2008 |
87 | EE | Yan Zhao,
S. K. Michael Wong,
Y. Y. Yao:
A Note on Attribute Reduction in the Decision-Theoretic Rough Set Model.
RSCTC 2008: 61-70 |
2007 |
86 | EE | Yan Zhao,
Feng Luo,
S. K. Michael Wong,
Yiyu Yao:
A General Definition of an Attribute Reduct.
RSKT 2007: 101-108 |
2005 |
85 | | Dan Wu,
S. K. Michael Wong:
Maximal Prime Subgraph Decomposition of Bayesian Networks: A Relational Database Perspective.
FLAIRS Conference 2005: 793-798 |
2004 |
84 | | S. K. Michael Wong,
Tao Lin:
Computing Marginals with Hierarchical Acyclic Hypergraphs.
FLAIRS Conference 2004 |
83 | | Dan Wu,
S. K. Michael Wong:
Local Propagation in Bayesian networks Versus Semi-Join Program in Databases.
FLAIRS Conference 2004 |
82 | EE | Dan Wu,
S. K. Michael Wong:
The marginal factorization of Bayesian networks and its application.
Int. J. Intell. Syst. 19(8): 769-786 (2004) |
2003 |
81 | EE | Cory J. Butz,
S. K. Michael Wong,
Dan Wu:
A New Inference Axiom for Probabilistic Conditional Independence.
Canadian Conference on AI 2003: 568-574 |
80 | EE | S. K. Michael Wong,
Dan Wu,
Cory J. Butz:
Probabilistic Reasoning in Bayesian Networks: A Relational Database Approach.
Canadian Conference on AI 2003: 583-590 |
79 | | S. K. Michael Wong,
Dan Wu:
A Simple Method for Identifying Compelled Edges in DAGs.
FLAIRS Conference 2003: 516-520 |
78 | EE | S. K. Michael Wong,
Dan Wu,
Yiyu Yao:
Critical Remarks on the Computational Complexity in Probabilistic Inference.
RSFDGrC 2003: 676-681 |
77 | EE | S. K. Michael Wong,
Dan Wu:
A Common Framework for Rough Sets, Databases, and Bayesian Networks.
RSFDGrC 2003: 99-103 |
76 | EE | S. K. Michael Wong,
Tao Lin:
An alternative characterization of a Bayesian network.
Int. J. Approx. Reasoning 33(3): 221-234 (2003) |
2002 |
75 | EE | S. K. Michael Wong,
Tao Lin,
Dan Wu:
Construction of a Bayesian DAG from Conditional Independencies.
AMAI 2002 |
74 | EE | S. K. Michael Wong,
Dan Wu,
Tao Lin:
A Structural Characterization of DAG-Isomorphic Dependency Models.
Canadian Conference on AI 2002: 195-209 |
73 | EE | S. K. Michael Wong,
Tao Lin,
Dan Wu:
Construction of a Non-redundant Cover for Conditional Independencies.
Canadian Conference on AI 2002: 210-220 |
72 | | S. K. Michael Wong,
Tao Lin:
Conflict Resolution in Probabilistic Multi-Agent Systems.
FLAIRS Conference 2002: 529-533 |
71 | | S. K. Michael Wong,
Dan Wu:
Identifying Compelled Edges in a DAG - A Constraint Satisfaction Problem.
IC-AI 2002: 993- |
70 | | S. K. Michael Wong,
Dan Wu:
An Algebraic Characterization of Equivalent Bayesian Networks.
Intelligent Information Processing 2002: 177-187 |
69 | EE | S. K. Michael Wong,
Dan Wu,
Cory J. Butz:
Triangulation of Bayesian Networks: A Relational Database Perspective.
Rough Sets and Current Trends in Computing 2002: 389-396 |
2001 |
68 | EE | S. K. Michael Wong,
Cory J. Butz:
Constructing the Dependency Structure of a Multiagent Probabilistic Network.
IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng. 13(3): 395-415 (2001) |
67 | | S. K. Michael Wong:
The Relational Structure of Belief Networks.
J. Intell. Inf. Syst. 16(2): 117-148 (2001) |
2000 |
66 | EE | S. K. Michael Wong,
Cory J. Butz:
A Comparative Study of Noncontextual and Contextual Dependencies.
ISMIS 2000: 247-255 |
65 | EE | S. K. Michael Wong,
Cory J. Butz:
Rough Sets for Uncertainty Reasoning.
Rough Sets and Current Trends in Computing 2000: 511-518 |
64 | | S. K. Michael Wong,
Cory J. Butz,
Dan Wu:
On the implication problem for probabilistic conditional independency.
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part A 30(6): 785-805 (2000) |
1999 |
63 | EE | Cory J. Butz,
S. K. Michael Wong:
Recovery Protocols in Multi-Agent Probabilistic Reasoning Systems.
IDEAS 1999: 302-310 |
62 | EE | Yiyu Yao,
S. K. Michael Wong,
Cory J. Butz:
On Information-Theoretic Measures of Attribute Importance.
PAKDD 1999: 133-137 |
61 | EE | S. K. Michael Wong,
Cory J. Butz:
Contextual Weak Independence in Bayesian Networks.
UAI 1999: 670-679 |
1998 |
60 | | S. K. Michael Wong,
Cory J. Butz:
Probabilistic Reasoning in a Distributed Multi-Agent Environment.
ICMAS 1998: 341-348 |
59 | EE | S. K. Michael Wong,
Cory J. Butz:
Equivalent Characterization of a Class of Conditional Probabilistic Independencies.
Rough Sets and Current Trends in Computing 1998: 338-345 |
58 | | S. K. Michael Wong,
Cory J. Butz,
Yang Xiang:
Automated Database Schema Design Using Mined Data Dependencies.
JASIS 49(5): 455-470 (1998) |
1997 |
57 | | Yiyu Yao,
S. K. Michael Wong:
Interval Approaches for Uncertain Reasoning.
ISMIS 1997: 381-390 |
56 | | S. K. Michael Wong:
An Extended Relational Data Model for Probabilistic Reasoning.
J. Intell. Inf. Syst. 9(2): 181-202 (1997) |
55 | | Yang Xiang,
S. K. Michael Wong,
Nick Cercone:
A ``Microscopic'' Study of Minimum Entropy Search in Learning Decomposable Markov Networks.
Machine Learning 26(1): 65-92 (1997) |
1996 |
54 | EE | S. K. Michael Wong:
Testing Implication of Probabilistic Dependencies.
UAI 1996: 545-553 |
53 | EE | Yang Xiang,
S. K. Michael Wong,
Nick Cercone:
Critical Remarks on Single Link Search in Learning Belief Networks.
UAI 1996: 564-571 |
52 | | Lusheng Wang,
S. K. Michael Wong,
Yiyu Yao:
On the Completeness of Incidence Calculus.
J. Autom. Reasoning 16(3): 355-368 (1996) |
1995 |
51 | EE | S. K. Michael Wong,
Cory J. Butz,
Yang Xiang:
A Method for Implementing a Probabilistic Model as a Relational Database.
UAI 1995: 556-564 |
50 | EE | S. K. Michael Wong,
Yiyu Yao:
On Modeling Information Retrieval with Probabilistic Inference.
ACM Trans. Inf. Syst. 13(1): 38-68 (1995) |
49 | | S. K. Michael Wong,
Lusheng Wang,
Yiyu Yao:
On Modeling Uncertainty with Interval Structures.
Computational Intelligence 11: 406-426 (1995) |
48 | | Yang Xiang,
S. K. Michael Wong,
Nick Cercone:
Quantification of Unvertainty in Classification Rules Discovered from Databases.
Computational Intelligence 11: 427-441 (1995) |
1994 |
47 | | S. K. Michael Wong,
Yang Xiang,
Xiaopin Nie:
Representation of Bayesian Networks as Relational Databases.
IPMU 1994: 117-130 |
46 | | Zhiwei Wang,
S. K. Michael Wong:
A Global Measure of Ambiguity for Classification.
ISMIS 1994: 105-113 |
45 | EE | S. K. Michael Wong,
Zhiwei Wang:
On Axiomatization of Probabilistic Conditional Independencies.
UAI 1994: 591-597 |
44 | EE | S. K. Michael Wong,
Pawan Lingras:
Representation of Qualitative User Preference by Quantitative Belief Functions.
IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng. 6(1): 72-78 (1994) |
1993 |
43 | | C. W. R. Chau,
Pawan Lingras,
S. K. Michael Wong:
Upper and Lower Entropies of Belief Functions Using Compatible Probability Functions.
ISMIS 1993: 306-315 |
42 | | S. K. Michael Wong,
Xiaopin Nie:
Rough Sets: A Special Case of Interval Structures.
RSKD 1993: 217-226 |
41 | | Michael Hadjimichael,
S. K. Michael Wong:
Ruzzy Representations in Rough Set Approximations.
RSKD 1993: 349-356 |
40 | | Yang Xiang,
S. K. Michael Wong,
Nick Cercone:
Quantifying Uncertainty of Knowledge Discovered From Databases.
RSKD 1993: 63-73 |
39 | EE | S. K. Michael Wong,
Y. J. Cai,
Yiyu Yao:
Computation of Term Associations by a Neural Network.
SIGIR 1993: 107-115 |
38 | EE | S. K. Michael Wong,
Zhiwei Wang:
Qualitative Measures of Ambiguity.
UAI 1993: 443-452 |
37 | | S. K. Michael Wong,
Yiyu Yao:
A Probabilistic Method for Computing Term-by-Term Relationships.
JASIS 44(8): 431-439 (1993) |
1992 |
36 | | S. K. Michael Wong,
Lusheng Wang,
Yiyu Yao:
Non-Numeric Belief Structures.
ICCI 1992: 274-277 |
35 | EE | Zhiwei Wang,
S. K. Michael Wong,
Yiyu Yao:
An Analysis of Vector Space Models Based on Computational Geometry.
SIGIR 1992: 152-160 |
34 | EE | S. K. Michael Wong,
Lusheng Wang,
Yiyu Yao:
Interval Structure: A Framework for Representing Uncertain Information.
UAI 1992: 336-343 |
33 | EE | S. J. Wan,
S. K. Michael Wong:
A Partially Supervised Learning Algorithm for Linearly Separable Systems.
IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 14(10): 1052-1056 (1992) |
32 | | S. K. Michael Wong,
Yiyu Yao,
Peter Bollmann:
Characterization of Comparative Belief Structures.
International Journal of Man-Machine Studies 37(1): 123-133 (1992) |
31 | | Yiyu Yao,
S. K. Michael Wong:
A Decision Theoretic Framework for Approximating Concepts.
International Journal of Man-Machine Studies 37(6): 793-809 (1992) |
30 | | S. K. Michael Wong,
Yiyu Yao:
An Information-Theoretic Measure of Term Specificity.
JASIS 43(1): 54-61 (1992) |
1991 |
29 | | S. K. Michael Wong,
Pawan Lingras,
Yiyu Yao:
Propagation of Preference Relations in Qualitative Inference Networks.
IJCAI 1991: 1204-1209 |
28 | | S. K. Michael Wong,
Pawan Lingras,
Yiyu Yao:
Towards Implementing Valuation Based Systems with Relational Databases.
ISMIS 1991: 172-182 |
27 | EE | Yiyu Yao,
S. K. Michael Wong:
Preference Structure, Inference and Set-Oriented Retrieval.
SIGIR 1991: 211-218 |
26 | EE | S. K. Michael Wong,
Yiyu Yao,
Pawan Lingras:
Compatibility of Quantitative and Qualitative Representations of Belief.
UAI 1991: 418-424 |
25 | | S. K. Michael Wong,
Yiyu Yao:
A probabilistic inference model for information retrieval.
Inf. Syst. 16(3): 301-321 (1991) |
24 | | S. K. Michael Wong,
Yiyu Yao,
Gerard Salton,
Chris Buckley:
Evaluation of an adaptive linear model.
JASIS 42(10): 723-730 (1991) |
1990 |
23 | | Pawan Lingras,
S. K. Michael Wong:
Two Perspectives of the Dempster-Shafer Theory of Belief Functions.
International Journal of Man-Machine Studies 33(4): 467-487 (1990) |
22 | | S. K. Michael Wong,
Yiyu Yao:
A generalized binary probabilistic independence model.
JASIS 41(5): 324-329 (1990) |
21 | | S. K. Michael Wong,
Yiyu Yao:
Query formulation in linear retrieval models.
JASIS 41(5): 334-341 (1990) |
1989 |
20 | EE | S. K. Michael Wong,
F. C. S. Poon:
Comments on Approximating Discrete Probability Distributions with Dependence Trees.
IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 11(3): 333-335 (1989) |
19 | | S. J. Wan,
S. K. Michael Wong:
An Adaptive Algorithm for Finding a Covering Hypersphere.
Inf. Process. Lett. 33(1): 7-10 (1989) |
18 | EE | S. K. Michael Wong,
Yiyu Yao:
A probability distribution model for information retrieval.
Inf. Process. Manage. 25(1): 39-53 (1989) |
17 | | S. K. Michael Wong,
Wojciech Ziarko,
Vijay V. Raghavan,
P. C. N. Wong:
Extended Boolean query processing in the generalized vector space model.
Inf. Syst. 14(1): 47-63 (1989) |
1988 |
16 | | Pawan Lingras,
S. K. Michael Wong:
An Optimistic Rule for Accumulation of Evidence.
ISMIS 1988: 60-69 |
15 | EE | S. K. Michael Wong,
Yiyu Yao,
Peter Bollmann:
Linear Structure in Information Retrieval.
SIGIR 1988: 219-232 |
14 | | Zdzislaw Pawlak,
S. K. Michael Wong,
Wojciech Ziarko:
Rough Sets: Probabilistic versus Deterministic Approach.
International Journal of Man-Machine Studies 29(1): 81-95 (1988) |
1987 |
13 | | J. H. Wong,
S. K. Michael Wong:
An Inductive Learning System - ILS.
ISMIS 1987: 370-378 |
12 | EE | Peter Bollmann,
S. K. Michael Wong:
Adaptive Linear Information Retrieval Models.
SIGIR 1987: 157-163 |
11 | EE | S. K. Michael Wong,
Yiyu Yao:
A Statistical Similarity Measure.
SIGIR 1987: 3-12 |
10 | EE | S. K. Michael Wong,
Wojciech Ziarko,
Vijay V. Raghavan,
P. C. N. Wong:
On Modeling of Information Retrieval Concepts in Vector Space.
ACM Trans. Database Syst. 12(2): 299-321 (1987) |
1986 |
9 | | Vijay V. Raghavan,
Lawrence V. Saxton,
S. K. Michael Wong,
S. S. Ting:
A Unified Architecture for the Integration of Data Base Management and Information Retrieval Systems.
IFIP Congress 1986: 1049-1054 |
8 | EE | S. K. Michael Wong,
Wojciech Ziarko,
Vijay V. Raghavan,
P. C. N. Wong:
On Extending the Vector Space Model for Boolean Query Processing.
SIGIR 1986: 175-185 |
7 | EE | S. K. Michael Wong,
Wojciech Ziarko:
A Machine Learning Approach to Information Retrieval.
SIGIR 1986: 228-233 |
6 | | S. K. Michael Wong,
Wojciech Ziarko,
R. Li Ye:
Comparison of Rough-Set and Statistical Methods in Inductive Learning.
International Journal of Man-Machine Studies 25(1): 53-72 (1986) |
5 | EE | S. K. Michael Wong,
Wojciech Ziarko:
A Unified Approach for Artificial Intelligence and Information Retrieval.
SIGIR Forum 20(1-4): 14-15 (1986) |
4 | EE | S. K. Michael Wong,
Wojciech Ziarko:
A Concept-Learning Information Retrieval System - Basic Ideas.
SIGIR Forum 20(1-4): 16-17 (1986) |
1985 |
3 | | Wojciech Ziarko,
S. K. Michael Wong:
Allocation of Documents in Two Level Memory for Information Retrieval Systems.
FODO 1985: 191-198 |
2 | | S. K. Michael Wong,
Wojciech Ziarko,
P. C. N. Wong:
Generalized Vector Space Model in Information Retrieval.
SIGIR 1985: 18-25 |
1984 |
1 | | S. K. Michael Wong,
Vijay V. Raghavan:
Vector Space Model of Information Retrieval - A Reevaluation.
SIGIR 1984: 167-185 |