
N. Chandrasekharan

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11EEN. Chandrasekharan, Zhi-Hai Ma, Udaya Bhaskar Vemulapati, William J. Porthouse Jr., Allen T. Irwin: MasPaWS - A Massively Parallel War Simulator. Simul. Pr. Theory 4(4): 265-282 (1996)
10 R. Sridhar, N. Chandrasekharan: Highly Parallelizable Problems on Sorted Intervals. Parallel Computing 21(3): 433-446 (1995)
9EER. Sridhar, K. Han, N. Chandrasekharan: Efficient Algorithms for Shortest Distance Queries on Special Classes of Polygons. Theor. Comput. Sci. 140(2): 291-300 (1995)
8EEN. Chandrasekharan, Udaya Bhaskar Vemulapati, Allen T. Irwin, Zhi-Hai Ma, William J. Porthouse Jr.: MasPaWS - a massively parallel war simulator. Winter Simulation Conference 1994: 744-751
7 Sridhar Hannenhalli, Kalyan S. Perumalla, N. Chandrasekharan, R. Sridhar: A Distributed Algorithm for Ear Decomposition. ICCI 1993: 180-184
6 Dipti S. Joshi, R. Sridhar, N. Chandrasekharan: Efficient Algorithms for All-Pairs Shortest Path Problem on Interval, Directed Path, and Circular-Arc Graphs. ICCI 1993: 31-35
5 Amit Jain, N. Chandrasekharan: An Efficient Parallel Algorithm for Min-Cost Flow on Directed Series-Parallel Networks. IPPS 1993: 188-192
4 N. Chandrasekharan, Laks V. S. Lakshmanan, Muralidhar Medidi: Efficient Parallel Algorithms for Finding Chordless Cycles in Graphs. Parallel Processing Letters 3: 165-170 (1993)
3 N. Chandrasekharan, Sridhar Hannenhalli: Efficient Algorithms for Computing Matching and Chromatic Polynominals on Series-Parallel Graphs. ICCI 1992: 42-45
2 N. Chandrasekharan: Isomorphism Testing of k-Trees is in NC, for Fixed k. Inf. Process. Lett. 34(6): 283-287 (1990)
1 N. Chandrasekharan, S. Sitharama Iyengar: NC Algorithms for Recognizing Chordal Graphs and k Trees. IEEE Trans. Computers 37(10): 1178-1183 (1988)

Coauthor Index

1K. Han [9]
2Sridhar Hannenhalli [3] [7]
3Allen T. Irwin [8] [11]
4S. Sitharama Iyengar [1]
5Amit Jain [5]
6Dipti S. Joshi [6]
7Laks V. S. Lakshmanan (V. S. Lakshmanan) [4]
8Zhi-Hai Ma [8] [11]
9Muralidhar Medidi [4]
10Kalyan S. Perumalla [7]
11William J. Porthouse Jr. [8] [11]
12R. Sridhar [6] [7] [9] [10]
13Udaya Bhaskar Vemulapati [8] [11]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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