
Janusz Zalewski

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27EEJanusz Sosnowski, Dawid Trawczynski, Janusz Zalewski: Safety Issues in Modern Bus Standards. IEEE Computer 41(1): 97-99 (2008)
26EEDawid Trawczynski, Janusz Sosnowski, Janusz Zalewski: The Effect of Large Clock Drifts on Performance of Event and Time Triggered Network Interfaces. DepCoS-RELCOMEX 2007: 344-351
25 Dawid Trawczynski, Janusz Sosnowski, Janusz Zalewski: Dependability Evaluation of Real-Time Network Interfaces. ARCS Workshops 2006: 86-94
24EEDawid Trawczynski, Janusz Sosnowski, Janusz Zalewski: A Tool for Databus Safety Analysis Using Fault Injection. SAFECOMP 2006: 261-274
23EEBo Sandén, Janusz Zalewski: Designing state-based systems with entity-life modeling. Journal of Systems and Software 79(1): 69-78 (2006)
22 Elias T. Kirche, Janusz Zalewski, Teresa Tharp: Real-Time Sales & Operations Planning with Corba: Linking Demand Management with Production Planning. ICEIS (1) 2005: 122-129
21EEAndrew J. Kornecki, Janusz Zalewski: Process-Based Experiment for Design Tool Assessment in Real-Time Safety-Critical Software Development. SEW 2005: 193-200
20EEAndrew J. Kornecki, Janusz Zalewski: Software Development for Real-Time Safety-Critical Applications. SEW Tutorial Notes 2005: 1-95
19EEAndrew J. Kornecki, Janusz Zalewski: Experimental evaluation of software development tools for safety-critical real-time systems. ISSE 1(2): 176-188 (2005)
18EEAndrew J. Kornecki, Kimberley Hall, Darryl Hearn, Herman Lau, Janusz Zalewski: Evaluation of Software Development Tools for High Assurance Safety Critical Systems. HASE 2004: 273-274
17EEMandar A. Mathuré, Vinay Jonnalagadda, Janusz Zalewski: Heterogeneous Architecture and Testbed for Simulation of Large-Scale Real-Time Systems. DS-RT 2003: 37-42
16EEAndrew J. Kornecki, Janusz Zalewski: Design Tool Assessment for Safety-Critical Software Development. SEW 2003: 105
15EEJanusz Zalewski: Software Dynamics: A New Measure of Performance for Real-Time Software. SEW 2003: 120
14EEAndrew J. Kornecki, Janusz Zalewski: Software Development for Real-Time Safety-Critical Applications. SEW Tutorial Notes 2003: 1
13EEJanusz Zalewski: Developing Component-Based Software for Real-Time Systems. EUROMICRO 2001: 80-
12 César Muñoz, Janusz Zalewski: Archictecture and Performance of Java-Based Distributed Object Models: CORBA vs RMI. Real-Time Systems 21(1-2): 43-75 (2001)
11EEJanusz Zalewski: Automatic Development Tools in Software Engineering Courses. CSEE&T 2000: 200-
10EEAndrew J. Kornecki, Janusz Zalewski, Daniel Eyassu: Learning Real-Time Programming Concepts through VxWorks Lab Experiments. CSEE&T 2000: 294-
9EEJan van Katwijk, Hans Toetenel, Abd-El-Kader Sahraoui, Eric Anderson, Janusz Zalewski: Specification and Verification of a Safety Shell with Statecharts and Extended Timed Graphs. SAFECOMP 2000: 37-52
8 Janusz Zalewski: Object Orientation vs. Real-Time Systems - Response to Alan C. Shaw's Contribution. Real-Time Systems 18(1): 75-77 (2000)
7 Reiner Lichtenecker, Klaus Gotthardt, Janusz Zalewski: Automated Verification of Communication Protocols Using CCS and BDDs. IPPS/SPDP Workshops 1998: 1057-1066
6 Christos Christodoulou, Javier Gomez Tangle, Janusz Zalewski: Applying MPI to Electromagnetic Field Calculations. Informatica (Slovenia) 22(4): (1998)
5 Marcin Paprzycki, Ryszard Wasniowski, Janusz Zalewski: Parallel and Distributed Computing Education: A Software Engineering Approach. CSEE 1995: 187-204
4 Bonaventure Tchouaffe, Janusz Zalewski: Fully Deterministic Real-Time Protocol for a CSMA/CD Type Local Area Network. Informatica (Slovenia) 19(1): (1995)
3 Marcin Paprzycki, Janusz Zalewski: Parallel and Distributed Real-Time Systems: Introduction to the Special Issue. Informatica (Slovenia) 19(1): (1995)
2 Janusz Zalewski: Cohesive Use of Commercial Tools in a Classroom. CSEE 1994: 65-75
1 Janusz Zalewski: AI in Real Time: Is This Feasible? ICCI 1992: 286-289

Coauthor Index

1Eric Anderson [9]
2Christos Christodoulou [6]
3Daniel Eyassu [10]
4Klaus Gotthardt [7]
5Kimberley Hall [18]
6Darryl Hearn [18]
7Vinay Jonnalagadda [17]
8Jan van Katwijk [9]
9Elias T. Kirche [22]
10Andrew J. Kornecki [10] [14] [16] [18] [19] [20] [21]
11Herman Lau [18]
12Reiner Lichtenecker [7]
13Mandar A. Mathuré [17]
14César Muñoz [12]
15Marcin Paprzycki [3] [5]
16Abd-El-Kader Sahraoui [9]
17Bo Sandén (Bo Sanden) [23]
18Janusz Sosnowski [24] [25] [26] [27]
19Javier Gomez Tangle [6]
20Bonaventure Tchouaffe [4]
21Teresa Tharp [22]
22Hans Toetenel (W. J. Toetenel) [9]
23Dawid Trawczynski [24] [25] [26] [27]
24Ryszard Wasniowski [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)