
Mohamed Bettaz

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16 Nadia Zeghib, Mohamed Bettaz, Kamel Barkaoui: CIRTA: An ECATNets Based Model for Embedded Systems Specification. ESA 2005: 261-267
15EEMohamed Bettaz, Mourad Maouche: Towards Mobile Z Schemas. IJCSA 2(2): 101-117 (2005)
14EEF. Belala, Mohamed Bettaz: A Natural Semantic Framework for ECATNets. Applied Categorical Structures 10(5): 431-447 (2002)
13EEMohamed Bettaz: Object Based Software Engineering with Hidden Sorted ECATNets and Hidden Labeled Rewriting Logic. AICCSA 2001: 386-
12EEF. Belala, Mohamed Bettaz, Laure Petrucci-Dauchy: Concurrent Systems Analysis Using ECATNets. Logic Journal of the IGPL 8(2): (2000)
11EEMohamed Bettaz, Mourad Maouche, Kamel Barkaoui: Formal Specification of Communication Protocols with Object-Based ECATNets. EUROMICRO 1996: 492-
10EEKarim Djemame, Dennis C. Gilles, Lewis M. Mackenzie, Mohamed Bettaz: Distributed Simulation of ECATNets: A Conservative Approach. PDP 1996: 518-525
9EEKarim Djemame, Mohamed Bettaz, Dennis C. Gilles, Lewis M. Mackenzie: Performance Comparison of High-Level Algebraic Nets Distributed Simulation Protocols. Winter Simulation Conference 1996: 621-628
8 Mohamed Bettaz, Mourad Maouche: Modelling of Object Based Systems with Hidden Sorted ECATNets. MASCOTS 1995: 307-311
7EEMohamed Bettaz, Mourad Maouche, Moussa Soualmi, Madani Boukebeche: On reusing ATNet modules in protocol specification. Journal of Systems and Software 27(2): 119-128 (1994)
6 Mohamed Bettaz, Mourad Maouche, M. Soulami, Madani Boukebeche: Compact Modeling and Rapid Prototyping of Communication Software with ECATNets: A Case Study. MASCOTS 1993: 149-154
5 Mohamed Bettaz, Gianna Reggio: A SMoLCS Based Kit for Defining High-Level Algebraic Petri Nets. COMPASS/ADT 1992: 98-112
4 Mohamed Bettaz, Mourad Maouche, Moussa Soualmi, Madani Boukebeche: Using ECATNets for Specifying Communication Software in the OSI Framework. ICCI 1992: 410-413
3 Mohamed Bettaz, Mourad Maouche: How to Specify Non-Determinism and True Concurrency with Algebraic Term Nets. COMPASS/ADT 1991: 164-180
2 Mohamed Bettaz: An Association of Algebraic Term Nets and Abstract Data Types for Specifying Real Communication Protocols. ADT 1990: 11-30
1 Mohamed Bettaz: Implementation of Tools for the Specification and Validation of ADTs: Application to Communication Protocols. ADT 1988

Coauthor Index

1Kamel Barkaoui [11] [16]
2F. Belala [12] [14]
3Madani Boukebeche [4] [6] [7]
4Karim Djemame [9] [10]
5Dennis C. Gilles [9] [10]
6Lewis M. Mackenzie [9] [10]
7Mourad Maouche [3] [4] [6] [7] [8] [11] [15]
8Laure Petrucci (Laure Petrucci-Dauchy) [12]
9Gianna Reggio [5]
10Moussa Soualmi [4] [7]
11M. Soulami [6]
12Nadia Zeghib [16]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)