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Mike Fellows
The University of Newcastle, NSW, Australia
List of publications from the DBLP Bibliography Server - FAQ
2009 | ||
134 | EE | Michael R. Fellows, Jiong Guo, Hannes Moser, Rolf Niedermeier: A Generalization of Nemhauser and Trotter's Local Optimization Theorem. STACS 2009: 409-420 |
133 | EE | Michael Dom, Michael R. Fellows, Frances A. Rosamond: Parameterized Complexity of Stabbing Rectangles and Squares in the Plane. WALCOM 2009: 298-309 |
132 | EE | Michael R. Fellows, Jiong Guo, Hannes Moser, Rolf Niedermeier: A Generalization of Nemhauser and Trotter's Local Optimization Theorem CoRR abs/0902.2149: (2009) |
131 | EE | Hans L. Bodlaender, Michael R. Fellows, Dimitrios M. Thilikos: Derivation of algorithms for cutwidth and related graph layout parameters. J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 75(4): 231-244 (2009) |
130 | EE | Michael R. Fellows, Danny Hermelin, Frances A. Rosamond, Stéphane Vialette: On the parameterized complexity of multiple-interval graph problems. Theor. Comput. Sci. 410(1): 53-61 (2009) |
2008 | ||
129 | EE | Michael R. Fellows, Henning Fernau: Facility Location Problems: A Parameterized View. AAIM 2008: 188-199 |
128 | EE | Nadja Betzler, Michael R. Fellows, Jiong Guo, Rolf Niedermeier, Frances A. Rosamond: Fixed-Parameter Algorithms for Kemeny Scores. AAIM 2008: 60-71 |
127 | EE | Nadja Betzler, Michael R. Fellows, Christian Komusiewicz, Rolf Niedermeier: Parameterized Algorithms and Hardness Results for Some Graph Motif Problems. CPM 2008: 31-43 |
126 | EE | Hans L. Bodlaender, Rodney G. Downey, Michael R. Fellows, Danny Hermelin: On Problems without Polynomial Kernels (Extended Abstract). ICALP (1) 2008: 563-574 |
125 | EE | Michael R. Fellows, Daniel Lokshtanov, Neeldhara Misra, Frances A. Rosamond, Saket Saurabh: Graph Layout Problems Parameterized by Vertex Cover. ISAAC 2008: 294-305 |
124 | EE | Michael R. Fellows, Daniel Meister, Frances A. Rosamond, R. Sritharan, Jan Arne Telle: Leaf Powers and Their Properties: Using the Trees. ISAAC 2008: 402-413 |
123 | EE | Michael R. Fellows, Danny Hermelin, Moritz Müller, Frances A. Rosamond: A Purely Democratic Characterization of W[1]. IWPEC 2008: 103-114 |
122 | EE | Hans L. Bodlaender, Michael R. Fellows, Pinar Heggernes, Federico Mancini, Charis Papadopoulos, Frances A. Rosamond: Clustering with Partial Information. MFCS 2008: 144-155 |
121 | EE | Michael R. Fellows, Christian Knauer, Naomi Nishimura, Prabhakar Ragde, Frances A. Rosamond, Ulrike Stege, Dimitrios M. Thilikos, Sue Whitesides: Faster Fixed-Parameter Tractable Algorithms for Matching and Packing Problems. Algorithmica 52(2): 167-176 (2008) |
120 | EE | Vida Dujmovic, Michael R. Fellows, Matthew Kitching, Giuseppe Liotta, Catherine McCartin, Naomi Nishimura, Prabhakar Ragde, Frances A. Rosamond, Sue Whitesides, David R. Wood: On the Parameterized Complexity of Layered Graph Drawing. Algorithmica 52(2): 267-292 (2008) |
119 | EE | Michael R. Fellows, Fedor V. Fomin, Daniel Lokshtanov, Elena Losievskaja, Frances A. Rosamond, Saket Saurabh: Parameterized Low-distortion Embeddings - Graph metrics into lines and trees CoRR abs/0804.3028: (2008) |
118 | EE | Rodney G. Downey, Michael R. Fellows, Michael A. Langston: The Computer Journal Special Issue on Parameterized Complexity: Foreword by the Guest Editors. Comput. J. 51(1): 1-6 (2008) |
117 | EE | Rodney G. Downey, Michael R. Fellows, Catherine McCartin, Frances A. Rosamond: Parameterized approximation of dominating set problems. Inf. Process. Lett. 109(1): 68-70 (2008) |
2007 | ||
116 | EE | Michael R. Fellows, Fedor V. Fomin, Daniel Lokshtanov, Frances A. Rosamond, Saket Saurabh, Stefan Szeider, Carsten Thomassen: On the Complexity of Some Colorful Problems Parameterized by Treewidth. COCOA 2007: 366-377 |
115 | EE | Benny Chor, Michael R. Fellows, Mark A. Ragan, Igor Razgon, Frances A. Rosamond, Sagi Snir: Connected Coloring Completion for General Graphs: Algorithms and Complexity. COCOON 2007: 75-85 |
114 | EE | Hans L. Bodlaender, Michael R. Fellows, Michael A. Langston, Mark A. Ragan, Frances A. Rosamond, Mark Weyer: Quadratic Kernelization for Convex Recoloring of Trees. COCOON 2007: 86-96 |
113 | EE | Michael R. Fellows, Frances A. Rosamond: The Complexity Ecology of Parameters: An Illustration Using Bounded Max Leaf Number. CiE 2007: 268-277 |
112 | EE | Michael R. Fellows, Michael A. Langston, Frances A. Rosamond, Peter Shaw: Efficient Parameterized Preprocessing for Cluster Editing. FCT 2007: 312-321 |
111 | EE | Michael R. Fellows, Guillaume Fertin, Danny Hermelin, Stéphane Vialette: Sharp Tractability Borderlines for Finding Connected Motifs in Vertex-Colored Graphs. ICALP 2007: 340-351 |
110 | EE | Faisal N. Abu-Khzam, Michael R. Fellows, Michael A. Langston, W. Henry Suters: Crown Structures for Vertex Cover Kernelization. Theory Comput. Syst. 41(3): 411-430 (2007) |
109 | EE | Liming Cai, Michael R. Fellows, David W. Juedes, Frances A. Rosamond: The Complexity of Polynomial-Time Approximation. Theory Comput. Syst. 41(3): 459-477 (2007) |
108 | EE | Frank K. H. A. Dehne, Michael R. Fellows, Michael A. Langston, Frances A. Rosamond, Kim Stevens: An O(2O(k)n3) FPT Algorithm for the Undirected Feedback Vertex Set Problem. Theory Comput. Syst. 41(3): 479-492 (2007) |
2006 | ||
107 | Hans L. Bodlaender, Michael R. Fellows, Michael A. Langston, Mark A. Ragan, Frances A. Rosamond, Mark Weyer: Kernelization for Convex Recoloring. ACiD 2006: 23-35 | |
106 | EE | Rodney G. Downey, Michael R. Fellows, Catherine McCartin: Parameterized Approximation Problems. IWPEC 2006: 121-129 |
105 | EE | Kevin Burrage, Vladimir Estivill-Castro, Michael R. Fellows, Michael A. Langston, Shev Mac, Frances A. Rosamond: The Undirected Feedback Vertex Set Problem Has a Poly(k) Kernel. IWPEC 2006: 192-202 |
104 | EE | Michael R. Fellows: The Lost Continent of Polynomial Time: Preprocessing and Kernelization. IWPEC 2006: 276-277 |
103 | EE | Frank K. H. A. Dehne, Michael R. Fellows, Henning Fernau, Elena Prieto, Frances A. Rosamond: NONBLOCKER: Parameterized Algorithmics for minimum dominating set. SOFSEM 2006: 237-245 |
102 | EE | Michael R. Fellows, Frances A. Rosamond, Udi Rotics, Stefan Szeider: Clique-width minimization is NP-hard. STOC 2006: 354-362 |
101 | EE | Vida Dujmovic, Michael R. Fellows, Michael T. Hallett, Matthew Kitching, Giuseppe Liotta, Catherine McCartin, Naomi Nishimura, Prabhakar Ragde, Frances A. Rosamond, Matthew Suderman, Sue Whitesides, David R. Wood: A Fixed-Parameter Approach to 2-Layer Planarization. Algorithmica 45(2): 159-182 (2006) |
100 | EE | Michael R. Fellows, Jens Gramm, Rolf Niedermeier: On The Parameterized Intractability Of Motif Search Problems. Combinatorica 26(2): 141-167 (2006) |
99 | EE | Michael R. Fellows, Stefan Szeider, Graham Wrightson: On finding short resolution refutations and small unsatisfiable subsets. Theor. Comput. Sci. 351(3): 351-359 (2006) |
2005 | ||
98 | Vladimir Estivill-Castro, Michael R. Fellows, Michael A. Langston, Frances A. Rosamond: FPT is P-Time Extremal Structure I. ACiD 2005: 1-41 | |
97 | EE | Frank K. H. A. Dehne, Michael R. Fellows, Michael A. Langston, Frances A. Rosamond, Kim Stevens: An O(2O(k)n3) FPT Algorithm for the Undirected Feedback Vertex Set Problem. COCOON 2005: 859-869 |
96 | EE | Michael R. Fellows, Frances A. Rosamond, Udi Rotics, Stefan Szeider: Proving NP-hardness for clique-width I: non-approximability of sequential clique-width Electronic Colloquium on Computational Complexity (ECCC)(080): (2005) |
95 | EE | Michael R. Fellows, Frances A. Rosamond, Udi Rotics, Stefan Szeider: Proving NP-hardness for clique-width II: non-approximability of clique-width Electronic Colloquium on Computational Complexity (ECCC)(081): (2005) |
94 | EE | Jianer Chen, Benny Chor, Mike Fellows, Xiuzhen Huang, David W. Juedes, Iyad A. Kanj, Ge Xia: Tight lower bounds for certain parameterized NP-hard problems. Inf. Comput. 201(2): 216-231 (2005) |
93 | EE | Jochen Alber, Hongbing Fan, Michael R. Fellows, Henning Fernau, Rolf Niedermeier, Frances A. Rosamond, Ulrike Stege: A refined search tree technique for Dominating Set on planar graphs. J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 71(4): 385-405 (2005) |
2004 | ||
92 | Rodney G. Downey, Michael R. Fellows, Frank K. H. A. Dehne: Parameterized and Exact Computation, First International Workshop, IWPEC 2004, Bergen, Norway, September 14-17, 2004, Proceedings Springer 2004 | |
91 | Faisal N. Abu-Khzam, Rebecca L. Collins, Michael R. Fellows, Michael A. Langston, W. Henry Suters, Christopher T. Symons: Kernelization Algorithms for the Vertex Cover Problem: Theory and Experiments. ALENEX/ANALC 2004: 62-69 | |
90 | EE | Michael R. Fellows: A Survey of FPT Algorithm Design Techniques with an Emphasis on Recent Advances and Connections to Practical Computing. ESA 2004: 1-2 |
89 | EE | Michael R. Fellows, Christian Knauer, Naomi Nishimura, Prabhakar Ragde, Frances A. Rosamond, Ulrike Stege, Dimitrios M. Thilikos, Sue Whitesides: Faster Fixed-Parameter Tractable Algorithms for Matching and Packing Problems. ESA 2004: 311-322 |
88 | EE | Jianer Chen, Benny Chor, Mike Fellows, Xiuzhen Huang, David W. Juedes, Iyad A. Kanj, Ge Xia: Tight Lower Bounds for Certain Parameterized NP-Hard Problems. IEEE Conference on Computational Complexity 2004: 150-160 |
87 | EE | Michael R. Fellows, Stefan Szeider, Graham Wrightson: On Finding Short Resolution Refutations and Small Unsatisfiable Subsets. IWPEC 2004: 223-234 |
86 | EE | Frank K. H. A. Dehne, Michael R. Fellows, Frances A. Rosamond, Peter Shaw: Greedy Localization, Iterative Compression, Modeled Crown Reductions: New FPT Techniques, an Improved Algorithm for Set Splitting, and a Novel 2k Kernelization for Vertex Cover. IWPEC 2004: 271-280 |
85 | EE | Mike Fellows, Pinar Heggernes, Frances A. Rosamond, Christian Sloper, Jan Arne Telle: Finding k Disjoint Triangles in an Arbitrary Graph. WG 2004: 235-244 |
84 | EE | Benny Chor, Mike Fellows, David W. Juedes: Linear Kernels in Linear Time, or How to Save k Colors in O(n2) Steps. WG 2004: 257-269 |
83 | EE | Jochen Alber, Michael R. Fellows, Rolf Niedermeier: Polynomial-time data reduction for dominating set. J. ACM 51(3): 363-384 (2004) |
82 | EE | John A. Ellis, Hongbing Fan, Michael R. Fellows: The dominating set problem is fixed parameter tractable for graphs of bounded genus. J. Algorithms 52(2): 152-168 (2004) |
2003 | ||
81 | EE | Hans L. Bodlaender, Michael R. Fellows, Dimitrios M. Thilikos: Starting with Nondeterminism: The Systematic Derivation of Linear-Time Graph Layout Algorithms. MFCS 2003: 239-248 |
80 | EE | Michael R. Fellows: New Directions and New Challenges in Algorithm Design and Complexity, Parameterized. WADS 2003: 505-520 |
79 | EE | Michael R. Fellows: Blow-Ups, Win/Win's, and Crown Rules: Some New Directions in FPT. WG 2003: 1-12 |
78 | EE | Frank K. H. A. Dehne, Michael R. Fellows, Frances A. Rosamond: An FPT Algorithm for Set Splitting. WG 2003: 180-191 |
77 | EE | Rodney G. Downey, Vladimir Estivill-Castro, Michael R. Fellows, Elena Prieto, Frances A. Rosamond: Cutting Up is Hard to Do: the Parameterized Complexity of k-Cut and Related Problems. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 78: (2003) |
76 | EE | Michael R. Fellows, Michael T. Hallett, Ulrike Stege: Analogs & duals of the MAST problem for sequences & trees. J. Algorithms 49(1): 192-216 (2003) |
75 | EE | Jianer Chen, Michael R. Fellows: Foreword from the guest editors. J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 67(4): 653 (2003) |
74 | EE | Michael R. Fellows, Catherine McCartin: On the parametric complexity of schedules to minimize tardy tasks. Theor. Comput. Sci. 2(298): 317-324 (2003) |
2002 | ||
73 | EE | Michael R. Fellows, Jens Gramm, Rolf Niedermeier: On the Parameterized Intractability of CLOSEST SUBSTRINGsize and Related Problems. STACS 2002: 262-273 |
72 | EE | Jochen Alber, Michael R. Fellows, Rolf Niedermeier: Efficient Data Reduction for DOMINATING SET: A Linear Problem Kernel for the Planar Case. SWAT 2002: 150-159 |
71 | EE | John A. Ellis, Hongbing Fan, Michael R. Fellows: The Dominating Set Problem Is Fixed Parameter Tractable for Graphs of Bounded Genus. SWAT 2002: 180-189 |
70 | EE | Michael R. Fellows, Jens Gramm, Rolf Niedermeier: Parameterized Intractability of Motif Search Problems CoRR cs.CC/0205056: (2002) |
69 | EE | Jochen Alber, Michael R. Fellows, Rolf Niedermeier: Polynomial Time Data Reduction for Dominating Set CoRR cs.DS/0207066: (2002) |
68 | EE | Michael R. Fellows: Parameterized Complexity: The Main Ideas and Connections to Practical Computing. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 61: (2002) |
2001 | ||
67 | EE | Vida Dujmovic, Michael R. Fellows, Michael T. Hallett, Matthew Kitching, Giuseppe Liotta, Catherine McCartin, Naomi Nishimura, Prabhakar Ragde, Frances A. Rosamond, Matthew Suderman, Sue Whitesides, David R. Wood: On the Parameterized Complexity of Layered Graph Drawing. ESA 2001: 488-499 |
66 | EE | Vida Dujmovic, Michael R. Fellows, Michael T. Hallett, Matthew Kitching, Giuseppe Liotta, Catherine McCartin, Naomi Nishimura, Prabhakar Ragde, Frances A. Rosamond, Matthew Suderman, Sue Whitesides, David R. Wood: A Fixed-Parameter Approach to Two-Layer Planarization. Graph Drawing 2001: 1-15 |
65 | EE | Michael R. Fellows: Parameterized Complexity: The Main Ideas and Some Research Frontiers. ISAAC 2001: 291-307 |
64 | EE | Jochen Alber, Hongbing Fan, Michael R. Fellows, Henning Fernau, Rolf Niedermeier, Frances A. Rosamond, Ulrike Stege: Refined Search Tree Technique for DOMINATING SET on Planar Graphs. MFCS 2001: 111-122 |
63 | EE | Rodney G. Downey, Michael R. Fellows: Index sets and parametric reductions. Arch. Math. Log. 40(5): 329-348 (2001) |
62 | EE | Michael J. Dinneen, Kevin Cattell, Michael R. Fellows: Forbidden minors to graphs with small feedback sets. Discrete Mathematics 230(1-3): 215-252 (2001) |
2000 | ||
61 | EE | Michael R. Fellows: Parameterized Complexity: The Main Ideas and Connections to Practical Computing. Experimental Algorithmics 2000: 51-77 |
60 | EE | Michael R. Fellows, Catherine McCartin, Frances A. Rosamond, Ulrike Stege: Coordinatized Kernels and Catalytic Reductions: An Improved FPT Algorithm for Max Leaf Spanning Tree and Other Problems. FSTTCS 2000: 240-251 |
59 | Rodney G. Downey, Michael R. Fellows, Venkatesh Raman: The complexity of irredundant sets parameterized by size. Discrete Applied Mathematics 100(3): 155-167 (2000) | |
58 | EE | Kevin Cattell, Michael J. Dinneen, Rodney G. Downey, Michael R. Fellows, Michael A. Langston: On computing graph minor obstruction sets. Theor. Comput. Sci. 233(1-2): 107-127 (2000) |
57 | EE | Hans L. Bodlaender, Michael R. Fellows, Michael T. Hallett, Todd Wareham, Tandy Warnow: The hardness of perfect phylogeny, feasible register assignment and other problems on thin colored graphs. Theor. Comput. Sci. 244(1-2): 167-188 (2000) |
1999 | ||
56 | Rodney G. Downey, Michael R. Fellows, Ulrike Stege: Computational Tractability: The View From Mars. Bulletin of the EATCS 69: 73-97 (1999) | |
55 | Rodney G. Downey, Michael R. Fellows, Alexander Vardy, Geoff Whittle: The Parametrized Complexity of Some Fundamental Problems in Coding Theory. SIAM J. Comput. 29(2): 545-570 (1999) | |
1998 | ||
54 | EE | Michael R. Fellows, Michael T. Hallett, Chantal Korostensky, Ulrike Stege: Analogs and Duals of teh MAST Problem for Sequences and Trees. ESA 1998: 103-114 |
53 | EE | Michael R. Fellows, Michael T. Hallett, Ulrike Stege: On the Multiple Gene Duplication Problem. ISAAC 1998: 347-356 |
52 | EE | R. Balasubramanian, Michael R. Fellows, Venkatesh Raman: An Improved Fixed-Parameter Algorithm for Vertex Cover. Inf. Process. Lett. 65(3): 163-168 (1998) |
51 | EE | Michael R. Fellows, Pavol Hell, Karen Seyffarth: Constructions of large planar networks with given degree and diameter. Networks 32(4): 275-281 (1998) |
50 | EE | Rodney G. Downey, Michael R. Fellows, Kenneth W. Regan: Parameterized Circuit Complexity and the W Hierarchy. Theor. Comput. Sci. 191(1-2): 97-115 (1998) |
49 | EE | Rodney G. Downey, Michael R. Fellows: Threshold Dominating Sets and an Improved Characterization of W[2]. Theor. Comput. Sci. 209(1-2): 123-140 (1998) |
1997 | ||
48 | Liming Cai, Jianer Chen, Rodney G. Downey, Michael R. Fellows: Advice Classes of Parameterized Tractability. Ann. Pure Appl. Logic 84(1): 119-138 (1997) | |
47 | EE | Liming Cai, Jianer Chen, Rodney G. Downey, Michael R. Fellows: On the parameterized complexity of short computation and factorization. Arch. Math. Log. 36(4-5): 321-337 (1997) |
46 | EE | Bruno Courcelle, Rodney G. Downey, Michael R. Fellows: A Note on the Computability of Graph Minor Obstruction Sets for Monadic Second Order Ideals. J. UCS 3(11): 1194-1198 (1997) |
1996 | ||
45 | Hans L. Bodlaender, Michael R. Fellows, Patricia A. Evans: Finite-State Computability of Annotations of Strings and Trees. CPM 1996: 384-391 | |
44 | Marco Cesati, Michael R. Fellows: Sparse Parameterized Problems. Ann. Pure Appl. Logic 82(1): 1-15 (1996) | |
43 | EE | Kevin Cattell, Michael J. Dinneen, Michael R. Fellows: A Simple Linear-Time Algorithm for Finding Path-Decompositions of Small Width. Inf. Process. Lett. 57(4): 197-203 (1996) |
1995 | ||
42 | Kevin Cattell, Michael J. Dinneen, Michael R. Fellows: Obstructions to Within a Few Vertices or Edges of Acyclic. WADS 1995: 415-427 | |
41 | Michael R. Fellows, Jan Kratochvíl, Martin Middendorf, Frank Pfeiffer: The Complexity of Induced Minors and Related Problems. Algorithmica 13(3): 266-282 (1995) | |
40 | Karl R. Abrahamson, Rodney G. Downey, Michael R. Fellows: Fixed-Parameter Tractability and Completeness IV: On Completeness for W[P] and PSPACE Analogues. Ann. Pure Appl. Logic 73(3): 235-276 (1995) | |
39 | Hans L. Bodlaender, Rodney G. Downey, Michael R. Fellows, Michael T. Hallett, Harold T. Wareham: Parameterized complexity analysis in computational biology. Computer Applications in the Biosciences 11(1): 49-57 (1995) | |
38 | EE | Michael R. Fellows, Pavol Hell, Karen Seyffarth: Large Planar Graphs with Given Diameter and Maximum Degree. Discrete Applied Mathematics 61(2): 133-153 (1995) |
37 | Liming Cai, Jianer Chen, Rodney G. Downey, Michael R. Fellows: On the Structure of Parameterized Problems in NP. Inf. Comput. 123(1): 38-49 (1995) | |
36 | Samir Khuller, Balaji Raghavachari, Michael R. Fellows: Approximating the Minimum Equivalent Digraph. SIAM J. Comput. 24(4): 859-872 (1995) | |
35 | Rodney G. Downey, Michael R. Fellows: Fixed-Parameter Tractability and Completeness I: Basic Results. SIAM J. Comput. 24(4): 873-921 (1995) | |
34 | EE | Rodney G. Downey, Michael R. Fellows: Fixed-Parameter Tractability and Completeness II: On Completeness for W[1]. Theor. Comput. Sci. 141(1&2): 109-131 (1995) |
33 | EE | Hans L. Bodlaender, Rodney G. Downey, Michael R. Fellows, Harold T. Wareham: The Parameterized Complexity of Sequence Alignment and Consensus. Theor. Comput. Sci. 147(1&2): 31-54 (1995) |
1994 | ||
32 | Hans L. Bodlaender, Rodney G. Downey, Michael R. Fellows, Harold T. Wareham: The Parameterized Complexity of Sequence Alignment and Consensus. CPM 1994: 15-30 | |
31 | Liming Cai, Jianer Chen, Rodney G. Downey, Michael R. Fellows: On the Structure of Parameterized Problems in NP (Extended Abstract). STACS 1994: 509-520 | |
30 | Michael R. Fellows, Michael A. Langston: On Search, Decision, and the Efficiency of Polynomial-Time Algorithms. J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 49(3): 769-779 (1994) | |
29 | EE | Michael R. Fellows, Gerd Fricke, Stephen T. Hedetniemi, David Pokrass Jacobs: The Private Neighbor Cube. SIAM J. Discrete Math. 7(1): 41-47 (1994) |
1993 | ||
28 | Michael R. Fellows, Neal Koblitz: Fixed-Parameter Complexity and Cryptography. AAECC 1993: 121-131 | |
27 | EE | Rodney G. Downey, Patricia A. Evans, Michael R. Fellows: Parameterized Learning Complexity. COLT 1993: 51-57 |
26 | Michael R. Fellows, Michael T. Hallett, Harold T. Wareham: DNA Physical Mapping: Three Ways Difficult. ESA 1993: 157-168 | |
25 | Karl R. Abrahamson, Rodney G. Downey, Michael R. Fellows: Fixed-Parameter Intractability II (Extended Abstract). STACS 1993: 374-385 | |
1992 | ||
24 | EE | Michael R. Fellows, Neal Koblitz: Kid Krypto. CRYPTO 1992: 371-389 |
23 | Rodney G. Downey, Michael R. Fellows: Fixed Parameter Tractability and Completeness. Complexity Theory: Current Research 1992: 191-225 | |
22 | Hans L. Bodlaender, Michael R. Fellows, Tandy Warnow: Two Strikes Against Perfect Phylogeny. ICALP 1992: 273-283 | |
21 | Karl R. Abrahamson, Michael R. Fellows, Christopher B. Wilson: Parallel Self-Reducibility. ICCI 1992: 67-70 | |
20 | Michael R. Fellows, Neal Koblitz: Self-Witnessing Polynomial-Time Complexity and Prime Factorization. Structure in Complexity Theory Conference 1992: 107-110 | |
19 | Rodney G. Downey, Michael R. Fellows: Fixed-Parameter Intractability. Structure in Complexity Theory Conference 1992: 36-49 | |
18 | Michael R. Fellows, Neal Koblitz: Self-Witnessing Polynomial-Time Complexity and Prime Factorization. Des. Codes Cryptography 2(3): 231-235 (1992) | |
17 | Lowell Campbell, Gunnar E. Carlsson, Michael J. Dinneen, Vance Faber, Michael R. Fellows, Michael A. Langston, James W. Moore, Andrew P. Mullhaupt, Harlan B. Sexton: Small Diameter Symmetric Networks from Linear Groups. IEEE Trans. Computers 41(2): 218-220 (1992) | |
16 | Michael R. Fellows, Michael A. Langston: On Well-Partial-Order Theory and its Application to Combinatorial Problems of VLSI Design. SIAM J. Discrete Math. 5(1): 117-126 (1992) | |
1991 | ||
15 | Michael J. Dinneen, Michael R. Fellows, Vance Faber: Algebraic Constructions of Efficient Broadcast Networks. AAECC 1991: 152-158 | |
14 | Michael R. Fellows, Michael A. Langston: Constructivity Issues in Graph Algorithms. Constructivity in Computer Science 1991: 150-158 | |
13 | Michael R. Fellows, Jan Kratochvíl, Matthias Middendorf, Frank Pfeiffer: Induced minors and related problems. Graph Structure Theory 1991: 179-182 | |
12 | Karl R. Abrahamson, Michael R. Fellows: Finite automata, bounded treewidth, and well-quasiordering. Graph Structure Theory 1991: 539-564 | |
11 | EE | Karl Abrahamson, Michael R. Fellows, Michael A. Langston, Bernard M. E. Moret: Constructive complexity. Discrete Applied Mathematics 34(1-3): 3-16 (1991) |
1990 | ||
10 | Michael R. Fellows: Transversals of Vertex Partitions in Graphs. SIAM J. Discrete Math. 3(2): 206-215 (1990) | |
1989 | ||
9 | Karl R. Abrahamson, John A. Ellis, Michael R. Fellows, Manuel E. Mata: On the Complexity of Fixed Parameter Problems (Extended Abstract) FOCS 1989: 210-215 | |
8 | Michael R. Fellows, Michael A. Langston: An Analogue of the Myhill-Nerode Theorem and Its Use in Computing Finite-Basis Characterizations (Extended Abstract) FOCS 1989: 520-525 | |
7 | Michael R. Fellows, Michael A. Langston: On Search, Decision and the Efficiency of Polynomial-Time Algorithms (Extended Abstract) STOC 1989: 501-512 | |
6 | EE | Daniel J. Kleitman, Michael R. Fellows: Radius and diameter in Manhattan lattices. Discrete Mathematics 73(1-2): 119-125 (1989) |
1988 | ||
5 | Michael R. Fellows, Michael A. Langston: Fast Self-Reduction Algorithms for Combinatorical Problems of VLSI-Design. AWOC 1988: 278-287 | |
4 | Michael R. Fellows, Donald K. Friesen, Michael A. Langston: On Finding Optimal and Near-Optimal Lineal Spanning Trees. Algorithmica 3: 549-560 (1988) | |
3 | Michael R. Fellows, Michael A. Langston: Processor Utilization in a Linearly Connected Parallel Processing System. IEEE Trans. Computers 37(5): 594-603 (1988) | |
2 | EE | Michael R. Fellows, Michael A. Langston: Nonconstructive tools for proving polynomial-time decidability. J. ACM 35(3): 727-739 (1988) |
1987 | ||
1 | Michael R. Fellows, Michael A. Langston: Nonconstructive Advances in Polynomial-Time Complexity. Inf. Process. Lett. 26(3): 155-162 (1987) |