
Mohamad Sawan

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56EEMohamad Sawan: Intracortical wireless microsystems for biosensing and neurostimulation. ACM Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI 2009: 535-536
55EEAli Naderi, Mohamad Sawan, Yvon Savaria: A low-power 2GHz data conversion using delta modulation for portable application. Integration 42(1): 68-76 (2009)
54EEBenoit Gosselin, Mohamad Sawan: An ultra low-power CMOS action potential detector. ISCAS 2008: 2733-2736
53EEPhilippe Levesque, Mohamad Sawan: New digital quadrature demodulator for real-time hand-held ultrasound medical imaging device. ISCAS 2008: 2949-2952
52EEZhijun Lu, Mohamad Sawan: An 8 Mbps data rate transmission by inductive link dedicated to implantable devices. ISCAS 2008: 3057-3060
51EEAlexandra Delia Doljanu, Mohamad Sawan: 3D Shape Acquisition System Dedicated to a Visual Intracortical Stimulator. ISCAS 2007: 1313-1316
50EEOlivier Valorge, Benoit Gosselin, Louis-Francois Tanguay, Mohamad Sawan: Electromagnetic Compatibility Modeling in Low-Noise Medical Sensor Interfaces. ISCAS 2007: 1545-1548
49EEF. Mounaim, Mohamad Sawan: Miniature Implantable System Dedicated to Bi-Channel Selective Neurostimulation. ISCAS 2007: 2072-2075
48EER. Chebli, Mohamad Sawan, Yvon Savaria, Kamal El-Sankary: High-Voltage DMOS Integrated Circuits with Floating Gate Protection Technique. ISCAS 2007: 3343-3346
47EEEbrahim Ghafar-Zadeh, Mohamad Sawan: A CMOS-Based Capacitive Sensor for Laboratory-On-Chips: Design and Experimental Results. ISCAS 2007: 85-88
46EEAbdelohauab Djemouai, Mohamad Sawan: Circuit Techniques for Effective Wireless Transfer of Power and Data to Electronic implants. Journal of Circuits, Systems, and Computers 16(5): 801-818 (2007)
45EEAbdallah Kassem, Mohamad Sawan, Mustapha Hamad, Ali Haidar: Toward a Miniaturized Generation of Ultrasonic-Based Devices. Journal of Circuits, Systems, and Computers 16(6): 1027-1044 (2007)
44EEEbrahim Ghafar-Zadeh, Mohamad Sawan: CMOS based bioparticle capacitive sensor integrated with direct-write microfluidic devices. CCECE 2006: 1613-1616
43EEAli Naderi, Mohamad Sawan, Yvon Savaria: Design of an Active-RC Bandpass Filter for a Subsampling RF Delta Modulator. CCECE 2006: 967-970
42EEShihong Deng, Yamu Hu, Mohamad Sawan: A high data rate QPSK demodulator for inductively powered electronics implants. ISCAS 2006
41EEBenoit Gosselin, A. E. Ayoub, Mohamad Sawan: A low-power bioamplifier with a new active DC rejection scheme. ISCAS 2006
40EEAli Naderi, Mohamad Sawan, Yvon Savaria: A novel 2-GHz band-pass delta modulator dedicated to wireless receivers. ISCAS 2006
39EES. Hashemi, Mohamad Sawan, Yvon Savaria: A power planning model for implantable stimulators. ISCAS 2006
38EEZ. Huang, Yvon Savaria, Mohamad Sawan, R. Meinga: High-voltage operational amplifier based on dual floating-gate transistors. ISCAS 2006
37EEC. Dumortier, Benoit Gosselin, Mohamad Sawan: Wavelet transforms dedicated to compress recorded ENGs from multichannel implants: comparative architectural study. ISCAS 2006
36EET. Desilets, Mohamad Sawan, F. Bellemare: Wireless esophageal catheter dedicated to respiratory diseases diagnostic. ISCAS 2006
35EEChristian Jesús B. Fayomi, Mohamad Sawan, Gordon W. Roberts: Low-Voltage Analog Switch in Deep Submicron CMOS: Design Technique and Experimental Measurements. IEICE Transactions 89-A(4): 1076-1087 (2006)
34EEAndré Boyoguéno, Mohamad Sawan, Mustapha Slamani: A BICMOS 120 MW 11 GHZ transimpedance amplifier Dedicated for High-Speed Photoreceivers. Journal of Circuits, Systems, and Computers 15(4): 467-490 (2006)
33EEKamal El-Sankary, Mohamad Sawan: High-resolution background calibrated ADCs for software-defined radios. Microelectronics Journal 37(11): 1231-1240 (2006)
32EEEric Lebel, Ali Assi, Mohamad Sawan: Field programmable Gm-C array for wide frequency range bandpass filter applications. ISCAS (3) 2005: 1952-1955
31EEChristian Jesús B. Fayomi, Gordon W. Roberts, Mohamad Sawan: Low-voltage CMOS analog bootstrapped switch for sample-and-hold circuit: design and chip characterization. ISCAS (3) 2005: 2200-2203
30EEG. Provost, Marc-André Cantin, Mohamad Sawan, Christian Cardinal, Yvon Savaria, David Haccoun: Fast parameters optimization of an iterative decoder using a configurable hardware accelerator. ISCAS (4) 2005: 4159-4162
29EEDinh Hung Dang, Yvon Savaria, Mohamad Sawan: A novel approach for implementing ultra-high speed flash ADC using MCML circuits. ISCAS (6) 2005: 6158-6161
28EESyed Masood Ali, Rabin Raut, Mohamad Sawan: A Power Efficient Decoder for 2GHz, 6-bit CMOS Flash-ADC Architecture. IWSOC 2005: 123-126
27EEZhijun Lu, Yamu Hu, Mohamad Sawan: A 900 mV 66 µW Sigma-Delta Modulator Dedicated to Implantable Sensors. IEICE Transactions 88-D(7): 1610-1617 (2005)
26EEAbdallah Kassem, Mohamad Sawan, Mounir Boukadoum: A New Digital Scan Conversion Architecture for Ultrasonic Imaging Systems. Journal of Circuits, Systems, and Computers 14(2): 367-382 (2005)
25EEMohamad Sawan: Wireless Smart Implants Dedicated to Multichannel Monitoring and Microstimulation. ICPS 2004: 21-26
24EEAbdelouahab Djemouai, Mohamad Sawan: New CMOS current-mode amplitude shift keying demodulator (ASKD) dedicated for implantable electronic devices. ISCAS (1) 2004: 441-444
23EEKamal El-Sankary, Mohamad Sawan: A new digital background calibration technique for pipelined ADC. ISCAS (1) 2004: 5-8
22 Benoit Gosselin, Virginie Simard, Mohamad Sawan: Low-power implantable microsystem intended to multichannel cortical recording. ISCAS (4) 2004: 5-8
21EED. Morin, F. Normandin, M.-E. Grandmaison, H. Dang, Yvon Savaria, Mohamad Sawan: An Intellectual Property Module for Auto-Calibration of Time-Interleaved Pipelined Analog-to-Digital Converters. IWSOC 2004: 111-114
20EER. Chebli, Mohamad Sawan: A CMOS High-Voltage DC-DC Up Converter Dedicated for Ultrasonic Applications. IWSOC 2004: 119-122
19EEKamal El-Sankary, Ali Assi, Mohamad Sawan: New Sampling Method to Improve the Sfdr of Wide Bandwidth Adc Dedicated to Next Generation Wireless Transceiver. Journal of Circuits, Systems, and Computers 13(6): 1183-1202 (2004)
18EEYamu Hu, Zhijun Lu, Mohamad Sawan: A low-voltage 38µW sigma-delta modulator dedicated to wireless signal recording applications. ISCAS (1) 2003: 1073-1076
17EEKamal El-Sankary, Ali Assi, Mohamad Sawan: New sampling method to improve the SFDR of time-interleaved ADCs. ISCAS (1) 2003: 833-836
16EEJonathan Coulombe, Jean-François Gervais, Mohamad Sawan: A cortical stimulator with monitoring capabilities using a novel 1 Mbps ASK data link. ISCAS (5) 2003: 53-56
15EEAbdallah Kassem, J. Wang, Abdelhakim Khouas, Mohamad Sawan, Mounir Boukadoum: Pipelined Sampled-Delay Focusing CMOS Implementation for Ultrasonic Digital Beamforming. IWSOC 2003: 247-250
14EER. Chebli, Abdallah Kassem, Mohamad Sawan: Logarithmic programmable preamplifier dedicated to ultrasonic receivers. ISCAS (1) 2002: 673-676
13EEY. Fouzar, Yvon Savaria, Mohamad Sawan: A CMOS phase-locked loop with an auto-calibrated VCO. ISCAS (3) 2002: 177-180
12EEAbdelouahab Djemouai, Mohamad Sawan: Fast-locking low-jitter integrated CMOS phase-locked loop. ISCAS (1) 2001: 264-267
11EEChristian Jesús B. Fayomi, Gordon W. Roberts, Mohamad Sawan: A 1-V, 10-bit rail-to-rail successive approximation analog-to-digital converter in standard 0.18 um CMOS technology. ISCAS (1) 2001: 460-463
10EEChristian Jesús B. Fayomi, Mohamad Sawan, Gordon W. Roberts: A design strategy for a 1-V rail-to-rail input/output CMOS opamp. ISCAS (1) 2001: 639-642
9EEY. Fouzar, Yvon Savaria, Mohamad Sawan: A new controlled gain phase-locked loop technique. ISCAS (4) 2001: 810-813
8EEC. E. Rabel, Mohamad Sawan: PARC: a new pyramidal FPGA architecture based on a RISC processor. ISCAS (1) 1999: 470-473
7EEAbdelouahab Djemouai, Mohamad Sawan, Mustapha Slamani: An efficient RF power transfer and bidirectional data transmission to implantable electronic devices. ISCAS (2) 1999: 259-262
6EEAbdelouahab Djemouai, Mohamad Sawan, Mustapha Slamani: A 200 MHz frequency-locked loop based on new frequency-to-voltage converters approach. ISCAS (2) 1999: 89-92
5EEA. Harb, Mohamad Sawan: New low-power low-voltage high-CMRR CMOS instrumentation amplifier. ISCAS (6) 1999: 97-100
4EEManoucher Shaditalab, Guy Bois, Mohamad Sawan: Self Sorting Radix_2 FFT on FPGA using Parallel Pipelined Distributed Arithmetic Blocks. FCCM 1998: 337-338
3EEKarim Arabi, Bozena Kaminska, Mohamad Sawan: On chip testing data converters using static parameters. IEEE Trans. VLSI Syst. 6(3): 409-419 (1998)
2EEAli Assi, Mohamad Sawan, Rabin Raut: A New CMOS Tunable Transconductor Dedicated to VHF Continuous-Time Filters. Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI 1997: 143-
1 Jieyan Zhu, Mohamad Sawan, Karim Arabi: An Offset Compensated CMOS Current-Feedback Operational-Amplifier. ISCAS 1995: 1552-1555

Coauthor Index

1Syed Masood Ali [28]
2Karim Arabi [1] [3]
3Ali Assi [2] [17] [19] [32]
4A. E. Ayoub [41]
5F. Bellemare [36]
6Guy Bois [4]
7Mounir Boukadoum [15] [26]
8André Boyoguéno [34]
9Marc-André Cantin [30]
10Christian Cardinal [30]
11R. Chebli [14] [20] [48]
12Jonathan Coulombe [16]
13Dinh Hung Dang [29]
14H. Dang [21]
15Shihong Deng [42]
16T. Desilets [36]
17Abdelohauab Djemouai [46]
18Abdelouahab Djemouai [6] [7] [12] [24]
19Alexandra Delia Doljanu [51]
20C. Dumortier [37]
21Kamal El-Sankary [17] [19] [23] [33] [48]
22Christian Jesús B. Fayomi [10] [11] [31] [35]
23Y. Fouzar [9] [13]
24Jean-François Gervais [16]
25Ebrahim Ghafar-Zadeh [44] [47]
26Benoit Gosselin [22] [37] [41] [50] [54]
27M.-E. Grandmaison [21]
28David Haccoun [30]
29Ali Haidar [45]
30Mustapha Hamad [45]
31A. Harb [5]
32S. Hashemi [39]
33Yamu Hu [18] [27] [42]
34Z. Huang [38]
35Bozena Kaminska [3]
36Abdallah Kassem [14] [15] [26] [45]
37Abdelhakim Khouas [15]
38Eric Lebel [32]
39Philippe Levesque [53]
40Zhijun Lu [18] [27] [52]
41R. Meinga [38]
42D. Morin [21]
43F. Mounaim [49]
44Ali Naderi [40] [43] [55]
45F. Normandin [21]
46G. Provost [30]
47C. E. Rabel [8]
48Rabin Raut [2] [28]
49Gordon W. Roberts [10] [11] [31] [35]
50Yvon Savaria [9] [13] [21] [29] [30] [38] [39] [40] [43] [48] [55]
51Manoucher Shaditalab [4]
52Virginie Simard [22]
53Mustapha Slamani [6] [7] [34]
54Louis-Francois Tanguay [50]
55Olivier Valorge [50]
56J. Wang [15]
57Jieyan Zhu [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)