
Theron Voran

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4EEJason Cope, Michael Oberg, Henry M. Tufo, Theron Voran, Matthew Woitaszek: High throughput grid computing with an IBM Blue Gene/L. CLUSTER 2007: 357-364
3EENarayan Desai, Theron Voran, Ewing L. Lusk, Andrew Cherry: The computer as software component: A mechanism for developing and testing resource management software. CLUSTER 2007: 58-63
2EEGeorge S. Almasi, Gyan Bhanot, Dong Chen, Maria Eleftheriou, Blake G. Fitch, Alan Gara, Robert S. Germain, John A. Gunnels, Manish Gupta, Philip Heidelberger, Michael Pitman, Aleksandr Rayshubskiy, James C. Sexton, Frank Suits, Pavlos Vranas, Robert Walkup, T. J. Christopher Ward, Yuriy Zhestkov, Alessandro Curioni, Wanda Andreoni, Charles Archer, José E. Moreira, Richard Loft, Henry M. Tufo, Theron Voran, Katherine Riley: Early Experience with Scientific Applications on the Blue Gene/L Supercomputer. Euro-Par 2005: 560-570
1EEJohn M. Dennis, M. Levy, R. D. Nair, Henry M. Tufo, Theron Voran: Towards an Efficient and Scalable Discontinuous Galerkin Atmospheric Model. IPDPS 2005

Coauthor Index

1George Almási (George S. Almasi) [2]
2Wanda Andreoni [2]
3Charles Archer [2]
4Gyan Bhanot [2]
5Dong Chen [2]
6Andrew Cherry [3]
7Jason Cope [4]
8Alessandro Curioni [2]
9John M. Dennis [1]
10Narayan Desai [3]
11Maria Eleftheriou [2]
12Blake G. Fitch [2]
13Alan Gara [2]
14Robert S. Germain [2]
15John A. Gunnels [2]
16Manish Gupta [2]
17Philip Heidelberger [2]
18M. Levy [1]
19Richard Loft [2]
20Ewing L. Lusk [3]
21José E. Moreira [2]
22R. D. Nair [1]
23Michael Oberg [4]
24Michael Pitman [2]
25Aleksandr Rayshubskiy [2]
26Katherine Riley [2]
27James C. Sexton [2]
28Frank Suits [2]
29Henry M. Tufo [1] [2] [4]
30Pavlos Vranas [2]
31Robert Walkup [2]
32T. J. Christopher Ward [2]
33Matthew Woitaszek [4]
34Yuriy Zhestkov [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)