
Eric E. Johnson

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4EEJeanine Cook, Richard L. Oliver, Eric E. Johnson: Toward reducing processor simulation time via dynamic reduction of microarchitecture complexity. SIGMETRICS 2002: 252-253
3EEEric E. Johnson, Jiheng Ha, Baqar Zaidi: Lossless Trace Compression. IEEE Trans. Computers 50(2): 158-173 (2001)
2 Eric E. Johnson: Independent Performance Modeling of Parallel Architectures and Algorithms. ICCI 1993: 230-234
1 Eric E. Johnson, Roy S. Moore, John T. Polson: Evaluation of Futurebus+ for a GMMP Multiprocessor. ICCI 1992: 441-444

Coauthor Index

1Jeanine Cook [4]
2Jiheng Ha [3]
3Roy S. Moore [1]
4Richard L. Oliver [4]
5John T. Polson [1]
6Baqar Zaidi [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)