
Cyril U. Orji

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22 Cyril U. Orji, Donald A. Adjeroh, Patrick O. Bobbie, Kingsley C. Nwosu: Design and Configuration Rationales for Digital Video Storage and Delivery Systems. Multimedia Tools Appl. 6(1): 5-32 (1998)
21 Cyril U. Orji, Patrick O. Bobbie, Kingsley C. Nwosu: Spatio-Temporal Effects of Multimedia Objects Storage and Delivery for Video-on-Demand Systems. Multimedia Syst. 5(1): 39-52 (1997)
20 Donald A. Adjeroh, Moon-Chuen Lee, Cyril U. Orji: Techniques for Fast Partitioning of Compressed and Uncompressed Video. Multimedia Tools Appl. 4(2): 225-243 (1997)
19 Donald A. Adjeroh, Moon-Chuen Lee, Cyril U. Orji: A Principled Approach To Fast Partitioning of Uncompressed Video. IW-MMDBMS 1996: 115-112
18 Ya Xu, Donald A. Adjeroh, Cyril U. Orji: Fault Avoidance and Recovery for Distributed Multimedia Multicast. IW-MMDBMS 1996: 168-174
17 Cyril U. Orji, Kingsley C. Nwosu: Data Layout for Interactive Video-on-Demand Storage Systems. SEKE 1996: 285-292
16 Cyril U. Orji: Multimedia DBMS - Reality of Hype? Multimedia Database Systems 1996: 1-16
15 Ya Xu, Cyril U. Orji, Yi Deng, Naphtali Rishe: An Architecture for Operating System Support of Distributed Multimedia Systems. IW-MMDBMS 1995: 56-63
14 Cyril U. Orji, Hong Shen, Anestis A. Toptsis: The Redundant PB-tree. Parallel and Distributed Computing and Systems 1995: 344-351
13 Cyril U. Orji, Taysir Abdalla, Jon A. Solworth: Large Performance Analysis of Disk Mirroring Techniques. Informatica (Slovenia) 19(2): (1995)
12EENaphtali Rishe, Wei Sun, David Barton, Yi Deng, Cyril U. Orji, Michael Alexopoulos, Leonard Loureiro, Carlos Ordonez, Mario Sanchez, Artyom Shaposhnikov: Florida International University High Performance Database Research Center. SIGMOD Record 24(3): 71-76 (1995)
11EECyril U. Orji, Jon A. Solworth: Write Twice Disk Buffering. PDIS 1994: 27-34
10 Cyril U. Orji, Mark Allen Weiss, Jon A. Solworth: Improved Tradtional Mirror. FODO 1993: 329-344
9EECyril U. Orji, Jon A. Solworth: Doubly Distorted Mirrors. SIGMOD Conference 1993: 307-316
8EECarolyn Turbyfill, Cyril U. Orji, Dina Bitton: AS3AP - An ANSI SQL Standard Scaleable and Portable Benchmark for Relational Database Systems. The Benchmark Handbook 1993
7EEJon A. Solworth, Cyril U. Orji: Distored Mapping Techniques to Achieve High Performance in Mirrored Disk Systems. Distributed and Parallel Databases 1(1): 81-102 (1993)
6 Cyril U. Orji, Jon A. Solworth: Write-Only Disk Cache Experiments on Multiple Surface Disks. ICCI 1992: 385-388
5EECyril U. Orji: A Methodology for Benchmarking Distributed Database Management Systems. ICDE 1991: 612-619
4EEJon A. Solworth, Cyril U. Orji: Distorted Mirrors. PDIS 1991: 10-17
3 Carolyn Turbyfill, Cyril U. Orji, Dina Bitton: AS3AP: An ANSI SQL Standard Scaleable and Portable Benchmark for Relational Database Systems. The Benchmark Handbook 1991: 167-207
2EEJon A. Solworth, Cyril U. Orji: Write-Only Disk Caches. SIGMOD Conference 1990: 123-132
1EECyril U. Orji, Leszek Lilien, Janusz Hyziak: A Performance Analysis of an Optimistic and a Basic Timestamp-Ordering Concurrency Control Algorithm for Centralized Database Systems. ICDE 1988: 64-71

Coauthor Index

1Taysir Abdalla [13]
2Donald A. Adjeroh [18] [19] [20] [22]
3Michael Alexopoulos [12]
4David Barton [12]
5Dina Bitton [3] [8]
6Patrick O. Bobbie [21] [22]
7Yi Deng [12] [15]
8Janusz Hyziak [1]
9Moon-Chuen Lee [19] [20]
10Leszek Lilien [1]
11Leonard Loureiro [12]
12Kingsley C. Nwosu [17] [21] [22]
13Carlos Ordonez [12]
14Naphtali Rishe [12] [15]
15Mario Sanchez [12]
16Artyom Shaposhnikov [12]
17Hong Shen [14]
18Jon A. Solworth [2] [4] [6] [7] [9] [10] [11] [13]
19Wei Sun [12]
20Anestis A. Toptsis [14]
21Carolyn Turbyfill [3] [8]
22Mark Allen Weiss [10]
23Ya Xu [15] [18]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)