
Ahmed Saoudi

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30 Houcine Senoussi, Ahmed Saoudi: Quadtree Algorithms for Template Matching on Mesh Connected Computer. IJPRAI 9(2): 387-410 (1995)
29 Ahmed Saoudi, Maurice Nivat: Parallel Algorithms for Multi-Dimensional Image Template Matching. IJPRAI 8(2): 457-464 (1994)
28 P. Laroche, Maurice Nivat, Ahmed Saoudi: Context-Sensitivity of Puzzle Grammars. IJPRAI 8(2): 525-542 (1994)
27 Maurice Nivat, G. D. S. Ramkumar, C. Pandu Rangan, Ahmed Saoudi, Ravi Sundaram: Efficient Parallel Shuffle Recognition. Parallel Processing Letters 4: 455-463 (1994)
26 Houcine Senoussi, Ahmed Saoudi: A Quadtree Algorithm for Template Matching on a Pyramid Computer. Theor. Comput. Sci. 136(2): 387-417 (1994)
25 Akira Nakamura, Maurice Nivat, Ahmed Saoudi, Patrick Shen-Pei Wang, Katsushi Inoue: Parallel Image Analysis, Second International Conference, ICPIA '92, Ube, Japan, December 21-23, 1992, Proceedings Springer 1992
24 David E. Muller, Paul E. Schupp, Ahmed Saoudi: On the Decidability of the Linear Z-Temporal Logic and the Monadic Second Order Theory. ICCI 1992: 2-5
23 P. Laroche, Maurice Nivat, Ahmed Saoudi: Context-Sensitivity of Puzzle Grammars. ICPIA 1992: 195-212
22 Ahmed Saoudi: Parallel Recognition of Multidimensional Images Using Regular Tree Grammars. ICPIA 1992: 231-239
21 Ahmed Saoudi, Maurice Nivat: Optimal Parallel Algorithms for Multidimensional Image Template Matching and Pattern Matching. ICPIA 1992: 240-246
20 Ahmed Saoudi, Maurice Nivat, C. Pandu Rangan, Ravi Sundaram, G. D. S. Ramkumar: A Parallel Algorithm for Recognizing the Shuffle of Two Strings. IPPS 1992: 112-115
19 Ahmed Saoudi, Paola Bonizzoni: Automata on infinite trees and rational control. Tree Automata and Languages 1992: 189-200
18 Ahmed Saoudi: Rational and recognizable infinite tree sets. Tree Automata and Languages 1992: 225-234
17 Maurice Nivat, Ahmed Saoudi: Parallel Recognition of High Dimensional Images. IJPRAI 6(2&3): 285-291 (1992)
16 Wojciech Rytter, Ahmed Saoudi: On Parallel Recognition of Two Classes of 2-D Array Patterns. IJPRAI 6(2&3): 293-299 (1992)
15 K. G. Subramanian, Rani Siromoney, V. Rajkumar Dare, Ahmed Saoudi: Basic Puzzle Grammars and Isosceles Right Triangles. IJPRAI 6(5): 799-816 (1992)
14 Ahmed Saoudi: Pushdown Automata on Infinite Trees and Nondeterministic Context-Free Programs. Int. J. Found. Comput. Sci. 3(1): 21-39 (1992)
13 Ahmed Saoudi, David E. Muller, Paul E. Schupp: Finite State Processes, Z-Temporal Logic and the Monadic Theory of the Integers. Int. J. Found. Comput. Sci. 3(3): 233-244 (1992)
12 David E. Muller, Ahmed Saoudi, Paul E. Schupp: Alternating Automata, the Weak Monadic Theory of Trees and its Complexity. Theor. Comput. Sci. 97(2): 233-244 (1992)
11 Maurice Nivat, Ahmed Saoudi: Parallel Recognition of Two-Dimensional Images. ICPP (3) 1991: 326-327
10 Wojciech Rytter, Ahmed Saoudi: On the Complexity of the Recognition of Parallel 2D-Image Languages. Inf. Process. Lett. 38(5): 225-229 (1991)
9 Ahmed Saoudi: Generalized Automata on Infinite Trees and Muller-McNaughton's Theorem. Theor. Comput. Sci. 84(2): 165-177 (1991)
8 Ahmed Saoudi, David E. Muller, Paul E. Schupp: On the Complexity of omega-Tree Sets and Nerode Theorem. Int. J. Found. Comput. Sci. 1(1): 11-22 (1990)
7 Ahmed Saoudi: Pushdown Automata on Infinite Trees and Omega-Kleene closure of Context-Free Tree Sets. MFCS 1989: 445-457
6 Maurice Nivat, Ahmed Saoudi: Automata on Infinite Objects and Their Applications to Logic and Programming Inf. Comput. 83(1): 41-64 (1989)
5 David E. Muller, Ahmed Saoudi, Paul E. Schupp: Weak Alternating Automata Give a Simple Explanation of Why Most Temporal and Dynamic Logics are Decidable in Exponential Time LICS 1988: 422-427
4 Maurice Nivat, Ahmed Saoudi: Automata on infinite trees and Kleene closure of regular tree sets. Bulletin of the EATCS 36: 131-136 (1988)
3 David E. Muller, Ahmed Saoudi, Paul E. Schupp: Alternating Automata. The Weak Monadic Theory of the Tree, and its Complexity. ICALP 1986: 275-283
2 Ahmed Saoudi: Variétés d'Automates Descendants d'Arbres Infinis. Theor. Comput. Sci. 43: 315-335 (1986)
1 Ahmed Saoudi: Infinitary Tree Languages Recognized by omega-Automata. Inf. Process. Lett. 18(1): 15-19 (1984)

Coauthor Index

1Paola Bonizzoni [19]
2V. Rajkumar Dare [15]
3Katsushi Inoue [25]
4P. Laroche [23] [28]
5David E. Muller [3] [5] [8] [12] [13] [24]
6Akira Nakamura [25]
7Maurice Nivat [4] [6] [11] [17] [20] [21] [23] [25] [27] [28] [29]
8G. D. S. Ramkumar [20] [27]
9C. Pandu Rangan (Chanrasekharan Pandu Rangan) [20] [27]
10Wojciech Rytter [10] [16]
11Paul E. Schupp [3] [5] [8] [12] [13] [24]
12Houcine Senoussi [26] [30]
13Rani Siromoney [15]
14K. G. Subramanian [15]
15Ravi Sundaram [20] [27]
16Patrick Shen-Pei Wang [25]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)