) |
79 | EE | Afonso Ferreira,
Stephane Perennes,
Hervé Rivano,
Andréa W. Richa,
Nicolás E. Stier Moses:
Models, Complexity and Algorithms for the Design of Multi-fiber WDM Networks.
Telecommunication Systems 24(2-4): 123-138 (2003) |
2002 |
78 | | Helmut Alt,
Afonso Ferreira:
STACS 2002, 19th Annual Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science, Antibes - Juan les Pins, France, March 14-16, 2002, Proceedings
Springer 2002 |
77 | EE | Frank K. H. A. Dehne,
Afonso Ferreira,
Edson Cáceres,
Siang W. Song,
Alessandro Roncato:
Efficient Parallel Graph Algorithms for Coarse-Grained Multicomputers and BSP.
Algorithmica 33(2): 183-200 (2002) |
76 | | Afonso Ferreira,
Isabelle Guérin Lassous,
K. Marcus,
Andrew Rau-Chaplin:
Parallel computation on interval graphs: algorithms and experiments.
Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 14(11): 885-910 (2002) |
75 | EE | David Coudert,
Afonso Ferreira,
Stephane Perennes:
Isomorphisms of the De Bruijn digraph and free-space optical networks.
Networks 40(3): 155-164 (2002) |
2001 |
74 | | Afonso Ferreira,
Horst Reichel:
STACS 2001, 18th Annual Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science, Dresden, Germany, February 15-17, 2001, Proceedings
Springer 2001 |
73 | EE | Ioannis Caragiannis,
Afonso Ferreira,
Christos Kaklamanis,
Stephane Perennes,
Hervé Rivano:
Fractional Path Coloring with Applications to WDM Networks.
ICALP 2001: 732-743 |
72 | EE | Ioannis Caragiannis,
Afonso Ferreira,
Christos Kaklamanis,
Stephane Perennes,
Pino Persiano,
Hervé Rivano:
Approximate Constrained Bipartite Edge Coloring.
WG 2001: 21-31 |
71 | | Afonso Ferreira,
Daniel Krob:
DIAL M for Mobility: Discrete Algorithms and Methods for Mobile Computing and Communications.
MONET 6(6): 491-492 (2001) |
70 | | Mohamadou Diallo,
Afonso Ferreira,
Andrew Rau-Chaplin:
A Note on Communication-Efficient Deterministic Parallel Algorithms for Planar Point Location and 2D Voronoï Diagram.
Parallel Processing Letters 11(2/3): 327-340 (2001) |
69 | | Patrick Bergé,
Afonso Ferreira,
Jérôme Galtier,
Jean-Noël Petit:
A Probabilistic Study of Inter-Satellite Links Load in Polar Orbit Satellite Constellations.
Telecommunication Systems 18(1-3): 123-135 (2001) |
2000 |
68 | | Andrea E. F. Clementi,
Afonso Ferreira,
Paolo Penna,
Stephane Perennes,
Riccardo Silvestri:
The Minimum Range Assignment Problem on Linear Radio Networks.
ESA 2000: 143-154 |
67 | EE | David Coudert,
Afonso Ferreira,
Stephane Perennes:
De Bruijn Isomorphisms and Free Space Optical Networks.
IPDPS 2000: 769- |
66 | EE | Fouad E. Kiamilev,
Jeremy Ekman,
Afonso Ferreira,
Sadik C. Esener,
Yi Pan,
Keqin Li:
Workshop on Optics and Computer Science (WOCS 2000).
IPDPS Workshops 2000: 1042-1043 |
65 | EE | Afonso Ferreira,
Jérôme Galtier,
P. Mahey,
G. Mateus,
A. Oliveira,
M. Pichereau:
An Optimization Model for Routing in Low Earth Orbit Satellite Constellations.
ISPAN 2000: 161-166 |
64 | EE | Arunabha Sen,
K. Selçuk Candan,
Afonso Ferreira,
Bruno Beauquier,
Stephane Perennes:
On Shortest Path Problems with "Non-Markovian" Link Contribution to Path Lengths.
NETWORKING 2000: 859-870 |
63 | EE | Pascal Berthomé,
Afonso Ferreira,
Bruce M. Maggs,
Stephane Perennes,
C. Greg Plaxton:
Sorting-Based Selection Algorithms for Hypercubic Networks.
Algorithmica 26(2): 237-254 (2000) |
62 | | Afonso Ferreira,
Alfredo Goldman,
Siang W. Song:
Broadcasting in Bus Interconnection Networks.
Journal of Interconnection Networks 1(2): 73-94 (2000) |
1999 |
61 | EE | Ricardo C. Corrêa,
Afonso Ferreira:
A Polynomial-Time Branching Procedure for the Multiprocessor Scheduling Problem.
Euro-Par 1999: 272-279 |
60 | | David Coudert,
Afonso Ferreira,
Xavier Muñoz:
OTIS-Based Multi-Hop Multi-OPS Lightwave Networks.
IPPS/SPDP Workshops 1999: 897-910 |
59 | EE | Afonso Ferreira,
Nicolas Schabanel:
A Randomized BSP/CGM Algorithm for the Maximal Independent Set Problem.
ISPAN 1999: 284-289 |
58 | EE | Afonso Ferreira,
Claire Kenyon,
Andrew Rau-Chaplin,
Stéphane Ubéda:
d-Dimensional Range Search on Multicomputers.
Algorithmica 24(3-4): 195-208 (1999) |
57 | EE | Ricardo C. Corrêa,
Afonso Ferreira,
Pascal Rebreyend:
Scheduling Multiprocessor Tasks with Genetic Algorithms.
IEEE Trans. Parallel Distrib. Syst. 10(8): 825-837 (1999) |
56 | EE | Afonso Ferreira,
Stéphane Ubéda:
Computing the Medial Axis Transform in Parallel With Eight Scan Operations.
IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 21(3): 277-282 (1999) |
55 | | Mohamadou Diallo,
Afonso Ferreira,
Andrew Rau-Chaplin,
Stéphane Ubéda:
Scalable 2D Convex Hull and Triangulation Algorithms for Coarse Grained Multicomputers.
J. Parallel Distrib. Comput. 56(1): 47-70 (1999) |
54 | EE | Afonso Ferreira,
Nicolas Schabanel:
A Randomized BSP/CGM Algorithm for the Maximal Independent Set Problem.
Parallel Processing Letters 9(3): 411-422 (1999) |
1998 |
53 | | Afonso Ferreira,
José D. P. Rolim,
Horst D. Simon,
Shang-Hua Teng:
Solving Irregularly Structured Problems in Parallel, 5th International Symposium, IRREGULAR '98, Berkeley, California, USA, August 9-11, 1998, Proceedings
Springer 1998 |
52 | EE | Afonso Ferreira,
Isabelle Guérin Lassous,
K. Marcus,
Andrew Rau-Chaplin:
Parallel Computation on Interval Graphs Using PC CLusters: Algorithms and Experiments.
Euro-Par 1998: 875-886 |
51 | EE | David Coudert,
Afonso Ferreira,
Xavier Muñoz:
Multiprocessor Architectures Using Multi-Hop Multi-OPS Lightwave Networks and Distributed Control.
IPPS/SPDP 1998: 151-155 |
50 | | Mohamadou Diallo,
Afonso Ferreira,
Andrew Rau-Chaplin:
Communication-Efficient Deterministic Parallel Algorithms for Planar Point Location and 2d Voronoi Diagram.
STACS 1998: 399-409 |
49 | EE | H. Bourdin,
Afonso Ferreira,
K. Marcus:
A Performance Comparison Between Graph and Hypergraph Topologies for Passive Star WDM Lightwave Networks.
Computer Networks 30(8): 805-819 (1998) |
48 | | Afonso Ferreira,
José D. P. Rolim:
Special Issue on Irregular Problems in Supercomputing Applications: Guest Editors' Introduction.
J. Parallel Distrib. Comput. 50(1/2): 1-2 (1998) |
1997 |
47 | | Gianfranco Bilardi,
Afonso Ferreira,
Reinhard Lüling,
José D. P. Rolim:
Solving Irregularly Structured Problems in Parallel, 4th International Symposium, IRREGULAR '97, Paderborn, Germany, June 12-13, 1997, Proceedings
Springer 1997 |
46 | | Edson Cáceres,
Frank K. H. A. Dehne,
Afonso Ferreira,
Paola Flocchini,
Ingo Rieping,
Alessandro Roncato,
Nicola Santoro,
Siang W. Song:
Efficient Parallel Graph Algorithms For Coarse Grained Multicomputers and BSP.
ICALP 1997: 390-400 |
45 | EE | Afonso Ferreira,
Claire Kenyon,
Andrew Rau-Chaplin,
Stéphane Ubéda:
d-Dimensional Range Search on Multicomputers.
IPPS 1997: 616-620 |
44 | | Pascal Berthomé,
Johanne Cohen,
Afonso Ferreira:
Embedding Tori in Partitioned Optical Passive Star Networks.
SIROCCO 1997: 40-52 |
43 | | Pascal Berthomé,
Afonso Ferreira:
Communication Issues in Parallel Systems with Optical Interconnections.
Int. J. Found. Comput. Sci. 8(2): 143- (1997) |
1996 |
42 | | Afonso Ferreira,
Panos M. Pardalos:
Solving Combinatorial Optimization Problems in Parallel - Methods and Techniques
Springer 1996 |
41 | | Afonso Ferreira,
José D. P. Rolim,
Yousef Saad,
Tao Yang:
Parallel Algorithms for Irregularly Structured Problems, Third International Workshop, IRREGULAR '96, Santa Barbara, California, USA, August 19-21, 1996, Proceedings
Springer 1996 |
40 | | H. Bourdin,
Afonso Ferreira,
K. Marcus:
On Stack-Graph OPS-Based Lightwave Networks.
Euro-Par, Vol. I 1996: 218-221 |
39 | EE | Thibault Duboux,
Afonso Ferreira:
Achieving Good Performance for Dictionary Machines: A Scalable Distributed Data Balancing Technique.
PDP 1996: 266-273 |
38 | | Afonso Ferreira,
Panos M. Pardalos:
SCOOP: Solving Combinatorial Optimization Problems in Parallel.
Solving Combinatorial Optimization Problems in Parallel 1996: 1-6 |
37 | | Ricardo C. Corrêa,
Afonso Ferreira:
Parallel best-first branch-and-bound in discrete optimization: a framework.
Solving Combinatorial Optimization Problems in Parallel 1996: 171-200 |
36 | EE | Pascal Berthomé,
Afonso Ferreira,
Stephane Perennes:
Optimal Information Dissemination in Star and Pancake Networks.
IEEE Trans. Parallel Distrib. Syst. 7(12): 1292-1300 (1996) |
35 | | Afonso Ferreira,
John Michael Robson:
Fast and Scalable Parallel Algorithms for Knapsack-like Problems.
J. Parallel Distrib. Comput. 39(1): 1-13 (1996) |
34 | EE | Afonso Ferreira,
Alfredo Goldman vel Lejbman,
Siang Wun Song:
Gossiping in Bus Interconnection Networks.
Parallel Algorithms Appl. 8(3-4): 309-331 (1996) |
33 | EE | Afonso Ferreira,
Miltos D. Grammatikakis:
Randomized Routing on Generalized Hypercubes.
Theor. Comput. Sci. 158(1&2): 53-64 (1996) |
32 | | Afonso Ferreira,
José D. P. Rolim:
Foreword to the Special Issue on Parallelism.
Theor. Comput. Sci. 162(2): 171-172 (1996) |
1995 |
31 | | Afonso Ferreira,
José D. P. Rolim:
Parallel Algorithms for Irregularly Structured Problems, Second International Workshop, IRREGULAR '95, Lyon, France, September 4-6, 1995, Proceedings
Springer 1995 |
30 | EE | Afonso Ferreira,
Stéphane Ubéda:
Parallel complexity of the medial axis computation.
ICIP 1995: 2105-2108 |
29 | EE | Frank K. H. A. Dehne,
Andrew Rau-Chaplin,
Afonso Ferreira:
Hypercube Algorithms for Parallel Processing of Pointer-Based Quadtrees.
Computer Vision and Image Understanding 62(1): 1-10 (1995) |
28 | EE | Afonso Ferreira:
Work and Memory-Efficient Parallel Algorithms for the Knapsack Problem.
International Journal of High Speed Computing 7(4): 595-606 (1995) |
27 | | Ricardo C. Corrêa,
Afonso Ferreira:
On the Effectiveness of Synchronous Parallel Branch-and-Bound Algorithms.
Parallel Processing Letters 5: 375-386 (1995) |
1994 |
26 | | Michel Cosnard,
Afonso Ferreira,
Joseph G. Peters:
Parallel and Distributed Computing, First Canada-France Conference, Montréal, Canada, May 19-21, 1994, Proceedings
Springer 1994 |
25 | | Afonso Ferreira,
Alfredo Goldman vel Lejbman,
Siang W. Song:
Broadcasting in Bus Interconnection Networks.
CONPAR 1994: 797-807 |
24 | | Afonso Ferreira,
Miltos D. Grammatikakis:
Improved Probabilistic Routing on Generalized Hypercubes.
PARLE 1994: 1-12 |
23 | | Afonso Ferreira,
Alfredo Goldman vel Lejbman,
Siang W. Song:
Bus-Based Parallel Computers: A Viable Way for Massive Parallelism.
PARLE 1994: 553-564 |
22 | EE | Pascal Berthomé,
Afonso Ferreira:
Time-optimal Geometric Algorithms in Hypercubic Networks.
Parallel Algorithms Appl. 4(3-4): 169-181 (1994) |
21 | | Frank K. H. A. Dehne,
Afonso Ferreira,
Andrew Rau-Chaplin:
A Massively Parallel Knowledge-Base Server Using a Hypercube Multiprocessor.
Parallel Computing 20(9): 1369-1382 (1994) |
20 | EE | Afonso Ferreira,
Stéphane Ubéda:
Ultra-fast parallel contour tracking, with applications to thinning.
Pattern Recognition 27(7): 867-878 (1994) |
1993 |
19 | | Pascal Berthomé,
Afonso Ferreira,
Bruce M. Maggs,
Stephane Perennes,
C. Greg Plaxton:
Sorting-Based Selection Algorithms for Hypercube Networks.
IPPS 1993: 89-95 |
18 | | Afonso Ferreira,
Stéphane Ubéda:
Ultra-Fast Parallel Contour Tracking and Thinning.
PARCO 1993: 97-104 |
17 | | Afonso Ferreira,
Pascal Berthomé,
Stephane Perennes:
Optimal Information Dissemination in Star and Pancake Networks.
SPDP 1993: 720-725 |
16 | | Afonso Ferreira:
On Space-Efficient Algorithms for Certain NP-Complete Problems.
Theor. Comput. Sci. 120(2): 311-315 (1993) |
1992 |
15 | | Thibault Duboux,
Afonso Ferreira,
Michel Gastaldo:
MIMD Dictionary Machines: From Theory to Practice.
CONPAR 1992: 545-550 |
14 | | Selim G. Akl,
Michel Cosnard,
Afonso Ferreira:
Revisiting Parallel Speedup Complexity.
ICCI 1992: 179-182 |
13 | | Afonso Ferreira,
Siang W. Song:
Achieving Optimality for Gate Matrix Layout and PLA Folding: a Graph Theoretic Approach.
LATIN 1992: 139-153 |
12 | | Frank K. H. A. Dehne,
Afonso Ferreira,
Andrew Rau-Chaplin:
Parallel Fractional Cascading on Hypercube Multiprocessors.
Comput. Geom. 2: 141-167 (1992) |
11 | | Selim G. Akl,
Michel Cosnard,
Afonso Ferreira:
Data-Movement-Intensive Problems: Two Folk Theorems in Parallel Computation Revisited.
Theor. Comput. Sci. 95(2): 323-337 (1992) |
1991 |
10 | | Michel Cosnard,
Afonso Ferreira:
A Tight Lower Bound for Selection in Sorted X+Y.
ICCI 1991: 134-138 |
9 | | Frank K. H. A. Dehne,
Afonso Ferreira,
Andrew Rau-Chaplin:
Efficient Parallel Construction and Manipulation of Quadtrees.
ICPP (3) 1991: 255-262 |
8 | | Afonso Ferreira:
A Parallel Time/Hardware Tradeoff T . H = O(2^{n/2}) for the Knapsack Problem.
IEEE Trans. Computers 40(2): 221-225 (1991) |
7 | | Michel Cosnard,
Afonso Ferreira:
On the Real Power of Loosely Coupled Parallel Architectures.
Parallel Processing Letters 1: 103-111 (1991) |
1990 |
6 | | Michel Cosnard,
Jean Duprat,
Afonso Ferreira:
The Complexity of Searching in X+Y and Other Multisets.
Inf. Process. Lett. 34(2): 103-109 (1990) |
5 | | Frank K. H. A. Dehne,
Afonso Ferreira,
Andrew Rau-Chaplin:
A. G. Ferreira Parallel branch and bound on fine-grained hypercube multiprocessors.
Parallel Computing 15(1-3): 201-209 (1990) |
1989 |
4 | | Michel Cosnard,
Afonso Ferreira:
Parallel Algorithms for Searching In X+Y.
ICPP (3) 1989: 16-19 |
3 | | Michel Cosnard,
Afonso Ferreira:
Generating Permutations on a VLSI Suitable Linear Network.
Comput. J. 32(6): 571-573 (1989) |
2 | | Michel Cosnard,
Afonso Ferreira,
Hugo Herbelin:
The two list algorithm for the knapsack problem on a FPS T20.
Parallel Computing 9(3): 385-388 (1989) |
1 | | Michel Cosnard,
Jean Duprat,
Afonso Ferreira:
Complexity of Selection in X + Y.
Theor. Comput. Sci. 67(1): 105-120 (1989) |