
Johan Lewi

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23 Bart Vergauwen, Johan Lewi: Efficient Local Correctness Checking for Single and Alternating Boolean Equation Systems. ICALP 1994: 304-315
22 Bart Vergauwen, Johan Lewi, I. Avau, A. Poté: Efficient Computation of Nested Fix-Points, with Applications to Model Checking. ICTL 1994: 165-179
21 Bart Vergauwen, J. Wauman, Johan Lewi: Efficient FixPoint Computation. SAS 1994: 314-328
20 Stefan Van Baelen, Johan Lewi, Eric Steegmans: Constraints in Object-Oriented Analysis and Design. TOOLS (13) 1994: 185-199
19 Bart Vergauwen, Johan Lewi: A Linear Local Model Checking Algorithm for CTL. CONCUR 1993: 447-461
18 Stefan Van Baelen, Johan Lewi, Eric Steegmans, Bart Swennen: Constraints in Object-Oriented Analysis. ISOTAS 1993: 393-407
17 Eddy Bevers, Johan Lewi: Proving Termination of (Conditional) Rewrite Systems. A Semantic Approach. Acta Inf. 30(6): 537-568 (1993)
16 Bart Vergauwen, Johan Lewi: A Linear Algorithm for Solving Fixed-Point Equations on Transition Systems. CAAP 1992: 322-341
15 Bart Vergauwen, Johan Lewi: Linear Local and Global Model Checking Algorithms for a Kernel Temporal Logic Language. ICCI 1992: 46-49
14 Stefan Van Baelen, Johan Lewi, Eric Steegmans, Helena Van Riel: EROOS: An Entity-Relationship Based OO Specification Method. TOOLS (7) 1992: 103-117
13EEEric Steegmans, Johan Lewi, Ivo Van Horebeek: Generation of Interactive Parsers With Error Handling. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 18(5): 357-367 (1992)
12 Eddy Bevers, Johan Lewi: Proof by Consistency in Conditional Equational Theories. CTRS 1990: 194-205
11EEIvo Van Horebeek, Johan Lewi: Are constructive formal specifications less abstract? SIGPLAN Notices 25(5): 60-68 (1990)
10 Ivo Van Horebeek, Johan Lewi, Eddi Bevers, Luc Duponcheel, Willy Van Puymbroeck: An Exception Handling Method for Constructive Algebraic Specifications. Softw., Pract. Exper. 18(5): 443-458 (1988)
9 Johan Lewi, Karel De Vlaminck, J. Huens, M. Huybrechts: The ELL(1) Parser Generator and the Error Recovery Mechanism. Acta Inf. 10: 209-228 (1978)
8 Johan Lewi, Karel De Vlaminck, J. Huens, M. Huybrechts: Project LILA. The ELL(1) Generator of LILA, an Introduction. International Computing Symposium 1977: 237-251
7 Paul Branquart, Jean-Pierre Cardinael, Johan Lewi, Jean-Paul Delescaille, Michael Van Begin: An Optimized Translation Process and Its Application to ALGOL 68 Springer 1976
6 Johan Lewi, Karel De Vlaminck, J. Huens, Peter Mertens: SLS/1: A Translator Writing System. GI Jahrestagung 1975: 627-641
5 Paul Branquart, Jean-Pierre Cardinael, Johan Lewi, Jean-Paul Delescaille, Michael Van Begin: A simple translation automaton allowing the generation of optimized code. Methods of Algorithmic Language Implementation 1975: 209-217
4 Paul Branquart, Jean-Pierre Cardinael, Jean-Paul Delescaille, Johan Lewi: A Context-Free Syntax of ALGOL 68. Inf. Process. Lett. 1(4): 141-148 (1972)
3 Paul Branquart, Johan Lewi, Michel Sintzoff, Pierre Wodon: The Composition of Semantics in Algol 68. Commun. ACM 14(11): 697-708 (1971)
2 Paul Branquart, Johan Lewi: A Scheme of Storage Allocation and Garbage Collection for Algol 68. ALGOL 68 Implementation 1970: 199-238
1 Paul Branquart, Johan Lewi, Jean-Pierre Cardinael: Analysis of the Parenthesis Structure of Algol 68. ALGOL 68 Implementation 1970: 37-76

Coauthor Index

1I. Avau [22]
2Stefan Van Baelen [14] [18] [20]
3Michael Van Begin [5] [7]
4Eddi Bevers [10]
5Eddy Bevers [12] [17]
6Paul Branquart [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [7]
7Jean-Pierre Cardinael [1] [4] [5] [7]
8Jean-Paul Delescaille [4] [5] [7]
9Luc Duponcheel [10]
10Ivo Van Horebeek [10] [11] [13]
11J. Huens [6] [8] [9]
12M. Huybrechts [8] [9]
13Peter Mertens [6]
14A. Poté [22]
15Willy Van Puymbroeck [10]
16Helena Van Riel [14]
17Michel Sintzoff [3]
18Eric Steegmans [13] [14] [18] [20]
19Bart Swennen [18]
20Bart Vergauwen [15] [16] [19] [21] [22] [23]
21Karel De Vlaminck [6] [8] [9]
22J. Wauman [21]
23Pierre Wodon [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)