
Peter Fritzson

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67EEJörn Guy Süß, Adrian Pop, Peter Fritzson, Luke Wildman: Towards Integrated Model-Driven Testing of SCADA Systems Using the Eclipse Modeling Framework and Modelica. Australian Software Engineering Conference 2008: 149-159
66EEStina Edelfeldt, Peter Fritzson: Evaluation and comparison of models and modelling tools simulating nitrogen processes in treatment wetlands. Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory 16(1): 26-49 (2008)
65EEPeter Fritzson, David Broman, François Cellier, Christoph Nytsch-Geusen: Equation-Based Object-Oriented Languages and Tools Report on the Workshop EOOLT 2007 at ECOOP 2007. ECOOP Workshops 2007: 27-39
64EEHåkan Lundvall, Peter Fritzson: Automatic Parallelization of Object Oriented Models Executed with Inline Solvers. PVM/MPI 2007: 365-372
63EEAdrian Pop, Peter Fritzson: An Eclipse-based Integrated Environment for Developing Executable Structural Operational Semantics Specifications. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 175(1): 71-75 (2007)
62EEDavid Broman, Kaj Nyström, Peter Fritzson: Determining over- and under-constrained systems of equations using structural constraint delta. GPCE 2006: 151-160
61EEAdrian Pop, Peter Fritzson: MetaModelica: A Unified Equation-Based Semantical and Mathematical Modeling Language. JMLC 2006: 211-229
60EEChristoph W. Kessler, Peter Fritzson, Mattias V. Eriksson: NestStepModelica - Mathematical Modeling and Bulk-Synchronous Parallel Simulation. PARA 2006: 1006-1015
59EEAdrian Pop, Peter Fritzson: Debugging natural semantics specifications. AADEBUG 2005: 77-82
58EEAdrian Pop, Ilie Savga, Uwe Aßmann, Peter Fritzson: Composition of XML Dialects: A ModelicaXML Case Study. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 114: 137-152 (2005)
57EETodd R. Reed, Nancy E. Reed, Peter Fritzson: Heart sound analysis for symptom detection and computer-aided diagnosis. Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory 12(2): 129-146 (2004)
56EEPeter Bunus, Peter Fritzson: Semi-Automatic Fault Localization and Behavior Verification for Physical System Simulation Models. ASE 2003: 253-258
55 K. Sheshadri, Peter Fritzson: A general symbolic PDE solver generator: Explicit schemes . Scientific Programming 11(1): 39-55 (2003)
54 K. Sheshadri, Peter Fritzson: A general symbolic PDE solver generator: Beyond explicit schemes. Scientific Programming 11(3): 225-235 (2003)
53EEPeter Fritzson, Peter Bunus: Modelica-A General Object-Oriented Language for Continuous and Discrete-Event System Modeling and Simulation. Annual Simulation Symposium 2002: 365-380
52EETobias Ritzau, Peter Fritzson: Decreasing Memory Overhead in Hard Real-Time Garbage Collection. EMSOFT 2002: 213-226
51EEPeter Bunus, Peter Fritzson: A Debugging Scheme for Declarative Equation Based Modeling Languages. PADL 2002: 280-298
50EEPeter Bunus, Peter Fritzson: Semantics Guided Filtering of Combinatorial Graph Transformations in Declarative Equation-Based Languages. SCAM 2002: 163-172
49 Vadim Engelson, Dag Fritzson, Peter Fritzson: Automatic Generation of Graphical User Interface from C++ Data Structures. TAMODIA 2002: 72-77
48EEVadim Engelson, Dag Fritzson, Peter Fritzson: Lossless Compression of High-Volume Numerical Data from Simulations. Data Compression Conference 2000: 574
47EEVadim Engelson, Hakan Larsson, Peter Fritzson: A Design, Simulation and Visualization Environment for Object-Oriented Mechanical and Multi-Domain Models in Modelica. IV 1999: 188-193
46EEPeter Fritzson, Vadim Engelson: Modelica - A Unified Object-Oriented Language for System Modelling and Simulation. ECOOP 1998: 67-90
45 Peter Fritzson: Modelica - A Language for Equation-Based Physical Modeling and High Performance Simulation. PARA 1998: 149-160
44 Peter Fritzson, Roland Wismüller, Olav Hansen, Jonas Sala, Peter Skov: A Parallel Debugger with Support for Distributed Arrays, Multiple Executables and Dynamic Processes. CC 1996: 341-355
43EEVadim Engelson, Dag Fritzson, Peter Fritzson: Automatic Generation of User Interfaces From Data Structure Specifications and Object-Oriented Application Models. ECOOP 1996: 114-141
42EEOlav Hansen, Peter Fritzson: A Performance Analyzer for a Parallel Real-Time Functional Language. HICSS (1) 1996: 479-477
41 Tommy Persson, Peter Fritzson: Parallel Implementation of Image Reconstruction for the CARABAS Long-Wave Penetrating Radar. HPCN Europe 1996: 327-332
40 Kent Engström, Erik Reitsma, Peter Fritzson: Benchmarking an Intelligent Network Prototype Implemented in Parallel Erlang. HPCN Europe 1996: 905-906
39EEMariam Kamkar, Patrik Krajina, Peter Fritzson: Dynamic Slicing of Parallel Message-Passing Programs. PDP 1996: 170-178
38EEMikhail Auguston, Peter Fritzson: Parforman - an Assertion Language for Specifying Behavior when Debugging Parallel Applications. International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering 6(4): 609-640 (1996)
37EENiclas Andersson, Peter Fritzson: Overview and industrial application of code generator generators. Journal of Systems and Software 32(3): 185-214 (1996)
36 Tommy Hoffner, Mariam Kamkar, Peter Fritzson: Evaluation of Program Slicing tools. AADEBUG 1995: 51-69
35 Beshar Zuhdy, Peter Fritzson, Kent Engström: Implementation of the real-time functional language Erlang on a massively parallel platform, with applications to telecommunications services. HPCN Europe 1995: 886-891
34 Patrik Nordling, Peter Fritzson: Parallelisation of the CVODE ordinary differential equation solver with applications to rolling bearing simulation. HPCN Europe 1995: 892-897
33 Niclas Andersson, Peter Fritzson: Generating Parallel Code from Object Oriented Mathematical Models. PPOPP 1995: 48-57
32EEPeter Fritzson, Lars Viklund, Johan Herber, Dag Fritzson: High-level Mathematical Modeling And Programming. IEEE Software 12(4): 77-87 (1995)
31EENahid Shahmehri, Mariam Kamkar, Peter Fritzson: Usability criteria for automated debugging systems. Journal of Systems and Software 31(1): 55-70 (1995)
30EELars Viklund, Peter Fritzson: ObjectMath - An Object-Oriented Language and Environment for Symbolic and Numerical Processing in Scientific Computing. Scientific Programming 4(4): 229-250 (1995)
29 Peter Fritzson: Compiler Construction, 5th International Conference, CC'94, Edinburgh, U.K., April 7-9, 1994, Proceedings Springer 1994
28 Johan Ringström, Peter Fritzson, Mikael Pettersson: Generating an Efficient Compiler for a Data Parallel Language from a Denotational Specification. CC 1994: 248-262
27 Patrik Nordling, Peter Fritzson: Solving Ordinary Differential Equations on Parallel Computers - Applied to Dynamic Rolling Bearings Simulation. PARA 1994: 397-415
26 Henrik Nilsson, Peter Fritzson: Algorithmic Debugging for Lazy Functional Languages. J. Funct. Program. 4(3): 337-369 (1994)
25EEPeter Fritzson, Mikhail Auguston, Nahid Shahmehri: Using assertions in declarative and operational models for automated debugging. Journal of Systems and Software 25(3): 223-239 (1994)
24 Henrik Nilsson, Peter Fritzson: Lazy Algorithmic Debugging: Ideas for Practical Implementation. AADEBUG 1993: 117-134
23 Nahid Shahmehri, Mariam Kamkar, Peter Fritzson: Usability Criteria for Automated Debugging Systems. AADEBUG 1993: 16-39
22 Rickard Westman, Peter Fritzson: Graphical User Interfaces for Algorithmic Debugging. AADEBUG 1993: 273-286
21 Peter Fritzson, Niclas Andersson: Generating Parallel Code from Equations in the ObjectMath Programming Environments. ACPC 1993: 219-232
20 Peter Fritzson, Vadim Engelson, Lars Viklund: Variant Handling, Inheritance and Composition in the ObjectMath Computer Algebra Environment. DISCO 1993: 145-163
19 Mariam Kamkar, Peter Fritzson, Nahid Shahmehri: Interprocedural Dynamic Slicing Applied to Interprocedural Data How Testing. ICSM 1993: 386-395
18 Lars Viklund, Johan Herber, Peter Fritzson: The Implementation of ObjectMath - a High-Level Programming Environment for Scientific Computing. CC 1992: 312-318
17 Johan Fagerström, Peter Fritzson, Johan Ringström, Mikael Pettersson: A Data-Parallel Language and Its Compilation to a Formally Defined Intermediate Language. ICCI 1992: 133-134
16EEMikael Pettersson, Peter Fritzson: DML - a meta-language and system for the generation of practical and efficient compilers from denotational specifications. ICCL 1992: 127-136
15EELars Viklund, Peter Fritzson: An Object-Oriented Language for Symbolic Computation - Applied to Machine Element Analysis. ISSAC 1992: 397-405
14 Mariam Kamkar, Nahid Shahmehri, Peter Fritzson: Interprocedural Dynamic Slicing. PLILP 1992: 370-384
13 Henrik Nilsson, Peter Fritzson: Algorithmic Debugging for Lazy Functional Languages. PLILP 1992: 385-399
12 Peter Fritzson, Lars Viklund, Johan Herber, Dag Fritzson: Industrial Application of OO Mathematical Modeling and Computer Algebra in Mechanical Analysis. TOOLS (7) 1992: 167-181
11 Peter Fritzson, Nahid Shahmehri, Mariam Kamkar, Tibor Gyimóthy: Generalized Algorithmic Debugging and Testing. LOPLAS 1(4): 303-322 (1992)
10 Peter Fritzson, Tibor Gyimóthy, Mariam Kamkar, Nahid Shahmehri: Generalized Algorithmic Debugging and Testing. PLDI 1991: 317-326
9 Petr Kroha, Peter Fritzson: A Compiler with Scheduling for a Specialized Synchronous Multiprocessor System. CC 1990: 132-146
8 Nahid Shahmehri, Peter Fritzson: Algorithmic Debugging for Imperative Languages with Side-Effects (Abstract). CC 1990: 226-227
7 Mariam Kamkar, Nahid Shahmehri, Peter Fritzson: Bug Localization by Algorithmic Debugging and Program Slicing. PLILP 1990: 60-74
6 Peter Fritzson: Incremental Symbol Processing. CC 1988: 11-38
5 Rober Bilos, Peter Fritzson: Experience from a Token Sequence Representation of Programs, Documents, and their Deltas. SCM 1988: 430-433
4EEMariam Kamkar, Nahid Shahmehri, Peter Fritzson: Affect-Chaining and Dependency Oriented Flow Analysis Applied to Queries of Programs. SIGSMALL/PC 1988: 36-44
3 Peter Fritzson: Preliminary Experience from the DICE System, A Distributed Incremental Compiling Environment. Software Development Environments (SDE) 1984: 113-123
2EEPeter Fritzson: Symbolic debugging through incremental compilation in an integrated environment. Journal of Systems and Software 3(4): 285-294 (1983)
1 Dan Strömberg, Peter Fritzson: Transfer of Programs from Development to Runtime Environments. BIT 20(4): 434-442 (1980)

Coauthor Index

1Niclas Andersson [21] [33] [37]
2Uwe Aßmann [58]
3Mikhail Auguston [25] [38]
4Rober Bilos [5]
5David Broman [62] [65]
6Peter Bunus [50] [51] [53] [56]
7François Cellier [65]
8Stina Edelfeldt [66]
9Vadim Engelson [20] [43] [46] [47] [48] [49]
10Kent Engström [35] [40]
11Mattias V. Eriksson [60]
12Johan Fagerström [17]
13Dag Fritzson [12] [32] [43] [48] [49]
14Tibor Gyimóthy [10] [11]
15Olav Hansen [42] [44]
16Johan Herber [12] [18] [32]
17Tommy Hoffner [36]
18Mariam Kamkar [4] [7] [10] [11] [14] [19] [23] [31] [36] [39]
19Christoph W. Keßler (Christoph W. Kessler) [60]
20Patrik Krajina [39]
21Petr Kroha [9]
22Hakan Larsson [47]
23Håkan Lundvall [64]
24Henrik Nilsson [13] [24] [26]
25Patrik Nordling [27] [34]
26Kaj Nyström [62]
27Christoph Nytsch-Geusen [65]
28Tommy Persson [41]
29Mikael Pettersson [16] [17] [28]
30Adrian Pop [58] [59] [61] [63] [67]
31Nancy E. Reed [57]
32Todd R. Reed [57]
33Erik Reitsma [40]
34Johan Ringström [17] [28]
35Tobias Ritzau [52]
36Jonas Sala [44]
37Ilie Savga [58]
38Nahid Shahmehri [4] [7] [8] [10] [11] [14] [19] [23] [25] [31]
39K. Sheshadri [54] [55]
40Peter Skov [44]
41Dan Strömberg [1]
42Jörn Guy Süß [67]
43Lars Viklund [12] [15] [18] [20] [30] [32]
44Rickard Westman [22]
45Luke Wildman [67]
46Roland Wismüller [44]
47Beshar Zuhdy [35]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)