
Ken Barker

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109EEJames Fan, Ken Barker, Bruce W. Porter: Automatic interpretation of loosely encoded input. Artif. Intell. 173(2): 197-220 (2009)
108EEAngela Cristina Duta, Ken Barker: P4A: A New Privacy Model for XML. DBSec 2008: 65-80
107EERashedur M. Rahman, Ken Barker, Reda Alhajj: Replica Placement Strategies in Data Grid. J. Grid Comput. 6(1): 103-123 (2008)
106EERashedur M. Rahman, Reda Alhajj, Ken Barker: Replica selection strategies in data grid. J. Parallel Distrib. Comput. 68(12): 1561-1574 (2008)
105 Derek H. Sleeman, Ken Barker: Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Knowledge Capture (K-CAP 2007), October 28-31, 2007, Whistler, BC, Canada ACM 2007
104 Ken Barker, Vinay K. Chaudhri, Shaw Yi Chaw, Peter Clark, Daniel Hansch, Bonnie E. John, Sunil Mishra, John Pacheco, Bruce W. Porter, Aaron Spaulding, Moritz Weiten: AURA: Enabling Subject Matter Experts to Construct Declarative Knowledge Bases from Science Textbooks. AAAI 2007: 1960-1961
103 Ken Barker, Bhalchandra Agashe, Shaw Yi Chaw, James Fan, Noah S. Friedland, Michael Glass, Jerry R. Hobbs, Eduard H. Hovy, David J. Israel, Doo Soon Kim, Rutu Mulkar-Mehta, Sourabh Patwardhan, Bruce W. Porter, Dan Tecuci, Peter Z. Yeh: Learning by Reading: A Prototype System, Performance Baseline and Lessons Learned. AAAI 2007: 280-286
102EEAdepele Williams, Ken Barker: Controlling Inference: Avoiding P-level Reduction during Analysis. ACSW Frontiers 2007: 193-200
101EERashedur M. Rahman, Ken Barker, Reda Alhajj: A Predictive Technique for Replica Selection in Grid Environment. CCGRID 2007: 163-170
100EERashedur M. Rahman, Ken Barker, Reda Alhajj: Study of Different Replica Placement and Maintenance Strategies in Data Grid. CCGRID 2007: 171-178
99 Rashedur M. Rahman, Ken Barker, Reda Alhajj: Performance Analysis of a Replica Selection Strategy in Grid Environment Tuned with Replica Placement Decisions. GCA 2007: 159-165
98EEAdesola Omotayo, Moustafa A. Hammad, Ken Barker: A Cost Model for Storing and Retrieving Data in Wireless Sensor Networks. ICDE Workshops 2007: 29-38
97 Wendy Osborn, Ken Barker: An insertion strategy for a two-dimensional spatial access method. ICEIS (1) 2007: 295-300
96 Angela Cristina Duta, Ken Barker, Reda Alhajj: XML schema structural equivalence. ICEIS (1) 2007: 52-59
95EEQuang Trinh, Ken Barker, Reda Alhajj: Semantic Interoperability Between Relational Database Systems. IDEAS 2007: 208-215
94EEPeter Clark, Shaw Yi Chaw, Ken Barker, Vinay K. Chaudhri, Philip Harrison, James Fan, Bonnie E. John, Bruce W. Porter, Aaron Spaulding, John Thompson, Peter Z. Yeh: Capturing and answering questions posed to a knowledge-based system. K-CAP 2007: 63-70
93EETansel Özyer, Reda Alhajj, Ken Barker: Intrusion detection by integrating boosting genetic fuzzy classifier and data mining criteria for rule pre-screening. J. Network and Computer Applications 30(1): 99-113 (2007)
92 Peter Z. Yeh, Bruce W. Porter, Ken Barker: A Unified Knowledge Based Approach for Sense Disambiguation and Semantic Role Labeling. AAAI 2006
91EEAngela Cristina Duta, Ken Barker, Reda Alhajj: RA: An XML Schema Reduction Algorithm. ADBIS Research Communications 2006
90EEQuang Trinh, Ken Barker, Reda Alhajj: RDB2ONT: A Tool for Generating OWL Ontologies From Relational Database Systems. AICT/ICIW 2006: 170
89EERashedur M. Rahman, Ken Barker, Reda Alhajj: Replica Placement Design with Static Optimality and Dynamic Maintainability. CCGRID 2006: 434-437
88 Janaki Gopalan, Reda Alhajj, Ken Barker: Discovering Accurate and Interesting Classification Rules Using Genetic Algorithm. DMIN 2006: 389-395
87EERashedur M. Rahman, Ken Barker, Reda Alhajj: Effective Dynamic Replica Maintenance Algorithm for the Grid Environment. GPC 2006: 336-345
86EETansel Özyer, Reda Alhajj, Ken Barker: Clustering by Integrating Multi-objective Optimization with Weighted K-Means and Validity Analysis. IDEAL 2006: 454-463
85EEMuhaimenul Adnan, Reda Alhajj, Ken Barker: Constructing Complete FP-Tree for Incremental Mining of Frequent Patterns in Dynamic Databases. IEA/AIE 2006: 363-372
84 Wendy Osborn, Ken Barker: Searching through spatial relationships using the 2DR-tree. IMSA 2006: 71-76
83 Emin Erkan Korkmaz, Reda Alhajj, Ken Barker: Effective Clustering of High-Dimensional Data. Industrial Conference on Data Mining - Posters 2006: 91-100
82EEAdesola Omotayo, Moustafa A. Hammad, Ken Barker: Update-Aware Scheduling Algorithms for Hierarchical Data Dissemination Systems. MDM 2006: 18
81EEAdesola Omotayo, Moustafa A. Hammad, Ken Barker: Efficient Data Harvesting for Tracing Phenomena in Sensor Networks. SSDBM 2006: 59-70
80EEAnthony Lo, Reda Alhajj, Ken Barker: VIREX: Interactive Approach for Database Querying and Integration by Re-engineering Relational Data into XML. Web Intelligence 2006: 1079-1080
79EEEmin Erkan Korkmaz, Jun Du, Reda Alhajj, Ken Barker: Combining advantages of new chromosome representation scheme and multi-objective genetic algorithms for better clustering. Intell. Data Anal. 10(2): 163-182 (2006)
78EEMalik Agyemang, Ken Barker, Reda Alhajj: A comprehensive survey of numeric and symbolic outlier mining techniques. Intell. Data Anal. 10(6): 521-538 (2006)
77EEJun Du, Reda Alhajj, Ken Barker: Genetic algorithms based approach to database vertical partition. J. Intell. Inf. Syst. 26(2): 167-183 (2006)
76EEAnthony Lo, Reda Alhajj, Ken Barker: VIREX: visual relational to XML conversion tool. J. Vis. Lang. Comput. 17(1): 25-45 (2006)
75EESergio Camorlinga, Ken Barker: A complex adaptive system based on squirrels behaviors for distributed resource allocation. Web Intelligence and Agent Systems 4(1): 1-23 (2006)
74EEMalik Agyemang, Ken Barker, Reda Alhajj: Hybrid Approach to Web Content Outlier Mining Without Query Vector. DaWaK 2005: 285-294
73EERashedur M. Rahman, Ken Barker, Reda Alhajj: Replica Placement in Data Grid: A Multi-objective Approach. GCC 2005: 645-656
72EEChunyan Wang, Anthony Lo, Reda Alhajj, Ken Barker: Novel Approach for Reengineering Relational Databases into XML. ICDE Workshops 2005: 1284
71EEG. Shi, Ken Barker, Reda Alhajj: Cognitive information fusion of georeferenced data for tactical applications. IEEE ICCI 2005: 160-166
70EEMalik Agyemang, Ken Barker, Reda Alhajj: WCOND-Mine: Algorithm for Detecting Web Content Outliers from Web Documents. ISCC 2005: 885-890
69EERashedur M. Rahman, Ken Barker, Reda Alhajj: Replica Placement in Data Grid: Considering Utility and Risk. ITCC (1) 2005: 354-359
68EEPeter Z. Yeh, Bruce W. Porter, Ken Barker: Matching utterances to rich knowledge structures to acquire a model of the speaker's goal. K-CAP 2005: 129-136
67EEJames Fan, Ken Barker, Bruce W. Porter: Indirect anaphora resolution as semantic path search. K-CAP 2005: 153-160
66EEJun Du, Emin Erkan Korkmaz, Reda Alhajj, Ken Barker: Alternative Clustering by Utilizing Multi-objective Genetic Algorithm with Linked-List Based Chromosome Encoding. MLDM 2005: 346-355
65EEAjumobi Udechukwu, Ken Barker, Reda Alhajj: Maintaining Knowledge-Bases of Navigational Patterns from Streams of Navigational Sequences. RIDE 2005: 37-44
64EEMalik Agyemang, Ken Barker, Reda Alhajj: Mining web content outliers using structure oriented weighting techniques and N-grams. SAC 2005: 482-487
63EERashedur M. Rahman, Ken Barker, Reda Alhajj: Replica selection in grid environment: a data-mining approach. SAC 2005: 695-700
62EEJohn Aycock, Ken Barker: Viruses 101. SIGCSE 2005: 152-156
61EESergio Camorlinga, Ken Barker: The Biologically Inspired Distributed File System: An Emergent Thinker Instantiation. Self-star Properties in Complex Information Systems 2005: 81-96
60EEOsman Abul, Reda Alhajj, Faruk Polat, Ken Barker: Finding differentially expressed genes for pattern generation. Bioinformatics 21(4): 445-450 (2005)
59EEYimin Liu, Tansel Özyer, Reda Alhajj, Ken Barker: Integrating Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithm and Validity Analysis for Locating and Ranking Alternative Clustering. Informatica (Slovenia) 29(1): 33-40 (2005)
58EEMalik Agyemang, Ken Barker, Reda Alhajj: Web outlier mining: Discovering outliers from web datasets. Intell. Data Anal. 9(5): 473-486 (2005)
57EETansel Özyer, Yimin Liu, Reda Alhajj, Ken Barker: Multi-objective Genetic Algorithm Based Clustering Approach and Its Application to Gene Expression Data. ADVIS 2004: 451-461
56EEJun Du, Emin Erkan Korkmaz, Reda Alhajj, Ken Barker: Novel Clustering That Employs Genetic Algorithm with New Representation Scheme and Multiple Objectives. DaWaK 2004: 219-228
55EEAnthony Lo, Reda Alhajj, Ken Barker: Flexible User Interface for Converting Relational Data into XML. FQAS 2004: 418-431
54 Angela Cristina Duta, Ken Barker, Reda Alhajj: Conv2XML: Relational Schema Conversion to XML Nested-Based Schema. ICEIS (1) 2004: 210-215
53 Chunyan Wang, Anthony Lo, Reda Alhajj, Ken Barker: Converting Legacy Relational Database into XML Database through Reverse Engineering. ICEIS (1) 2004: 216-221
52 Ajumobi Udechukwu, Ken Barker, Reda Alhajj: An Efficient Framework for Iterative Time-Series Trend Mining. ICEIS (2) 2004: 130-137
51EEYuliang Bao, Reda Alhajj, Ken Barker: Hybrid Cache Invalidation Schemes in Mobile Environments. ICPS 2004: 209-218
50EERashedur M. Rahman, Ken Barker, Reda Alhajj: Predicting the Performance of GridFTP Transfers. IPDPS 2004
49 Nelson C. N. Chu, Adepele Williams, Reda Alhajj, Ken Barker: Data Stream Mining Architecture for Network Intrusion Detection. IRI 2004: 363-368
48EEAjumobi Udechukwu, Ken Barker, Reda Alhajj: Mining User Navigational Patterns in Dynamically Changing Environments. ITCC (2) 2004: 372-
47 Ken Barker, Vinay K. Chaudhri, Shaw Yi Chaw, Peter Clark, James Fan, David J. Israel, Sunil Mishra, Bruce W. Porter, Pedro Romero, Dan Tecuci, Peter Z. Yeh: A Question-Answering System for AP Chemistry: Assessing KR&R Technologies. KR 2004: 488-497
46 Noah S. Friedland, Paul G. Allen, Michael J. Witbrock, Gavin Matthews, Nancy Salay, Pierluigi Miraglia, Jürgen Angele, Steffen Staab, David J. Israel, Vinay K. Chaudhri, Bruce W. Porter, Ken Barker, Peter Clark: Towards a Quantitative, Platform-Independent Analysis of Knowledge Systems. KR 2004: 507-515
45EETansel Özyer, Reda Alhajj, Ken Barker: Utilizing Rough Sets and Multi-objective Genetic Algorithms for Automated Clustering. Rough Sets and Current Trends in Computing 2004: 567-572
44EEOsman Abul, Reda Alhajj, Faruk Polat, Ken Barker: Finding differentially expressed genes: pattern generation using Q-values. SAC 2004: 138-142
43EEMalik Agyemang, Ken Barker, Reda Alhajj: Framework for mining web content outliers. SAC 2004: 590-594
42EEMohammad Hassan, Reda Alhajj, Mick J. Ridley, Ken Barker: Simplified access to structured databases by adapting keyword search and database selection. SAC 2004: 674-678
41EEAngela Cristina Duta, Ken Barker, Reda Alhajj: ConvRel: relationship conversion to XML nested structures. SAC 2004: 698-702
40 Noah S. Friedland, Paul G. Allen, Gavin Matthews, Michael J. Witbrock, David Baxter, Jon Curtis, Blake Shepard, Pierluigi Miraglia, Jürgen Angele, Steffen Staab, Eddie Mönch, Henrik Oppermann, Dirk Wenke, David J. Israel, Vinay K. Chaudhri, Bruce W. Porter, Ken Barker, James Fan, Shaw Yi Chaw, Peter Z. Yeh, Dan Tecuci, Peter Clark: Project Halo: Towards a Digital Aristotle. AI Magazine 25(4): 29-48 (2004)
39EEAjumobi Udechukwu, Ken Barker, Reda Alhajj: A framework for representing navigational patterns as full temporal objects. SIGecom Exchanges 5(2): 23-33 (2004)
38 Tansel Özyer, Reda Alhajj, Ken Barker: A Boosting Genetic Fuzzy Classifier for Intrusion Detection Using Data Mining Techniques for Rule Pre-screening. HIS 2003: 983-992
37 Jun Du, Ken Barker, Reda Alhajj: Attraction - A Global Affinity Measure for Database Vertical Partitioning. ICWI 2003: 538-548
36 James Fan, Ken Barker, Bruce W. Porter: The Knowledge Required to Interpret Noun Compounds. IJCAI 2003: 1483-1485
35 Mohammad Hassan, Reda Alhajj, Mick J. Ridley, Ken Barker: Database Selection and Keyword Search of Structured Databases: Powerful Search for Naive Users. IRI 2003: 175-182
34EEPeter Clark, Vinay K. Chaudhri, Sunil Mishra, Jérôme Thoméré, Ken Barker, Bruce W. Porter: Enabling domain experts to convey questions to a machine: a modified, template-based approach. K-CAP 2003: 13-19
33EEPeter Z. Yeh, Bruce W. Porter, Ken Barker: Using transformations to improve semantic matching. K-CAP 2003: 180-189
32 Jérôme Thoméré, Ken Barker, Vinay K. Chaudhri, Peter Clark, Michael Eriksen, Sunil Mishra, Bruce W. Porter, Andrés Rodríguez: A Web-Based Ontology Browsing and Editing System. AAAI/IAAI 2002: 927-934
31EERamon Lawrence, Ken Barker: Using Unity to Semi-Automatically Integrate Relational Schema. ICDE 2002: 329-320
30EEAngela Cristina Duta, M. Sheelagh T. Carpendale, Ken Barker: VICO: A Tool for Supporting Visual Comparisons of Different Pine-Beetle Management Approaches. IV 2002: 234-
29EERamon Lawrence, Ken Barker: Querying Relational Databases without Explicit Joins. ER (Workshops) 2001: 278-291
28EEKen Barker, Bruce W. Porter, Peter Clark: A library of generic concepts for composing knowledge bases. K-CAP 2001: 14-21
27EEPeter Clark, John Thompson, Ken Barker, Bruce W. Porter, Vinay K. Chaudhri, Andrés Rodríguez, Jérôme Thoméré, Sunil Mishra, Yolanda Gil, Patrick J. Hayes, Thomas Reichherzer: Knowledge entry as the graphical assembly of components. K-CAP 2001: 22-29
26EEJames Fan, Ken Barker, Bruce W. Porter, Peter Clark: Representing roles and purpose. K-CAP 2001: 38-43
25EERamon Lawrence, Ken Barker: Integrating relational database schemas using a standardized dictionary. SAC 2001: 225-230
24EEKen Barker, Subhrajyoti Bhar: A Graphical Approach to Allocating Class Fragments in Distributed Objectbase Systems. Distributed and Parallel Databases 10(3): 207-239 (2001)
23EEKen Barker, Nadia Cornacchia: Using Noun Phrase Heads to Extract Document Keyphrases. Canadian Conference on AI 2000: 40-52
22EERandal J. Peters, Ken Barker: Change Propagation in an Axiomatic Model of Schema Evolution for Objectbase Management Systems. FMLDO 2000: 142-162
21 Sylvanus A. Ehikioya, Ken Barker: A formal perspective to specification of transaction systems. South African Computer Journal 26: 34-44 (2000)
20EEAmin Y. Noaman, Ken Barker: A Horizontal Fragmentation Algorithm for the Fact Relation in a Distributed Data Warehouse. CIKM 1999: 154-161
19 Ahmad R. Hadaegh, Ken Barker: Partial Re-execution: Reconciling Transactions to Increase Concurrency in Object-bases. PDPTA 1999: 1469-1475
18 Ken Barker, Stan Szpakowicz: Semi-Automatic Recognition of Noun Modifier Relationships. COLING-ACL 1998: 96-102
17 Ken Barker: A Trainable Bracketer for Noun Modifiers. Canadian Conference on AI 1998: 196-210
16 Ken Barker, Sylvain Delisle, Stan Szpakowicz: Test-Driving TANKA: Evaluating a Semi-automatic System of Text Analysis for Knowledge Acquisition. Canadian Conference on AI 1998: 60-71
15 Coimbatore Rajagopal Saravanan, Randal J. Peters, Ken Barker: WWW in DSM. IDEAS 1998: 46-47
14EEC. I. Ezeife, Ken Barker: Distributed Object Based Design: Vertical Fragmentation of Classes. Distributed and Parallel Databases 6(4): 317-350 (1998)
13EESylvanus A. Ehikioya, Ken Barker: CSP with Record Data Type for Supporting Transaction Systems Specification. ADBIS 1997: 64-71
12 Sylvanus A. Ehikioya, Ken Barker: A Formal Specification Strategy for Electronic Commerce. IDEAS 1997: 201-210
11EEAhmad R. Hadaegh, Ken Barker: Value-serializability and an Architecture for Managing Transactions in Multiversion Objectbase Systems. ADBIS 1996: 126-133
10 Sylvain Delisle, Ken Barker, Terry Copeck, Stan Szpakowicz: Interactive Semantic Analysis of Technical Texts. Computational Intelligence 12: 273-306 (1996)
9 Subhrajyoti Bhar, Ken Barker: Static Allocation in Distributed Objectbase Systems: A Graphical Approach. CISMOD 1995: 92-114
8EEC. I. Ezeife, Ken Barker: A Comprehensive Approach to Horizontal Class Fragmentation in a Distributed Object Based System. Distributed and Parallel Databases 3(3): 247-272 (1995)
7 Peter C. J. Graham, Ken Barker: Effective Optimistic Concurrency Control in Multiversion Object Bases. ISOOMS 1994: 313-328
6EEKen Barker: Quantification of autonomy on multidatabase systems. Journal of Systems Integration 4(2): 151-169 (1994)
5 Sylvain Delisle, Terry Copeck, Stan Szpakowicz, Ken Barker: Pattern Matching for Case Analysis: A Computational Definition of Closeness. ICCI 1993: 310-315
4 Michael Zapp, Ken Barker: The Serializability of Transactions in Object Bases. ICCI 1993: 428-432
3 Ken Barker: A Logical Model and Schema Integration Architecture for Determining Equivalence in ER-Diagrams. ICCI 1992: 320-324
2 Ken Barker, M. Tamer Özsu: Reliable Transaction Execution in Multidatabase Systems. RIDE-IMS 1991: 344-347
1 M. Tamer Özsu, Ken Barker: Architectural Classification and Transaction Execution Models of Multidatabase Systems. ICCI 1990: 285-294

Coauthor Index

1Osman Abul [44] [60]
2Muhaimenul Adnan [85]
3Bhalchandra Agashe [103]
4Malik Agyemang [43] [58] [64] [70] [74] [78]
5Reda Alhajj [35] [37] [38] [39] [41] [42] [43] [44] [45] [48] [49] [50] [51] [52] [53] [54] [55] [56] [57] [58] [59] [60] [63] [64] [65] [66] [69] [70] [71] [72] [73] [74] [76] [77] [78] [79] [80] [83] [85] [86] [87] [88] [89] [90] [91] [93] [95] [96] [99] [100] [101] [106] [107]
6Paul G. Allen [40] [46]
7Jürgen Angele [40] [46]
8John Aycock [62]
9Yuliang Bao [51]
10David Baxter [40]
11Subhrajyoti Bhar [9] [24]
12Sergio Camorlinga [61] [75]
13M. Sheelagh T. Carpendale [30]
14Vinay K. Chaudhri [27] [32] [34] [40] [46] [47] [94] [104]
15Shaw Yi Chaw [40] [47] [94] [103] [104]
16Nelson C. N. Chu [49]
17Peter Clark [26] [27] [28] [32] [34] [40] [46] [47] [94] [104]
18Terry Copeck [5] [10]
19Nadia Cornacchia [23]
20Jon Curtis [40]
21Sylvain Delisle [5] [10] [16]
22Jun Du [37] [56] [66] [77] [79]
23Angela Cristina Duta [30] [41] [54] [91] [96] [108]
24Sylvanus A. Ehikioya [12] [13] [21]
25Michael Eriksen [32]
26Christie I. Ezeife (C. I. Ezeife) [8] [14]
27James Fan [26] [36] [40] [47] [67] [94] [103] [109]
28Noah S. Friedland [40] [46] [103]
29Yolanda Gil [27]
30Michael Glass [103]
31Janaki Gopalan [88]
32Peter C. J. Graham (Peter Graham) [7]
33Ahmad R. Hadaegh [11] [19]
34Moustafa A. Hammad [81] [82] [98]
35Daniel Hansch [104]
36Philip Harrison [94]
37Mohammad Hassan [35] [42]
38Patrick J. Hayes [27]
39Jerry R. Hobbs [103]
40Eduard H. Hovy [103]
41David J. Israel [40] [46] [47] [103]
42Bonnie E. John [94] [104]
43Doo Soon Kim [103]
44Emin Erkan Korkmaz [56] [66] [79] [83]
45Ramon Lawrence [25] [29] [31]
46Yimin Liu [57] [59]
47Anthony Lo [53] [55] [72] [76] [80]
48Gavin Matthews [40] [46]
49Pierluigi Miraglia [40] [46]
50Sunil Mishra [27] [32] [34] [47] [104]
51Eddie Mönch [40]
52Rutu Mulkar-Mehta [103]
53Amin Y. Noaman [20]
54Adesola Omotayo [81] [82] [98]
55Henrik Oppermann [40]
56Wendy Osborn [84] [97]
57M. Tamer Özsu [1] [2]
58Tansel Özyer [38] [45] [57] [59] [86] [93]
59John Pacheco [104]
60Sourabh Patwardhan [103]
61Randal J. Peters [15] [22]
62Faruk Polat [44] [60]
63Bruce W. Porter [26] [27] [28] [32] [33] [34] [36] [40] [46] [47] [67] [68] [92] [94] [103] [104] [109]
64Rashedur M. Rahman [50] [63] [69] [73] [87] [89] [99] [100] [101] [106] [107]
65Thomas Reichherzer [27]
66Mick J. Ridley [35] [42]
67Andrés Rodríguez [27] [32]
68Pedro Romero [47]
69Nancy Salay [46]
70Coimbatore Rajagopal Saravanan [15]
71Blake Shepard [40]
72G. Shi [71]
73Derek H. Sleeman [105]
74Aaron Spaulding [94] [104]
75Steffen Staab [40] [46]
76Stan Szpakowicz [5] [10] [16] [18]
77Dan Tecuci [40] [47] [103]
78Jérôme Thoméré [27] [32] [34]
79John Thompson [27] [94]
80Quang Trinh [90] [95]
81Ajumobi Udechukwu [39] [48] [52] [65]
82Chunyan Wang [53] [72]
83Moritz Weiten [104]
84Dirk Wenke [40]
85Adepele Williams [49] [102]
86Michael J. Witbrock [40] [46]
87Peter Z. Yeh [33] [40] [47] [68] [92] [94] [103]
88Michael Zapp [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)